
Page 139 of 140, showing 20 records out of 2786 total, starting on record 2761, ending on 2780

Title Description Implementation date Source Publication Created
Zimbabwe Standard specification for Safety Factors and Smoke emission of Domestic Stoves Burning Solid Fuels at a rate not Exceeding 5Kg per hour 0000-00-00 Statutory Instrument 2 of 1976 02 March 2017
Zimbabwe Standard Specification for Ethanol Blend E10 0000-00-00 Statutory Instrument 23 of 2013 02 March 2017
Zimbabwe Standard Specification for Liquefied Petroleum Gas 0000-00-00 Statutory Instrument 23 of 2013 02 March 2017
ZS 558 Part 3 2006 13A plugs, sockets, adaptors and connection units: Part 3. Specifications for adaptors 2006-12-29 Statutory Instrument no. 120 of 2006 09 July 2017
KS 1410 Part 2: 1998. Malathion, emulsifiable concentrates The Standard Specifies quality, packaging and marking requirements. It also specifies sampling and test methods 2015-02-20 The Kenya Gazzette Vol. CXVII-No. 17-Gazzete notice 1198 31 July 2017
ZS 430: Clear Beer – Specification Prescribes requirements for clear beer. 2003-05-02 Statutory Instrument 43 of 2003 28 August 2017
MS 52:2000 Liquid toilet soap-specification Requirements (General, odour, colour, consistency); Total fatty matter, Rosin acids content, Total free alkali, chloride content) 2016-08-26 The Malawi Gazette Supplement, dated 26th August, 2016 Containing Regulations, Rules, etc 01 September 2017
Zimbabwe Standard Specification for Liquefied Petroleum Gas Installations Involving Gas Storage containers of Individual Water Capacity not Exceeding 500l and a Combined Water Capacity Not Exceeding 3 000l per Installation 0000-00-00 Statutory Instrument 57 of 2014. 22 February 2017
MS 6:1994 Burnt bricks-specification Classes of bricks, shape, appearance and finish of bricks, General requirements (Dimensions, tolerances, measurement and tolerances, compressive strength, water absorption, marking and sampling, 2016-08-26 The Malawi Gazette Supplement, dated 26th August, 2016 containing Regulations, Rules, etc 01 September 2017
MS 6:1994 Burnt bricks-specification Classes of bricks, shape, appearance and finish of bricks, General requirements (Dimensions, tolerances, measurement and tolerances, compressive strength, water absorption, marking and sampling, 2016-08-26 The Malawi Gazette Supplement, dated 26th August, 2016 containing Regulations, Rules, etc 01 September 2017
Botswana Postal Services Act An Act to provide for the establishment of an organization to be known as the Botswana Postal Services for the provision, development, operation and management of postal services and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto 1989-10-06 Laws of Botswana Chapter 50:1 28 July 2023
Acqautic (Weeds Control) Regulations 6. ( 1) When any boat or aquatic apparatus is imported into Botswana by road, rail or air the owner or person in charge of such boat or apparatus shall, immediately after it has been brought in or unloaded, as the case may be, present such boat or aquatic apparatus for inspection to a Customs officer. 1974-01-01 Laws of Botswana Chapter 50:1 28 July 2023
Acqautic (Weeds Control) Regulations "3. Boats and aquatic apparatus may be brought into Botswana by road Entry of only through the designated road ports of entry listed in the First Schedule 4. Boats and aquatic apparatus brought into Botswana by rail may be Entry of unloaded from rail trucks only at. the rail depots listed in the Second boats etc. by rail Schedule. 5. Boats and aquatic apparatus may be brought into Botswana by air Entry of only through the airports of entry listed in the Third Schedule FIRST SCHEDULE Places of en try of boats by road: Kazungula (Ferry) Kazungula (Road) Mamono Martin's Drift Ngoma Bridge Pioneer Gate Ramatlabama Ramokgwebana Tlokweng Gate SECOND SCHEDULE Places of entry of boats by rail: Francis town Gaborone TlllRD SCHEDULE Places of en try of boats by air: Francis town Gaborone Kasane Maun Selebi-Pikwc Lobatse" 1974-01-01 Laws of Botswana Chapter 50:1 28 July 2023
Boat (Import, Registration and Movement) Regulations "15. Procedure for obtaining import permit (1) An owner wishing to import a boat or aquatic apparatus into Botswana shall submit to the Director of Water Affairs, an application for boat registration and import permit, which shall be completed by the owner to the satisfaction of the Director of Water Affairs." 1986-10-01 Laws of Botswana Chapter 50:1 28 July 2023
Boat (Import, Registration and Movement) Regulations "14. From the date of the commencement of these Regulations no boat or mokoro or aquatic apparatus may be imported into Botswana unless the owner thereof is in possession of an import permit as prescribed under these Regulations" 1986-10-01 Laws of Botswana Chapter 50:1 28 July 2023
Boat (Import, Registration and Movement) Regulations "16. Ports of entry Only those ports of entry, places of inspection and treatment which are listed in the Fourth Schedule hereto may be used for importation of any boat or aquatic apparatus. FOURTH SCHEDULE (Regulation 4) PART 1 ZONES Zone Title Zonal Referenc e Mark Description of Zone (See Note below) Registering Officer Kwando/Linyanti KL The entire Kwando / Linyanti river system including the Selinda Spillway (or Magweqana), lying to the east of the meridian of eastern longitude of 23°25´00 and the Savuti River and marsh and excluding Lake Iyambezi Dept. of Water Affairs Private Bag 2, Maun Chobe CH The entire Chobe river system including Lake lyambezi Dept. of Water Affairs, Kasane Okavango OK The entire Okavango river system including the whole Okavango Delta, Lake Ngami, the Boteti River, Mababe Marsh and Ntwetwe pan but excluding the Selinda Spillway (or Magweqana) lying to the east of the meridian of eastern longitude 23°25´00 and the Savuti River or marsh Nata NS The entire river systems of the Nata, Sibanini, Maitengwe, Nkange, Tutume, Semowane, Mosetse, Lepashe, Mosope rivers and Sua Pan. Dept. of Water Affairs, Francistown. Limpopo LP The entire river systems of tributaries of the Limpopo River lying to the north of the Dibete Quarantine fence between Buffels Drift and Lephepe. Dept. of Water Affairs, Francistown. Marico MR The entire river systems of tributaries of the Marico River lying to the south of the Dibete Quarantine fence between Buffels Drift and Lephepe. Dept. of Water Affairs, Gaborone. NOTE: The exact boundaries of the zones are shown on Survey Plan No BT. 243 deposited with the Director of Surveys and Lands. PART 2 PORTS OF ENTRY, PLACES OF INSPECTION AND TREATMENT (reg 16) Ports of Entry and Places where inspection and treatment of boats and aquatic apparatus may be carried out: Ports of Entry (Rail): Gaborone Francistown Ports of Entry (Air): Gaborone Francistown Maun Kasane Ports of Entry (Road): Kazungula (Ferry) Kazungula (Road) Martins Drift Ramatlabama Ramokgwebana Tlokweng Gate Pioneer Gate (Lobatse) Ngoma Bridge Mamuno Road Mohembo Places where inspection and treatment can be carried out: Copyright Government of Botswana Gaborone: Water Affairs Department Francistown: Water Affairs Department Maun: Water Affairs Department Kasane: Water Affairs Department Lobatse: Water Affairs Department" 1986-10-01 Laws of Botswana Chapter 50:1 28 July 2023
Boat (Import, Registration and Movement) Regulations "15. Procedure for obtaining import permit (1) An owner wishing to import a boat or aquatic apparatus into Botswana shall submit to the Director of Water Affairs, an application for boat registration and import permit, which shall be completed by the owner to the satisfaction of the Director of Water Affairs. (2) The Director of Water Affairs may issue an import permit and registration certificate and may prescribe such conditions as to the route to be followed by the boat as he may deem necessary and requiring inspection and treatment to be carried out on such boat or aquatic apparatus: Provided that any breach of such conditions shall render the permit invalid and the boat or aquatic apparatus subject to confiscation or destruction. (3) Fees for the issue of an import permit shall be paid as set out in the Tenth Schedule hereto. Tenth Schedule Issue of import permit No Charge Issue of registration certificate P25,00 Issue of duplicate certificate of registration P2,00 Fee for carrying out all inspections and treatments specified on an import permit P10,00" 1996-10-01 Laws of Botswana Chapter 50:1 28 July 2023
Monument and Relics Act "18 No alterations, damage or removal without consent of Minister (1) A person shall not, without the written permission of the Minister, given after consultation with the Commissioner- (a) make any alterations to, or destroy or damage; or (b) remove or allow to be removed from its original site, or export or allow to be exported from Botswana, any national monument, monument, relic or recent artefact, or any part thereof." 2001-08-24 Laws of Botswana Chapter 50:1 28 July 2023
Nuclear Weapons Prohibition Act, 2018 2018-06-29 Laws of Botswana Chapter 50:1 29 July 2023
Fauna Conservation (Trophy Dealers) Regulations 1971-07-06 Laws of Botswana Chapter 50:1 29 July 2023
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