
Page 60 of 140, showing 20 records out of 2786 total, starting on record 1181, ending on 1200

Title Description Implementation date Source Publication Created
Regulation on the Management of Hazardous Wastes The regulation ensure the correct management of hazardous waste resulting from the implementation of human activities and industrial processes whose impact is reflected in public health and the environment 2014-12-31 Boletim da República, I Série n.° 105, 11° Suplemento, 31 de Dezembro de 2014 Decreto n.º 83/2014, de 31 de Dezembro 17 November 2016
Regulation on the Exercise of the Pharmaceutical Profession The regulation defines the conditions, rules and procedures for the exercise of pharmaceutical profession to ensure strict compliance with the technical principles of ethical, moral and deontology 1999-05-04 Decree 21/99 - 4 May Regulation on the Exercise of the Pharmaceutical Profession 07 September 2016
Regulation on Imported Food The regulation defines requirements to be met by imported food to allow better consumer health's protection 1987-06-17 Boletim da República, I Série n.° 26, 1 de Julho de 1987 Regulation on Imported Food 12 October 2016
Regulation on the Control of the Production, Commercialization and Consumption of Alcoholic Beverages The regulation approves the mechanisms to control the marketing and harmful consumption of alcoholic beverages as a means of regulating access to alcoholic beverages, as well as reducing their impact on society 2014-04-07 Boletim da República, I Série n.° 80, 7 de Outubro de 2013 Decreto n.° 54/2013, de 7 de Outubro 14 November 2016
Regulation on Temporary Importation of Vehicles The Regulation applies to vehicles entering the country: light motor vehicles (including trailers, caravans, pleasure boats, motor-caravans, motorcycles and motorcycles), ambulances and hearses, passenger motor vehicles and tractors 2002-01-30 Boletim da República, I Série n.° 5, 30 de Janeiro de 2002 Diploma Ministerial n.° 15/2002, de 30 de Janeiro 04 December 2017
Regulation on Forest and Wild Fauna The regulation applies to protection activities, storage, use, exploration and production of forest and wildlife resources, and covers marketing, transport, storage and primary processing, trade or industrial applications of these resources 2002-06-06 Boletim da República, I Série n.° 22, 2° Suplemento, 6 de Junho de 2002 Decreto n.° 12/2002, de 6 de Junho 20 August 2016
Regulation on Inspection and Quality Assurance for Fishery Products The regulation aims to establish the sanitary requirements, sanitary and quality management governing the handling, processing, export and import activities of fishery products to ensure compliance with the requirements of the market and better consumer protection 2001-06-12 Boletim da República, I Série n.° 23, Suplemento, 12 de Junho de 2001 Regulation on Inspection and Quality Assurance for Fishery Products 17 October 2016
Regulation on Production, Transportation, Marketing and Quality Assurance of Common Cement The regulation aims to establish health, hygienic, safety, and environmental technical and functional requirements to be observed in the production, transportation and marketing of common cements and to establish the mandatory compliance assessment of the national and imported cement. The regulation applies to the production, transportation and marketing of common cements destined for civil construction in the country. 2016-07-18 Boletim da República, I Série n.º 85, 18 de Julho de 2016 Regulation on Production, Transportation, Marketing and Quality Assurance of Common Cement 17 October 2016
Regulation on Fertilizer Management The regulation aims to ensure the quality of fertilizers circulating in the country observing the principles of protection of public health, animals and the environment 2012-04-10 Boletim da República, I Série n.° 29, 10 de Abril de 2013 Decreto n.º 11/2013, de 10 de Abril 20 August 2016
Regulations on management of urban waste The Regulation aims at establishing management rules of urban residue 0000-00-00 INNOQ Solid waste - Classification referenced in Decree 94/2014 27 September 2016
Regulamento de Produção, Transporte, Comercialização e Garantia de Qualidade de Cimentos CorrentesDecreto n.º 28/2016 de 18 de Julho The purpose of this Regulation is to establish technical requirements, health, hygiene and safety, and the environment which must be observed in the production, transportation and marketing of cement chains, as well as establish the obligation of conformity assessment of the national cement and imported. 2016-12-14 INNOQ NM NP EN 197-1 23 September 2016
TZS 143(Part 1): 2010 Primary batteries – Part 1: General The purpose of this part of TZS 143 is to standardize primary batteries with respect to their electrochemical system, dimensions, nomenclature, terminal configurations, markings, test methods, typical performance, safety and environmental aspects 2009-11-17 Tanzania Bureau of Standards (TBS) TZS 143(Part 1): 2010 26 September 2017
WILDLIFE CONSERVATION AND MANAGEMENT (PROTECTION OF ENDANGERED AND THREATENED ECOSYSTEMS, HABITATS AND SPECIES) REGULATIONS, 2016 The purpose of these Regulation is to- (a) implement the classification of ecosystems, habitats and species into the following categories- (i) critically endangered; D R A F T 3 (ii) endangered; (iii) vulnerable; (iv) protected; and (v) threatened. (b) provide for protection of ecosystems that are threatened or endangered so as to maintain their ecological integrity; (c) provide for the protection of species that are threatened, endangered, vulnerable, or protected to ensure their survival in the wild; (d) implement Kenya’s obligations under international agreements regulating international trade in endangered species; and (e) ensure sustainable management and utilisation of biodiversity. 2016-01-01 Ministry of Environment and Forestry THE WILDLIFE CONSERVATION AND MANAGEMENT ACT 20 June 2019
General Regulation of Aquaculture and its Annexes I, II, III, IV, V and VI The purpose of the Regulation is to regulate the Act No 3/90, of 26 September, Law on Fisheries, as regards the practice of aquaculture 2001-11-13 Boletim da República, I Série n.° 45, 2° Suplemento, 13 de Novembro de 2001 Decreto n.° 35/2001, de 13 de Novembro 16 November 2016
Regulation on the Management and Control of the Plastic Bag The purpose of the regulation is to lay down rules and procedures concerning the management and control of the plastic bag as regards its production, import, marketing and use, with a view to reducing negative impacts on human health and the environment in general 2015-08-05 Boletim da República, I Série n.° 62, 5 de Agosto de 2016 Decreto n.º 16/2015, de 5 de Agosto 17 November 2016
Artificial Insemination of Animals (Control) Act The provisions of this Act place restrictions on the importation and exportation of semen of any animal to which Regulations made under this Act apply. The Act also grants powers to the Minister to make Regulations for controlling artificial insemination and for prohibiting the distribution and sale of the semen of an specified animals. Regulations may apply to cattle, sheep, goats, swine, horses, domestic fowls, turkeys, geese and ducks. The Comptroller may allow importation of semen for purposes of transit and exportation of semen requires a licence granted by the Minister. 1950-01-01 Ministry of Agro Industry and Food Security Artificial Insemination of Animals (Control) Act 15 April 2016
WILDLIFE CONSERVATION AND MANAGEMENT (LICENSING AND WILDLIFE USER RIGHTS) REGULATIONS, 2015 The objectives of these Regulations is to provide for dealership, wildlife transactions, import, export or re-export and or trade in wildlife species. 2015-01-01 Ministry of Environment and Forestry THE WILDLIFE CONSERVATION AND MANAGEMENT ACT 20 June 2019
Notice on Levies on Fish and Fish Products payable under the Marine Living Resources Act The Notice prescribes levies payable in respect of quantities of fish caught with various fishing methods in South African waters and landed at a South African port. 2010-09-10 Department of Agriculture , Forestry and Fishery Government Gazette No. 33518 of 10 September 2010 11 July 2016
The Ministerial Dispatch, of 23 April 2002 The ministerial dispatch forbids the purchase, transport, handling, processing, storage, export and marketing of coral and ornamental fish 2002-06-12 Boletim da República, I Série n.° 24, 12 de Junho de 2002 Ministerial Dispatch, of 23 April 2002 28 August 2016
Welcomes in the Internal Legal Order the Standards of Operation based on Standards and Principles Equivalent to those of the European Union in the Processing of Fishery Products The Ministerial Decree welcomes in the internal legal order the standards of operation based on standards and principles equivalent to those of the European Union in the processing of fishery products 2006-08-01 Boletim da República, I Série n.° 30, 1 de Agosto de 2006 Diploma Ministerial n.° 139/2006, de 1 de Agosto 16 November 2016
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