
Page 69 of 140, showing 20 records out of 2786 total, starting on record 1361, ending on 1380

Title Description Implementation date Source Publication Created
Toll-roads (Regional Trunk Road Network) Regulations, 2009 Regulations on toll roads 2009-01-01 Ministry of Transport, Communications and Infrastructure Development Statutory Instrument 39 of 2009. 15 December 2015
Toll Roads (Regional Trunk Road Network)(Amendment) Regulations, 2014 (No.5) Amendments on toll road regulations 2014-07-04 Ministry of Transport, Communications and Infrastructure Development Statutory Instrument 106 of 2014 09 December 2015
Toll Roads (Regional Trunk Road Network (Amendment) Regulations, 2014 (No.5 ) Regulations on tolls at road tolling points 0000-00-00 Ministry of Transport, Communications and Infrastructure Development Statutory Instrument 106 of 2014 21 December 2015
Tolerances of Poisonous Noxious Seeds in Grain Cereals, Legumes and Oilseeds Intended for Human Consumption Regulations, 2019 "4. (1) Grain cereals, legumes or oilseeds intended for human consumption shall not contain — (a) seeds of — (i) Crotalaria (Crotalaria spp.), (ii) Jimson weed (Datura spp.), (iii) Castor bean (RicinuscommunisL.), and (iv) Corn cockle (AgrostemmagithagoL.) because the presence of noxious seeds renders the grain cereals, legumes and oilseeds unsuitable for the manufacture of food products for human consumption; and (b) seeds of – (i) (Mexican Prickly Poppy Argemone Mexicana L., (ii) Convolvulus species, (iii) Common Morning Glory (Ipomea purpurea L. Roth, (iv) Darnel Ryegrass (Lolium termulentum), (v) Cocklebur (Xamthium species), and (vi) Corn cockle (AgrostemmagithagoL.), because the presence of noxious seeds renders the grain cereals, legumes and oilseeds unsuitable for the manufacture of food products for human consumption. Application Poisonous seeds in grain cereals, legumes and oilseeds intended for human consumption" 2019-01-04 Ministry of Health (Botswana) Laws of Botswana Chapter 50:1 28 July 2023
Tobacco Products Control Act, 2013 2013-08-01 Ministry of Health Tobacco Products Control Act, 2013 01 August 2023
Tobacco Products Control Act, 2010 An ACT to establish a Tobacco Products Control Committee to advise the Minister on matters relating to the use of tobacco products; to provide for the constitution, powers, duties and functions of the Committee; to provide for the reduction of demand for and supply of tobacco products; to provide for protection from exposure to tobacco smoke; to provide for the establishment of the Tobacco Products Control Fund; to provide for matters relating to the enforcement of the Act; and to provide for matters incidental thereto. 2014-04-01 Ministry of Health and Social Services Tobacco Products Control Act, 2010 06 August 2023
Tobacco Industry Licensing (Fees) Regulations, 2016. 0000-00-00 Ministry of Agriculture SUBSIDIARY LEGISLATION to the Gazette of the United Republic of Tanzania No. 7 Vol.97dated 121 February, 2016 GOVERNMENT NOTICE No. 71 published on 12/02/2016 21 June 2018
Tobacco Growers Protection Ordinance, 1933 1940-06-06 Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Land Reform Tobacco Growers Protection Ordinance, 1933 06 August 2023
Tobacco Control Act, 2021 An Act to establish the Tobacco Control Committee and set out its functions; to regulate the demand and supply for consumption of tobacco and tobacco products; to control the production, manufacture, sale, labelling, advertising, promotion and sponsorship of tobacco and tobacco products; and to provide for related matters. 2021-10-29 Ministry of Health (Botswana) Laws of Botswana Chapter 50:1 30 July 2023
Tobacco control Act, 2007 An Act of Parliament to control the production, manufacture, sale, labelling, advertising, promotion and sponsorship of tobacco products, to provide for the Tobacco Control Board, to regulate smoking in specified areas and for connected purposes 2007-10-08 National Authority for Campaign against Alcholol and Drug Abuse/National Council for Law Reporting LAWS OF KENYA TOBACCO CONTROL ACT CHAPTER 245A Revised Edition 2012 [2007] Published by the National Council for Law Reporting with the Authority of the Attorney-General 11 February 2016
Tobacco Act, 1933 An Act to regulate the tobacco trade. 1940-01-01 Ministry of Agriculture Tobacco Act, 1933 01 August 2023
Tobacco Act 1970 An Act to amend and to consolidate the law relating to the production, manufacture and marketing of tobacco and matters incidental thereto 1970-08-24 Ministry of Health (Malawi) Tobacco Act 1970 18 December 2015
Tobacco Act 0000-00-00 Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security Tobacco Act CAP 65:02 05 July 2018
Tobacco Act 1968-04-04 Government of Zambia, Laws Tobacco Act. 19 October 2020
Tobacco (Export) Regulations 0000-00-00 Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security Tobacco Act CAP 65:02 05 July 2018
Tobacco (Export) Regulations 1971-01-01 Ministry of Health (Malawi) Government Notice G.N. 9/1971 18 December 2015
to the United States of America (AGOA) Regulations 2000 2000-12-15 Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Consumer Protection (Mauritius) Government Notice No. 193 of 2000 30 January 2016
timber Act 14 of 1970 An Act of Parliament to provide for the more effective control of the sale and export of timber; for the grading, inspection and marking of timber; for control of the handling of timber in transit; and for matters incidental to and connected with the foregoing 1971-05-24 Kenya National council for Law/Kenya forest services LAWS OF KENYA TIMBER ACT CHAPTER 386 Revised Edition 2012 [1972] Published by the National Council for Law Reporting with the Authority of the Attorney-General 11 February 2016
The Zanzibar Trading Act No. 14 of 2013 2014-02-13 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Marketing/ Zanzibar The Zanzibar Trading Act No. 14 of 2013 26 June 2018
The Zanzibar Food, Drugs and Cosmetics Act 2006 2007-01-26 Ministry of Health Zanzibar/ Zanzibar Food and Drug Agency- ZFDA The Zanzibar Food, Drugs and Cosmetics ACT, NO.2 OF 2006 19 June 2018
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