
Page 70 of 140, showing 20 records out of 2786 total, starting on record 1381, ending on 1400

Title Description Implementation date Source Publication Created
The Tanzania Food, Drugs and Cosmetics ( Registration of Foods) Regulations , 2011 2011-06-27 Ministry of Health/Tanzania Food and Drugs Authority (TFDA) Tanzania Food, Drug and Cosmetics (Registration of Foods); Government Notice No. 207 18 June 2018
The Tanzania Food, Drugs and Cosmetics (Food Fortification)regulations,2011 Save for small scale and micro scale manufacturers. These regulations shall apply in areas in which the Act applies including all food imported, domestically manufactured or sold and fortified for human consumption. 2011-07-22 Tanzania Food and Drugs Authority Governmet Notice no 25 published on 22/7/2011. The Tanzania Food, Drugs and Cosmetics Act (Cap 219) 27 June 2016
The Tanzania Food, Drugs and Cosmetics (food labelling) regulations, 2006 2006-08-25 Tanzania Food and Drugs Authority Publication: Government notice NO 115 Published on 25/08/2006 (Food labelling) Regulation, 2006 03 July 2016
The Tanzania Food, Drugs And Cosmetics (Recall, Handling And Disposal Of Unfit Medicines And Cosmetics) Regulations, 2015 2015-07-31 Ministry of Health/Tanzania Food and Drugs Authority (TFDA) The Tanzania Food, Drugs And Cosmetics (Recall, Handling And Disposal Of Unfit Medicines And Cosmetics) Regulations, 2015 GN. No. 313 19 June 2018
The Tanzania Food, Drugs and Cosmetics (Registration of Medicinal Products) Regulations, 2015 2015-07-31 Ministry of Health/Tanzania Food and Drugs Authority (TFDA) The Tanzania Food, Drugs and Cosmetics (Registration of Medicinal Products) Regulations, 2015 ; GN. No. 314 18 June 2018
The Tazania Food, Drugs and Cosmetics (IODATED Salt) regulations.2010 2010-04-04 Tanzania Food and Drugs Authority Government Notice No 158 Published on 23/04/2010, The Tanzania food, Drugs and Cosmetics Act (CAP 219) 30 June 2016
The Telecommunications (Licensing) Regulations, 2005. 2005-01-07 Uganda Communications Commission Statutory Instruments 20 of 2005. 12 June 2018
the Timber Act. An Act of Parliament to provide for the more effective control of the sale and export of timber; for the grading inspection and marking of timber; for control of the handling of timber in transit; and for matters incidental to and connected with the foregoing 1971-05-24 Kenya national council for law reporting CHAPTER 386 - Timber Act 31 January 2017
The Tobacco Industry ACT, 2001 2001-11-05 Ministry of Agriculture The Tobacco Industry ACT, 2001 21 June 2018
The Tobacco products regulations Act, 2003 An Act to regulate the manufacture, labelling,distribution sale, use, promotion of tobacco products, smoking in specified areas and matters connected thereto 2003-02-07 FAOLEX/ printer The Tobacco products ( regulations) Act, 2003 07 February 2017
The tropical pesticides Research Institute Act No 18 of 1979 An act to establish the Tropical Pesticides Research Institute, to provide for the research and pesticides control, the functions of the Institute and for the matters connected with and incidental to the establishment of the Institute. 1979-12-08 THE TROPICAL PESTICIDES RESEARCH INSTITUTE THE UNITED REPUBLIC OF TANZANIA ,THE TROPICAL PESTICIDES RESEARCH INSTITUTE ACT, 1979 27 February 2016
The Uganda National Buraeu of standards (Ammendment) Act, 2013 An act to amend the Uganda National Bureau of standards Act to reduce the number of members of the council to provide for the term of service for members; to provide for determination of penalties for offenses under the Act;to provide immunity to officers of the Bureau for acts done in good faith; to empower the Bureau to administer the weights and measures Act; to empower the director to suspend or seize or to destroy perishable goods not in compliance with national standards and detrimental to health and safety of consumers; to empower the minister to ban commodities, products and process detrimental to the health and safety of consumers and regulations and for related matters 2013-10-11 Uganda National Bureau of Standards Acts Supplement NO 5; The Uganda Gazette No 51 Volume 51 CVI dated 11/10/2013 , printed by UPPC, by order of Government: Uganda National Bureau of Standards Act 14 April 2016
The Uganda National Bureau of standards (Amendment) Act, 2013 An act to amend the Uganda National Bureau of standards Act to reduce the number of members of the council; to provide for the terms of service for members; to provide for deterrent penalties for offences under the Act; to provide immunity to officers of the bureau for Acts done in good faith; to empower the bureau to administer the weights and measures Act; to empower the director to suspend or seizure premises for non-compliance with national standards or to destroy perishable goods not in compliance with national standards and dentrimental to health and safety of consumers; to empower the minister to ban commodities, products and process dentrimental to the health and safety of consumers and regulations and for related matters. 2013-10-11 Uganda National Bureau of Standards Acts Supplement No 5 The Uganda Gazette No 51 Volume 51CVI Dated 11/10/2013 Printed by UPPC, by order of the Government Uganda : The Uganda National Bureau of standards (Amendment) Act, 2013 21 April 2016
The Uganda National Bureau of standards (Import inspection and clearance) regulations 2015 (Import inspection and clearance) regulations, 2015 2015-04-17 The Uganda National Bureau of standards Statutory Instrument 2015 N0 11,To the Uganda Gazette No 19 Volume CVIII dated 17th /04/2015,(Import inspection and clearance) regulations, 2015 18 April 2016
THE UGANDA NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS ACT An Act to provide for the establishment of a national bureau of standards,the stand'ardisation of commodities and for matters Inicidental and ancillary thereto 1983-10-10 Uganda National Bureau of Standards -Uganda National Bureau of Standards [Cap. 327. CHAPTER327 THEU GANDA NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS ACT. Arrangement of 20 April 2016
The Uganda Wild Life Act Chapter 200 1996-08-01 The Ministry of Water and Environment The Uganda Wild Life Act Chapter 200 03 June 2018
The use of structural steel in building 1978-01-13 Standards Assocaition of zimbabwe statutory instrument 41 of 1978 13 October 2016
The use of Structural steel in Building Relates primarily to the use of hot rolled steel sections and plates and normalized tubular shapes. 1978-01-13 Statutory Instrument 41 of 1978 15 September 2016
The vaue added tax Act No 5 of 2014 2015-06-06 Tanzania Revenue Authority Value added Tax ( General) regulations, 2015 11 March 2016
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