
Page 9 of 140, showing 20 records out of 2786 total, starting on record 161, ending on 180

Title Description Implementation date Source Publication Created
Diseases of Stock (Quarantine and Compensation) Regulations A regulation that first came into effect in 1930 but reprinted in 2008. 2008-12-31 Attorney General’s Chambers Laws of Botswana Chapter 37:01 Disease of Animals 11 March 2016
Forest Act An Act to provide for the better regulation and protection of forests and forest produce in Botswana and to provide for matters incidental thereto. 1968-03-10 Attorney General’s Chambers Laws of Botswana Chapter 38:03 Forest 11 March 2016
Hides and Skins Export Act This Act prohibits the exportation without a permit of skins of calves, goats or sheep and skins or hides of bulls, cows, heifers or ox. It is a consolidated edition of Proclamation No. 9 of 1939 as at 31 December 2008 and amended last by S.I. No. 74 of 2007. 2008-12-31 Attorney General’s Chambers Laws of Botswana Chapter 49:01 Hides and Skins 11 March 2016
Hides and Skins Regulations These Regulations provide for the control of the trade in skins of calves, goats or sheep and skins or hides of bulls, cows, heifers or ox. Various types of licences, including an exporter licence, are required for trading. The Regulations also set out rules for the conduct of business and specifically for exportation and importation of skins and hides. Other rules concern the preparation of skins and hides, quality control and grading and transportation. 1955-09-01 Attorney General’s Chambers Laws of Botswana Chapter 49:01 Hides and Skins 11 March 2016
Importation of Bees Act Consolidated edition of Proclamation No. 17 of 1910 as at 31 December 2008 and amended last by L.N. No. 84 of 1966. This Act introduces measures to prevent the spreading of a disease affecting bees. 2008-12-31 Attorney General’s Chambers Laws of Botswana Chapter 49:02 Importation of Bees 11 March 2016
Livestock and Meat Industries (Poultry Abattoir) Regulations These Regulations make provision for the inspection and control of poultry meat industries and the handling of poultry meat. They also define the conditions for the marketing of fresh meat and concern the transportation of poultry meat. 2007-09-11 Attorney General’s Chambers Laws of Botswana Chapter 36:03 17 March 2016
Maize (Classification and Grading) Regulations These Regulations provide for quality control of maize purchased, sold, imported or exported by the Agricultural Marketing Board. The Regulations divide maize into five classes and each class is divided into specified grades. The Regulations furthermore set out quality standards for maize and provide with respect to packing, sampling, determination of weight and determination of moisture. 1976-06-18 Attorney General’s Chambers Laws of Botswana Chapter 74:06 17 March 2016
Plant Diseases and Pests Act This Act makes provision with respect to measures for the protection of plants from pests and diseases. These measures concern the examination and quarantine of imported plants, seeds and plant materials as specified, restrictions on use of land affected by pests, destruction of plants and the registration of nurseries. 1959-03-20 Attorney General’s Chambers Laws of Botswana Chapter 35:02 Plant Protection 17 March 2016
Prohibition of Sale of Imported Cattle to the Botswana Meat Commission for Export to the European Union Regulations These Regulations provide that Botswana Meat Commission shall not buy or slaughter for export to the European Union, any cattle branded in accordance with these Regulations. These Regulations require any cattle imported in Botswana, i.e. cattle not born and bred in Botswana, to be branded within seven days of importation with a sign “No EU”. Penalties are prescribed. 1998-12-18 Attorney General’s Chambers Laws of Botswana Chapter 37:01 Disease of Animals 18 March 2016
Radiation Protection Regulations hese Regulations implement and carry into effect provisions of the Radiation Protection Act in relation with, among other things, safety precautions and requirements, inspection, protection from public exposure, management of radioactive waste, classification of radioactive waste, transport of radioactive materials and emergency interventions. 2008-06-13 Attorney General’s Chambers Laws of Botswana Chapter 24:03 Radiation Protection 18 March 2016
Seed Certification Act The 18 sections of this Act are divided into 8 Parts: Preliminary (I); Testing of seeds (II); Control of the export, sale and use of seeds (III); Certificate (IV); Registered seed growers (V); General powers of inspectors and miscellaneous provisions (VI); Regulations (VII); Offences and penalties (VIII). 1976-08-19 Attorney General’s Chambers Laws of Botswana Chapter 35:07 Seed Certification Act 18 March 2016
Sorghum (Classification and Grading) Regulations (Chapter 74:06) These Regulations provide for quality control of grain sorghum purchased, sold, imported or exported by the Agricultural Marketing Board, except grain sorghum for foreign buyers to which other criteria apply. 1976-06-18 Attorney General’s Chambers Laws of Botswana Chapter 74:06 19 March 2016
Stock Diseases (Semen) Regulations Reprinted version of S.I. No. 38 of 1968 as at 31 December 2008. 1968-05-03 Attorney General’s Chambers Laws of Botswana Chapter 37:01 Disease of Animals 19 March 2016
Wildlife Conservation and National Parks (Hunting and Licensing) Regulations hese Regulations make provision with respect to the granting of hunting and other licences in the field of wildlife management and conservation, regulate the importation and exportation of game animals and trophies and the keeping of animals in confinement, the delivery, transfer and ownership of ivory and some other matters of miscellaneous nature and define powers of occupiers of land. The 44 regulations are divided into 11 Parts and completed by 42 Schedules. 2001-08-10 Attorney General’s Chambers Laws of Botswana Chapter 38:01 Wildlife Conservation and National Parks 19 March 2016
The Wildlife Conservation and National Parks Act An Act to make further and better provision for the conservation and management of the wildlife of Botswana, giving effect to CITES and any other international convention for the protection of fauna and flora to which Botswana is, from time to time, a party, to provide for the establishment, control and management of national parks and game reserves, and for matters incidental thereto or connected therewith. 1992-12-11 Attorney General’s Chambers Laws of Botswana Chapter 38:01 Wildlife Conservation and National Parks 19 March 2016
Bonemeal, Bloodmeal and Carcassmeal (Export Duty) Act An Act to impose an export duty in respect of bonemeal, bloodmeal and carcassmeal and to provide for matters incidental thereto. 1962-01-01 Attorney General’s Chambers Laws of Botswana Chapter 51:02 02 April 2016
Waste Management Act provision for the planning, facilitation and implementation of advanced systems for regulating the management of controlled waste in order to prevent harm to human, animal and plant life; to minimise pollution of the environment, to conserve natural resources; to cause the provisions of the Basel Convention to apply in regulating the trans-boundary movement of hazardous wastes and their disposal; and for matters incidental to and connected to the foregoing. 1998-09-04 Attorney General’s Chambers Laws of Botswana Chapter 65:06 Waste Management Act 26 April 2016
Food Grade Salt Regulations 2010-09-24 Attorney General’s Chambers Laws of Botswana Chapter 65:05 Food Control 05 May 2016
Botswana Meat Commission Act his Act establishes the Botswana Meat Commission as a body corporate. It is established for the purpose of carrying on the business of purchasing cattle, slaughtering cattle or hoof and preparing the products for sale. The Commission may promote schemes for the improvement of the standard and condition of cattle (sec.4). The Commission may form one or more companies under the Companies Act to carry on any business and carry out any purpose which the Commission itself may carry on or carry out (sect. 6). The Commission shall establish a Stabilization Fund to be used for stabilizing prices at which livestock are purchased (sect. 15). The Act is completed by a Schedule containing rules which apply to the Commission. 1965-12-24 Attorney General’s Chambers Laws of Botswana Chapter 74:04 Meat Commission 05 May 2016
Agrochemicals Regulations 2003-08-08 Attorney General’s Chambers Laws of Botswana Chapter 35:09 Agrochemicals 05 May 2016
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