Botswana Meat Commission Act

his Act establishes the Botswana Meat Commission as a body corporate. It is established for the purpose of carrying on the business of purchasing cattle, slaughtering cattle or hoof and preparing the products for sale.
The Commission may promote schemes for the improvement of the standard and condition of cattle (sec.4). The Commission may form one or more companies under the Companies Act to carry on any business and carry out any purpose which the Commission itself may carry on or carry out (sect. 6). The Commission shall establish a Stabilization Fund to be used for stabilizing prices at which livestock are purchased (sect. 15). The Act is completed by a Schedule containing rules which apply to the Commission.

Source of regulation
Attorney General’s Chambers 
Publication of regulation
Laws of Botswana Chapter 74:04 Meat Commission 
Date of implementation
24 December 1965 
Direct link to regulation 
Regulation file