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NTB-000-091 |
2.3. Issues related to the rules of origin |
2009-07-26 |
South Africa: SouthAfrica Revenue Services |
Mauritius |
Resolved 2011-03-09 |
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South Africa is not accepting the certificate of origin for cake decorations from Mauritius. |
Resolution status note:
South Africa reported that this is no longer existing |
NTB-000-090 |
2.8. Lengthy and costly customs clearance procedures |
2009-07-26 |
South Africa: SouthAfrica Revenue Services |
Mauritius |
Resolved 2011-03-09 |
View |
There are delays in VAT refunds for Mauritian importers of South African goods. It is also not clear whether the VAT refunds re only for those companies that use South African imports. |
Resolution status note:
South Africa reported that this is no longer existing |
NTB-000-090 |
2.8. Lengthy and costly customs clearance procedures |
2009-07-26 |
South Africa: SouthAfrica Revenue Services |
Mauritius |
Resolved 2011-03-09 |
View |
There are delays in VAT refunds for Mauritian importers of South African goods. It is also not clear whether the VAT refunds re only for those companies that use South African imports. |
Resolution status note:
South Africa reported that this is no longer existing |
NTB-000-090 |
2.8. Lengthy and costly customs clearance procedures |
2009-07-26 |
South Africa: SouthAfrica Revenue Services |
Mauritius |
Resolved 2011-03-09 |
View |
There are delays in VAT refunds for Mauritian importers of South African goods. It is also not clear whether the VAT refunds re only for those companies that use South African imports. |
Resolution status note:
South Africa reported that this is no longer existing |
NTB-000-089 |
2.8. Lengthy and costly customs clearance procedures |
2009-07-26 |
Tanzania: Tanzania Revenue Authority |
Mauritius |
Resolved 2011-05-23 |
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There are long administrative procedures at the customs department with Tanzania Revenue Authority and other affiliated organizations. There are too many stages to go through before a container is released. |
Resolution status note:
Tanzania reported that easing of Customs Procedures and Improvement in Customs Clearance; Documentation procedures have been decentralized as a result of use of online lodging of documents and extended working hours at the custom's department, among other improvements. |
NTB-000-088 |
2.6. Additional taxes and other charges |
2009-07-23 |
South Africa: South African Revenue Services |
Namibia |
Resolved 2011-06-08 |
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South Africa charging an import levy on beer |
Resolution status note:
South Africa reported that beer is traded free under SADC and 5%/litre under SACU (Source: Jacobsens tariff book) |
NTB-000-087 |
5.12. Export restraint arrangements |
2009-07-23 |
South Africa: Ministry of Trade |
Botswana |
Resolved 2010-11-22 |
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South Africa has put in place export restraints for the exportation of dried beans to that market |
Resolution status note:
South Africa reported that this barrier is no longer existing |
NTB-000-086 |
2.6. Additional taxes and other charges |
2009-07-23 |
South Africa: Ministry of Trade |
Namibia |
Resolved 2010-11-22 |
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South Africa applying a levy on imports of sorgum |
Resolution status note:
South Africa reported that, according to the tariff book this product is traded free under SADC, for SACU, a tariff of 3% /kg is charged. .This has been discussed by SACU Member Countries, again this complaint does relate to NTBs, |
NTB-000-085 |
2.6. Additional taxes and other charges |
2009-07-23 |
South Africa: Ministry of Trade |
Namibia |
Resolved 2010-11-22 |
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South Africa is charging import levy on imports of pasta |
Resolution status note:
South Africa reported that all tariffs applied by SA to SADC countries have been agreed to on the SADC Protocol on Trade, According to the tariff book, this product is traded free under |
NTB-000-084 |
2.6. Additional taxes and other charges |
2009-07-23 |
South Africa: Ministry of Trade |
Namibia |
Resolved 2010-11-22 |
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South Africa is charging import levy on UHT milk |
Resolution status note:
South Africa reported that , according to the tariff book, the applied tariff rate for SACU/SADC countries for this product is zero. |
NTB-000-083 |
2.5. Decreed customs surcharges Policy/Regulatory |
2009-07-23 |
South Africa: Ministry of Agriculture |
Mozambique |
Resolved 2010-11-22 |
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South Africa imposes surcharges on various agricultural products. |
Resolution status note:
South Africa reported that the Marketing Of Agricultural Products Act of 1996 (MAP Act), as amended, provides for the establishment of statutory measures, namely statutory levies, control of exports of agricultural products, records & returns, and registration |
NTB-000-082 |
5.7. Minimum import price limits Policy/Regulatory |
2009-07-23 |
Lesotho: Ministry of Trade |
Lesotho |
Resolved 2010-11-22 |
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Lesotho regulates prices by fixing a floor price for beans and peas. |
Resolution status note:
Lesotho reported that she does not regulate prices for any product; however our marketing department sometimes makes some price recommendations based on the market price for legumes. At times when these food stuffs have been subsidized due to lack of food supplies as a result of drought, prices are being regulated (only on subsidized programmes). |
NTB-000-081 |
1.1. Export subsidies B14: Authorization requirements for importing certain products |
2009-07-23 |
South Africa: Ministry of Trade |
Tanzania |
Resolved 2010-11-22 |
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South Africa places adhoc requirements on the importation of perishable goods in the form of standards |
Resolution status note:
Soth Africa reported that compulsory specifications for perishable goods are aimed at ensuring the health and safety of the consumer and fair trading practices. The relevant internationally recognised Codex Standards and Codes of Practice are used as a basis for these compulsory specifications. Documents from Codex are specifically referenced by the WTO-SPS Agreement. |
NTB-000-080 |
1.8. Import bans Policy/Regulatory |
2009-07-23 |
South Africa: Ministry of Trade |
Zambia |
Resolved 2010-11-22 |
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South Africa has banned imports of all meat from Zambia |
Resolution status note:
South Africa reported that importation of red meat from Zambia to SA was never allowed because Zambia did not send SA the information she needed to evaluate their animal disease situation, legislation, standards and other requirements. The information was requested in 2006 in the form of a questionnaire by the Department of Agriculture - Directorate Animal Health, Zambia has never responded. |
NTB-000-078 |
1.1. Export subsidies B41: TBT regulations on production processes |
2009-07-23 |
South Africa: SANAS |
Angola |
Resolved 2010-11-22 |
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South Africa does not accept standards from other SADC Member States except SABS |
Resolution status note:
South Africa reported that SADC is in the process of implementing the TBT annex and establishing the necessary regional institutions to create a regional accreditation system. Until the structures are developed and operational, South Africa will continue to request that products which are not accredited by recognized international accreditation bodies be retested by the South African Bureau of Standards (SABS). This exercise is not meant to deny SA trading counterpart’s access to the South African market, but simply to protect South African consumers. |
NTB-000-077 |
1.6. Domestic assistance programmes for companies Policy/Regulatory |
2009-07-23 |
South Africa: Industrial Development Corporation |
South Africa |
Resolved 2012-06-15 |
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Industrial Development Corporation (IDC) in South Africa grants concessional credit facilities to productive investments |
Resolution status note:
The 10th meeting of the SADC Committee on Trade Facilitation held on 14-15 JUne 2012 agreed that the subsidy was permissible under the international trade rules and therefore the NTB should be considered resolved. |
NTB-000-076 |
1.1. Export subsidies Policy/Regulatory |
2009-07-23 |
South Africa: Ministry of Trade |
South Africa |
Resolved 2010-11-22 |
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South Africa offers a large number of export incentives for to promote locally produced exports. |
Resolution status note:
South Africa reported that export incentives are offered to promote manufactured exports and exports in general |
NTB-000-075 |
2.10. Inadequate or unreasonable customs procedures and charges |
2009-07-23 |
Botswana |
Resolved 2019-11-21 |
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The SADC region has different border operating times and this inhibits intra regional trade |
Resolution status note:
The SADC Secretariat submitted the following detailed progress report resolving the NTB.
The 29th Meeting of the Sub-Committee on Customs Cooperation (SCCC) held on 8-9 May 2019, in Gaborone, Botswana, recalled that that the 13th meeting of the Ministerial Task Force (MTF) on Regional Economic Integration held in July 2013 in Maputo, Mozambique, recognized that impediments to movement of goods across the SADC region should be urgently addressed. The MTF committed to take measures to address the following as “quick wins” to enhance border efficiencies and trade facilitation at selected borders:
a) Harmonization of operating hours at all adjacent borders with different operating hours such as Chirundu, Kasumbalesa, Kasumulo/Songwe border crossings in order to reduce congestion and enhance trade facilitation;
b) Review the hours of operation in order to cater for high traffic volumes and meet the requirements of trade at the following border posts:
(i) Chirundu (Zambia/Zimbabwe);
(ii) Kasumbalesa (DRC/Zambia);
(iii) Kasumulo/Songwe (Tanzania/Malawi);
(iv) Kazungula ( Botswana/Zambia/Zimbabwe);
(v) Machipanda/Forbes (Mozambique/Zimbabwe);
(vi) Calomue/Dedza (Mozambique/Malawi);
(vii) Nyamapanda/Cuchamano (Zimbabwe / Mozambique);
(viii) Tunduma/Nakonde (Zambia/Tanzania); and
(ix) Ramokgwebana/Plumtree (Botswana/Zimbabwe)
(x) Santa Clara/Oshikango (Angola/Namibia).
c) Agreed to be proactively involved in the implementation of the one-stop border post (OSBP) programme at the borders to support the following priorities as identified in the Regional Infrastructure Development Master Plan short-term plan:
(i) Kasumbalesa (DRC / Zambia);
(ii) Kazungula ( Botswana / Zambia /Zimbabwe);
(iii) Tunduma / Nakonde (Zambia/Tanzania);
(iv) Mwami / Mchinji (Zambia / Malawi);
(v) Chiponde/ Mandimba (Malawi/Mozambique); and
(vi) Trans- Kalahari / Mamuno (Namibia/ Botswana).
SCCC also noted that the matrix on Progress on Border Management was circulated in March 2019 to all Member States in order to provide an update on the implementation of the trade facilitation initiatives but the submission was received only from South Africa.
The meeting urged the Member States to provide an update on the implementation of the trade facilitation initiatives by latest 30th May 2019
(i) noted the progress on the implementation of the trade facilitation through initiatives in border management;
(ii) urged the Member States to expedite the implementation of the agreed trade facilitation measure to enhance efficiencies and border crossing as directed by the Ministerial Task Force on Regional Economic Integration; and
(iii) requested the Member States to submit any further updates with respect of initiatives being undertaken at major border posts in terms of extension and harmonization of border operating hours, One-Stop Border Posts, and Coordinated Border Management
The Secretariat received the update on harmonization of operating hours at all adjacent borders with different operating hours in order to reduce congestion and enhance trade facilitation and compiled in the table below.
Border Post Countries Opening hours
1 Kasumbalesa RD Congo / Zambia Both sides operate from 06h00 to 18h00.
2 Luvu/Lufu Angola/ DRC Both sides operate from 06h00 to 18h00.
3 Kazungula Ferry Botswana / Zambia Both sides operate from 06h00 to 18h00.
4 Victoria Falls Zimbabwe/ Zambia The hours of operation are 06h00 to 22h00.
5 Beitbridge / Mesina South Africa/Zimbabwe The border operates 24hs
6 Nakonde / Tunduma Zambia / Tanzania The border operates 24hs
7 Kasumulu / Songwe Tanzania /Malawi Malawi operating from 06h00 to 18h00 and
Tanzania from 07h00 to 19h00 (time zone)
8 Mwami / Mchinji Malawi/ Zambia The borders operate 24 hours. However, for
Commercial, it is from 06h00 to 18h00
9 Chiponde / Mandimba Malawi/ Mozambique Both sides operate from 06h00 to 18h00
10 Zobue / Mwanza Mozambique/Malawi Both sides operate from 06h00 to 21h00
11 Machipanda / Forbes Mozambique/Zimbabwe Both sides operate from 06h00 to 20h00
12 Nyamapanda / Cuchamano Mozambique/Zimbabwe Both sides operate from 06h00 to 20h00.
13 Trans-Kalahari / Mamuno Namibia / Botswana Both sides operate from 07h00 to 24h00.
14 Kazungula Ferry Botswana /Zambia Both sides operate from 06h00 to 18h00.
15 Ramokgwebane / Plumtree Botswana/ Zimbabwe Both sides operate from 06h00 to 22h00.
16 Kopfontein / Tlokweng South Africa/ Botswana Both sides operate from 06h00 to 24h00
17 Beitbridge / Mesina South Africa/Zimbabwe The border operates 24hs
18 Lebombo / Ressano Garcia South Africa/ Mozambique Both sides operate from 06h00 to 24h00
19 Santa Clara / Oshikango Angola/ Namibia Both sides operate from 08h00 to 18h00
20 Jimbe / Jimbe Angola/ Zambia Both sides operate from 06h00 to 18h00.
21 Maseru Bridge Port of Entry Lesotho / South Africa The border operates 24hs
22 Lomahasha / Namaacha Mozambique/ Eswatini Both sides operate from 07h00 to 24h00
23 Goba Border Post / Mlhumeni Mozambique/ Eswatini The border operates 24hs
24 Golela Border / Lavumisa Mozambique/ Eswatini Both sides operate from 07h00 to 22h00
25 Border Posts / Mananga Mozambique/ Eswatini Both sides operate from 07h00 to 22h00
26 Oshoek Border / Ngwenya Eswatini/South Africa Both sides operate from 07h00 to 22h00 |
NTB-000-074 |
1.2. Government monopoly in export/import |
2009-07-23 |
South Africa: Ministry of Trade |
Malawi |
Resolved 2010-11-22 |
View |
South African Government has monopoly on trade in tobacco |
Resolution status note:
South Afric areported that the applied tariff rate for tobacco imported from SADC countries is zero. Apart from WTO compatible SPS regulations there are no other technical barriers, including quantitative restrictions, on the importation or exportation of tobacco in South Africa. |
NTB-000-073 |
1.2. Government monopoly in export/import |
2009-07-23 |
South Africa: Ministry of Trade |
Malawi |
Resolved 2010-11-22 |
View |
South African government has monopoly on trade in Tea |
Resolution status note:
South Africa reported that the applied tariff rate for tea imported from SADC countries is zero. Apart from WTO compatible SPS regulations there are no other technical barriers, including quantitative restrictions, on the importation or exportation of tea in South Africa. |