Non-Tariff Measure

NTM classification
P13: Production and post-production requirements to export 
Date when the measure came into force
06 December 1951 
Publication where the measure is specified
Regulation where the measure is specified
Hides and skin Trade Act 
Country/Region applying the measure
Coded list of objectives
X: For purposes n.e.s. 
Description of the measure
3. Restrictions on purchase of hides and skins.
(1) No person shall in any region whether on his or her own account or on behalf of any other person purchase for resale or tanning in Uganda any hide or skin—
(a) unless he or she is in possession of a valid buyers licence in the prescribed form issued to him or her by a licensing officer;
(b) except within the region in respect of which the licence is issued and at premises licensed under this Act or at a hide and skin market approved as such by the commissioner or any veterinary officer;
9. Issue of exporters-buyers licence and conditions attached to the licence.
(1) Every application for the issue or renewal of an exporters-buyers licence shall be made to the licensing officer in the form and manner prescribed.
(2) In addition to any conditions which may be prescribed under this Act, it shall be a condition of every exporters-buyers licence—
(a) that the licensee shall maintain premises having storage, packing and pressing facilities to the satisfaction of the commissioner;
(b) that all hides or skins purchased by the exporter shall be graded by him or her before the export of the purchase;
(c) that all hides and skins purchased for export shall be branded on the right foreshank with a distinguishing mark in the manner prescribed denoting the region of origin;
(d) that the licensee shall keep at the licensed premises proper books in English showing day by day the following particulars of each transaction entered into by him or her—
(i) in the case of all purchases, the date and price paid and, in respect of hides and calf skins,the weight and grade and, in respect of goat and sheep skins, the number and grade;
(ii) the date of disposal of any hides or skins purchased and details of the transaction;
(iii) in the case of purchases of green hides or green skins for preparation, details of the transaction;
(e) that the licensee shall preserve those books for not less than two years from the date of the last entry in the books;
(f) that grading shall be carried out to the satisfaction of a veterinary officer;
(g) that the licensee shall observe all the requirements of this Act and any rules made under this Act.
(3) The licensing officer may in his or her discretion refuse to issue or renew an exporters-buyers licence if—
(a) in his or her opinion the applicant has insufficient resources or inadequate facilities, or he or she or the staff employed by him or her lack the technical knowledge, to enable him or her to engage in trading in hides or skins for export in the manner required by this Act or by any rules made under this Act;
(b) in his or her opinion the premises in which the applicant proposes
to carry on his or her business or is carrying on his or her business do not conform with the requirements of this Act or any rules made under this Act or any other written law for the time being in force;
(c) the applicant has within the five years preceding the date of his or her application or subsequently to the issue of the licence, as the case may be, been convicted of an offence against any of the provisions of this Act or any rules made under this Act or any previous written law relating to the control of hides and skins;
(d) the applicant has within five years immediately preceding the date of his or her application or subsequently to the issue of the licence, as the case may be, been convicted of any offence involving fraud or dishonesty;
(e) the applicant is an undischarged bankrupt or a company in liquidation.
(4) For the purposes of subsection (3), “applicant” includes in the case of a corporation or firm any director, officer or partner of the corporation or firm, and its local manager.
(5) Every exporters-buyers licence when issued shall be endorsed in respect of all premises at which the exporter is licensed to carry on the business of exporter, and, except if further endorsed in accordance with subsection (8), shall not be valid except in relation to those premises.
(6) An exporters-buyers licence shall not be transferable by the licensee to any other person.
(7) An exporters-buyers licence shall, unless previously cancelled or suspended under the powers conferred by section 10, remain valid for one year after which application shall be required to be made for its renewal 
Reference of the measure
Part II section 4(3), part III section 9 
Measure also domestic

Products affected by the measure.

Code Product Partial coverage Partial coverage indication Date in Date out
41 Raw hides and skins (other than furskins) and leather Yes hides and Skin    
hides and Skin 

Countries/Regions affected by the measure.

Inclusion/Exclusion Country Date in Date out
Inclusion Entire world 06 December 1951  
All countries