Non-Tariff Measure

NTM classification
P62: Certification required by the exporting country 
Date when the measure came into force
27 May 2011 
Publication where the measure is specified
Specific Rules for the Sanitary Certification of Food Products of Aquatic Origin and delegates to the Director of the National Institute of Fish Inspection competence to amend the annexes of the Specific Rules for Sanitary Certification of Fo 
Regulation where the measure is specified
Specific Rules for the Sanitary Certification of Food Products of Aquatic Origin and delegates to the Director of the National Institute of Fish Inspection competence to amend the annexes of the Specific Rules for Sanitary Certification of Food Products o 
Country/Region applying the measure
Coded list of objectives
A: Protection of human life and health 
Description of the measure
ARTICLE 5 Rules for placing on the external market
1. The following specific requirements for the export of food of aquatic origin shall apply:
(A) They have been processed in productive units licensed by the Competent Authority (possess sanitary licenses of operation and / or sanitary authorization);
(B) have been made from unprocessed, hygienic, contamination-free or non-permitted chemical raw materials and ingredients or in quantities greater than those established by national and importing country legislation;
(C) Comply with the control rules and criteria for food products of aquatic origin;
(D) Originate in a place or zone declared free of aquatic animal diseases;
(E) They have passed official controls and must provide supporting documents;
F) Comply with the declared on the packaging, label or label according to applicable standards;
G) Comply with the hygienic requirements for the production of food products of aquatic origin.
2. Batches of food products of aquatic origin proposed for export classified in accordance with Article 4 of these specific rules shall be present for health inspection:
(A) 7 days earlier for products of categories I to V;
(B) 6 hours earlier for products in category VI and the intention to export must be given at least 24 hours in advance.
3. All operators shall have an information system recording and storing all batch data from the origin to the placing on the market and shall submit the traceability documents to the Competent Authority.
ARTICLE 6 Certification documents
1. The Competent Authority shall carry out the health certification of food of aquatic origin and of feedingstuffs used for aquatic animals intended for human consumption or for placing on the internal or external market (export), including those for promotion commercial.
2. Health certification documents drawn up, managed and issued by the Competent Authority shall be as follows:
(A) Health certificate: intended for the export of products in marketing quantities, samples of products for commercial promotion and samples for laboratory testing outside the country (models in Annex 1.A for the European Union market and 1B for Countries not members of the European Union);
(B) Sanitary import license: for imported products (models in Annex 2A for the import of fishery products or ration and 2B issued after arrival and inspection of the lot);
(C) International transit guide: intended for products from third countries in transit through the national territory (Annex 3);
D) Declaration of Verification: destined for products that circulate within the national territory (Annex 4);
(E) Inspection report: small quantities of non-commercial fishery products are to be taken out of the country (Annex 5).
ARTICLE 7 Health certificate for export
The Competent Authority shall issue the Sanitary Certificate for export in accordance with the type of product and the destination market for lots complying with the export and commercial promotion requirements laid down in Article 8 of these specific rules. 
Reference of the measure
Articles 5, 6 and 7 
Measure also domestic

Products affected by the measure.

Food products from aquatic origin 

Countries/Regions affected by the measure.