Non-Tariff Measure

NTM classification
A83: Certification requirement 
Date when the measure came into force
27 May 2011 
Publication where the measure is specified
Specific Rules for the Sanitary Certification of Food Products of Aquatic Origin and delegates to the Director of the National Institute of Fish Inspection competence to amend the annexes of the Specific Rules for Sanitary Certification of Fo 
Regulation where the measure is specified
Specific Rules for the Sanitary Certification of Food Products of Aquatic Origin and delegates to the Director of the National Institute of Fish Inspection competence to amend the annexes of the Specific Rules for Sanitary Certification of Food Products o 
Country/Region applying the measure
Coded list of objectives
A: Protection of human life and health 
Description of the measure
ARTICLE 10 Rules for importation
1. Food products of aquatic origin, weighing more than 10 kilograms, for entry into national territory, shall require a sanitary import permit, to be issued by the Competent Authority of Mozambique.
2. Imports of feeds for aquatic animals intended for human consumption require an import Sanitary License to be issued by the Competent Authority, regardless of their quantities.
3. The process of issuing an Import Sanitary License must be preceded by the issuance of the Provisional Sanitary Import License.
4. The following are requirements for the import of aquatic food products and feeds for aquatic animals intended for human consumption:
A) Meet the sanitary requirements contained in Ministerial Diploma No. 145/2010, of August 24, on the Hygienic Sanitary Requirements for the Production of Foods of Aquatic Origin;
(B) present the health certificate of the country of origin, attesting that the product is fit for human consumption;
(C) they are carried on means of transport which ensure adequate protection of the consignment transported in order to prevent contamination or other damage which may arise from atmospheric agents or other environmental agents;
D) Comply with the rules and criteria of the official controls applicable to food products of aquatic origin;
(E) come from a place or zone declared free of aquatic animal diseases.
5. The Competent Authority may require the importer to provide additional formal proof of compliance with the requirements set out in the preceding paragraph.
6. For imported food lots of aquatic origin, the product must be inspected at least 5 days in advance for the purpose of issuing the sanitary license.
7. Upon arrival in national territory, the lot must be stored in an appropriate place and licensed by the Competent Authority.
8. Live animals are subject to quarantine regulations in the national territory under the responsibility of the importer. The competent authority shall supervise the quarantine.
ARTICLE 11 International transit of fishery products
In the case of fishery products from third countries, in transit through the national territory, in accordance with Article 40 of the General Regulation for Hygienic Sanitary Control of Foodstuffs of Aquatic Origin, the Competent Authority shall issue a Transit Guide, the presentation of which is compulsory Customs authorities. 
Reference of the measure
Articles 10 and 11 
Measure also domestic

Products affected by the measure.

Food products from aquatic origin 

Countries/Regions affected by the measure.