Non-Tariff Measure

NTM classification
P61: Inspection requirement 
Date when the measure came into force
04 December 1998 
Publication where the measure is specified
Statutory Instrument 369 of 1998 
Regulation where the measure is specified
Produce Export (Production of Chilled and Frozen Fish and Frozen Fish Products) Regulations, 1998 
Country/Region applying the measure
The rationale of the measure
Not specified in the regulations 
Coded list of objectives
X: For purposes n.e.s. 
Description of the measure
Inspection of Fish factories
9(1) Every export fish factory shall have 1 or more full time fish inspectors .
(2) The fish inspector will monitor on a daily basis the general conditions in the factory of fish health and hygiene, and of personnel.
(3) Each fish factory shall have a laboratory capable of doing simple biochemistry and bacteriology to aid in fish inspection and to monitor the hygiene levels of the products in the plant as well as cleaning standards.
(4) The fish inspector will perform routine bacteriological testing of water, working surfaces and implements used -
(a) The usual onsite bacteriological test will be total viable counts and total coliforms ;
(b) The usual onsite chemical test will concern water quality
(5) The fish inspector will monitor aspects of quality control and the maintenance of the cold chain.
(6) The fish inspector will tale fish and water sample for bacteriological , chemical and residue testing. The usual chemical test will concern water quality and the presence of residues in sample, including antibiotics, pesticides (DDT), environmental contaminants (mercury, cadmium and lead) and anti parasitic agents.
Methods of physical examination
16. The methods of physical examination of the fish product shall be in accordance with the procedures set out in paragraph 9 of the First Schedule.

Methods of chemical analysis
17. The methods of chemical analysis of the fish product and water shall comply with the procedures set out in paragraph 10 of the First Schedule.

Methods of microbiological analysis
18. The instruments and methods in the microbiological analysis of the fish product and water shall comply with the requirements and procedures set out in paragraph 11 of the First Schedule
9. Methods of physical examination
9.1 Physical examination of frozen fish for its general characteristics
9.l .l Srnaller fish may be thawed whole. In the case of a large fish, cut a sample wedge of suitable size from the back of the fish just behind the head and extending down to the backbone or, altematively, cut a cross-section piece at least 50mm thick through the fish, just behind the head or in front of the tail. Where possible, ensure that the mass of each sample piece is at least 1 kg. Thaw the sampleand examine it for odour and colour (see

9.1.2 Visually examine the fish for the remainder of its general characteristics in terms of the
applicable requirements given in 5.1.2
9.2 Determinationof the fish content, filling content and washed mass
9.2.1 Determinationof the fish content of bread-coated or batter-coated products
9.2.1.I Record the declared net mass (m0) printed on the package. Place the contents of the package in a water-bath maintained at 47 °C to 49 °C and allow the units to remain in the water until the breading or batter (as applicable) becomes soft and can easily be removed from the still-frozen fish flesh by means of a round-tipped spatula or table knife.
NOTE Several preliminary trials may be necessary to determine the optimum immersion time required for "de-breading" or "de-battering" the units in a package. For these trials only, a saturated solution of copper (11) sulfate may be used in place of the water. The optimum immersion time is the minimum time of immersion in the copper sulfate solution required before the breading or batter (as applicable:) can easily be scraped off, leaving only a slight trace of blue colour on the surface of the "de-breaded or "de-battered" fish units. Removethe units from the water-bath and blot them lightly with paper towelling. Scrape and remove the breading or batter from the fish flesh by means of the spatula, removing the coating from narrow sides and ends first and then from wide flat surfaces. If the coating of a unit is difficult to remove, immerse the unit for upto a further 5 s and remove the residual coating. Ensure that the total immersion time does not exceed 15 s. Determine the mass (m0)of all the "de-breaded or "de-battered" units. Calculate the fish content, a, expressed as a mass percentage of the product, using the following formula:
m1/mo x 100
mo is the declared net mass of the package, in grams;
m1is the total mass of all the "de-breaded or "de-battered units, in grams.
9.2.2 Washed mass of a product that contains sauce Record the declared net mass(m0)printed on the package. Place the contents of the package on a tared sieve of nominal aperture size approximately 2 min, and rinse the product with water, pre-warmed, if necessary, to a temperature not higher than 38 °C, until free of sauce. Drain for 2 min and then determine and record the mass of the material remaining on the sieve as the washed mass (m1)of the fish component. Calculate the percentage washed mass of the product by using the formula given in

8.2.4 Mass of pie filling
Thaw five fish pies and then determine their total mass (m0).Remove the crust and determine the
mass of the filling (m1).Calculatethe mass of the filling, w,expressed as a mass percentage of the
product, using the following formula:

m1/mo x 100
where m0 is the mass of five pies, in grams;
m1 is the mass of the filling of five pies, in grams

9.2.5 Mass of onion of pickled fish Record the declared net mass(m0) printed on the package. Place the contents of the package on a tared sieve of a perture size approximately 2 mm and rinse with water, pre-warmed,if necessary, to a temperature not highert han 38 °C,until free of sauce. Remove the fish. Drain for 2 min and then
determine and record the mass of the materialremaining on the sieve as the mass (m1)of the onion. Calculate the percentage mass of the onion in the product by using the formula given in

9.3 Determination of the net mass of frozen products other than glazed
8.3.1 Immediately after removal of the package from frozen storage, remove any ice adhering to the outside of the package and determine the gross mass of the unopened package.
8.3.2 Removethe packagingmaterial. Wash, dryanddeterminethe massofthe packagingmaterial.
Record the difference between the gross mass (see 9.3.1) and the mass of the packaging material
as the net mass of the frozen product.

9.4 Determination of the net mass of a glazed product
9.4.1 Immediately after removal of the package from frozen storage, place the contents of the package in a container into which fresh potable water(see 4.4.1)at ambient temperature is introduced from the bottom at a flow rate of approximately 5l/min. Leave the product in the water until all surface ice has melted. If the product is block-frozen, turn the block over several times during deglazing; probe the block and remove units from the water as they become loose.
9.4.2 After all the glaze that can be seen or felt has been removed and the units separate easily, transfer the contents of the container (see 8.4.1) to a tared sieve of nominal aperture size approximately 2 mm. Incline the sieve at an angle of approximately 20° C and drain for 2 min.
9.4.3 Recordthe mass ofthe material remainingon the sieve as the net mass of the glazed product. 
Reference of the measure
Articles 9 &18 and Paragraphs 9-11 of the First Schedule 
Measure also domestic
Refer to the hard copy available from the Ministry of Agriculture for paragraphs 10 and 11 that contain methods for chemical and microbiological analyses. These could not be captured here as they have tables and formulas 

Products affected by the measure.

Code Product Partial coverage Partial coverage indication Date in Date out
0302 Fish, fresh or chilled, excluding fish fillets and other fish meat of heading 03.04. No    
0303 Fish, frozen, excluding fish fillets and other fish meat of heading 03.04. No    
0304 Fish fillets and other fish meat (whether or not minced), fresh, chilled or frozen. Yes frozen    
Chilled and Frozen Fish and Frozen Fish Products 

Countries/Regions affected by the measure.

Inclusion/Exclusion Country Date in Date out
Inclusion Entire world    
All countries