
Page 50 of 140, showing 20 records out of 2786 total, starting on record 981, ending on 1000

Title Description Implementation date Source Publication Created
Seed and Seed Varieties Act, 2018 An ACT to provide for the appointment of the Registrar of seed and seed varieties and the registration of producers, processors and dealers of seed and control over imports and exports of seed; to provide for the establishment of the Namibia Seed Council and the Seed Varieties Committee and their powers and functions; to provide for the establishment of a national seed varieties register; to provide for the establishment of the Seed Certification Service and its powers and functions; and to provide for incidental matters. 2018-12-18 Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Forestry Seed and Seed Varieties Act, 2018 03 August 2023
Forest Act An Act to provide for the better regulation and protection of forests and forest produce in Botswana and to provide for matters incidental thereto. 1968-03-10 Attorney General’s Chambers Laws of Botswana Chapter 38:03 Forest 11 March 2016
the National Forestry and Tree Planting Act, 2003 An Act to provide for the conservation, sustainable management and development of forests for the benefit of the people of Uganda; to provide for the declaration of forest reserves for purposes of protection and production of forests and forest produce; to provide for the sustainable use of forest resources and the enhancement of the productive capacity of forests; to provide for the promotion of tree planting; to consolidate the law relating to the forest sector and trade in forest produce; to establish a National Forestry Authority; to repeal the Forests Act,Cap. 147 and the Timber (Export) Act Cap. 151; and for related matters. 2003-08-08 National Forest Authority National Forestry and Tree Planting Act, 2003 19 April 2016
Dairy Act, 1968. An Act to provide for the control and improvement of the dairy industry and its products and for incidental or connected matters. 1976-03-01 Ministry of Agriculture Dairy Act, 1968. 01 August 2023
Canned Fruit Export Marketing Act, 1967 An ACT to provide for the control and promotion of the marketing of canned fruit on export markets and to that end to establish a board of control; and to provide for other incidental matters. 1968-02-16 Ministry of Economic Planning Canned Fruit Export Marketing Act, 1967 06 August 2023
Aquatic Weed (Control) Act An Act to provide for the Control of Aquatic Weeds and matters incidental thereto. 1971-12-31 Ministry of Minerals, Energy and Water Resources Laws of Botswana Chapter 50:1 30 July 2023
Arms and Ammunition Act An Act to provide for the control of Arms and Ammunition 1981-12-31 Attorney General’s Chambers Laws of Botswana Chapter 24:01 Arms and Amunutions 02 April 2016
Sugar Act, 1936 An ACT to provide for the control of the sugar industry by agreements entered into between growers, millers and refiners of sugar or by determinations made by the Minister of Commerce and Industries, the control of the prices at which certain sugars may be sold or disposed of, and for matters incidental thereto. 1955-05-06 Ministry of Industrialisation, Trade and SME Development Sugar Act, 1936 06 August 2023
Drugs and Related Substances Act An Act to provide for the control over and regulation of drugs, including habit-forming drugs, and related substances and for matters connected therewith 1993-06-18 Ministry of Health (Botswana) Laws of Botswana Chapter 63:04 Drugs and Related Substances 26 April 2016
Livestock Improvement Act, 1977 An ACT to provide for the development and promotion of the livestock industry; for the establishment of an Advisory Board for Animal Production; for the control of the collection and sale of semen and ova and the artificial insemination and inovulation of certain animals; for a system of evaluation and certification of the performance of certain animals with the object of improving the genetic production potential of certain kinds and breeds of animals; for the control of the importation and exportation of certain animals, semen, ova and eggs; for the incorporation as livestock breeders' societies of certain groups of persons engaged in the breeding of certain kinds and breeds of animals; and for the continuation of the legal personality of the South African Stud Book and Livestock Improvement Association, the Karakul Breeders' Society of South Africa and certain registered societies; and to provide for matters connected therewith. 1975-04-01 Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Forestry Livestock Improvement Act, 1977 03 August 2023
Food,Drugs and Cosmetics Act,2003 An Act to provide for the efficient and comprehensive regulation and control of food, drugs, medical devices, cos- metics, herbal drugs and poisons and to repeal the Food (Control of Quality) Act, 1978, the Pharmaceuticals and Poisons Act,1978 . and to provide for related matters 2003-07-01 Tanzania Food and Drugs Authority No.1 Tanzania Food, Drugs, Cosmetics,2003.The United Reoublic of Tanzania 19 June 2016
Noxious Weed Act An Act to provide for the eradication of noxious weeds; and to provide for matters incidental thereto. 1953-12-07 Government of Zambia, Laws Noxious Weeds Act. 03 July 2020
Diamond Act, 1999 An ACT to provide for the establishment of a board to be known as the Diamond Board of Namibia; to define the objects and the powers, duties and functions of the said Board; to provide for the establishment of a fund to be known as the Diamond Board Fund; to provide for the establishment of a fund to be known as the Diamond Valuation Fund; to provide for the management and control of the said Funds; to provide for control measures in respect of the possession, the purchase and sale, the processing and the import and export of diamonds; and to provide for matters connected therewith. 2000-04-01 Ministry of Mines and Energy "Diamond Act, 1999 " 06 August 2023
Medicines and Related Substances Control Act, 2015 AN ACT to provide for the establishment of a Medicines Regulatory Authority; registration of medicines and medical devices; the control of medicines and scheduled substances, and to provide for incidental matters. 2016-01-01 Ministry of Health Medicines and Related Substances Control Act, 2015 01 August 2023
THE UGANDA NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS ACT An Act to provide for the establishment of a national bureau of standards,the stand'ardisation of commodities and for matters Inicidental and ancillary thereto 1983-10-10 Uganda National Bureau of Standards -Uganda National Bureau of Standards [Cap. 327. CHAPTER327 THEU GANDA NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS ACT. Arrangement of 20 April 2016
Botswana Postal Services Act An Act to provide for the establishment of an organization to be known as the Botswana Postal Services for the provision, development, operation and management of postal services and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto 1989-10-06 Laws of Botswana Chapter 50:1 28 July 2023
Unwrought Precious Metals Act. An Act to provide for the establishment of the Botswana Unified Revenue Service, for the administration and enforcement of revenue laws, and for related matters. 0000-00-00 Ministry of Minerals, Energy and Water Resources Laws of Botswana Chapter 20:03 UNWROUGHT PRECIOUS METALS 26 February 2016
Pharmacy, Medicines and Poisons Act An Act to provide for the establishment of the Pharmacy, Medicines and Poisons Board, the registration and disciplining of pharmacists, pharmacy technologists and pharmacy assistants, the training within Malawi of pharmacists, pharmacy technologists and pharmacy assistants, the licensing of traders in medicines and poisons and generally for the control and regulation of the profession of pharmacy in Malawi and for matters incidental to or connected therewith 1991-01-15 Ministry of Health (Malawi) Pharmacy, Medicines and Poisons Act 17 December 2015
Export Processing Zones Act, 1994 An ACT to provide for the establishment, development and management of export processing zones in Namibia, and to provide for matters incidental thereto. 1995-10-10 Ministry of Industrialisation, Trade and SME Development Export Processing Zones Act, 1994 07 August 2023
Controlled Wildlife Products and Trade Act, 2008 An ACT to provide for the implementation of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora; and to provide for incidental matters. 2012-02-15 Ministry of Environment and Tourism Controlled Wildlife Products and Trade Act, 2008 06 August 2023
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