
Page 48 of 140, showing 20 records out of 2786 total, starting on record 941, ending on 960

Title Description Implementation date Source Publication Created
The Coffee ACT An Act to establish the Coffee Board of Zambia; to define the functions and powers of the Coffee Board of Zambia and those of the Zambia Coffee Growers Association Limited; to regulate the coffee industry; to control the production and marketing of coffee; and to provide for matters connected with or incidental to the foregoing. 1989-12-29 Government of Zambia, Laws The Coffee Act. 09 June 2020
Malawi Bureau of Standards Act An Act to establish the Malawi Bureau of Standards and the Malawi Standards Board; to vest the management and control of the Malawi Bureau of Standards in the Malawi Standards Board; to promote metrology, standardization and quality assurance of commodities and of the manufacture, production, processing or treatment thereof; and further to provide for matters incidental to, or connected with, the foregoing 2012-07-12 Malawi Bureau of Standards Malawi Bureau of Standards Act, 2012 16 December 2015
the Animal Breeding Act, 2001. An Act to establish the National Animal Genetic Resources Centre and Data Bank, to provide for the promotion, regul ation and control, marketing, import and export, and quality assurance of animal and fish genetic materials and generally to provide for the implementation of the national breeding policy in Uganda; to repeal and replace the Branding of Stock Act; and to provide for other matters connected with the foregoing 2001-05-25 Uganda legal information institute ULII/Ministry of agriculture, animal industry and fisheries THE ANIMAL BREEDING ACT, 2001 06 July 2016
The Animal Breeding Act, 2001 An Act to establish the National Animal Genetic Resources Centre and Data Bank, to provide for the promotion, regulation and control, marketing, import and export, and quality assurance of animal and fish genetic materials and generally to provide for the implementation of the national breeding policy in Uganda; to repeal and replace the Branding of Stock Act; and to provide for other matters connected with the foregoing 2001-05-25 National Animal Genetic Resources Centre and Data Bank/Ministry of Agriculture. animal industry and fisheries The Animal Breeding Act, 2001 14 March 2016
Ionising Radiation Protection Act An Act to establish the Radiation Protection Authority and to define its functions and powers; to provide for the protection of the public, workers and the environment from hazards arising from the use of devices or materials capable of producing ionising radiation; to repeal and replace the Ionising Radiation Act, 1972; and to provide for matters connected with or incidental to the foregoing. 2006-12-22 Government of Zambia, Laws Ionising Radiation Protection Act 08 June 2020
Tobacco Control Act, 2021 An Act to establish the Tobacco Control Committee and set out its functions; to regulate the demand and supply for consumption of tobacco and tobacco products; to control the production, manufacture, sale, labelling, advertising, promotion and sponsorship of tobacco and tobacco products; and to provide for related matters. 2021-10-29 Ministry of Health (Botswana) Laws of Botswana Chapter 50:1 30 July 2023
The tropical pesticides Research Institute Act No 18 of 1979 An act to establish the Tropical Pesticides Research Institute, to provide for the research and pesticides control, the functions of the Institute and for the matters connected with and incidental to the establishment of the Institute. 1979-12-08 THE TROPICAL PESTICIDES RESEARCH INSTITUTE THE UNITED REPUBLIC OF TANZANIA ,THE TROPICAL PESTICIDES RESEARCH INSTITUTE ACT, 1979 27 February 2016
Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention Act 2004 AN ACT To give effect to the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and on their Destruction 2004-10-02 Attorney General Act No. 2 of 2004 13 May 2016
Bonemeal, Bloodmeal and Carcassmeal (Export Duty) Act An Act to impose an export duty in respect of bonemeal, bloodmeal and carcassmeal and to provide for matters incidental thereto. 1962-01-01 Attorney General’s Chambers Laws of Botswana Chapter 51:02 02 April 2016
Radiation Protection Act 2003 An Act To make better provisions for the protection against the risks associated with exposure to ionizing radiation and to set up a Radiation Protection Authority. 2003-11-24 Radiation Protection Authority Radiation Protection Act 2003 15 April 2016
The Wildlife Conservation and National Parks Act An Act to make further and better provision for the conservation and management of the wildlife of Botswana, giving effect to CITES and any other international convention for the protection of fauna and flora to which Botswana is, from time to time, a party, to provide for the establishment, control and management of national parks and game reserves, and for matters incidental thereto or connected therewith. 1992-12-11 Attorney General’s Chambers Laws of Botswana Chapter 38:01 Wildlife Conservation and National Parks 19 March 2016
Sugar Act, 1967 An Act to make further and better provision for the control of the sugar industry in Swaziland and for incidental and related matters. 1940-04-13 Ministry of Commerce, Industry and trade Sugar Act, 1967 01 August 2023
Firearms Act 1970 An Act to make new provision for regulating licenses and certificates and for the control of the import, export, movement, storage, possession, sale, manufacture and repair of firearms and ammunition; and to make provision for matters connected with or incidental to the foregoing 1953-12-07 Government of Zambia, Laws The Firearms Act 03 July 2020
Firearms Regulations An Act to make new provision for regulating licenses and certificates and for the control of the import, export, movement, storage, possession, sale, manufacture and repair of firearms and ammunition; and to make provision for matters connected with or incidental to the foregoing 1970-01-01 Government of Zambia, Laws The Firearms Act 04 July 2020
Seeds (Regulation of Standards) Act, No 29 of 1973 An Act to make provision for the control and regulation of agriculture seed standards and for maters connected therewith and incidental thereto [ .......................................] ENACTED by the Parliament of the United Republic of Tanzania 1973-12-06 Ministry of Agriculture/Tanzania official certification Agency THE UNITED REPUBLIC OF TANZANIA,Seed (Regulation of Standards), 1975 27 February 2016
Control of Livestock Industry Act An Act to make provision for the control of livestock 2008-12-31 Ministry of Agriculture (Botswana) Laws of Botswana Chapter 36:01 Control of Livestock Industry 11 March 2016
Food and Drugs Act An Act to make provision for the prevention of adulteration of food and drugs and for matters incidental thereto and connected therewith. 1959-06-18 Department of Public Health/ Government Printer Food and Drugs Act CAP 278 14 March 2016
Copyright and Neighbouring Rights Act, 2000. An Act to make provision for the regulation of copyright and to provide for matters connected to and incidental to the foregoing. 2006-10-01 Ministry of Trade and Industry Laws of Botswana Chapter 50:1 29 July 2023
Customs Act An Act to make provision relating to the administration of Customs and the collection of duty, excise duty, levy and other taxes. 1989-01-01 Mauritius Revenue Authority Customs Act 25 December 2015
Mines and Minerals Act An Act to make provision with respect to searching for and mining minerals, to repeal the Mining Act and certain other Acts and to provide for matters connected therewith and incidental thereto 1981-06-01 Ministry of Natural Resources, Energy and Mining Laws of Malawi Chapter 61:01 Mines and Minerals 21 April 2016
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