
Page 77 of 140, showing 20 records out of 2786 total, starting on record 1521, ending on 1540

Title Description Implementation date Source Publication Created
Zimbabwe Standard Specification for Two-pole and earthing-pin plugs socket-outlets and socket-outlet adaptors for circuits up to 250 volts 0000-00-00 Standards Assocaition of zimbabwe Electricity (Consumers' Appliances) Regulations, 1976 23 February 2017
Zimbabwe Standard Specification for Two-pole and earthing-pin plugs and socket-outlets adaptors for circuits for circuits up to 250 volts 0000-00-00 Standards Assocaition of zimbabwe Electricity (Consumers' Appliances) Regulations, 1976 02 March 2017
Zimbabwe Standard Specification for 13 A Plugs, socket-outlets, Adaptors and connection units: Rewirable and non rewirable 13 A fused plugs 0000-00-00 Standards Assocaition of zimbabwe Electricity (Consumers' Appliances) Regulations, 1976 02 March 2017
Environmental Management Act, 2002 An ACT to provide and promote the enhancement, protection and conservation of the environment, sustainable management of natural resources and matters incidental thereto. 2002-01-01 Swaziland Environmental Authority Environmental Management Act, 2002 01 August 2023
Tanzania Food, Drugs and Cosmetics (Clinical Trials Control) Regulations, 2013 2013-03-15 Tanzania Food and Drugs Authority Tanzania Food, Drugs A nd Cosmetics (Clinical Trials Control) G.N. No. 53 (contd.) 1 GOVERNMENT NOTICE NO. 53 .published on 15/03/2013 27 June 2016
The Tazania Food, Drugs and Cosmetics (IODATED Salt) regulations.2010 2010-04-04 Tanzania Food and Drugs Authority Government Notice No 158 Published on 23/04/2010, The Tanzania food, Drugs and Cosmetics Act (CAP 219) 30 June 2016
Tanzania Food, Drugs and cosmetics ( Importation and Exportation of food) regulations, 2006 2006-08-25 Tanzania Food and Drugs Authority Government Notice No 113 Published on 25/8/2006, Tanzania Food, Drugs and Cosmetics ( Importation and Exportation of Food)) regulations,2006 30 June 2016
Tanzania Food, Drugs and Cosmetics, (Importation and Exportation Food) Regulations, 2006 2006-08-25 Tanzania Food and Drugs Authority Government notice NO 113 Published on 25/08/2006 (Importation and Exportation of Food) 03 July 2016
Tanzania Food, Drugs and Cosmetics (Food Hygiene) regulations, 2006 0000-00-00 Tanzania Food and Drugs Authority Publication: Government Notice no 124 Published on 25/08/2006 The Tanzania Food, Drugs and Cosmetics (Food Hygiene) regulations, 2006, Made Under section ( 44) 03 July 2016
The Tanzania Food, Drugs and Cosmetics (food labelling) regulations, 2006 2006-08-25 Tanzania Food and Drugs Authority Publication: Government notice NO 115 Published on 25/08/2006 (Food labelling) Regulation, 2006 03 July 2016
Food, Drugs and Cosmetics, (transport of meat) Regulations, 2006 2006-08-25 Tanzania Food and Drugs Authority Government notice NO 112 Published on 25/08/2006 ( Transport of Meat ) Regulation, 2006 03 July 2016
Food,Drugs and Cosmetics Act,2003 An Act to provide for the efficient and comprehensive regulation and control of food, drugs, medical devices, cos- metics, herbal drugs and poisons and to repeal the Food (Control of Quality) Act, 1978, the Pharmaceuticals and Poisons Act,1978 . and to provide for related matters 2003-07-01 Tanzania Food and Drugs Authority No.1 Tanzania Food, Drugs, Cosmetics,2003.The United Reoublic of Tanzania 19 June 2016
The Tanzania Food, Drugs and Cosmetics (Food Fortification)regulations,2011 Save for small scale and micro scale manufacturers. These regulations shall apply in areas in which the Act applies including all food imported, domestically manufactured or sold and fortified for human consumption. 2011-07-22 Tanzania Food and Drugs Authority Governmet Notice no 25 published on 22/7/2011. The Tanzania Food, Drugs and Cosmetics Act (Cap 219) 27 June 2016
Seeds Regulations, 2007 2007-02-09 Tanzania Official Seed Certification Institute/Ministry of Agriculture GOVERNMENT NOTICE NO. 37 published on 9/2/2007 30 June 2016
the Standards (Compulsory Batch Certification of Imports) Regulations, 1998 1998-12-25 Tanzania Bureau of Standards GOVERNMENT NOTICE NO. 672 published on 25/12/98 THE STANDARDS ACT, 1975 (No. 3 of 1975) 27 June 2016
AMARANTH FLOUR SPECIFICATION This standard specifies the requirements and methods of sampling and testing including packing marking and labeling. 2015-11-07 Tanzania Bureau of Standards 23 December 2016
TZS 557:2015, AMARANTH FLOUR SPECIFICATION This standards specifies the requirements and methods of sampling and testing including packing, marking and labeling for amaranth flour human for human consumption milled from grains. 2015-11-07 Tanzania Bureau of Standards TZS 557:2014, AMARANTH FLOUR 23 December 2016
TZS 1274:2010 Packaging- metal crown closure for glass bottles-specification Specifies requirements, design and materials, manufacturing, sampling and test procedures for intermediate metal crown closures for aerated and non-aerated glass bottles. 2010-07-27 Tanzania Bureau of Standards TZS 1274:2010 05 June 2017
TZS 1252: Stainless steel needle tubing for manufacture of medical device Specifies the dimensions, surface and mechanical properties of normal and thin-walled tubing of designated metric sizes 0.3 mm to 3.4 mm, and of extra-thin-walled tubing of designated metric sizes 0.6 mm to 2.1 mm. This Tanzania Standard does not specify stiffness properties for extra-thin-walled tubing of designated metric sizes 0.8 mm; 0.9 mm; 1.2 mm; 1.4 mm; 1.8 mm and 2.1 mm. It applies to rigid stainless steel needle tubing suitable for use in the manufacture of hypodermic needles and other medical devices primarily for human use. It does not apply to flexible stainless steel tubing because the mechanical properties differ from those specified for rigid tubing in this Tanzania Standard. However, manufacturers and purchasers of flexible tubing are encouraged to adopt the dimensional specifications given in this Tanzania Standard. 2010-07-27 Tanzania Bureau of Standards TZS 1252:2010 05 June 2017
TZS 1256:2010 Non cereal based alcoholic beverages-specification Specifies requirements and methods of sampling and test for non cereal based alcoholic beverages, produced by fermentation of soluble extracts of non cereal ingredients. The Standard does not include requirements for wines, ulanzi and roselle alcoholic drinks. 2010-07-27 Tanzania Bureau of Standards TZS 1256:2010 05 June 2017
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