
Page 85 of 140, showing 20 records out of 2786 total, starting on record 1681, ending on 1700

Title Description Implementation date Source Publication Created
Control Measures Relating to Avian Influenza in Certain Areas These control measures of the Minister of Agriculture prohibit: (a) the export of poultry, poultry products and genetic material of poultry from areas specified in the Schedule; and (b) movement of poultry from, to or within the areas specified in the Schedule, except under the authority of a permit contemplated in regulation 20(1) of the Animal Diseases Regulations. All poultry must be inspected by a State Veterinarian before the permit may be issued. 2004-08-11 Department of Agriculture , Forestry and Fishery Government Gazette Vol. 470 No. 26672 of 11 August 2004 24 June 2016
Farm Feed Regulations: Amendment (R. No. 552 of 2010) These Regulations amend the Farm Feed Regulations with respect to a wide variety of matters including: animal feed registration, labelling of animal feed; analysis; use and design of facilities and prevention of contamination of feed; and responsibilities and procedures regarding the production process. 2010-06-25 Department of Agriculture , Forestry and Fishery Government Gazette No. 33310 of 25 June 2010 01 July 2016
Fertilizers, Farm Feeds, Agricultural Remedies and Stock Remedies Act: Regulations: Farm Feeds: Correction These Regulations amend the Farm Feed Regulations: Amendment (R. No. 552 of 2010) which amended the Farm Feed Regulations. They amend regulation 27 which lays down criteria and standards to be followed by manufacturers of animal feed in the production process including HACCP. 2010-09-10 Department of Agriculture , Forestry and Fishery Government Gazette No. 33519 of 10 September 2010 01 July 2016
Amendments of the Regulations relating to the fortification of certain foodstuffs These Regulations amend the Regulations relating to the fortification of certain foodstuffs in relation with standards for certain fortification ingredients, nutrient content claims, sampling and exemptions for manufacturers or importers of food vehicles. 2008-11-14 Department of Agriculture , Forestry and Fishery Government Gazette No. 31584 of 14 November 2008 10 June 2016
Malawi Bureau of Standards (Imports Quality Monitoring) Regulations, 2016 These Regulations govern quality certification, inspection, fees, sampling and testing of imported commodities covered by Malawi mandatory standards. 2016-08-26 Malawi Bureau of Standards Government Notice No.23 31 August 2017
Wildlife Regulations 1998 These Regulations implement provisions of the Wildlife and National Parks Act of 1993. They provide for: the form of permit issued under section 15 of the Act, prescribed species of wildlife for the purpose of section 17, trading and exportation or importation of prescribed species, pre-CITES certificates for material originating in and outside Mauritius to be considered a permit in the sense of section 17 of the Act, prescribed game for the purpose of section 19, prescribed fees for a game licence issued under section 20, licensing of wildlife exhibitions and related matters, etc. 1998-06-27 Attorney General Government Notice No. 109 of 1998 13 May 2016
Livestock and Meat Industries (Poultry Abattoir) Regulations These Regulations make provision for the inspection and control of poultry meat industries and the handling of poultry meat. They also define the conditions for the marketing of fresh meat and concern the transportation of poultry meat. 2007-09-11 Attorney General’s Chambers Laws of Botswana Chapter 36:03 17 March 2016
COFFEE (GENERAL) REGULATIONS, 2017 ARRANGEMENT OF REGULATIONS These regulations may be cited as the Coffee (General) Regulations, 2016 and shall come into operation on such date as the Cabinet Secretary may, by notice in the Gazette, appoint. 2013-01-01 Kenya National council for Law The Republic Of Kenya, Laws of Kenya 19 June 2019
stablishment of Statutory Measure and determination of international market development and local consumer education levies on stone fruit These Regulations prescribe a levy that shall be used to fund international market development and local consumer education by SA Stone Fruit Producers' Association. The Measure shall apply to all classes of stone fruit intended for exportation and to peaches, nectarines and prunes delivered to the local fresh produce markets. 2013-03-08 Department of Agriculture , Forestry and Fishery Government Gazette No. 36207 of 8 March 2013 24 June 2016
Establishment Of Statutory Measure And Determination Of Levies On Apricots These Regulations prescribe to fund research projects, information and technology transfer; plant improvement functions and certification; market information and statistics; communication; trade and market access; and transformation and training for fresh apricots. They require producers or an exporters or municipal market or retailer. A person who is a producer as well as an exporter must register as a producer and as an exporter or retailer. These measures are necessary to ensure that continuous, timeous and accurate information relating to the apricot industry, is available to all role players in order for them to make informed decisions. 2015-11-06 Department of Agriculture , Forestry and Fishery Government Gazette No. 39375 of November 6, 2015 25 June 2016
Establishment Of Statutory Measure And Determination Of Levies On Apricots These Regulations prescribe to fund research projects, information and technology transfer; plant improvement functions and certification; market information and statistics; communication; trade and market access; and transformation and training for fresh apricots. They require producers or an exporters or municipal market or retailer. A person who is a producer as well as an exporter must register as a producer and as an exporter or retailer. These measures are necessary to ensure that continuous, timeous and accurate information relating to the apricot industry, is available to all role players in order for them to make informed decisions. 2015-11-06 Department of Agriculture , Forestry and Fishery Government Gazette No. 39375 of November 6, 2015 25 June 2016
Diseases of Animals (Livestock Identification and Trace-back) Regulations These Regulations provide for inspection of export slaughterhouses and introduce a system of identification of cattle for purposes of the Diseases of Animals Act. 2005-02-25 Attorney General’s Chambers Laws of Botswana Chapter 37:01 Disease of Animals 11 March 2016
Sorghum (Classification and Grading) Regulations (Chapter 74:06) These Regulations provide for quality control of grain sorghum purchased, sold, imported or exported by the Agricultural Marketing Board, except grain sorghum for foreign buyers to which other criteria apply. 1976-06-18 Attorney General’s Chambers Laws of Botswana Chapter 74:06 19 March 2016
Maize (Classification and Grading) Regulations These Regulations provide for quality control of maize purchased, sold, imported or exported by the Agricultural Marketing Board. The Regulations divide maize into five classes and each class is divided into specified grades. The Regulations furthermore set out quality standards for maize and provide with respect to packing, sampling, determination of weight and determination of moisture. 1976-06-18 Attorney General’s Chambers Laws of Botswana Chapter 74:06 17 March 2016
Hides and Skins Regulations These Regulations provide for the control of the trade in skins of calves, goats or sheep and skins or hides of bulls, cows, heifers or ox. Various types of licences, including an exporter licence, are required for trading. The Regulations also set out rules for the conduct of business and specifically for exportation and importation of skins and hides. Other rules concern the preparation of skins and hides, quality control and grading and transportation. 1955-09-01 Attorney General’s Chambers Laws of Botswana Chapter 49:01 Hides and Skins 11 March 2016
Plant Protection (Export) Regulations These Regulations provide rules for the exportation of all plants except tung oil, tea, cotton lint, coffee, cut flowers, fresh fruit and vegetables. No person shall export or cause to be exported any plants from Malawi without a phytosanitary certificate relating to such plants. The Regulations also provide for inspection. The Schedule sets out the form of a phytosanitary certificate. 1969-05-06 Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security Plant Protection Act 21 April 2016
Plant Protection (Import) Regulations These Regulations provide rules for the importation of plants and plant products ("vegetative material") for purposes of plant protection. Importation of specified plant material or live insect or other invertebrate, or any plant pathogen requires a permit issued by the Permanent Secretary. Other provisions concern import restrictions and inspections. The First Schedule plants and parts of plants the importation of which is prohibited without the special written authority of the Minister. 2012-12-10 Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security Laws of Malawi Chapter 64:01 Plant Protection 06 May 2016
Prohibition of Sale of Imported Cattle to the Botswana Meat Commission for Export to the European Union Regulations These Regulations provide that Botswana Meat Commission shall not buy or slaughter for export to the European Union, any cattle branded in accordance with these Regulations. These Regulations require any cattle imported in Botswana, i.e. cattle not born and bred in Botswana, to be branded within seven days of importation with a sign “No EU”. Penalties are prescribed. 1998-12-18 Attorney General’s Chambers Laws of Botswana Chapter 37:01 Disease of Animals 18 March 2016
Tanzania Food, Drugs and Cosmetics (Food labelling) Regulation 2006 These regulations shall apply to all areas in which the Act applies and shall affect all types of food whether locally manufactured or imported in the Tanzania Mainland. 2006-08-26 Ministry of Health/Tanzania Food and Drugs Authority (TFDA) Tanzania Food,Drugs and Cosmetics (Food Lebelling) Regulation 2006 12 November 2015
THE AGRICULTURE (FERTILISERS) REGULATIONS These Regulations shall apply to any fertiliser as defined in section two of the Act 1994-01-03 Government of Zambia, Laws THE AGRICULTURE (FERTILISERS AND FEED) ACT 23 May 2020
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