US ISO/TS 16976-5:2013, Respiratory protective devices — Human factors — Part 5: Thermal effects

This Uganda Standard provides information on factors related to human anthropometry, physiology, ergonomics and performance for the preparation of standards for design, testing and use of respiratory protective devices. It contains information related to thermal effects of respiratory protective devices on the human body, in particular: temperatures of surfaces associated with discomfort sensation and harmful effects on human tissues; thermal effects of breathing gas temperatures on lung airways and tissues; effects of breathing gas temperature and humidity on respiratory heat exchange; effects of respiratory protective devices on overall body heat exchange. The information represents data for adult healthy men and women aged between 20 and 60 years.

Source of regulation
The Uganda National Bureau of standards 
Publication of regulation
The Uganda Gazette Vol. CVIII No. 57 
Date of implementation
12 August 2016 
Regulation file