
Page 123 of 140, showing 20 records out of 2786 total, starting on record 2441, ending on 2460

Title Description Implementation date Source Publication Created
Dangerous Drugs Regulations,1975 1976-01-01 Medicines Control Authority of Zimbabwe Rhodesia Government Notice No. 1111 of 1975 18 December 2015
Dangerous Drugs Regulation, 1975 Regulations on dangerous drugs 1976-01-01 Ministry of Health and Child Care Rhodesia Government Notice No. 1111 of 1975 29 December 2015
Food and Food Standards (Meat and Preparations of Meat) Regulations, 1975 Regulations on food and food standards with reference to meat and preparations of meat 1975-08-01 Ministry of Health and Child Care Rhodesia Government Notice No. 82 of 1975 03 December 2015
Compulsory Specification For Hydraulic Brake And Clutch Fluid Regulations on hydraulic brake and clutch fluid 1975-07-17 Department of Trade and Industry Government Notice 128 (Government Gazette 4562) Of 17 January 1975 14 April 2016
Nature Conservation Ordinance, 1975 Ordinance to consolidate and amend the laws relating to the conservation of nature; the establishment of game parks and nature reserves; the control of problem animals; and to provide for matters incidental thereto. 1975-06-20 Ministry of Environment and Tourism Nature Conservation Ordinance, 1975 03 August 2023
Livestock Improvement Act, 1977 An ACT to provide for the development and promotion of the livestock industry; for the establishment of an Advisory Board for Animal Production; for the control of the collection and sale of semen and ova and the artificial insemination and inovulation of certain animals; for a system of evaluation and certification of the performance of certain animals with the object of improving the genetic production potential of certain kinds and breeds of animals; for the control of the importation and exportation of certain animals, semen, ova and eggs; for the incorporation as livestock breeders' societies of certain groups of persons engaged in the breeding of certain kinds and breeds of animals; and for the continuation of the legal personality of the South African Stud Book and Livestock Improvement Association, the Karakul Breeders' Society of South Africa and certain registered societies; and to provide for matters connected therewith. 1975-04-01 Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Forestry Livestock Improvement Act, 1977 03 August 2023
Control of Goods (Trading Margins) Regulations "8. Goods imported for sale (1) No retailer importing goods for sale shall sell any such goods unless he has delivered to the Price Controller a statement of the actual cost to him of such goods, setting out as separate items, transport, insurance and other charges included in such cost. (2) If the Price Controller is not satisfied with a statement delivered to him pursuant to subregulation (1) he may- (a) call for such further information as he may think necessary; or (b) declare that such goods shall not be sold in Botswana. (3) Any retailer who- (a) gives false information in a statement delivered pursuant to subregulation (1); (b) fails to give any information called for by the Price Controller under subregulation (2)(a); (c) sells any goods without having first delivered to the Price Controller the statement required under sub regulation (1); or (d) sells goods in contravention of sub regulation (2)(b), shall be guilty of an offence." 1975-01-01 Ministry of Trade and Industry Laws of Botswana Chapter 50:1 28 July 2023
Local Manufactures (Export Compensation) Act, 10974 1974-11-11 the national council of law reporting (Kenya law) Act No: CAP. 482 Act : LOCAL MANUFACTURES (EXPORT COMPENSATION) subsidiary legislation 18 June 2016
LOCAL MANUFACTURES (EXPORT COMPENSATION) Export compensation 1974-11-01 National council for Law LOCAL MANUFACTURES (EXPORT COMPENSATION) 20 June 2019
Control of Goods (Marking of Goods) Regulations 1974-10-01 Ministry of Trade and Industry Laws of Botswana Chapter 43:08 Control of Goods, Prices and Other Charges: Subsidiary Legislation 28 October 2017
Hazardous Substances Ordinance, 1974. ORDINANCE to provide for the control of substances which may cause injury or ill-health to or death of human beings by reason of their toxic, corrosive, irritant, strongly sensitizing or flammable nature or the generation of pressure thereby in certain circumstances; to provide for the division of such substances into groups in relation to the degree of danger; to provide for the prohibition and control of the importation, manufacture, sale, use, operation, application, modification, disposal or dumping of such substances; and to provide for matters connected therewith. 1974-08-01 Ministry of Health and Social Services Hazardous Substances Ordinance, 1974. 07 August 2023
Sstandards Act 17 of 1973 An Act of Parliament to promote the standardisation of the specification of commodities, and to provide for the standardisation of commodities and codes of practice; to establish a Kenya Bureau of Standards, to define its functions and provide for its management and control; and for matters incidental to, and connected with, the foregoing [Act No. 17 of 1973, Corr. No. 5/1974, L.N. 188/1974, Act No. 5 of 1980, L.N. 22/1984, Act No. 13 of 1988, Act No. 1 of 1989, Act No. 6 of 2001, Act No. 2 of 2002, Act No. 7 of 2002, Act No. 7 of 2004.] 1974-07-12 Kenya National council for Law/Kenya bureau of standards The Republic Of Kenya, Laws of Kenya. Standards Act, Cap 496 10 February 2016
Customs and Excise Duty Regulations 1974-03-28 Botswana Unified Revenue Service Laws of Botswana Chapter 50:1 25 February 2016
Compulsory Specification for Smoked snoek Regulations on smoked snoek 1974-03-22 Department of Trade and Industry Government Notice No. 474 of 22 March 1974 20 February 2016
Acqautic (Weeds Control) Regulations 6. ( 1) When any boat or aquatic apparatus is imported into Botswana by road, rail or air the owner or person in charge of such boat or apparatus shall, immediately after it has been brought in or unloaded, as the case may be, present such boat or aquatic apparatus for inspection to a Customs officer. 1974-01-01 Laws of Botswana Chapter 50:1 28 July 2023
Acqautic (Weeds Control) Regulations "3. Boats and aquatic apparatus may be brought into Botswana by road Entry of only through the designated road ports of entry listed in the First Schedule 4. Boats and aquatic apparatus brought into Botswana by rail may be Entry of unloaded from rail trucks only at. the rail depots listed in the Second boats etc. by rail Schedule. 5. Boats and aquatic apparatus may be brought into Botswana by air Entry of only through the airports of entry listed in the Third Schedule FIRST SCHEDULE Places of en try of boats by road: Kazungula (Ferry) Kazungula (Road) Mamono Martin's Drift Ngoma Bridge Pioneer Gate Ramatlabama Ramokgwebana Tlokweng Gate SECOND SCHEDULE Places of entry of boats by rail: Francis town Gaborone TlllRD SCHEDULE Places of en try of boats by air: Francis town Gaborone Kasane Maun Selebi-Pikwc Lobatse" 1974-01-01 Laws of Botswana Chapter 50:1 28 July 2023
Seeds (Regulation of Standards) Act, No 29 of 1973 An Act to make provision for the control and regulation of agriculture seed standards and for maters connected therewith and incidental thereto [ .......................................] ENACTED by the Parliament of the United Republic of Tanzania 1973-12-06 Ministry of Agriculture/Tanzania official certification Agency THE UNITED REPUBLIC OF TANZANIA,Seed (Regulation of Standards), 1975 27 February 2016
Weights and Measures (Assize) Regulations 1973-12-01 Botswana e-Laws Laws of Botswana Chapter 43: Weights and Meaures 05 March 2016
Export Control (Semi-Precious Stones) Regulations 1973-01-12 Ministry of Minerals, Energy and Water Resources Laws of Botswana Chapter 66:03 Precious and Semi-Precious Stones (Protection) Act 04 March 2016
Control of Goods (Import of Medicinal Substances and Poisons) Regulations, 1973. Regulations on import of medicinal substances and poisons 1973-01-01 Ministry of Health and Child Care Rhodesia Government Notice No. 745 of 1973 31 December 2015
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