
Page 36 of 140, showing 20 records out of 2786 total, starting on record 701, ending on 720

Title Description Implementation date Source Publication Created
ZS 558 Part 1 13A plugs, sockets, adaptors and connection units: Part 1. Specifications for renewable and non-renewable 13A fused plugs 2006-12-29 Zambia Bureau of Standards Statutory Instrument no. 120 of 2006 09 July 2017
ZS 554: Fruit flavoured drinks –Specifications Prescribes the requirements and methods of test for fruit flavoured drinks. 2006-12-29 Zambia Bureau of Standards Statutory Instrument no. 120 of 2006 09 July 2017
ZS 429 Part 4: The Handling, Storage, and distribution of Liquefied petroleum Gas (LPG) in domestic, commercial, and Industrial installations. Part 4: Transportation of LPG in Bulk by Road - Code of Practice Contains recommendations for the design, construction, inspection, fittings and filling ratio of tanks used in the transportation of LPG in bulk by road, the design of vehicles and ancillary equipment, and operating practice. 2011-09-16 Zambia Bureau of Standards Statutory Instrument no. 104 of 2011 09 July 2017
ZS 371: 2008 (1st Revision) Road tank vehicles for petroleum - based flammable liquids - Specification. Specifies requirements for tank vehicles intended for use on public roads, for transportation, at temperature below their boiling point of normally stable petroleum -based flammable liquids. Flammable liquids other than hydrocarbons and excluded from this standard. 2011-09-16 Zambia Bureau of Standards Statutory Instrument no. 104 of 2011 09 July 2017
ZS 201: Specification for emulsion paints for interior and exterior use 2011-09-16 Zambia Bureau of Standards Statutory Instrument no. 104 of 2011 09 July 2017
ZS 189: Maize meal (Mealie meal) 2010-11-11 Zambia Bureau of Standards Statutory Instrument no. 102 of 2010 09 July 2017
ZS 073 Part 1 1987 Industrial safety footwear. Part 1: Specification for leather protective and safety footwear for general and heavy duty use. 2010-11-19 Zambia Bureau of Standards Statutory Instrument no. 102 of 2010 09 July 2017
ZS 547 Part 3 Lubricating Oils - Specifications Part 3: Industrial Gear Oils for Enclosed Gears 2011-04-08 Government Gazette Statutory Instrument No 32 of 2011 09 July 2017
ZS 547 Part 2 Lubricating Oils - Specifications Part 2: Industrial Gear Oils for open Gears 2011-04-08 Zambia Bureau of Standards Statutory Instrument No 32 of 2011 09 July 2017
ZS 547 Part 1 Lubricating Oils - Specifications Part1: Automotive Gear oils Specifies requirements for automotive gear oils for both automatic and manual transmissions, transaxles and axles operating under a variety of conditions of speed, load and gear types. 2011-04-08 Zambia Bureau of Standards Statutory Instrument No 32 of 2011 09 July 2017
ZS 547 Part 1 Lubricating Oils - Specifications Part 1: Automotive Gear oils 2011-04-08 Zambia Bureau of Standards Statutory Instrument No 32 of 2011 09 July 2017
TZS 1279:2010Fresh potato chips – Specification This measure specifies requirements and methods of sampling and test for deep fried potato chips ready for consumption 2011-07-28 Tanzania Bureau of Standards (TBS) TZS 1279:2010 06 July 2017
TZS 1278: 2010 Fresh potato tuber (ware potato tuber) – Specification Specifies the requirements for ware potato tuber of varieties (cultivars) grown from (Solanum tuberosum L.) and its hybrids to be supplied fresh and either packaged or sold loose for human consumption. It does not cover the requirements for potato tubers intended for industrial processing or seed potato tuber. 2011-07-28 Tanzania Bureau of Standards (TBS) TZS 1278;2010 06 July 2017
TZS 1277:2010 Cassava wheat composite flour – Specification Specifies the requirements and the methods of sampling and test for cassava-wheat composite. This standard does not apply to other composite flours from non wheat sources which may be used in different products. 2011-07-28 Tanzania Bureau of Standards (TBS) TZS 1277:2010 06 July 2017
TZS 1276:2010 Fresh sweet cassava – Specification Specifies requirements and methods of sampling and test for varieties of fresh sweet cassava roots of Manihot esculenta Crantz, of the Euphorbiaceae family, to be supplied to the consumer, intended for direct human consumption. Cassava roots intended for industrial processing is excluded. 0000-00-00 Tanzania Bureau of Standards (TBS) TZS 1276:2010 06 July 2017
TZS 1275 Cassava crisps – Specification Specifies requirements and methods of sampling and test for crisps made from sweet varieties of cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz). 2011-07-28 Tanzania Bureau of Standards (TBS) TZS 1275:2010 06 July 2017
TZS 1263:2010 Textiles – Woven bags from natural fibres – Specification Part: 3 Woven bags for sugar Specifies minimum requirements and other particulars of natural fibre bags made from jute, cotton or kenaf for the packaging of sugar. 2010-07-27 Tanzania Bureau of Standards TZS 1263:2010 05 June 2017
TZS 1263: Textiles-woven bags from natural fibres specification-Part 2; Bags to milled products Specifies the bag cloth and making-up requirements for woven bags made from natural fibres (excluding sisal) for packing and storage of milled products. 2010-07-27 Tanzania Bureau of Standards TZS 1263:2010 05 June 2017
TZS 1256:2010 Non cereal based alcoholic beverages-specification Specifies requirements and methods of sampling and test for non cereal based alcoholic beverages, produced by fermentation of soluble extracts of non cereal ingredients. The Standard does not include requirements for wines, ulanzi and roselle alcoholic drinks. 2010-07-27 Tanzania Bureau of Standards TZS 1256:2010 05 June 2017
TZS 1252: Stainless steel needle tubing for manufacture of medical device Specifies the dimensions, surface and mechanical properties of normal and thin-walled tubing of designated metric sizes 0.3 mm to 3.4 mm, and of extra-thin-walled tubing of designated metric sizes 0.6 mm to 2.1 mm. This Tanzania Standard does not specify stiffness properties for extra-thin-walled tubing of designated metric sizes 0.8 mm; 0.9 mm; 1.2 mm; 1.4 mm; 1.8 mm and 2.1 mm. It applies to rigid stainless steel needle tubing suitable for use in the manufacture of hypodermic needles and other medical devices primarily for human use. It does not apply to flexible stainless steel tubing because the mechanical properties differ from those specified for rigid tubing in this Tanzania Standard. However, manufacturers and purchasers of flexible tubing are encouraged to adopt the dimensional specifications given in this Tanzania Standard. 2010-07-27 Tanzania Bureau of Standards TZS 1252:2010 05 June 2017
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