
Page 46 of 140, showing 20 records out of 2786 total, starting on record 901, ending on 920

Title Description Implementation date Source Publication Created
Narcotic Drugs and psychotropic substances (control ) act 40 of 1994 An Act of Parliament to make provision with respect to the control of the possession of, and trafficking in, narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances and cultivation of certain plants; to provide for the forfeiture of property derived from, or used in, illicit traffic in narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances and for connected purposes 1994-08-20 National Authority for Campaign against Alcholol and Drug Abuse The Republic Of Kenya, Laws of Kenya NARCOTIC DRUGS AND PSYCHOTROPIC SUBSTANCES (CONTROL) ACT,CHAPTER 245 12 February 2016
Sstandards Act 17 of 1973 An Act of Parliament to promote the standardisation of the specification of commodities, and to provide for the standardisation of commodities and codes of practice; to establish a Kenya Bureau of Standards, to define its functions and provide for its management and control; and for matters incidental to, and connected with, the foregoing [Act No. 17 of 1973, Corr. No. 5/1974, L.N. 188/1974, Act No. 5 of 1980, L.N. 22/1984, Act No. 13 of 1988, Act No. 1 of 1989, Act No. 6 of 2001, Act No. 2 of 2002, Act No. 7 of 2002, Act No. 7 of 2004.] 1974-07-12 Kenya National council for Law/Kenya bureau of standards The Republic Of Kenya, Laws of Kenya. Standards Act, Cap 496 10 February 2016
Breast Milk Substitutes (Regulation and Control) NO. 34 OF 2012 An Act of Parliament to provide for appropriate marketing and distribution of breast milk substitutes; to provide for safe and adequate nutrition for infants through the promotion of breastfeeding and proper use of breast milk substitutes, where necessary, and for connected purposes 2012-12-17 Kenya National council for Law The Republic of Kenya, Laws of Kenya Breast Milk Substitutes (regulation and Control) No. 34 of 2012 20 January 2016
Animal Diseases Act 4 of 1965 An Act of Parliament to provide for matters relating to the diseases of animals [Act No. 4 of 1965, L.N.106/1965, Act No. 5 of 2007, Act No. 12 of 2012 1965-04-13 Kenya National council for Law The Republic Of Kenya, Laws of Kenya,[Rev. 2012] Animal Diseases CAP. 364 A15 - 3[Issue 1] CHAPTER 364 18 January 2016
AGRICULTURE AND FOOD AUTHORITY ACT An Act of Parliament to provide for the consolidation of the laws on the regulation and promotion of agriculture generally, to provide for the establishment of the Agriculture and Food Authority, to make provision for the respective roles of the national and county governments in agriculture excluding livestock and related matters in furtherance of the relevant provisions of the Fourth Schedule to the Constitution and for connected purposes 2013-01-14 National Council for Law Reporting with the Authority of the Attorney-General The Republic Of Kenya, Laws of Kenya 19 June 2019
AGRICULTURE, FISHERIES AND FOOD AUTHORITY ACT An Act of Parliament to provide for the consolidation of the laws on the regulation and promotion of agriculture generally, to provide for the establishment of the Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Authority, to make provision for the respective roles of the national and county governments in agriculture excluding livestock and related matters in furtherance of the relevant provisions of the Fourth Schedule to the Constitution and for connected purposes. 2013-01-14 National Council for Law Reporting with the Authority of the Attorney-General The Republic Of Kenya, Laws of Kenya 19 June 2019
Sugar Act 10 of 2001 An Act of Parliament to provide for the development, regulation and promotion of the sugar industry, to provide for the establishment, powers and functions of the Kenya Sugar Board, and for connected purposes [Act No. 10 of 2001, L.N. 47/2002.] 2002-04-01 Kenya National council for Law/kenya Sugar Board The Republic Of Kenya, Laws of Kenya CAP. 342 CHAPTER 342 SUGAR ACT.[Rev. 2012] 11 February 2016
THE SUGAR ACT, 2001 An ACT of Parliament to provide for the development, regulation and promotion of the sugar industry, to provide for the establishment, powers and functions of the Kenya Sugar Board, and for connected purposes. 2001-12-31 National council for Law The Republic Of Kenya, Laws of Kenya 20 June 2019
Export processing Zone Act 1990 An Act of Parliament to provide for the establishment of export processing zones and the Export Processing Zones Authority; to provide for the promotion and facilitation of export oriented investments and the development of enabling environment for such investment and for connected purposes [Act No. 12 of 1990, Act No. 14 of 1991, Act No. 7 of 1993, Act No. 11 of 1993, Act No. 6 of 1994, Act No. 8 of 1997, Act No. 5 of 1998, Act No. 4 of 1999, Act No. 9 of 2000, Act No. 6 of 2001, Act No. 4 of 2004, Act No. 7 of 2007.] 1990-11-23 Kenya National council for Law/export processing Zone authority The Republic Of Kenya, Laws of Kenya,Export Processing Zones CAP. 517 [Rev. 2012] 23 January 2016
Special Economic I Zones Act, 2015 AN ACT of Parliament to provide for the establishment of special economic zones; the promotion and facilitation of global and local investors; the development and management of enabling environment for such investments, and for connected purposes 2015-09-15 Special Economic Zone Authority/Government printer/National council for law reporting SPECIAL ISSUE Kenya Gazette Supplement No. 157 (Acts No. 16) REPUBLIC OF KENYA KENYA GANZETTE SUPPLEMENT Special Economic Zones No. 16 21 April 2016
AGRICULTURAL PRODUCE (EXPORT) ACT An Act of Parliament to provide for the grading and inspection of agricultural produce to be exported, and generally for the better regulation of the preparation and manufacture thereof. 2012-01-01 National council for Law The Republic Of Kenya, Laws of Kenya 19 June 2019
the Timber Act. An Act of Parliament to provide for the more effective control of the sale and export of timber; for the grading inspection and marking of timber; for control of the handling of timber in transit; and for matters incidental to and connected with the foregoing 1971-05-24 Kenya national council for law reporting CHAPTER 386 - Timber Act 31 January 2017
timber Act 14 of 1970 An Act of Parliament to provide for the more effective control of the sale and export of timber; for the grading, inspection and marking of timber; for control of the handling of timber in transit; and for matters incidental to and connected with the foregoing 1971-05-24 Kenya National council for Law/Kenya forest services LAWS OF KENYA TIMBER ACT CHAPTER 386 Revised Edition 2012 [1972] Published by the National Council for Law Reporting with the Authority of the Attorney-General 11 February 2016
WILDLIFE CONSERVATION AND MANAGEMENT (BIO-PROSPECTING) REGULATIONS, 2016 An Act of Parliament to provide for the protection, conservation, sustainable use and management of wildlife in Kenya and for connected purposes 2016-01-01 Ministry of Environment and Forestry THE WILDLIFE CONSERVATION AND MANAGEMENT ACT 19 June 2019
Biosafety Act of 2009 An Act of Parliament to regulate activities in genetically modified organisms, to establish the National Biosafety Authority, and for connected purposes 2009-02-12 National Biosafety Authority (Kenya) The Republic Of Kenya, Laws of Kenya biosafety Act chapter 321A 18 January 2016
Pest Control Products Act 4 of 1982 revised 2012/1985 An Act of Parliament to regulate the importation, exportation, manufacture, distribution and use of products used for the control of pests and of the organic function of plants and animals and for connected purposes [Act No. 4 of 1982, L.N. 89/1983, Act No. 6 of 2009. 1983-05-19 Pest control products Board/Attorney general The Republic Of Kenya, Laws of Kenya, pest control products, CAP 346 08 February 2016
The East African Community Customs Management Act, 2004 An act of the community to make provisions for management and administration of the customs and related matters 2005-01-01 East african Community secretariate/Government Printers, Nairobi The East African Community Customs Management 22 April 2016
Customs and Excise Act An Act providing for the administration, management and control of customs and excise, the imposition and collection of customs, excise and other duties and for matters connected therewith 1969-06-01 Malawi Revenue Authority 14 December 2015
Animal Improvement Act, 1998 (Act 62 of 1998) An act to provide for the breeding, identification and utilisation of genetically superior animals in order to improve the production and performance of animals in the interest of the Republic; and to provide for matters connected therewith. 1998-09-28 Department of Agriculture , Forestry and Fishery Government Gazette No. 19292 of 28 September 1998 18 June 2016
Inland Fisheries Resources Act, 2003 An ACT to Act to provide for the conservation and protection of aquatic ecosystems and the sustainable development of inland fisheries resources; to provide for the control and regulation of inland fishing; and to provide for related matters. 2003-06-06 Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources Inland Fisheries Resources Act, 2003 07 August 2023
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