
Page 47 of 140, showing 20 records out of 2786 total, starting on record 921, ending on 940

Title Description Implementation date Source Publication Created
Road Traffic Act An Act to amend and consolidate the law relating to road traffic and vehicles in Malawi and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto 1998-01-15 Department of Road Traffic (Road Traffic Directorate), Ministry of Transport and Public Works Road Traffic Act 16 December 2015
The Wildlife and National Parks Act 1993 An Act To amend and consolidate the law relating to the conservation and management of wildlife and to provide for the preservation of National Parks 1994-03-01 Attorney General The Wildlife and National Parks Act 1993 13 May 2016
Firearms Act 1970 An Act to amend and consolidate the law relating to the regulation,control, manufacture, import, export, sale, repair, storage and possession of firearms and ammunition and for other matters connected therewith. 1970-12-01 Office of the president CHAPTER 299 THE FIREARMS ACT 18 April 2016
Tobacco Act 1970 An Act to amend and to consolidate the law relating to the production, manufacture and marketing of tobacco and matters incidental thereto 1970-08-24 Ministry of Health (Malawi) Tobacco Act 1970 18 December 2015
Agriculture (Fertilisers and Feed) (Amendment) 2010 An Act to amend the Agriculture (Fertilisers and Feed) Act. Act to provide for the regulation and control of the manufacture, processing, importation and sale of agricultural fertilisers: to provide for minimum standards of effectiveness and purity of such fertilisers: and to provide for matters connected with, or incidental to, the foregoing. 2010-08-16 Government of Zambia, Laws THE AGRICULTURE (FERTILISERS AND FEED) ACT 06 June 2020
Electricity Supply (Amendment) Act, 2007 An Act to amend the Electricity Supply Act to authorise the creation and licensing of independent producers and suppliers of electricity, and generally for taking measures conducive to the development and promotion of the electricity supply industry, and to provide for matters connected with or incidental thereto. 2007-12-24 Ministry of Minerals, Energy and Water Resources Laws of Botswana Chapter 73:01 Electricity Supply 11 March 2016
The Uganda National Buraeu of standards (Ammendment) Act, 2013 An act to amend the Uganda National Bureau of standards Act to reduce the number of members of the council to provide for the term of service for members; to provide for determination of penalties for offenses under the Act;to provide immunity to officers of the Bureau for acts done in good faith; to empower the Bureau to administer the weights and measures Act; to empower the director to suspend or seize or to destroy perishable goods not in compliance with national standards and detrimental to health and safety of consumers; to empower the minister to ban commodities, products and process detrimental to the health and safety of consumers and regulations and for related matters 2013-10-11 Uganda National Bureau of Standards Acts Supplement NO 5; The Uganda Gazette No 51 Volume 51 CVI dated 11/10/2013 , printed by UPPC, by order of Government: Uganda National Bureau of Standards Act 14 April 2016
The Uganda National Bureau of standards (Amendment) Act, 2013 An act to amend the Uganda National Bureau of standards Act to reduce the number of members of the council; to provide for the terms of service for members; to provide for deterrent penalties for offences under the Act; to provide immunity to officers of the bureau for Acts done in good faith; to empower the bureau to administer the weights and measures Act; to empower the director to suspend or seizure premises for non-compliance with national standards or to destroy perishable goods not in compliance with national standards and dentrimental to health and safety of consumers; to empower the minister to ban commodities, products and process dentrimental to the health and safety of consumers and regulations and for related matters. 2013-10-11 Uganda National Bureau of Standards Acts Supplement No 5 The Uganda Gazette No 51 Volume 51CVI Dated 11/10/2013 Printed by UPPC, by order of the Government Uganda : The Uganda National Bureau of standards (Amendment) Act, 2013 21 April 2016
Dairy Industry Act, 1961 An ACT to consolidate and amend the laws relating to the registration of dairy premises, the marking of dairy produce and the regulation of certain other matters in connection with the dairy industry and to amend the Dairy Industry Control Act, 1930. 1972-06-16 Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Forestry Dairy Industry Act, 1961 06 August 2023
Hides and skin Trade Act An Act to consolidate the law relating to the trade in hides and skins. 1951-12-06 commissioner of livestock and entomology CHAPTER 89 THE HIDE AND SKIN TRADE ACT. 19 April 2016
Explosives Act, 1956 An ACT to consolidate the laws relating to the manufacture, storage, sale, transport, importation, exportation and the use of explosives. 1972-06-21 Ministry of Home Affairs, Immigration, Safety and Security Explosives Act, 1956 03 August 2023
Narcotics Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act An Act to continue the Drug Enforcement Commission; revise and consolidate the law relating to narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances; incorporate into Zambian law certain international Conventions governing illicit drugs and psychotropic substances; control the importation, exportation, production, possession, sale, distribution and use of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances; provide for the seizure and forfeiture of property relating to, or connected with, unlawful activities involving narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances; repeal the Dangerous Drugs (Forfeiture of Property) Act, 1989; and provide for matters connected with or incidental to the foregoing. 1993-09-08 Government of Zambia, Laws NARCOTIC DRUGS AND PSYCHOTROPIC SUBSTANCES ACT 16 August 2020
Competition and Consumer Protection Act. An act to continue the existence of the Zambia Competition Commission and re-name it as the Competition and Consumer Protection Commission; safeguard and promote competition; protect consumers against unfair trade practices; provide for the establishment of the Competition and Consumer Protection Tribunal; repeal and replace the Competition and Fair Trading Act, 1994; and provide for matters connected with, or incidental to, the foregoing 2010-10-08 Government of Zambia, Laws Competition and Consumer Protection Act 03 July 2020
Metrology Act 2017 An Act to continue the existence of the Zambia Weights and Measures Agency, rename it as the Zambia Metrology Agency and re-define its functions; establish the Board of the Agency and provide for its functions; provide for the designation, keeping and maintenance of national measurement standards; provide for the use of measurement units of the International System of Units and other units; provide for consumer protection, health, safety and environmental management through legal metrology measures; repeal the Weights and Measures Act, 1994; and provide for matters connected with, or incidental to, the foregoing. 2017-04-13 Government of Zambia, Laws Metrology Act, 2017 28 June 2020
Illicit Traffic in Narcotics and Psychotropic Act, 2018 An Act to domesticate United Nations Conventions against illicit traffic in narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances and to provide for matters connected therewith and incidental thereto. 2018-06-29 Ministry of Health (Botswana) Laws of Botswana Chapter 50:1 27 July 2023
Food Control Act An Act to ensure the provision of clean, safe and wholesome food to consumers. 1993-09-03 Attorney General’s Chambers Laws of Botswana Chapter 65:05 Food Control 11 March 2016
THE NATIONAL DRUG POLICY AND AUTHORITY ACT An Act to establish a national drug policy and a national drug authority to ensure the availability, at all times, of essential,efficacious and cost-effective drugs to the entire population of Uganda, as a means of providing satisfactory health care and safeguarding the appropriate use of drugs 1993-12-03 THE NATIONAL DRUG POLICY AND AUTHORITY CHAPTER 206 THE NATIONAL DRUG POLICY AND AUTHORITY ACT. 21 April 2016
THE NATIONAL DRUG POLICY AND AUTHORITY ACT An Act to establish a national drug policy and a national drug authority to ensure the availability, at all times, of essential,efficacious and cost-effective drugs to the entire population of Uganda, as a means of providing satisfactory health care and safeguarding the appropriate use of drugs 1993-12-03 THE NATIONAL DRUG POLICY AND AUTHORITY CHAPTER 206 THE NATIONAL DRUG POLICY AND AUTHORITY ACT. 21 April 2016
Tobacco Products Control Act, 2010 An ACT to establish a Tobacco Products Control Committee to advise the Minister on matters relating to the use of tobacco products; to provide for the constitution, powers, duties and functions of the Committee; to provide for the reduction of demand for and supply of tobacco products; to provide for protection from exposure to tobacco smoke; to provide for the establishment of the Tobacco Products Control Fund; to provide for matters relating to the enforcement of the Act; and to provide for matters incidental thereto. 2014-04-01 Ministry of Health and Social Services Tobacco Products Control Act, 2010 06 August 2023
Weights and Measures ( Amendment) Act 2003 An Act to establish standards of weights and measures based on the metric system; to provide for enforcement of the standards of weights and measures; to repeal the Weights and Measures Act and the Metric Systems Act; and to provide for matters incidental to or connected with the foregoing. 2003-01-01 The Zambia Weights and Measures Agency Statutory Insreument 7 of 1983,Registered designs (Appeals) Rules 14 April 2016
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