
Page 86 of 140, showing 20 records out of 2786 total, starting on record 1701, ending on 1720

Title Description Implementation date Source Publication Created
The Tanzania Food, Drugs and Cosmetics ( Registration of Foods) Regulations , 2011 2011-06-27 Ministry of Health/Tanzania Food and Drugs Authority (TFDA) Tanzania Food, Drug and Cosmetics (Registration of Foods); Government Notice No. 207 18 June 2018
The Tanzania Food, Drugs And Cosmetics (Recall, Handling And Disposal Of Unfit Medicines And Cosmetics) Regulations, 2015 2015-07-31 Ministry of Health/Tanzania Food and Drugs Authority (TFDA) The Tanzania Food, Drugs And Cosmetics (Recall, Handling And Disposal Of Unfit Medicines And Cosmetics) Regulations, 2015 GN. No. 313 19 June 2018
The Zanzibar Food, Drugs and Cosmetics Act 2006 2007-01-26 Ministry of Health Zanzibar/ Zanzibar Food and Drug Agency- ZFDA The Zanzibar Food, Drugs and Cosmetics ACT, NO.2 OF 2006 19 June 2018
The Zanzibar Food, Drugs and Cosmetics ( Iodated Salt ) Regulations, 2009 2009-07-01 Ministry of Health Zanzibar/ Zanzibar Food and Drug Agency- ZFDA THE ZANZIBAR FOOD, DRUGS AND COSMETICS (IODATED SALT) REGULATIONS, 2009 19 June 2018
Regulations Made in Terms Of Tobacco Products Control Act 1 of 2010. 2014-03-27 Ministry of Health and Social Services Regulations Made in Terms Of Tobacco Products Control Act 1 of 2010. 05 August 2023
Regulations Made in Terms Of Tobacco Products Control Act 1 of 2010. 2014-03-27 Ministry of Health and Social Services Regulations Made in Terms Of Tobacco Products Control Act 1 of 2010. 05 August 2023
Foodstuffs, Cosmetics and Disinfectants Ordinance, 1979. ORDINANCE to control the sale, manufacture and importation of foodstuffs, cosmetics and disinfectants; and to provide for incidental matters. 1979-08-27 Ministry of Health and Social Services Foodstuffs, Cosmetics and Disinfectants Ordinance, 1979. 06 August 2023
Tobacco Products Control Act, 2010 An ACT to establish a Tobacco Products Control Committee to advise the Minister on matters relating to the use of tobacco products; to provide for the constitution, powers, duties and functions of the Committee; to provide for the reduction of demand for and supply of tobacco products; to provide for protection from exposure to tobacco smoke; to provide for the establishment of the Tobacco Products Control Fund; to provide for matters relating to the enforcement of the Act; and to provide for matters incidental thereto. 2014-04-01 Ministry of Health and Social Services Tobacco Products Control Act, 2010 06 August 2023
Hazardous Substances Ordinance, 1974. ORDINANCE to provide for the control of substances which may cause injury or ill-health to or death of human beings by reason of their toxic, corrosive, irritant, strongly sensitizing or flammable nature or the generation of pressure thereby in certain circumstances; to provide for the division of such substances into groups in relation to the degree of danger; to provide for the prohibition and control of the importation, manufacture, sale, use, operation, application, modification, disposal or dumping of such substances; and to provide for matters connected therewith. 1974-08-01 Ministry of Health and Social Services Hazardous Substances Ordinance, 1974. 07 August 2023
Dangerous Chemicals Control (Fees) Regulations 2005 2005-03-21 Ministry of Health and Quality of Life (Mauritius) Dangerous Chemicals Control (Fees) Regulations 2005 26 December 2015
Dangerous Chemicals Control Act 2004 An Act to provide for the prevention of damage to health and to the environment caused by dangerous chemicals and for better protection of the workers, members of the public and the environment against dangerous chemicals 2004-07-06 Ministry of Health and Quality of Life (Mauritius) Dangerous Chemicals Control Act 2004 25 December 2015
Food Regulations 1999 1999-12-08 Ministry of Health and Quality of Life (Mauritius) Government Notice 173 of 1999 01 January 2016
THE FOOD ACT 1998 2000-01-01 Ministry of Health and Quality of Life (Mauritius) Legal supplement to the Government Gazette of Mauritius No. 64 of 13 June 1998 31 January 2016
Food and Food Standards (Meat and Preparations of Meat) Regulations, 1975 Regulations on food and food standards with reference to meat and preparations of meat 1975-08-01 Ministry of Health and Child Care Rhodesia Government Notice No. 82 of 1975 03 December 2015
Food and Food Standards (Alcoholic Beverages) Regulations, 2001 Regulations on alcoholic beverages 2011-02-28 Ministry of Health and Child Care Statutory Instrument 6 of 2014. 08 December 2015
Food and Food Standards (Baking Powder) Regulations, 1990 Regulations on beverages 1990-09-18 Ministry of Health and Child Care Statutory Instrument 228 of 1990 10 December 2015
Food and Food Standards (Canned and Powdered Soups) Regulations, 1990 Regulations on canned and powdered soups which are sold or manufactured for sale in Zimbabwe. 1990-09-14 Ministry of Health and Child Care Statutory Instrument 227 of 1990 10 December 2015
Medicines and Allied Substances Control (Import and Export of Medicines) Regulations, 2008 Regulations on import and export of medicines 2008-07-01 Ministry of Health and Child Care Statutory Instrument 57 of 2008 11 December 2015
Public Health (Control of Tobacco) Regulations, 2002 Public health regulations with a focus on the control of tobacco 2002-10-31 Ministry of Health and Child Care Statutory Instrument 264 of 2002 12 December 2015
Food and Food Standards (Pasta Products) Regulations, 1991 Regulations on pasta products 0000-00-00 Ministry of Health and Child Care Statutory Instrument 149 of 1991 14 December 2015
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