Complaint number |
NTB Type
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Date of incident |
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NTB-000-492 |
7.5. Lengthy procedures |
2012-03-01 |
South Africa: transit in south Africa |
Zambia |
Resolved 2017-01-17 |
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A private show company has made a complaint regarding the custom stoppages in South Africa.
The Company imports products from Durban and transit through South Africa, the company has been informed that their trucks will be undergoing a tunnel for physical inspections of goods in transit.
The company however, feel that this exercise is detrimental to their business as it is slow and will delay the arrival of goods and attract extra charges. The Company wonders why the good in transit should be stopped by customs/ police for inspections. |
Resolution status note:
On 29th December, Zambia Focal Point advised that they had contacted the complainant who confirmed that the problem had been rectified. |
NTB-000-557 |
2.10. Inadequate or unreasonable customs procedures and charges |
2012-03-01 |
Zimbabwe: Kariba |
Zimbabwe |
Resolved 2013-05-27 |
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We would appreciate of Zimra can starndize their operations for duty purposes from the onset of STR project CIF (cost insurence freight) was not charged on on all STR goods, but as of now CIF is being charged, 6% is charged on the total value of a consingment, example plastic spoons costing K1400000.00=$280.00 plus 6% comes to $296.80 if cif was not charged the trader was going to pay $70.00 as vat & p-tax but including cif the trader pays $74.20 we know Zimra is government agent for revenue collection but this must be clear, because some officers, they do not charge this 6% cif and all the borders namely Kariba,Chirundu, Victoria Falls and Nyamapanda they charge differently why not uniformity, |
Resolution status note:
On 27 May 2013, Zimbabwe Revenue Authority advised that the correct method to value commercial consignments imported into Zimbabwe is on a Cost, Insurance and Freight (CIF) basis. Simplified Trade Regime (STR) importations are commercial importations and therefore this method is applicable. The current practice to value STR goods on a CIF basis is therefore the correct approach. Where the insurance and transport has not been proved the Customs and Excise Act (Chapter 23:02) of Zimbabwe provides for 1% and 5% of the value the consignment to make it 6% to be considered as the charges respectively. Guidelines on valuation would be recirculated to all stations. |
NTB-000-498 |
8.5. Infrastructure (Air, Port, Rail, Road, Border Posts,) |
2012-03-14 |
Kenya: Mombasa sea port |
Rwanda |
Resolved 2014-12-11 |
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Congestion in the Dar-es- Salaam and Mombasa Ports |
Resolution status note:
At the 16th EAC regional forum on non tariff barriers held in Kigali in December 2014, EAC Secretariat reported that the ports of Mombasa and Dar Es Salaam are implementing National single window system to redress delays at the ports. This NTB is therefore resolved |
NTB-000-499 |
8.7. Costly Road user charges /fees |
2012-03-14 |
Tanzania |
Resolved 2022-06-14 |
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Non-harmonized road user charges / road tolls in EAC Partner States. |
Resolution status note:
On 14 June 2022 the EAC Secretariat reported that the SCTIFI meeting agreed that this is not an NTB since RUC is not harmonized in all EAC Partner States. The complaint is removed from the TBP |
NTB-000-500 |
8.8. Issues related to transit |
2012-03-14 |
Tanzania: Along MAjor highways |
Rwanda |
Resolved 2015-11-30 |
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Weighing of empty trucks in Tanzania |
Resolution status note:
Tanzania introduced weighing in motion |
NTB-000-501 |
2.9. Issues related to transit fees |
2012-03-14 |
Kenya: Busia |
Uganda |
Resolved 2013-12-05 |
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Delays in issuing bonds at Kenya border with Uganda for tea meant for auction in Mombasa |
Resolution status note:
On 5 December 2013 Kenya Focal Point reported that the NTB had been resolved. The Republic of Kenya had over the last two years taken various measures to address all challenges faced by traders along the northern transport corridor some under the presidential directives and committees to resolve all barriers to trade.
Kenya focal point requested that the Republic of Uganda provide an update on the currentsituation to clarify whether it was an issue of delay and if so, what is the current experience? |
NTB-000-502 |
8.5. Infrastructure (Air, Port, Rail, Road, Border Posts,) |
2012-03-14 |
Kenya: Malaba |
Rwanda |
Resolved 2012-09-28 |
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Delays at Malaba border for trucks driving to Uganda due to lack of facilities at the border |
Resolution status note:
The Focal points for Kenya and Rwanda reported that the scope of facilities reported missing at malaba include Air, Port, Rail, Road, Border Posts facilities and therefore making it quite difficult to address the NTB. It was therefore recommended that the NTB be removed from the system and any folow up complaint should be be reported accurately to reflect the true position of operations at the border in reference. Border posts facilities at Malaba are in place and operational. |
NTB-000-503 |
2.7. International taxes and charges levied on imports and other tariff measures Policy/Regulatory |
2012-03-14 |
Kenya: Kenya Revenue Authority |
Uganda |
Resolved 2012-08-24 |
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Kenya has introduced Cash Bond on used clothes and shoes / other items considered of high value |
Resolution status note:
During the 7th EAC forum Kenya reported that the Cash Bonds on used shoes and clothes was been abolished as recommended by the Mombasa Ministerial meeting on NTBs in March 2012 |
NTB-000-504 |
2.6. Additional taxes and other charges |
2012-03-14 |
Kenya: Kenya Revenue Authority |
Uganda |
Resolved 2013-12-05 |
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Kenya has introduced Customs warehouse rent that starts after the release of cargo manifest. |
Resolution status note:
On 5 December 2013, Kenya focal point reported that this issue was resolved with the signing of Service Level Agreement between the Kenya Ports Authority and the Container Freight Stations. This ensures that there is no double or additional charges |
NTB-000-505 |
8.2. Administrative (Border Operating Hours, delays at border posts, etc.) |
2012-03-14 |
Kenya: Kenya Revenue Authority |
Uganda |
Resolved 2013-12-05 |
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Requirement by KRA for transporters to have introductory letters from URA on certain products / consignments, e.g. tyres and spirits. |
Resolution status note:
On 5 December 2013, Kenya focal point reported that this NTB had been resolved. Kenya Revenue Authority issued a notice to all Transporters , shipping agents, clearing and forwarding agents on the electronic cargo tracking systems as the principal systems for monitoring the movement of cargo under customs territory and all stakeholders were expected to comply by 31st January 2014 .
The Vehicles that are fitted with Electronic Cargo Tracking Systems WOULD:
1. Get waiver of TGL fees
2. Be able to carry goods on transfer to other partner states and within Kenya subject to approval
3. Enjoy the priority loading at the all customs areas and
4. Move without customs escort through the Northern corridor.
Transporters and shipping lines and agents are now allowed to carry goods along the corridor without challenges previously affecting them. |
NTB-000-506 |
1.1. Export subsidies Policy/Regulatory |
2012-03-14 |
Kenya: Kenya Plant Health Inspectorate Services |
Tanzania |
Resolved 2014-12-11 |
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Delays by Partner States to harmonize SPS protocol has resulted in cut-flower from Tanzania for re-exports to Europe and Russia blocked by Kenya. |
Resolution status note:
At the 16th EAC regional forum on non tariff barriers held in Kigali in December 2014, Kenya reported that the blockage had been lifted. This NTB is therefore resolved. |
NTB-000-507 |
2.3. Issues related to the rules of origin |
2012-03-14 |
Kenya |
Resolved 2014-12-11 |
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Lack of recognition of CTH criteria in the EAC Rules of Origin for motor vehicles by Tanzania, Uganda and Rwanda |
Resolution status note:
At the 16th NTBs forum held in Kigali in December 2014, EAC Secretariat reported that Partner States are now recognizing EAC rules of origin. This NTB is therefore resolved. |
NTB-000-508 |
8.7. Costly Road user charges /fees |
2012-03-14 |
Tanzania: Tanzania Revenue Authority |
Kenya |
Resolved 2013-10-17 |
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Kenyan Trucks entering into Tanzania are charged a levy of US$ 200 each |
Resolution status note:
At the Tripartite NTBs Online Reporting, Monitoring and Eliminating Mechanism Meeting to Launch the SMS Reporting Tool held from 9-10 April 2013 in Lusaka, Zambia, Tanzania reported that the $200 Charged on all Tracks entering Tanzania had been abolished abolished effectively from June 2012 and instructions had been sent to all posts to stop charging this levy. |
NTB-000-508 |
8.7. Costly Road user charges /fees |
2012-03-14 |
Tanzania: Tanzania Revenue Authority |
Kenya |
Resolved 2013-10-17 |
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Kenyan Trucks entering into Tanzania are charged a levy of US$ 200 each |
Resolution status note:
At the 12th Regional Forum on NTBs held from 14th – 17th, October 2013, at EAC Headquarters, Arusha, Tanzania, and United Republic of Tanzania reported that the USD 200 levy on Kenya trucks was abolished in June, 2012. |
NTB-000-509 |
2.3. Issues related to the rules of origin |
2012-03-14 |
Tanzania: Tanzania Revenue Authority |
Kenya |
Resolved 2012-05-21 |
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Lack of availability of EAC simplified certificate of origin issued by Tanzania |
Resolution status note:
On 21 may 2012, Tanzania reporterd that, the Simplified Certificates of Origin had been posted to all TRA regional managers, district managers and officer in charge of all border stations as at Friday 18th May, 2012. |
NTB-000-510 |
2.3. Issues related to the rules of origin |
2012-03-14 |
Tanzania: Tanzania Revenue Authority |
Kenya |
Resolved 2012-05-15 |
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Cigarettes manufactured in Kenya exported to Tanzania required to have a local 75% tobacco content. |
Resolution status note:
During the EAC Dedicated meeting on Non tariff Barriers held in Mombasa on 14th March 2012, Tanzania reported that the requirement for 75% local content for BAT cigarrets had been abolished and therefore the NTB is resolved. |
NTB-000-511 |
8.1. Government Policy and regulations |
2012-03-14 |
Tanzania: Ministry of Transport |
Kenya |
Resolved 2012-06-01 |
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Kenya tourist vans are not allowed to enter Tanzania. They are required to off load tourists to Tanzania registered vans. |
Resolution status note:
On 1 June 2012, Tanzania reported that, Tourist vans from Kenya are allowed to enter into Tanzania as foreign vans provided they have C32 formerly known as C36. A van carrying below 9 passengers are allowed free for 7 days. Van with 10 and above passengers are categorized as commercial vans and required as per Transit Act, 1995 to pay US$ 16 per axles in every 100 kms.
Tanzania advises Partner states to adhere to requirements for entry into another Partner State to avoid delays and inconveniences. Tourist vans should make sure they check all requirements and have fulfilled them before they set off for Tanzania. |
NTB-000-493 |
8.7. Costly Road user charges /fees Policy/Regulatory |
2012-04-16 |
South Africa: Gauteng |
South Africa |
Resolved 2013-05-23 |
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Note: This is not reported by South Africa, but by FESARTA; a sub-regional organization.
The South African National Roads Agency, SANRAL, is planning to introduce new toll fees on its upgraded Gauteng freeways (E-tolls). The proposed fees are in excess of fees agreed at regional level, viz:
In 2007, the SADC-recommended road user charge for South Africa, was US$2.92/100kms, for a heavy goods vehicle. In 2009, this was revised to US$3.46/100kms. These recommended figures were calculated from the road maintenance data submitted to SADC by South Africa in those years.
On its busiest freeway, the N3 from Durban to Gauteng, the 2012 toll fees charged by SANRAL amount to approximately US$13/100kms. This is far in excess of the fees recommended by SADC.
Now, SANRAL is proposing to charge around US$19/100kms for the use of the Gauteng freeways by a heavy goods vehicle.
It is considered that these fees are excessively high and will unnecessarily add to the cost of goods to the consumer in the East and Southern African region. |
Resolution status note:
At its 11th meeting of the SADC Sub -Committee on Trade Facilitation held on 23 May 2013 in Gaborone, SCTF noted that the report was based on toll fees that were not yet implemented. As such traders are not affected. It was agreed that matter be filed until such time that the fees are effected |
NTB-000-494 |
2.3. Issues related to the rules of origin |
2012-04-17 |
Tanzania: Namanga |
Kenya |
Resolved 2013-04-10 |
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Furniture International Ltd had reported in 5th April that locally manufactured furniture in Kenya with an EAC certificate of origin have been stuck in Namanga borders for more than two weeks that means in mid March. The company ended up paying full duties and incurred a loss of more than US$ 3,000. Three is need for mutual recognition between TRA and KRA in regard to certificates of origin since for example the case cited goods were clearly marked made in Kenya. |
Resolution status note:
At the Tripartite NTBs Online Reporting, Monitoring and Eliminating Mechanism Meeting to Launch the SMS Reporting Tool held from 9-10 April 2013 in Lusaka, Zambia, Tanzania reported that this was a once off incident which has been corrected. |
NTB-000-513 |
1.14. Lack of coordination between government institutions |
2012-04-19 |
Zambia: Livingstone |
Mozambique |
Resolved 2013-04-10 |
View |
Zambian Ministry of Public Works has different operating hours compared to other border agents. On the 19th of April I got to the border at 6:30pm was cleared by both Immigration and Customs but was told that I would have to return to the border the next day because the Public Works officer had already left and I could not continue my trip without pay the toll fee.
When I enquired about this officer's working hours I was told that he left between 4 and 5pm but the border only closes at 10 pm (if memory serves me right). |
Resolution status note:
At the Tripartite NTBs Online Reporting, Monitoring and Eliminating Mechanism Meeting to Launch the SMS Reporting Tool held from 9-10 April 2013 in Lusaka, Zambia, Zambia reported that the differences in the working hours for the different agencies had been brought to their attention and that all border agencies operate at the same operating hours. |