120. Baking powder -
(a) shall be a mixture of sodium bicarbonate with cream of tartar, tartaric acid, acid phosphate or sodium aluminium phosphate or any combination of these without any farinaceous substance;
(b) shall yield not less than 10% of carbon dioxide; and
(c) may contain permitted colouring substance.
Applied by Mauritius on the entire world for 8711: Motorcycles (including mopeds) and cycles fitted with an auxiliary motor, with or without side-cars; side-cars.
Applied by Malawi on the entire world for 3102.29.00: Mineral or chemical fertilisers,nitrogenous: Ammonium sulphate; double saltsand mixtures of ammonium sulphateand ammonium nitrate: Other
A: Protection of human life and health and C: Protection of life and health of plants
Description of the measure
Contains requirements (General, chemical requirements), sampling requirements, tests requirements, compliance requirements, packing and marking, certificate of analysis, storage and handling
Reference of the measure
Clauses 3-9
Measure also domestic
Products affected by the measure.
Partial coverage
Partial coverage indication
Date in
Date out
Mineral or chemical fertilisers,nitrogenous: Ammonium sulphate; double saltsand mixtures of ammonium sulphateand ammonium nitrate: Other
A: Protection of human life and health, B: Protection of life and health of animals, C: Protection of life and health of plants and E: Protection of the environment
Description of the measure
Requirements on tank capacities, materials, construction, manhole fittings, tank fittings, design, tank testing, surface treatment, information to be supplied by a purchaser, markings, site allowances.
Reference of the measure
Clauses 5-9
Measure also domestic
Products affected by the measure.
Partial coverage
Partial coverage indication
Date in
Date out
Containers for compressed or liquefied gas, of iron or steel.
above-ground non-pressurized horizontal cylindrical steel storage tanks for petroleum products
Applied by Malawi on the entire world for 2520: Gypsum; anhydrite; plasters (consisting of calcined gypsum or calcium sulphate) whether or not coloured, with or without small quantities of accelerators or retarders.
Requirements (colours, shape, dimensions, finish, writing qualities and freedom from grit, Transverse breaking strength, pressure of hard particles, moisture content, calcium sulphate content, arsenic and lead), packing and marking, conditions for acceptance and sampling
Reference of the measure
Clauses 3-5
Measure also domestic
Products affected by the measure.
Partial coverage
Partial coverage indication
Date in
Date out
Gypsum; anhydrite; plasters (consisting of calcined gypsum or calcium sulphate) whether or not coloured, with or without small quantities of accelerators or retarders.
Requirements for working conditions, tank capacities, materials, construction,manhole fittings, tank testing, surface treatment, information to be supplied by the purchaser, site allowances.
Reference of the measure
Clauses 3-9
Measure also domestic
Products affected by the measure.
Petroleum Industry-Underground non-pressurised horizontal storage tanks – Manufacturing and testing
Essential composition and quality factors (Raw materials, colour, odour and taste, physical and chemical requirements for edible oils), fortification, fortification requirements during marketing, specification for Vitamin A premix addition levels, Food additives, microbiological limits, contaminants, food hygiene, packaging and labbeling
Applied by Malawi on the entire world for 85: Electrical machinery and equipment and parts thereof; sound recorders and reproducers, television image and sound recorders and reproducers, and parts and accessories of such articles
Constructional requirements (mechanical execution of work, safety and service, mechanical strength, protection, screws and bolts, rough edges and burns, sealing compounds, bases for mounting live parts, materials, exposure of live parts, pins and spring contacts, earthing, chord entry and anchorage, socket and outlet adaptors, rubber plugs, fuses, switches), Electrical and physical requirements, marking.
Applied by Malawi on the entire world for 3002.30.00: Human blood; animal bloodprepared for therapeutic,prophylactic or diagnostic uses;antisera, other blood fractionsand immunological products,whether or not modified or obtainedby means of biotechnologicalprocesses; vaccines, toxins,cultures of m, 3808.50.00: Insecticides, rodenticides,fungicides, herbicides, anti-sprouting products and plant-growth regulators, disinfectantsand similar products, put up informs or packings for retail saleor as preparations or articles (forexample, sulphur-treated ban, 3808.91.00: Insecticides, rodenticides,fungicides, herbicides, anti-sprouting products and plant-growth regulators, disinfectantsand similar products, put up informs or packings for retail saleor as preparations or articles (forexample, sulphur-treated ban, 3808.92.00: Insecticides, rodenticides,fungicides, herbicides, anti-sprouting products and plant-growth regulators, disinfectantsand similar products, put up informs or packings for retail saleor as preparations or articles (forexample, sulphur-treated ban, 3808.93.00: Insecticides, rodenticides,fungicides, herbicides, anti-sprouting products and plant-growth regulators, disinfectantsand similar products, put up informs or packings for retail saleor as preparations or articles (forexample, sulphur-treated ban, 3808.94.00: Insecticides, rodenticides,fungicides, herbicides, anti-sprouting products and plant-growth regulators, disinfectantsand similar products, put up informs or packings for retail saleor as preparations or articles (forexample, sulphur-treated ban and 3808.99.00: Insecticides, rodenticides,fungicides, herbicides, anti-sprouting products and plant-growth regulators, disinfectantsand similar products, put up informs or packings for retail saleor as preparations or articles (forexample, sulphur-treated ban
"No person shall import, sell or distribute any remedy unless - (d) it is of the composition, efficacy, fineness and purity specified in the application for its registration, and possesses all other properties specified in such application:
Provided that any remedy shall be deemed to comply with paragraph (d) if its composition varies within such limits as may be prescribed.
Reference of the measure
Paragraph 3(d)
Measure also domestic
Products affected by the measure.
Partial coverage
Partial coverage indication
Date in
Date out
Human blood; animal bloodprepared for therapeutic,prophylactic or diagnostic uses;antisera, other blood fractionsand immunological products,whether or not modified or obtainedby means of biotechnologicalprocesses; vaccines, toxins,cultures of m
Insecticides, rodenticides,fungicides, herbicides, anti-sprouting products and plant-growth regulators, disinfectantsand similar products, put up informs or packings for retail saleor as preparations or articles (forexample, sulphur-treated ban
Insecticides, rodenticides,fungicides, herbicides, anti-sprouting products and plant-growth regulators, disinfectantsand similar products, put up informs or packings for retail saleor as preparations or articles (forexample, sulphur-treated ban
Insecticides, rodenticides,fungicides, herbicides, anti-sprouting products and plant-growth regulators, disinfectantsand similar products, put up informs or packings for retail saleor as preparations or articles (forexample, sulphur-treated ban
Insecticides, rodenticides,fungicides, herbicides, anti-sprouting products and plant-growth regulators, disinfectantsand similar products, put up informs or packings for retail saleor as preparations or articles (forexample, sulphur-treated ban
Insecticides, rodenticides,fungicides, herbicides, anti-sprouting products and plant-growth regulators, disinfectantsand similar products, put up informs or packings for retail saleor as preparations or articles (forexample, sulphur-treated ban
Insecticides, rodenticides,fungicides, herbicides, anti-sprouting products and plant-growth regulators, disinfectantsand similar products, put up informs or packings for retail saleor as preparations or articles (forexample, sulphur-treated ban
'“remedy” means any substance which is intended or offered—
(a) for the destruction of any noxious plant or insect;or
(b) in regard to poultry, domestic animals, livestock or plants, for the prevention, treatment or cure of any disease, infestation or other unhealthy or unfavourable condition, or for the maintenance of health, but does not include any substance prescribed by a veterinarian for a specific patient or group of patients;'
Applied by Malawi on the entire world for 3101.00.00: Animal or vegetable fertilisers,whether or not mixed together orchemically treated; fertilisersproduced by the mixing or chemicaltreatment of animal or vegetableproducts, 3102.10.00: Mineral or chemical fertilisers,nitrogenous: Urea, whether or not in aqueoussolution, 3102.21.00: Mineral or chemical fertilisers,nitrogenous: Ammonium sulphate; double saltsand mixtures of ammonium sulphateand ammonium nitrate: Ammonium sulphate, 3102.29.00: Mineral or chemical fertilisers,nitrogenous: Ammonium sulphate; double saltsand mixtures of ammonium sulphateand ammonium nitrate: Other, 3102.30.00: Mineral or chemical fertilisers,nitrogenous: Ammonium nitrate, whether or notin aqueous solution, 3102.40.00: Mineral or chemical fertilisers,nitrogenous: Mixtures of ammonium nitrate withcalcium carbonate or other inorganicnon-fertilising substances, 3102.50.00: Mineral or chemical fertilisers,nitrogenous: Sodium nitrate, 3102.60.00: Mineral or chemical fertilisers,nitrogenous: Double salts and mixtures of calciumnitrate and ammonium nitrate, 3102.80.00: Mineral or chemical fertilisers,nitrogenous: Mixtures of urea and ammoniumnitrate in aqueous or ammoniacalsolution, 3102.90.00: Mineral or chemical fertilisers,nitrogenous: Other, including mixtures notspecified in the foregoingsubheadings, 3103.10.00: Mineral or chemical fertilisers,phosphatic: Superphosphates, 3103.90.00: Mineral or chemical fertilisers,phosphatic: Other, 3104.20.00: Mineral or chemical fertilisers,potassic: Potassium chloride, 3104.30.00: Mineral or chemical fertilisers,potassic: Potassium sulphate, 3104.90.00: Mineral or chemical fertilisers,potassic: Other, 3105.10.00: Mineral or chemical fertiliserscontaining two or three of thefertilising elements nitrogen,phosphorus and potassium; otherfertilisers; goods of this Chapterin tablets or similar forms or inpackages of a gross weight notexceeding 10 kg: Goods of, 3105.20.00: Mineral or chemical fertiliserscontaining two or three of thefertilising elements nitrogen,phosphorus and potassium; otherfertilisers; goods of this Chapterin tablets or similar forms or inpackages of a gross weight notexceeding 10 kg: Mineral, 3105.30.00: Mineral or chemical fertiliserscontaining two or three of thefertilising elements nitrogen,phosphorus and potassium; otherfertilisers; goods of this Chapterin tablets or similar forms or inpackages of a gross weight notexceeding 10 kg: Diammoni, 3105.40.00: Mineral or chemical fertiliserscontaining two or three of thefertilising elements nitrogen,phosphorus and potassium; otherfertilisers; goods of this Chapterin tablets or similar forms or inpackages of a gross weight notexceeding 10 kg: Ammonium, 3105.51.00: Mineral or chemical fertiliserscontaining two or three of thefertilising elements nitrogen,phosphorus and potassium; otherfertilisers; goods of this Chapterin tablets or similar forms or inpackages of a gross weight notexceeding 10 kg: Other mi, 3105.59.00: Mineral or chemical fertiliserscontaining two or three of thefertilising elements nitrogen,phosphorus and potassium; otherfertilisers; goods of this Chapterin tablets or similar forms or inpackages of a gross weight notexceeding 10 kg: Other mi, 3105.60.00: Mineral or chemical fertiliserscontaining two or three of thefertilising elements nitrogen,phosphorus and potassium; otherfertilisers; goods of this Chapterin tablets or similar forms or inpackages of a gross weight notexceeding 10 kg: Mineral and 3105.90.00: Mineral or chemical fertiliserscontaining two or three of thefertilising elements nitrogen,phosphorus and potassium; otherfertilisers; goods of this Chapterin tablets or similar forms or inpackages of a gross weight notexceeding 10 kg: Other
"No person shall—
(a) add to or abstract from any fertilizer any substance or portion so as to alter its composition with the intention that the fertilizer so treated may be sold under its name in an altered state;
(b) knowingly sells fertilizer under the brand or name of such fertilizer but altered in its composition."
Reference of the measure
Paragraph 15
Measure also domestic
Products affected by the measure.
Partial coverage
Partial coverage indication
Date in
Date out
Animal or vegetable fertilisers,whether or not mixed together orchemically treated; fertilisersproduced by the mixing or chemicaltreatment of animal or vegetableproducts
Mineral or chemical fertilisers,nitrogenous: Urea, whether or not in aqueoussolution
Mineral or chemical fertilisers,nitrogenous: Ammonium sulphate; double saltsand mixtures of ammonium sulphateand ammonium nitrate: Ammonium sulphate
Mineral or chemical fertilisers,nitrogenous: Ammonium sulphate; double saltsand mixtures of ammonium sulphateand ammonium nitrate: Other
Mineral or chemical fertilisers,nitrogenous: Ammonium nitrate, whether or notin aqueous solution
Mineral or chemical fertilisers,nitrogenous: Mixtures of ammonium nitrate withcalcium carbonate or other inorganicnon-fertilising substances
Mineral or chemical fertilisers,nitrogenous: Sodium nitrate
Mineral or chemical fertilisers,nitrogenous: Double salts and mixtures of calciumnitrate and ammonium nitrate
Mineral or chemical fertilisers,nitrogenous: Mixtures of urea and ammoniumnitrate in aqueous or ammoniacalsolution
Mineral or chemical fertilisers,nitrogenous: Other, including mixtures notspecified in the foregoingsubheadings
Mineral or chemical fertilisers,phosphatic: Superphosphates
Mineral or chemical fertilisers,phosphatic: Other
Mineral or chemical fertilisers,potassic: Potassium chloride
Mineral or chemical fertilisers,potassic: Potassium sulphate
Mineral or chemical fertilisers,potassic: Other
Mineral or chemical fertiliserscontaining two or three of thefertilising elements nitrogen,phosphorus and potassium; otherfertilisers; goods of this Chapterin tablets or similar forms or inpackages of a gross weight notexceeding 10 kg: Goods of
Mineral or chemical fertiliserscontaining two or three of thefertilising elements nitrogen,phosphorus and potassium; otherfertilisers; goods of this Chapterin tablets or similar forms or inpackages of a gross weight notexceeding 10 kg: Mineral
Mineral or chemical fertiliserscontaining two or three of thefertilising elements nitrogen,phosphorus and potassium; otherfertilisers; goods of this Chapterin tablets or similar forms or inpackages of a gross weight notexceeding 10 kg: Diammoni
Mineral or chemical fertiliserscontaining two or three of thefertilising elements nitrogen,phosphorus and potassium; otherfertilisers; goods of this Chapterin tablets or similar forms or inpackages of a gross weight notexceeding 10 kg: Ammonium
Mineral or chemical fertiliserscontaining two or three of thefertilising elements nitrogen,phosphorus and potassium; otherfertilisers; goods of this Chapterin tablets or similar forms or inpackages of a gross weight notexceeding 10 kg: Other mi
Mineral or chemical fertiliserscontaining two or three of thefertilising elements nitrogen,phosphorus and potassium; otherfertilisers; goods of this Chapterin tablets or similar forms or inpackages of a gross weight notexceeding 10 kg: Other mi
Mineral or chemical fertiliserscontaining two or three of thefertilising elements nitrogen,phosphorus and potassium; otherfertilisers; goods of this Chapterin tablets or similar forms or inpackages of a gross weight notexceeding 10 kg: Mineral
Mineral or chemical fertiliserscontaining two or three of thefertilising elements nitrogen,phosphorus and potassium; otherfertilisers; goods of this Chapterin tablets or similar forms or inpackages of a gross weight notexceeding 10 kg: Other
Ensure performance and safety of the product to consumers
Coded list of objectives
A: Protection of human life and health
Description of the measure
Prescribes types of the bathing bars, requirements (description of the product, ingredients,characteristics {lather, mush, Free caustic alkali, alkalinity, freedom from grittness, dermatological safety}, sampling requirements), parking and marking.
To monitor the quality of powdered milk supplied on the market to ensure that consumers are supplied with good quality product.
Coded list of objectives
A: Protection of human life and health
Description of the measure
Contains description of the product, General requirements (Raw material requirements, product requirements, chemical and physical requirements, microbiological requirements, food additives, contamination (heavy metals and pesticides residues), hygiene, packaging and labeling)
Reference of the measure
Clause 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9
Measure also domestic
Products affected by the measure.
Partial coverage
Partial coverage indication
Date in
Date out
PG: 11
Dairy products
Raw material requirements, product requirements (Moisture, Total solids, Milk fat, Total ash, Titratable acidity, Solubility), Level of fortification, microbiological requirements, permitted food additives, Hygiene, packaging and labelling requirements.
To ensure quality assessment of petrol on Malawian Market, and to ensure health and safety of the consumers
Coded list of objectives
A: Protection of human life and health
Description of the measure
General requirements of the product, ethanol blending requirements, requirements for inland grade unleaded petrol R93 and coastal grade unleaded petrol R95. Marking and labelling, sampling requirements.
Reference of the measure
Clause 4, 5 and 6
Measure also domestic
Made reference to:
South African Standard, SANS 1598, Unleaded petrol – Specification
Laws of Malawi, Energy Regulation Act, Liquid Fuels and Gas Regulations, 2009 as amended in 2010;
Products affected by the measure.
Partial coverage
Partial coverage indication
Date in
Date out
PG: 27
Petroleum products
Unleaded petrol retailed in the country for use as fuel in petrol engine vehicles.
Countries/Regions affected by the measure.
Date in
Date out
Entire world
Specifically Mozambique and Tanzania where the product is imported from and all other countries intending to import into Malawi
Requirements for materials, specific requirements for pipes, specific requirements for pipe fittings, performance requirements, sampling and compliance with the specification, packaging and marking
Reference of the measure
Clauses 3-8
Measure also domestic
Products affected by the measure.
Partial coverage
Partial coverage indication
Date in
Date out
PG: 28
Iron and steel products
unplasticised polyvinyl chloride pipes and pipe fittings for use in above ground in drainage installations (Metric units)
Maximum working pressure at 25oC, Requirement for Composition, dimensions, fittings, workmanship, colour, toxicity, resistance to heat, thermal reversion, water absorption, resisance to acetone, resistance to belling, resistance to hydraulic pressure, tensile strength and alongation at break. Packing and marking, Sampling and compliance with the specification
Reference of the measure
Clause 1-5
Measure also domestic
Products affected by the measure.
Partial coverage
Partial coverage indication
Date in
Date out
Tubes, pipes and hoses, and fittings therefor (for example, joints, elbows, flanges), of plastics.