To protect the consumer and to ensure quality performance
Coded list of objectives
A: Protection of human life and health
Description of the measure
General requirements, detailed requirements (Glycerine content, colour, specific gravity, sulphated ash, Chlorides, arsenic content, lead content, iron content, fatty acids and esters) reaction to litmus, sugars, reducing substances, copper. Packaging and marking
Reference of the measure
Clause 2 and 3
Measure also domestic
In preparing this Malawi Standard reference was been made to British Standard, BS 2621-5: 1979 Specification for glycerol and an Indian Standard, IS 12590:1988 Specification for glycerine for cosmetic industry.
Essential composition and quality requirements (General, salting and maturing, final product, grading), food additives, contaminants, hygiene, packaging and labelling.
The standard contains requirements on Product description, essential composition and quality factors, food additves, contaminants, hygiene, packaging and labeling.
Food grade salt is directly consumed by a large population, hence high risk of health hazards.
Coded list of objectives
A: Protection of human life and health
Description of the measure
Classification of the salt, essential composition and quality factors (colour, particle size, moisture content, water insoluble matter, acid insoluble matter, chloride content, matter soluble in water, calcium, magnesium, sulphate, alkalinity, iodine,) Food additives, contamination, hygiene, microbiological requirements, Packaging, labeling, methods of sampling and tests.
Reference of the measure
Clauses 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12
Measure also domestic
Identical to COMESA/SADC harmonised standard on food grade salt in all respects except for iodine content, alkalinity and limits of contaminants. The COMESA/SADC harmonised standards are identical to CX STAN 150-1985, Rev. 1-1997
Amend. 1-1999, Amend. 2-2001, Amend. 3-2006
Specifies the requirements for the materials, design and manufacture of welding helmets, hand shields, goggles and welding spectacles that are intended to be used with protective filters, filter covers and backing lenses that comply with the appropriate transmittance requirements.
Reference of the measure
Clause 5.2.1
Measure also domestic
Products affected by the measure.
Welding helmets shields, goggles and welding spectacles
Applied by Malawi on the entire world for 0401.10.00: Milk and cream, not concentratednor containing added sugar orother sweetening matter: Of a fat content, by weight, notexceeding 1%, 0401.20.00: Milk and cream, not concentratednor containing added sugar orother sweetening matter: Of a fat content, by weight,exceeding 1% but not exceeding 6%, 0401.40.00: Milk and cream, not concentratednor containing added sugar orother sweetening matter: Of a fat content, by weight,exceeding 6% but not exceeding 10%, 0401.50.00: Milk and cream, not concentratednor containing added sugar orother sweetening matter: Of a fat content, by weight,exceeding 10%, 0402.10.00: Milk and cream, concentrated orcontaining added sugar or othersweetening matter: In powder, granules or other solidforms, of a fat content, by weight,not exceeding 1.5%, 0402.21.00: Milk and cream, concentrated orcontaining added sugar or othersweetening matter: In powder, granules or other solidforms, of a fat content, by weight,exceeding 1.5%: Not containing added sugar orother sweetening matter, 0402.29.00: Milk and cream, concentrated orcontaining added sugar or othersweetening matter: In powder, granules or other solidforms, of a fat content, by weight,exceeding 1.5%: Other, 0402.91.00: Milk and cream, concentrated orcontaining added sugar or othersweetening matter: Other: Not containing added sugar or othersweetening matter, 0402.99.00: Milk and cream, concentrated orcontaining added sugar or othersweetening matter: Other: Other, 0403.10.00: Buttermilk, curdled milk and cream,yogurt, kephir and other fermentedor acidified milk and cream,whether or not concentrated orcontaining added sugar or othersweetening matter or flavoured orcontaining added fruit, nuts or cocoa: Yogurt and 0403.90.00: Buttermilk, curdled milk and cream,yogurt, kephir and other fermentedor acidified milk and cream,whether or not concentrated orcontaining added sugar or othersweetening matter or flavoured orcontaining added fruit, nuts or cocoa: Other
“4. Adulteration of Milk
“(1) No person shall sell, keep or offer for sale or supply milk or any milk product which has been adulterated.
(2) Except as is provided in these Regulations, milk shall be deemed to have been adulterated
(a) any water has been added thereto;
(b) any preservative or colouring matter has been added thereto;
(c) any product or thing foreign to milk has been added thereto; or
(d) any constituent of milk has been removed therefrom.”
Reference of the measure
Paragraph 4
Measure also domestic
Products affected by the measure.
Partial coverage
Partial coverage indication
Date in
Date out
Milk and cream, not concentratednor containing added sugar orother sweetening matter: Of a fat content, by weight, notexceeding 1%
Milk and cream, not concentratednor containing added sugar orother sweetening matter: Of a fat content, by weight,exceeding 1% but not exceeding 6%
Milk and cream, not concentratednor containing added sugar orother sweetening matter: Of a fat content, by weight,exceeding 6% but not exceeding 10%
Milk and cream, not concentratednor containing added sugar orother sweetening matter: Of a fat content, by weight,exceeding 10%
Milk and cream, concentrated orcontaining added sugar or othersweetening matter: In powder, granules or other solidforms, of a fat content, by weight,not exceeding 1.5%
Milk and cream, concentrated orcontaining added sugar or othersweetening matter: In powder, granules or other solidforms, of a fat content, by weight,exceeding 1.5%: Not containing added sugar orother sweetening matter
Milk and cream, concentrated orcontaining added sugar or othersweetening matter: In powder, granules or other solidforms, of a fat content, by weight,exceeding 1.5%: Other
Milk and cream, concentrated orcontaining added sugar or othersweetening matter: Other: Not containing added sugar or othersweetening matter
Milk and cream, concentrated orcontaining added sugar or othersweetening matter: Other: Other
Buttermilk, curdled milk and cream,yogurt, kephir and other fermentedor acidified milk and cream,whether or not concentrated orcontaining added sugar or othersweetening matter or flavoured orcontaining added fruit, nuts or cocoa: Yogurt
Buttermilk, curdled milk and cream,yogurt, kephir and other fermentedor acidified milk and cream,whether or not concentrated orcontaining added sugar or othersweetening matter or flavoured orcontaining added fruit, nuts or cocoa: Other
“milk” means exclusively the normal mammary secretion obtained from one or more milkings from cows and other bovines without either addition thereto or extraction therefrom;
A: Protection of human life and health, B: Protection of life and health of animals, C: Protection of life and health of plants, D: Control drug abuse, E: Protection of the environment, F: Protection of wild fauna and flora, G: Protection of national security, H: Protection of public morals, I: Protection of national treasures of artistic, historic or archaeological value and X: For purposes n.e.s.
Description of the measure
This regulations governs the quality certification, pre-shipment inspection, fees, sampling and testing of all imports covered under the Malawi mandatory standards.
To protect the consumers in a way that they get a safe and nutritionally rich product.
Coded list of objectives
A: Protection of human life and health
Description of the measure
Essential composition and quality measures (Raw materials, general quality factors, essential composition actors, optional ingredients)
Food fortification (Required content of vitamins and minerals, fortification requirements during marketing, formulation of fortification premix for addition of vitamins and minerals to wheat flour, mycotoxine.
Microbiological limits, food hygiene, Packaging and labelling
Reference of the measure
Clause 4-10
Measure also domestic
Products affected by the measure.
Partial coverage
Partial coverage indication
Date in
Date out
PG: 7
Food products
Fortified wheat flour for direct human consumption
Requirements for Type 1 and Type 2 (Odour, consistency, pH value, viscocity, foaming properties, dermal irritation, cleaning efficiency, corrosiveness, storage stability,) Packing and marking, inspection and methods of test
This standard specifies composition requirements on ingredient requirements, microbiological requirements,. It also contains requirements on food additives, contaminants, hygiene, packaging and labeling.
Contains requirements for width of tobacco shreds, moisture content, nicotine content, Total ash, acid insoluble ash, potash, sulphur, length, circumference, density, burning quality, mould and beetle attack, loose shorts. It also contains a definition of tobacco blends. It has requirements on cigarette banding by tar and nicotine content, packaging and labelling.
Reference of the measure
Clauses 4, 5,6 and 7
Measure also domestic
It has been revised and the revised version is not yet gazetted.
Applied by Malawi on the entire world for 2710.12.11: Petroleum oils and oils obtainedfrom bituminous minerals, otherthan crude; preparations notelsewhere specified or included,containing by weight 70% ormore of petroleum oils or of oilsobtained from bituminousminerals, these oils being thebasic c, 2710.12.19: Petroleum oils and oils obtainedfrom bituminous minerals, otherthan crude; preparations notelsewhere specified or included,containing by weight 70% ormore of petroleum oils or of oilsobtained from bituminousminerals, these oils being thebasic c, 2710.12.29: Petroleum oils and oils obtainedfrom bituminous minerals, otherthan crude; preparations notelsewhere specified or included,containing by weight 70% ormore of petroleum oils or of oilsobtained from bituminousminerals, these oils being thebasic c, 2710.12.39: Petroleum oils and oils obtainedfrom bituminous minerals, otherthan crude; preparations notelsewhere specified or included,containing by weight 70% ormore of petroleum oils or of oilsobtained from bituminousminerals, these oils being thebasic c, 2710.12.49: Petroleum oils and oils obtainedfrom bituminous minerals, otherthan crude; preparations notelsewhere specified or included,containing by weight 70% ormore of petroleum oils or of oilsobtained from bituminousminerals, these oils being thebasic c, 2710.12.59: Petroleum oils and oils obtainedfrom bituminous minerals, otherthan crude; preparations notelsewhere specified or included,containing by weight 70% ormore of petroleum oils or of oilsobtained from bituminousminerals, these oils being thebasic c and 2710.12.99: Petroleum oils and oils obtainedfrom bituminous minerals, otherthan crude; preparations notelsewhere specified or included,containing by weight 70% ormore of petroleum oils or of oilsobtained from bituminousminerals, these oils being thebasic c
"60. Approved petrol
(1) No person shall import, sell or in any way use petrol in Malawi unless the same complies with the standard specifications set out in this Part.
(2) All petrol imported, sold or used in Malawi shall be unleaded petrol and shall comply with the specific standards set out in this Part."
61. Composition of petrol
(1) All petrol imported, sold or used in Malawi shall comprise hydrocarbon fuel to which additives may have been added to improve its performance or its storage stability or both and shall only be suitable for use in spark-ignition internal-combustion engines other than aviation piston engines.
(2) Any such petrol may also contain small and acceptable quantities of harmless
colouring materials to give it a distinctive appearance.
(3) All petrol imported, sold or used in Malawi shall be blended and shall contain a minimum level of organic oxygenates such as fuel ethanol of not less than the per centum V/V set out in Table 1 in the Fourth Schedule hereto
Reference of the measure
Article 60 & 61
Measure also domestic
Products affected by the measure.
Partial coverage
Partial coverage indication
Date in
Date out
Petroleum oils and oils obtainedfrom bituminous minerals, otherthan crude; preparations notelsewhere specified or included,containing by weight 70% ormore of petroleum oils or of oilsobtained from bituminousminerals, these oils being thebasic c
Petroleum oils and oils obtainedfrom bituminous minerals, otherthan crude; preparations notelsewhere specified or included,containing by weight 70% ormore of petroleum oils or of oilsobtained from bituminousminerals, these oils being thebasic c
Petroleum oils and oils obtainedfrom bituminous minerals, otherthan crude; preparations notelsewhere specified or included,containing by weight 70% ormore of petroleum oils or of oilsobtained from bituminousminerals, these oils being thebasic c
Petroleum oils and oils obtainedfrom bituminous minerals, otherthan crude; preparations notelsewhere specified or included,containing by weight 70% ormore of petroleum oils or of oilsobtained from bituminousminerals, these oils being thebasic c
Petroleum oils and oils obtainedfrom bituminous minerals, otherthan crude; preparations notelsewhere specified or included,containing by weight 70% ormore of petroleum oils or of oilsobtained from bituminousminerals, these oils being thebasic c
Petroleum oils and oils obtainedfrom bituminous minerals, otherthan crude; preparations notelsewhere specified or included,containing by weight 70% ormore of petroleum oils or of oilsobtained from bituminousminerals, these oils being thebasic c
Petroleum oils and oils obtainedfrom bituminous minerals, otherthan crude; preparations notelsewhere specified or included,containing by weight 70% ormore of petroleum oils or of oilsobtained from bituminousminerals, these oils being thebasic c
Applied by Malawi on the entire world for 2710.19.11: Petroleum oils and oils obtainedfrom bituminous minerals, otherthan crude; preparations notelsewhere specified or included,containing by weight 70% ormore of petroleum oils or of oilsobtained from bituminousminerals, these oils being thebasic c, 2710.19.19: Petroleum oils and oils obtainedfrom bituminous minerals, otherthan crude; preparations notelsewhere specified or included,containing by weight 70% ormore of petroleum oils or of oilsobtained from bituminousminerals, these oils being thebasic c, 2710.19.29: Petroleum oils and oils obtainedfrom bituminous minerals, otherthan crude; preparations notelsewhere specified or included,containing by weight 70% ormore of petroleum oils or of oilsobtained from bituminousminerals, these oils being thebasic c and 3826.00.00: Biodiesel and mixtures thereof, notcontaining less than 70% by weightof petroleum oils or oils obtainedfrom bituminous minerals
"70. Approved diesel
No person shall import, transport, sell or in any way use diesel in Malawi unless the same complies with the standard specifications set out in this Part.
71. Composition of diesel
All diesel imported, sold or used in Malawi shall comprise hydro-carbon distillate fuel derived from petroleum to which small amounts of additives may have been added to improve its ignition, or its storage stability or both, or for any other lawful purpose.
Reference of the measure
Article 70 and 71
Measure also domestic
Products affected by the measure.
Partial coverage
Partial coverage indication
Date in
Date out
Petroleum oils and oils obtainedfrom bituminous minerals, otherthan crude; preparations notelsewhere specified or included,containing by weight 70% ormore of petroleum oils or of oilsobtained from bituminousminerals, these oils being thebasic c
Petroleum oils and oils obtainedfrom bituminous minerals, otherthan crude; preparations notelsewhere specified or included,containing by weight 70% ormore of petroleum oils or of oilsobtained from bituminousminerals, these oils being thebasic c
Petroleum oils and oils obtainedfrom bituminous minerals, otherthan crude; preparations notelsewhere specified or included,containing by weight 70% ormore of petroleum oils or of oilsobtained from bituminousminerals, these oils being thebasic c
Biodiesel and mixtures thereof, notcontaining less than 70% by weightof petroleum oils or oils obtainedfrom bituminous minerals