Non-tariff Measures

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Affected products

    A83: Certification requirement

  • Applied by Zambia on the entire world

    The measure came into effect on 02 January 1995

  • Applied by Zambia

    The measure came into effect on 01 January 1959

  • Applied by Zambia

    The measure came into effect on 01 January 1959

  • Applied by Zimbabwe on the entire world for 0106.11.00: Primates, 0106.12.00: Whales, dolphins and porpoises mammals of the order cetacea); manatees and dugongs (mammals of the order sirenia); seals, sea lions and walruses (mammals of the suborder pinnipedia), 0106.13.00: Camels and other camelids (camelidae), 0106.13.00: Camels and other camelids (camelidae), 0106.14.00: Rabbits and hares, 0106.19.00: Other, 0106.20.00: Reptiles ( including snakes and turtles), 0106.31.00: Birds of prey, 0106.32.00: Psittaciformes(including parrots, parakeets, macaws and cockatoos, 0106.33.00: Ostriches; emus (dromaius ovaehollandiae), 0106.39.00: Other, 0106.41.00: Bees, 0106.49.00: Other, 0106.90.00: Other, 0208.10.00: Of rabbits or hares, 0208.30.00: Of primates, 0208.40.00: Of whales ,dolphins and porpoises (mammals of the order cetacea );of manatees and dugongs (mammals of the order sirenia); of seals, sea lions and walruses (mammals of the suborder pinnipedia), 0208.50.00: Of reptiles (including snakes and turtles), 0208.60.00: Of camels and other camelids (camelidae), 0208.90.00: Other, 0210.91.00: Of primates, 0210.92.00: Of whales, dolphins and porpoises (mammals of the order cetacea); of manatees and dugongs (mammals of the order sirenia); of seals, sea lions and walruses (mammals of the suborder pinnipedia), 0210.93.00: Of reptiles ( including snakes and turtles ), 0210.99.00: Other, 0301.92.00: Eels (anguilla spp.), 0301.91.00: Trout (salmo trutta, oncorhynchus mykiss, oncorhynchus clarki, oncorhynchus aquabonita, oncorhynchus gilae, oncorhynchus apache and oncorhynchus chrysogaster), 0301.93.00: Carp (cyprinus carpio, carassius carassius, ctenopharyngodon idellus, hypophthalmichthys spp., cirrhinus spp., mylopharyngodon piceus), 0301.94.00: Atlantic and pacific bluefin tunas (thunnus thynnus, thunnus orientalis), 0301.95.00: Southern bluefin tunas (thunnus accoyii), 0301.99.10: Salt water fish, 0301.99.90: Fresh water fish, 0302.11.10: Salt water fish, 0302.11.90: Fresh water fish, 0302.13.10: Salt water fish, 0302.13.90: Fresh water fish, 0302.14.10: Salt water fish, 0302.14.90: Fresh water fish, 0302.19.10: Salt water fish, 0302.19.90: Fresh water fish, 0302.21.00: Halibut (reinhardtius hippoglossoides, hippoglossus hippoglossus, hippoglossus stenolepis), 0302.22.00: Plaice (pleuronectes platessa), 0302.23.00: Sole (solea spp.), 0302.24.00: Turbots (psetta maxima, scophthalmidae), 0302.29.10: Salt water fish, 0302.29.90: Fresh water fish, 0302.31.00: Albacore or longfinned tunas (thunnus alalunga), 0302.32.00: Yellowfin tunas (thunnus albacares), 0302.33.00: Skipjack or stripe-bellied bonito, 0302.34.00: Bigeye tunas (thunnus obesus), 0302.35.00: Atlantic and pacific bluefin tunas (thunnus thynnus), (thunnus orientalis), 0302.36.00: Southern bluefin tunas (thunnus maccoyii ), 0302.36.00: Southern bluefin tunas (thunnus maccoyii ), 0302.39.00: Other, 0302.41.00: Herrings (clupea harengus, clupea pallasii), 0302.42.00: Anchovies (engraulis spp.), 0302.43.00: Sardines (sardina pilchardus, sardinops spp.), sardinella (sardinella spp.), brisling or sprats (sprattus sprattus), 0302.44.00: Mackerel (scomber scombrus, scomber australasicus, scomber japonicus), 0302.45.00: Jack and horse mackerel (trachurus spp.), 0302.46.00: Cobia (rachycentron canadum), 0302.47.00: Swordfish (xiphias gladius), 0302.51.00: Cod (gadus morhua, gadus ogac, gadus macocephalus), 0302.52.00: Haddock ( melanogrammus aeglefinus), 0302.53.00: Coalfish (pollachius virens), 0302.54.00: Hake ( merluccius spp., urophycis spp.), 0302.55.00: Alaska pollack (theragra chalcogramma), 0302.56.00: Blue whitings (micromesistis poutassou, micromesistius australis), 0302.59.00: Other, 0302.71.00: Tilapias (oreochromis spp.), 0302.72.00: Catfish (pangasius spp., silurus spp., clarias spp., ictalurus spp.), 0302.73.00: Carp (cyprinus carpio, carassius carassius, ctenopharyngodon iddellus, hypophthalmichthys spp.) cirrhinus spp., mylopharyngodon piceus), 0302.74.10: Salt water fish, 0302.74.90: Fresh water fish, 0302.79.10: Salt water fish, 0302.79.90: Fresh water fish, 0302.81.00: Dogfish and other sharks, 0302.82.00: Rays and skates ( rajidae), 0302.83.00: Toothfish (dissostichus spp.), 0302.84.00: Seabass (dicentrarchus spp.), 0302.85.00: Seabream (sparidae), 0302.89.10: Salt water fish, 0302.89.90: Fresh water fish, 0302.90.10: Salt water fish, 0302.90.90: Fresh water fish, 4101.20.00: Whole hides and skins, of a weight per skin not exceeding 8kg when simply dried, 10kg when dry-salted, or 16kg when fresh, wet- salted or otherwise preserved, 4101.50.00: Whole hides and skins, of a weight exceeding 16kg, 4101.90.00: Other, including buts, bends and bellies, 4103.20.00: Of reptiles, 4103.30.00: Of swine and 4103.90.00: Other

    The measure came into effect on 17 September 1982

  • Applied by Zimbabwe on the entire world for 0102.31: Pure-bred breeding animals, 0102.39.00: Other, 0102.90.00: Other, 0103.10.00: Pure-bred breeding animals, 0103.91.00: Weighing less than 50 kg, 0103.92.00: Weighing 50 kg or more, 0106.11.00: Primates, 0106.12.00: Whales, dolphins and porpoises mammals of the order cetacea); manatees and dugongs (mammals of the order sirenia); seals, sea lions and walruses (mammals of the suborder pinnipedia), 0106.13.00: Camels and other camelids (camelidae), 0106.14.00: Rabbits and hares, 0106.19.00: Other, 0106.20.00: Reptiles ( including snakes and turtles), 0106.31.00: Birds of prey, 0106.32.00: Psittaciformes(including parrots, parakeets, macaws and cockatoos, 0106.33.00: Ostriches; emus (dromaius ovaehollandiae), 0106.39.00: Other, 0106.41.00: Bees, 0106.49.00: Other, 0106.90.00: Other, 0201.10.00: Carcasses and half-carcasses, 0201.20.00: Other cuts with bone in, 0201.30.00: Boneless, 0202.20.00: Other cuts with bone in, 0202.30.00: Boneless, 0206.10.00: Of bovine animals, fresh or chilled, 0206.21.00: Tongues, 0206.22.00: Livers, 0206.29.00: Other, 0206.30.00: Of swine, fresh or chilled, 0206.41.00: Livers, 0206.49.00: Other, 0208.50.00: Of reptiles (including snakes and turtles), 0208.60.00: Of camels and other camelids (camelidae), 0208.90.00: Other, 0210.11.00: Hams, shoulders and cuts thereof, with bone in, 0210.12.00: Bellies (streaky) and cuts thereof, 0210.19.00: Other, 0210.20.00: Meat of bovine animals, 0210.91.00: Of primates, 0210.92.00: Of whales, dolphins and porpoises (mammals of the order cetacea); of manatees and dugongs (mammals of the order sirenia); of seals, sea lions and walruses (mammals of the suborder pinnipedia), 0210.93.00: Of reptiles ( including snakes and turtles ), 0210.99.00: Other, 0301.11.00: Freshwater, 0301.19.00: Other, 0301.91.00: Trout (salmo trutta, oncorhynchus mykiss, oncorhynchus clarki, oncorhynchus aquabonita, oncorhynchus gilae, oncorhynchus apache and oncorhynchus chrysogaster), 0301.92.00: Eels (anguilla spp.), 0301.93.00: Carp (cyprinus carpio, carassius carassius, ctenopharyngodon idellus, hypophthalmichthys spp., cirrhinus spp., mylopharyngodon piceus), 0301.94.00: Atlantic and pacific bluefin tunas (thunnus thynnus, thunnus orientalis), 0301.95.00: Southern bluefin tunas (thunnus accoyii), 0301.99.10: Salt water fish, 0301.99.90: Fresh water fish, 0302.11.10: Salt water fish, 0302.11.90: Fresh water fish, 0302.13.10: Salt water fish, 0302.13.90: Fresh water fish, 0302.14.10: Salt water fish, 0302.14.90: Fresh water fish, 0302.19.10: Salt water fish, 0302.19.90: Fresh water fish, 0302.21.00: Halibut (reinhardtius hippoglossoides, hippoglossus hippoglossus, hippoglossus stenolepis), 0302.22.00: Plaice (pleuronectes platessa), 0302.23.00: Sole (solea spp.), 0302.24.00: Turbots (psetta maxima, scophthalmidae), 0302.29.10: Salt water fish, 0302.29.90: Fresh water fish, 0302.31.00: Albacore or longfinned tunas (thunnus alalunga), 0302.32.00: Yellowfin tunas (thunnus albacares), 0302.33.00: Skipjack or stripe-bellied bonito, 0302.34.00: Bigeye tunas (thunnus obesus), 0302.35.00: Atlantic and pacific bluefin tunas (thunnus thynnus), (thunnus orientalis), 0302.36.00: Southern bluefin tunas (thunnus maccoyii ), 0302.39.00: Other, 0302.41.00: Herrings (clupea harengus, clupea pallasii), 0302.42.00: Anchovies (engraulis spp.), 0302.43.00: Sardines (sardina pilchardus, sardinops spp.), sardinella (sardinella spp.), brisling or sprats (sprattus sprattus), 0302.43.00: Sardines (sardina pilchardus, sardinops spp.), sardinella (sardinella spp.), brisling or sprats (sprattus sprattus), 0302.44.00: Mackerel (scomber scombrus, scomber australasicus, scomber japonicus), 0302.45.00: Jack and horse mackerel (trachurus spp.), 0302.46.00: Cobia (rachycentron canadum), 0302.47.00: Swordfish (xiphias gladius), 0302.51.00: Cod (gadus morhua, gadus ogac, gadus macocephalus), 0302.52.00: Haddock ( melanogrammus aeglefinus), 0302.53.00: Coalfish (pollachius virens), 0302.54.00: Hake ( merluccius spp., urophycis spp.), 0302.55.00: Alaska pollack (theragra chalcogramma), 0302.56.00: Blue whitings (micromesistis poutassou, micromesistius australis), 0302.59.00: Other, 0302.71.00: Tilapias (oreochromis spp.), 0302.72.00: Catfish (pangasius spp., silurus spp., clarias spp., ictalurus spp.), 0302.73.00: Carp (cyprinus carpio, carassius carassius, ctenopharyngodon iddellus, hypophthalmichthys spp.) cirrhinus spp., mylopharyngodon piceus), 0302.74.10: Salt water fish, 0302.74.90: Fresh water fish, 0302.79.10: Salt water fish, 0302.79.90: Fresh water fish, 0302.81.00: Dogfish and other sharks, 0302.82.00: Rays and skates ( rajidae), 0302.83.00: Toothfish (dissostichus spp.), 0302.84.00: Seabass (dicentrarchus spp.), 0302.85.00: Seabream (sparidae), 0302.89.10: Salt water fish, 0302.89.90: Fresh water fish, 4101.20.00: Whole hides and skins, of a weight per skin not exceeding 8kg when simply dried, 10kg when dry-salted, or 16kg when fresh, wet- salted or otherwise preserved, 4101.50.00: Whole hides and skins, of a weight exceeding 16kg, 4101.90.00: Other, including buts, bends and bellies, 4103.20.00: Of reptiles, 4103.30.00: Of swine and 4103.90.00: Other

    The measure came into effect on 17 September 1982

  • Applied by Zimbabwe on the entire world for 1901.10.00: Preparations for infant use, put up for retail sale, 1901.20.00: Mixes and doughs for the preparation of bakers, 1901.20.00: Mixes and doughs for the preparation of bakers, 1901.90.10: Food preparations of flour, meal, starch or malt extract of a kind used as infant food, 1901.90.20: Food preparations of flour, meal, starch or malt extract for dietetic or culinary purposes, excluding pudding and cake powders, 1901.90.90: Other, 1902.11.00: Containing eggs, 1902.19.00: Other, 1902.20.00: Stuffed pasta, whether or not cooked or otherwise prepared, 1902.30.00: Other pasta, 1902.40.00: Couscous, 1903.00.00: Tapioca and substitutes therefor prepared from starch, in the form of flakes, grains, pearls, siftings or in similar forms, 1904.10.10: No description available at 8-digit level, 1904.10.20: No description available at 8-digit level, 1904.20.00: Prepared foods obtained from unroasted cereal flakes or from mixtures of unroasted cereal flakes and roasted cereal flakes or swelled cereals, 1904.30.00: Bulgur wheat, 1904.90.00: Other, 1905.10.00: Crispbread, 1905.20.00: Gingerbread and the like, 1905.31.00: Sweet biscuits, 1905.32.00: Waffles and wafers, 1905.40.00: Rusks, toasted bread and similar toasted products, 1905.90.10: Plain bread, 1905.90.20: Plain buns and rolls, 1905.90.90: Other, 2001.10.00: Cucumbers and gherkins, 2001.90.00: Other, 2002.10.00: Tomatoes, whole or in pieces, 2002.90.00: Other, 2003.10.00: Mushrooms of the genus agaricus, 2003.90.00: Other, 2004.10.00: Potatoes, 2004.90.00: Other vegetables and mixtures of vegetables, 2005.10.00: Homogenised vegetables, 2005.20.00: Potatoes, 2005.40.00: Peas (pisum sativum), 2005.51.00: Beans, shelled, 2005.59.00: Other, 2005.60.00: Asparagus, 2005.70.00: Olives, 2005.80.00: Sweet corn (zea mays var. saccharata), 2005.91.00: Bamboo shoots, 2005.99.00: Other, 2006.00.00: Vegetables, fruit, nuts, fruit- peel and other parts of plants, preserved by sugar (drained, glace or crystallised), 2007.10.00: Homogenised preparations, 2007.91.00: Citrus fruit, 2007.99.00: Other, 2008.11.00: Ground nuts, 2008.19.00: Other, including mixtures, 2008.20.00: Pineapples, 2008.30.00: Citrus fruit, 2008.40.00: Pears, 2008.50.00: Apricots, 2008.60.00: Cherries, 2008.70.00: Peaches, including nectarines, 2008.80.00: Strawberries, 2008.91.00: Palm hearts, 2008.97.00: Mixtures, 2008.99.00: Other, 2009.11.00: Frozen, 2009.12.00: Not frozen, of a brix value not exceeding, 2009.19.00: Other, 2009.21.00: Of a brix value not exceeding 20 kg, 2009.29.00: Other, 2009.31.00: Of a brix value not exceeding 20 kg, 2009.39.00: Other, 2009.41.00: Of a brix value not exceeding 20, 2009.49.00: Other, 2009.50.00: Tomato juice, 2009.61.00: Of a brix value not exceeding 30kg, 2009.69.00: Other, 2009.71.00: Of a brix value not exceeding 20 and 2009.79.00: Other

    The measure came into effect on 16 January 2015

  • A84: Inspection requirement

  • Applied by Botswana on the entire world for

    The measure came into effect on 17 July 2009

  • Applied by Botswana on the entire world for 4203.29: -- Other

    The measure came into effect on 12 September 2008

  • Applied by Botswana on the entire world for 01: Live animals and 02: Meat and edible meat offal

    The measure came into effect on 28 January 1977

  • Applied by Botswana on the entire world for 1007: Grain sorghum.

    The measure came into effect on 19 November 2010

  • Applied by Botswana on the entire world for 2505: Natural sands of all kinds, whether or not coloured, other than metalbearing sands of Chapter 26. and 3101: Animal or vegetable fertilisers, whether or not mixed together or chemically treated; fertilisers produced by the mixing or chemical treatment of animal or vegetable products.

    The measure came into effect on 01 April 2009

  • Applied by Botswana on the entire world for 0106.41: -- Bees, 1521.90: - Other, 4421.90.90: -- Other and 0409.00: Natural honey.

    The measure came into effect on 31 December 2008

  • Applied by Kenya on the entire world for 31: Fertilisers

    The measure came into effect on 04 August 1967

  • Applied by Kenya on the entire world for

    The measure came into effect on 04 August 1967

  • Applied by Kenya on the entire world for

    The measure came into effect on 02 January 2009

  • Applied by Kenya on the entire world

    The measure came into effect on 01 January 1955

  • Applied by Kenya on the entire world for 0106.3: - Birds :

    The measure came into effect on 01 January 2012

  • Applied by Kenya on the entire world

    The measure came into effect on 01 January 2017

  • Applied by Kenya on the entire world for

    The measure came into effect on 01 January 2012

  • Applied by Kenya on the entire world for 01: Live animals

    The measure came into effect on 01 January 2012

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