Resolved complaints

Showing items 261 to 280 of 824
Complaint number NTB TypeCheck allUncheck all Date of incident Location Reporting country or region (additional) Status Actions
NTB-000-334 1.14. Lack of coordination between government institutions 2009-09-09 Eswatini: Ministry of Trade Uganda Resolved
Complaint: Permits are issued by diffrent authorities in diffrent cities. Agricultural import permits are issued by NAMBOARD in Manzini.; Dairy products imports are issued by Dairy Board in Manzini. Other miscellaneous goods import permits issued by Ministry of Finance in Mbabane.  
Resolution status note: On 21st December 2015, Uganda Focal point reported that this NTB had been long resolved. Uganda received a letter from Swaziland indicating that the issuance of permits had been streamlined.  
NTB-000-334 1.14. Lack of coordination between government institutions 2009-09-09 Eswatini: Ministry of Trade Uganda Resolved
Complaint: Permits are issued by diffrent authorities in diffrent cities. Agricultural import permits are issued by NAMBOARD in Manzini.; Dairy products imports are issued by Dairy Board in Manzini. Other miscellaneous goods import permits issued by Ministry of Finance in Mbabane.  
Resolution status note: This NTB has been long resolved. Uganda received a letter from Swaziland indicating that the issuance of permits has been streamlined.  
NTB-000-325 7.8. Consular and Immigration Issues 2009-09-09 Mozambique: Ministry of Home Affairs Eswatini Resolved
Complaint: Mozambique requires visas for swaziland business people  
NTB-000-326 2.7. International taxes and charges levied on imports and other tariff measures 2009-09-09 Mozambique: Mozambique Revenue Authority Eswatini Resolved
Complaint: Mozambique customs charges can be as high as 200% of the value of goods transported  
Resolution status note: Reporting country could not verify the complaint hence it was deemed resolved until a specific report is made.  
NTB-000-314 2.8. Lengthy and costly customs clearance procedures 2009-09-09 Seychelles: Port Victoria Seychelles Resolved
Complaint: The clearing process is somewhat lengthy, and bureaucratic as appointments have to be made to clear goods  
Resolution status note: Seychelles reported that with the Asycuda system the clearing process can take 24hrs, all transaction can be done on-line. Appointments were given to clear goods to facilitate work of custom officers and avoid congestion at the port as handling capacity are limited. Need to confirm current situation.  
NTB-000-315 2.4. Import licensing 2009-09-09 Seychelles: Ministry of Trade Seychelles Resolved
Complaint: Administrative procedures for the import licensing system require improved efficiency  
Resolution status note: Seychelles reported that import licences are not required for the vast majority of products  
NTB-000-316 2.8. Lengthy and costly customs clearance procedures
2009-09-09 Seychelles: Port Victoria Eswatini Resolved
Complaint: There is a total lack of consistency in the application of customs procedures at all clearing offices in Seychelles  
Resolution status note: Seychelles proposed to have clearing agents undergo a competency training/exam for them to be well versed with application of customs procedures  
NTB-000-318 6.5. Variable levies 2009-09-09 Seychelles: Other Seychelles Seychelles Resolved
Complaint: A levy has been introduced on pork imports  
Resolution status note: Seychelles reported that the Quotas system on pork has been abolished. Seychelles has just recently introduced a levy on such imports.  
NTB-000-319 6.5. Variable levies 2009-09-09 Seychelles: Other Seychelles Seychelles Resolved
Complaint: A levy has been introduced on poultry imports  
Resolution status note: Seychelles reported that the Quotas system on poultry has been abolished. Seychelles has just recently introduced a levy on such imports.  
NTB-000-320 5.7. Minimum import price limits 2009-09-09 Seychelles: Other Seychelles Seychelles Resolved
Complaint: There is price control on goods imported inti Seychelles. Prices of imported goods are limited by a maximum 30% mark-up  
Resolution status note: Seychelles reported that price control has been removed on all non-food items. Seychelles needs to eliminate NTB’s, therefore need to explore alternative ways of controlling price on food items.  
NTB-000-322 7.9. Inadequate trade related infrastructure
2009-09-09 Seychelles: Victoria International Airport Seychelles Resolved
Complaint: Inadequate cold room facilities at airports.  
Resolution status note: Seychelles reported that her membership in SADC, signing of the COMESA FTA and Seychelles acceding to the WTO, imports might increase specially for frozen goods. Having adequate cold storage facility at airport and sea port can be considered one future area of development  
NTB-000-327 2.8. Lengthy and costly customs clearance procedures 2009-09-09 Eswatini: Bordergate Eswatini Resolved
Complaint: There is a lack of proper customs procedures and harmonization at the border posts as well as lack of an automated customs declaration system linking Swaziland Borders.  
Resolution status note: Swaziland reported that ASYCUDA ++ has been rolled out in 60 percent of the border posts. However it is fully operational on exports. Some modules especially those related to deferment on imports have not yet been implemented yet. Capacity constraints and lack of financial resources and telecommunications infrastructure continue to pose a challenge. Nonetheless, the amendment to the Customs and Excise Act seeking to introduce mandatory electronic declaration has gone through the first reading in Parliament. It is believed that the law will facilitate the allocation of resources to the automation programme. The Department has reviewed the Memorandum of Agreement signed with South Africa with an aim to initiate discussions that will lead to ICT interconnectivity.  
NTB-000-330 7.9. Inadequate trade related infrastructure 2009-09-09 Eswatini: Bordergate Eswatini Resolved
Complaint: Anti Smuggling, Quality Control & Examination Teams at border posts lack proper equipment such as forklifts, motor vehicles to carry out inspection.  
Resolution status note: Swaziland reported that the procurement of equipment is affected by the lack of financial resources. However, measures are taken to have goods examined at owner’s premises where equipment is available.  
NTB-000-438 1.1. Export subsidies
A9: SPS measures n.e.s.
2009-09-16 EAC Kenya Resolved
Complaint: Numerous institutions involved in testing goods in the EAC partner states.  
Resolution status note: There is collaboration among testing agencies  
NTB-000-339 2.13. Issues related to Pre-Shipment Inspections
2009-12-10 Mozambique: Mozambique Customs Mozambique Resolved
Complaint: Importers of medicine experience delays in clearance because pre-inspection certificates are not issued on time.  
NTB-000-340 2.13. Issues related to Pre-Shipment Inspections 2009-12-10 Mozambique: Mozambique Revenue Authority Mozambique Resolved
Complaint: Importers of medicine experience delays in clearance because pre-inspection certificates are not issued on time.  
NTB-000-341 2.3. Issues related to the rules of origin 2009-12-11 Mozambique: Ministry of Health Mozambique Resolved
Complaint: Importers of Medicine experience serious clearance delays because pre -inspection certificate is issued on time.  
Resolution status note: Mozambique reported that the obligation of pre- inspection in medicine import is not a NTB, because the medicine are listed as positive range of products whose the import process requires pre-shipment inspection and a permit from the Ministry of Health  
NTB-000-342 2.3. Issues related to the rules of origin 2009-12-11 Mozambique: Mozambique Revenue Authority Mozambique Resolved
Complaint: Alfandegas and SARs are taking too long to verify origin of imported Rajah Medium curry powder after Alfandegas queried origin in September 2009.The importers have to pay deposits and authorisation to get the pay the deposit takes up to 22 days thereby increasing standing time at Frigo from an average of two days to as high as 22 days for some loads. The delay has costed the importers since Rajah curry risks insect infection while at Frigo.  
Resolution status note: Mozambique reported that the process of verification takes maximum 24hrs on the Mozambique side. However, clearing agents appointed by importers delay in submitting required information hence the delays.  
NTB-000-343 2.3. Issues related to the rules of origin 2009-12-11 Mozambique: Mozambique Revenue Authority Mozambique Resolved
Complaint: Alfandegas and SARS are delaying verification of rules of origin for Sunlight dish washing liquid made in South Africa costing the importer as they have to pay deposit to Alfandegas since September 2009. The delays in authorizations for payment of deposits has cost the company as they have to pay demurage charges for tyransporters , increased parking fees at Frigo to wait as much as up 22days to get authorization  
Resolution status note: Mozambique reported that once discrepancy in the certificate of origin, is noted, the freight forwarder completes questionnaire for clarification. If the doubt prevails the importer must pay surety while verification is done to determine origin to qualify for preferential treatment. Qualifying goods are released but
Process remains open until confirmation by DRO if the goods meet the conditions necessary to benefit from preferential treatment.
Inefficiency of the freight forwarder in answering the questionnaire and follow the subsequent steps contribute to delays. Timely processing takes no more than 72 hours to be released early by the surety.
NTB-000-344 7.8. Consular and Immigration Issues 2009-12-18 South Africa: Ministry of Transport Zambia Resolved
Complaint: South Africa trucks with Zimbabwean and Zambian drivers are being impounded and at times foreign drivers get fined by the South African Cross Border Transport Agency for not possessing South African Professional Driving Permits disregarding section 32(3) of the National Road Traffic Act (Act No. 93 of 1996) which stipulates that "any document , serving a purpose similar to that of a professional driving permit issued by a competent authority , be deemed to be a professional driving permit".

This has been a serious issue for many years and rears its head every now and then. (
Resolution status note: South Africa reported that Zimbabwean driving a Zimbabwean registered vehicle only need to produce a credit card metal licence with a category for the Public drivers for heavy vehicles marked '2', endorsement of medical certificate and expiry date at the back of the licence.
Drivers driving a vehicle not registered in Zimbabwe should produce an A5 size white booklet type licence, International driving permit equivalent of a Proffessional Driving Permit in South Africa issued by Automobile association of Zimbabwe. An AA stamp indicating category for heavy vehicle will be displayed on the right handside of the document.
Zambian public drivers licences are similar to those of South Africa issued with a C1 to EC category of licences with endorsement (PrDP) .However the Zambian driving licences have 'P', which means passengers and 'G' indicating goods and th expiry date next to these categories

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