Complaint number |
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Date of incident |
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Actions |
NTB-000-281 |
5.12. Export restraint arrangements Policy/Regulatory |
2009-09-08 |
South Africa: Ministry of Trade |
Namibia |
Resolved 2010-11-22 |
View |
In 2004, the South African authorities introduced a commercial export permit requirement for Namibian grown oysters before these oysters could enter South Africa. In addition, an import permit is required from the South African authorities. The industry views this measure as a punitive trade measure, intended to protect the South African industry. |
Resolution status note:
South Africa reported that the importation and exportation of all products is subject to control measures. This is to ensure that there is compliance with specified environmental legislation and with terms and
conditions of permits and other authorisations issued in terms of that legislation. For more information please contact:
Marine and Coastal Management, Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism
Tel: 021 402 3911
Fax: 021 402 3367 |
NTB-000-272 |
1.1. Export subsidies A9: SPS measures n.e.s. |
2009-09-08 |
Zambia: Other Zambia |
Namibia |
Resolved 2010-11-22 |
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Issuing of Phytosanitary Certificates for exports of cotton cake to Namibia by Zambian Authorities is too slow. |
Resolution status note:
Zambian reported that authorities process the above certificates as quickly as possible. The only time there is a delay is when the client does not have the right documentation, or has missing documentation |
NTB-000-285 |
2.7. International taxes and charges levied on imports and other tariff measures |
2009-09-08 |
Zambia: Ministry of Trade |
Namibia |
Resolved 2010-11-22 |
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The Zambian Government is delaying implementation of phase down schedule of tariffs for imports of salt under the SADC Trade Protocol. |
Resolution status note:
Zambia reported that she is on schedule in terms of implementing her obligations under the SADC Trade Protocol. As a result of Zambia’s successful implementation of the Trade Protocol, Zambia participates in the SADC Free Trade Area. The tariff liberalization of category C is continuing up until 2010 as provided for in the SADC Trade Protocol |
NTB-000-286 |
2.7. International taxes and charges levied on imports and other tariff measures |
2009-09-08 |
Zambia: Ministry of Trade |
Namibia |
Resolved 2010-11-22 |
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The Zambian Government is delaying implementation of phase down schedule of tariffs for imports of fishmeal under the SADC Trade Protocol. |
Resolution status note:
Zambia reported that she is on schedule in terms of implementing her obligations under the SADC Trade Protocol. As a result of Zambia’s successful implementation of the Trade Protocol, Zambia participates in the SADC Free Trade Area. The tariff liberalization of category C is continuing up until 2010 as provided for in the SADC Trade Protocol. |
NTB-000-287 |
2.7. International taxes and charges levied on imports and other tariff measures |
2009-09-08 |
Zambia: Other Zambia |
Namibia |
Resolved 2010-11-22 |
View |
The Zambian Government is delaying implementation of phase down schedule of tariffs for imports of pasta under the SADC Trade Protocol. |
Resolution status note:
Zambia reported that Zambia is on schedule in terms of implementing her obligations under the SADC Trade Protocol. As a result of Zambia’s successful implementation of the Trade Protocol, Zambia participates in the SADC Free Trade Area. The tariff liberalization of category C is continuing up until 2010 as provided for in the SADC Trade Protocol. |
NTB-000-303 |
2.7. International taxes and charges levied on imports and other tariff measures |
2009-09-09 |
South Africa: Department of Trade and Industry |
Madagascar |
Resolved 2010-07-22 |
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Complex tariff and other import tax structure |
Resolution status note:
South Africa reported that both countries are members of SADC hence SADC tariff reduction schedules apply |
NTB-000-317 |
1.1. Export subsidies A9: SPS measures n.e.s. |
2009-09-09 |
Seychelles |
Resolved 2011-01-10 |
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The absence of a unified standards system in SADC results in traders having to seek two certificates, one at home and one in the importing country |
Resolution status note:
Botswana reported that there are no Regional Standards in SADC; however SADC is in the process of harmonising the regional standards. Botswana recognizes standards / certificates of other SADC Member States. |
NTB-000-324 |
7.9. Inadequate trade related infrastructure |
2009-09-09 |
Seychelles |
Resolved 2024-10-03 |
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Some businesses complained that SADC ports are unable to handle containers that exceed 6 metres (20 ft), which limits exporters in implementing the most cost-effective way of transporting their products |
Resolution status note:
It has been agreed between the SADC Secretariat and Seychelles that the NTB-000-324 should be marked as resolved. If the challenge still exists, it may be reported again as a new complaint, and Seychelles shall address it accordingly. |
NTB-000-323 |
2.12. Lack of capacity of Customs officers Policy/Regulatory |
2009-09-09 |
Seychelles |
Resolved 2011-01-10 |
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Lack of training of new customs recruits |
Resolution status note:
The Recs have embarked on capacity building for memberstates under the trade facilitation programme |
NTB-000-299 |
5.12. Export restraint arrangements Policy/Regulatory |
2009-09-09 |
Madagascar: Ministry of Trade |
Madagascar |
Resolved 2011-03-11 |
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Government imposes export constraints on the exportation of wood |
Resolution status note:
This is a measure to safeguard the environment. The elimination of non-tariff barriers will be done gradually.
NTB-000-300 |
5.12. Export restraint arrangements Policy/Regulatory |
2009-09-09 |
Madagascar: Ministry of Trade |
Madagascar |
Resolved 2010-07-26 |
View |
Government imposes export constraints on the exportation of wood |
NTB-000-301 |
5.3. Export taxes Policy/Regulatory |
2009-09-09 |
Madagascar: Department of Customs |
Madagascar |
Resolved 2010-07-26 |
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Royalty levy of 1,5% is charged exports of transformed wood |
Resolution status note:
This is a measure to safeguard the environment. The elimination of non-tariff barriers will be done gradually.
NTB-000-328 |
2.8. Lengthy and costly customs clearance procedures Policy/Regulatory |
2009-09-09 |
Eswatini: Revenue Authority |
Eswatini |
Resolved 2011-06-06 |
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The customs declaration system linking Swaziland Borders is not automated. |
Resolution status note:
Swaziland reported that the Swaziland Revenue Authority (SRA) started operating in January 2011 and replaces the Department of Customs and Excise. The organization is therefore fairly new and is still in process of developing appropriate customs clearances procedures which will be uniformly applied at all border posts. This also applies to recruitment and training of staff which is still is ongoing to reach the desired levels which will bring efficiencies in the provision of service at all borders. |
NTB-000-329 |
2.13. Issues related to Pre-Shipment Inspections |
2009-09-09 |
Eswatini: Customs |
Eswatini |
Resolved 2010-07-28 |
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Swaziland borders are seriously understaffed and there is to control smuggling. |
Resolution status note:
Swaziland reported that the Swaziland Revenue Authority (SRA) started operating in January 2011 and replaces the Department of Customs and Excise. The organization is therefore fairly new and is still in process of developing appropriate customs clearances procedures which will be uniformly applied at all border posts. This also applies to recruitment and training of staff which is still is ongoing to reach the desired levels which will bring efficiencies in the provision of service at all borders. |
NTB-000-332 |
2.3. Issues related to the rules of origin |
2009-09-09 |
Eswatini: Customs |
Eswatini |
Resolved 2010-07-28 |
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Delays have been experienced in the issuing Certificates of Origin |
Resolution status note:
Swaziland reported that Customs Department issues certificates of origin for exports destined to US through AGOA and EU through Euro 1. The Trade Promotion Unit issues certificates for SADC and COMESA. Therefore there is need for clarity on which of these institutions is causing delays. |
NTB-000-321 |
7.9. Inadequate trade related infrastructure |
2009-09-09 |
Seychelles |
Resolved 2011-06-03 |
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Innadequate air passenger links between Member states. |
Resolution status note:
Seychelles reported that she is in the process of liberalizing trade and expanding trade within COMESA, SADC and IOC in order to facilitate trade within the region and access to food imports |
NTB-000-304 |
2.14. Other |
2009-09-09 |
Democratic Republic of the Congo: Kasumbalesa |
Democratic Republic of the Congo |
Resolved 2010-12-02 |
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Lack of knowledge of regulations by customs officials |
Resolution status note:
DRC is participating in the SADC Customs Management project where by the customs officials are now actively involved in regional matters. |
NTB-000-307 |
2.10. Inadequate or unreasonable customs procedures and charges |
2009-09-09 |
Democratic Republic of the Congo: Kasumbalesa |
Democratic Republic of the Congo |
Resolved 2010-12-02 |
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Limited knowledge of customs procedures and documentation therefore officials impose arbitrary requirements at border posts |
Resolution status note:
DRC is actively participating inthe SADC Customs Cooperation Committee thereby increasing knowledge of customs procedures and requirements |
NTB-000-309 |
5.3. Export taxes Policy/Regulatory |
2009-09-09 |
Democratic Republic of the Congo: Ministry of Trade |
Democratic Republic of the Congo |
Resolved 2010-07-30 |
View |
Export duty is levied on timber. |
NTB-000-311 |
8.7. Costly Road user charges /fees Policy/Regulatory |
2009-09-09 |
Democratic Republic of the Congo: Ministry of trade |
Democratic Republic of the Congo |
Resolved 2010-07-30 |
View |
High road charges and transport costs for exporters |