Resolved complaints

Showing items 121 to 140 of 821
Complaint number NTB Type
Category 1. Government participation in trade & restrictive practices tolerated by governments
Category 2. Customs and administrative entry procedures
Category 5. Specific limitations
Category 6. Charges on imports
Category 7. Other procedural problems
Category 8. Transport, Clearing and Forwarding
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Date of incident Location
Reporting country or region (additional)
Status Actions
NTB-000-920 2.8. Lengthy and costly customs clearance procedures 2019-06-01 Tanzania: Namanga Kenya Resolved
Complaint: Lengthy documentation in TRA thus delays and demurrage costs
It takes not more than 3 days to get all necessary documents for Kenya, Rwanda and Uganda while it can take upto 10 days(or more) for TZ since all documentation is processed though the exit border before truck leaves Kenyan side
There is no requirement for transport permit for KE, UG & RW.
There is need for customs to harmonize and reduce documentations so as to simplify export processes and facilitate trade.
Resolution status note: Tanzania reported that
a) Transport permits for chemicals related products are issued once the import permit has been issued.
b) For the case of this evidence provided by Kenya, the import permit no.964556 was issued to Kiboko Precoated sheer on 21st of August, 2019 and on the same date 21st of August, 2019, a transport permit 174391 was issued to transport the said chemicals (Charan sign& Sons campany) and therefore there were no delays in issuing the transport permit as it was issued on the same day. It should be noted that the company imports those chemicals is the Tanzania company and transporter of those chemicals was Kenyan Company.
c) United Republic of Tanzania is requesting all exporters to seek all necessary document required before arrival at the Border Post to avoid any delayed and register on the online portal
d) Currently Tanzania do provide chemical and transport permits from Monday to Saturday using the online portal. In addition to that, we have chemical inspectors at all border points operating 24/7
NTB-000-919 2.3. Issues related to the rules of origin
2019-09-24 Kenya: Namanga Tanzania Resolved
Complaint: Denial of preferential treatment on Labels produced by TP Label limited.  
Resolution status note: The Republic of Kenya informed the Sectoral Committee on Trade that she had issued a circular to stop the charges. However, the United Republic of Tanzania requested to be availed with a copy of the circular in order to resolve the NTB.During the RMC meeting held on 10 August 2020, Tanzania confirmed that the NTB was resolved  
NTB-000-918 3. Technical barriers to trade (TBT)
B14: Authorization requirements for importing certain products
2019-10-05 Kenya: Charges were applied by Nairobi City Council Rwanda Resolved
Complaint: Requirement to foreign exhibitors in Kenya to have a trading license to be able to display their products in the trade fair without which a fine of Ksh 1,000 per day is imposed to the exhibitor by the City Council. The incident occurred during the Nairobi International Trade Fair that took place at Jamhuri Park to 30th September to 6th October 2019  
Resolution status note: During the Sectoral Committee on Trade Kenya reported that it was a one off issue and is committed that it will not happen again in other upcoming exhibitions. The meeting agreed that exhibitors should be informed not to accept any charges and should report to the relevant authorities in case it happens. Hence it was resolved.  
NTB-000-917 2.9. Issues related to transit fees 2019-10-02 Tanzania: Tanzania Revenue Authority Rwanda Resolved
Complaint: Requirement by Tanzania Revenue Authority to Rwandan transporters to use two customs bonds on the Northern-Central Corridor (Kigali-Rusumo-Mombasa via Holili-Taveta border post) costing US$ 150 on departure and US$ 80 on return  
Resolution status note: During the SCTIFI the Republic of Rwanda noted that the the regional bond will be concluded by 1st July, 2021; in the interim traders are incurring double costs and hence urged the United Republic of Tanzania to waive the requirement of the Regional bond while awaiting the finalisation of the Same.
On the issue of waiving the requirement of the Regional bond, Tanzania reported that the Commissioners of Customs will advise during their engagement.The SCTIFI agreed that the issue is operational and should be referred to the Committee on Customs for resolution. Hence it is resolved in this EAC Time Bound Programme
NTB-000-916 3. Technical barriers to trade (TBT)
B14: Authorization requirements for importing certain products
2019-10-02 Tanzania: Government Chemist Laboratory Authority. Rwanda Resolved
Complaint: Requirement by United Republic of Tanzania to transit trucks carrying chemicals to have export and transport chemical permits. Trucks are charged US$ 1 per ton and in most cases arbitrary charges which are imposed to transit vehicles only. The amount is applied to the entire container weight regardless of the weight of the other non-chemical products being transported in the container. Permits are difficult to obtain during week-ends and original copies are required at the border creating further delays  
Resolution status note: The RMC meeting held on 1 September 2020 agreed that this complaint be resolved as it is agreeable by Law and hence is not an NTB  
NTB-000-912 2.3. Issues related to the rules of origin
2019-09-10 Burundi: Bujumbura Port Tanzania Resolved
Complaint: Republic of Burundi has denied preferential treatment of MS -Plate (Iron sheet) produced by ALAF Company in Tanzania.  
Resolution status note: During the NMC meeting, held in April 2021, the meeting was informed that the NTB was Resolved.  
NTB-000-911 8.1. Government Policy and regulations
2019-10-15 Zambia: All Zambia Weighbridges Zimbabwe Resolved
Complaint: Zambia applies 0% tolerance on Gross Weight at all Weigh Bridge Stations when all the other counties on the North – South Corridor allows 2 – 5% tolerance on Gross Weight as allowance for weigh bridge weight variances, since weigh bridges give varying weights at any given time which results in fining transporters unnecessarily. The expectation is that Zambia should apply a 2% tolerance on gross weight thereby removing the current challenge faced by foreign operators in the country.  
Resolution status note: During the 8th Meeting of NTBs Focal Points held on 8- 10 July 2020, Zambia reported that it applies a 5% tolerance on Gross Weight at all Weigh Bridges. Zimbabwe needs to clarify whether they are still experiencing challenges. If not it should be considered resolved  
NTB-000-910 2.3. Issues related to the rules of origin
2019-08-28 Rwanda: Rusumo Tanzania Resolved
Complaint: The Rwanda Revenue Authority has denied preferential treatment on silk coat product from Tanzania.  
Resolution status note: During the RMC meeting held on 1 September 2020, Rwanda reported that the preferential treatment is being granted for these goods. Hence the NTB is resolved.Tanzania to consult the company concerned and provide feedback.  
NTB-000-909 8.8. Issues related to transit 2009-07-01 EAC EAC Resolved
Complaint: Existence of several weigh bridge stations in the central and Northern corridors.  
Resolution status note: Transit trucks should be weighed twice, weigh bridges should be reduced to two (2) one at the point of entry and the other at the port of exit.
The two weigh bridges should be equipped with a High Speed Weigh-In Motion (HS-WIM) equipment to save time spent at weigh bridges.
Kenya and Tanzania have installed the High Speed Weign In Motion Weigh Bridges (HS-WIM).
Number of Weigh Bridges in Partner States are as follows: Burundi: 0, Kenya: 4, Rwanda: 0, Tanzania: 3 as agreed, Uganda: 2
The meeting recommended that Uganda be urged to consider installing High Speed Weigh-In Motion Weigh Bridges to resolve this NTB.
URT waived the US$40 sticker fees on transit trucks going through weigh bridges in the central corridor with immediate effect.
NTB-000-904 1.14. Lack of coordination between government institutions 2019-04-05 Uganda: Mutukula Tanzania Resolved
Complaint: Posting of sufficient personnel to Mutukula One Stop Border Post (OSBP). Tanzania has already deployed staff necessary to meet the 24/7 working hours. But Ugandan border officials does not work 24/7. Thus, business from Tanzania to Uganda is severely affected.  
Resolution status note: During the Sectoral Committee on Trade held on 31 October 2019, the Republic of Uganda reported that the Mutukula OSBP is now fully operational at 24/7 basis. The following number of staff from respective agencies were deployed:
Customs (URA) - 25
Immigration (MIA) - 11
Ministry of Agriculture Animal Industry and Fisheries - 3
All other relevant agencies (MAAIF) are present at the OSBP
Hence the NTB was resolved.
NTB-000-903 8.4. Transport related corruption 2019-04-05 Kenya: Miritini, Samburu, Mariakani, Mtito Andei, Kibwezi, Machakos, Mlolongo, Nairobi, Mahimahiu, Naivasha, Nakuru, Salgaa, Molo, Kapsabet, Malaba, Eldoret Rwanda Resolved
Complaint: Multiple police check points from Mombasa to Malaba (Miritini, Samburu, Mariakani, Mtito Andei, Kibwezi, Machakos, Mlolongo, Nairobi, Mahimahiu, Naivasha, Nakuru, Salgaa, Molo, Kapsabet, Malaba, Eldoret).
During the 27th RMC meeting the Republic of Rwanda reported that there are many check points from Mombasa port to Malaba/Busia which charge money to transporters.
Resolution status note: The RMC held on 1 September 2020, agreed that this NTB is resolved and urged Kenya to make sure road blocks don't emerge again  
NTB-000-902 8.8. Issues related to transit 2019-04-03 Tanzania: TRA Burundi Resolved
Complaint: The application of VAT for transit goods that spend more than one month in URT without being loaded  
Resolution status note: During the 27th RMC meeting, the Republic of Burindi reported that transit goods which have spent more than 30 days in Tanzania are charged VAT, when they exit.The Republic of Burundi resubmited to the Secretariat the evidence that was submitted to the United Republic of Tanzania. The United Republic of Tanzania informed the meeting that the fee is charged on services rendered to the trader after the 30 days of the grace period and these services are taxable. The United Republic of Tanzania informed the Sectoral Committee on Trade that as per the evidence given the fee is charged on services rendered to the trader but not on the transit goods after expiry of the 30 days of the grace period and these services are taxable. Hence the United Republic of Tanzania considered the issue not qualifying to be an NTB. Hence the issue was resolved.  
NTB-000-901 2.8. Lengthy and costly customs clearance procedures
2019-05-03 Kenya Resolved
Complaint: South Sudan is subjecting Kenyan exports to Certificate of Conformity (CoC); South Sudan through their Ministry of EAC and Industry has written letters to Kenya manufacturers informing them that there will be a penalty of 15% CIF on all imports into the Republic of South Sudan without CoC. Exporters are required to have their consignments verified in the country of export before shipment.  
Resolution status note: During the Regional Monitoring Committee held on 15th October, 2019 the Republic of Kenya reported that the NTB was resolved.  
NTB-000-899 6.2. Administrative fees 2017-07-28 Tanzania: TFDA Kenya Resolved
Complaint: TFDA (Tanzania Foods & Drugs Authority) imposes a 1.5% fees on FOB value on all imports (food, drugs & cosmetics). This is badly hurting local and regional trade as well as local manufacturers.  
Resolution status note: The Extra Ordinary SCTIFI of August 2019 noted that since TFDA had been dissolved, there is no more fees paid to TFDA. Hence the NTB was resolved.  
NTB-000-898 2.13. Issues related to Pre-Shipment Inspections 2019-05-30 South Africa: SGS South Africa Mauritius Resolved
Complaint: All consignments subject to Pre-Shipment Verification of Conformity (PVoC) must obtain the Certificate of Confirmity (CoC) prior to shipment.

On average, it takes SGS South Africa about 3-5 days to respond to a request made by the exporter for issuing the CoC, and it takes them further 15-20 days to produce the CoC. In the meantime, the Mauritian exporting company has to incur several financial constraints while waiting for the CoC.
Resolution status note: On 17 January 2020, Mauritius Focal Point advised that the exporter has negotiated with SGS South Africa to reduce the number of days taken to obtain the Certificate of Conformity (CoC). SGS South Africa is taking a maximum of 12 days to process the CoC instead of 25 days.
The exporter has advised that they are now satisfied with the processing time.
NTB-000-897 3. Technical barriers to trade (TBT)
B82: Testing requirement
2019-09-09 Kenya: Namanga Tanzania Resolved
Complaint: This incident happened at Namanga border on 09 September, 2019. The Kenya Bureau of Standard (KEBs) restricted car registration number T391 AVW/T945BMK with 10,000 Olynet Long lasting nest and 5, 920 MiraNet also long lasting nets manufactured by A to Z Textile Company. These products are TBS licensed. It was later allowed to enter Kenya under seal make until KEBS undergo their test, in Nairobi. We wish to get clarification on issue, if it has licensed by TBS how come need another test?  
Resolution status note: The Regional Monitoring Committee held on 15th October, 2019 noted that it was a one time incidence and is a normal practice in Standards, However the issue was resolved that same day and should be indicated as resolved.  
NTB-000-895 8.8. Issues related to transit 2019-08-08 South Africa: Durban sea Port Lesotho Resolved
Complaint: Container been detention for physical exam for too long now, which will delay our exports. The requested documents were provided long time.  
Resolution status note: On 25 Februaru 2020, Lesotho Focal Point reported that the complaint had confirmed that the container had been released  
NTB-000-894 3. Technical barriers to trade (TBT)
B9: TBT Measures n.e.s.
2019-05-14 South Africa: Maseru Bridge Lesotho Resolved
Complaint: SARS inspection process takes too long thereby delaying transit of goods destined for the Port. TZICC Clothing Manufacture, requesting SARS to expedite clearance of their declaration which was done last May 14, 2019. The container has not been cleared as at Wednesday 22 May 2019 our Container has not been release yet. The Export Container is going to United States of America and there is a schedule that the company need to meet specially the vessel Stack Dates in Durban. Case # 313253631 was pending since Wednesday and it took so long for SARS to answer or response on the query. 1st we do the VOC 2nd they ask for the Sales Contract 3rd they ask for the Provisional Payment amounting R28866.87 which was already done paying Friday 17 May 2019, everything was uploaded on Friday but SARS has not responded as on 22 May 2019. TZICC are not in a position to know what is going on as SARS are not answering on the system.

This container will cost a lot if the consignment misses the vessel again in Capetown just because of SARS Customs.
Resolution status note: On 22 May 2019, South Africa Focal Point reported that discrepancies that were picked up which resulted in the delay of the declared consignment were rectified. The case has been finalised and released.  
NTB-000-892 2.8. Lengthy and costly customs clearance procedures 2018-07-01 Kenya: Namanga Tanzania Resolved
Complaint: KRA has issued a public notice which introduced Single Custom entry clearance which increases cost of doing business.
The new system affects Tanzania traders by increasing cost of doing business for example to clear 100 trucks using bulk system was costing Kshs 150,600, however, using the current system of single customs entry one truck cost Kshs8,500/-. Therefore to clear 100 trucks it cost Kshs 850,000/-.
Resolution status note: The NTB was discussed in the CoC and agreed that the SCT TWG should analyse the risks of making one bulk declaration and cost implications of multiple declarations. The TWG should work out a mechanism for knocking off cargo.
The Secretariat informed the meeting that the TWG on SCT will develop a framework to knock off cargo in the customs clearance system from 11th - 15th Dec 2018.
The matter was resolved by the CoC in April 2019
NTB-000-891 2.8. Lengthy and costly customs clearance procedures 2019-04-09 South Africa: Cape Town Eswatini Resolved
Complaint: SARs stopped containers for inspection and are demanding proof of payment from consignee/buyer to the exporting company (Supplier) for the goods in transit to Eswatini. The affected company, Long Wei Investments are experiencing delays and incurring storage and demurrage charges at the port of discharge in Cape Town. SARS has withheld the consignment for over seven days from 9th April 2019. SARs are asking for different documentation at different times and dates thereby further delaying the inspection process and release of the consignments. The affected products are on Bill of Lading No. COSU6198384160  
Resolution status note: The Focal Point for Eswatini reported that the matter had been resolved.  
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