22. Life-jackets (a) Shall comply with the specifications set out in the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) Convention.
(b) Every life-jacket shall bear the SOLAS Marking
Reference of the measure
Fifth Schedule (regulation 5(6) and 10) (Conditions under which the goods should be imported); para 21
Applied by Mauritius on the entire world for 3503.00.00: Gelatin (including gelatin in rectangular (including square) sheets, whether or not surface-worked or coloured) and gelatin derivatives; isinglass; other glues of animal origin, excluding casein glues of heading 35.01.
226. Edible gelatin
Edible Gelatin sold for human consumption -
(a) shall be the clean and wholesome product obtained from skin, bone or other
collagenous material;
(b) shall contain not more than 16% moisture and shall yield not more than 3% ash
Reference of the measure
Sub-articles 226(a)&(b)
Measure also domestic
Products affected by the measure.
Partial coverage
Partial coverage indication
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Date out
Gelatin (including gelatin in rectangular (including square) sheets, whether or not surface-worked or coloured) and gelatin derivatives; isinglass; other glues of animal origin, excluding casein glues of heading 35.01.
378. Fish paste
(1) Fish paste -
[b] shall not contain -
(i) less than 15 % salt;
(ii) less than 30 % protein;
(iii) more than 40% water; and
(i) more than 25% ash.
230. Canned tomato
Canned tomato -
(a) shall be the product prepared from clean, sound, ripe and fresh tomato sealed in a container and processed by heat to prevent spoilage;
(b) may contain sugar, salt, tomato juice or puree;
(c) may contain nisin, where the pH of the canned tomato is less than 4.5; and
379. Fish stick
(b) shall -
(i) weigh not less than 20grams and not more than 50 grams including the coating;
(ii) be shaped so that the length of the fish stick is not less than three times its width;
(iii) not be less than 10 millimetres thick; and
(iv) contain not less than 50% fish;
231. Tomato juice
Tomato juice -
(a) shall be the liquid and suspended fine material expressed from clean, sound and ripe tomato sealed in a container and processed by heat to prevent spoilage;
(b) shall be free from seeds, skin and other coarse material;
(c) shall contain not less than 180 milligram of ascorbic acid per litre ; and
(d) may contain added salt, sugar, spices or ascorbic acid.
232. Tomato puree
Tomato puree -
(a) shall be the product resulting from the concentration of the screened or strained fleshy and liquid portions of clean, sound and ripe tomato sealed in a container and processed by heat to prevent spoilage;
(b) shall contain not less than 8% of soluble salt-free solids; and
(c) may contain nisin whenever the pH of the tomato puree is less than 4.5
233. Tomato paste
Tomato paste -
(a) shall be the product resulting from the concentration of the screened fleshy and liquid portions of clean, sound and ripe tomato sealed in a container and processed by heat to prevent spoilage;
(b) shall contain not less than 25% tomato solids;
(c) may contain salt; and
(d) may contain nisin whenever the pH of such tomato paste is less than 4.5.
26.(a) Exhaust Emission Requirements
Outboard motors shall be designed, constructed and assembled so that when in normal use, emissions shall not exceed the limit values obtained from the following table
Reference of the measure
Fifth Schedule (regulation 5(6) and 10) (Conditions under which the goods should be imported); para. 26(a)
Measure also domestic
A table is given containing the maximum allowable levels of exhaust emissions
Products affected by the measure.
Partial coverage
Partial coverage indication
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Date out
--- Exceeding 25 horsepower but not exceeding 150 horsepower
234. Tomato sauce
Tomato sauce or ketchup -
(a) shall be sauce prepared from clean, sound and ripe tomato free from tamarind;
(b) shall contain not less than 4% of non-sugar organic solids; and
(c) may contain sugar, salt, vinegar, acetic acid, onions, garlic, spices or other condiments;
Applied by Mauritius on the entire world for 8903.99.10: --- Equipped with outboard motors of a capacity exceeding 150 horsepower and 8903.99.90: --- Other
26(b) Noise Emission Requirements
Craft/Boat with outboard motor shall be designed, constructed and assembled so that the noise emissions shall not exceed the limit values in the following table
Reference of the measure
Fifth Schedule (regulation 5(6) and 10) (Conditions under which the goods should be imported)
Measure also domestic
A table with values of maximum permissible levels noise emmisions is given.
Products affected by the measure.
Partial coverage
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--- Equipped with outboard motors of a capacity exceeding 150 horsepower
138. White bread
White bread
(d) shall have the following characteristics -
(i) a moisture content of 35% for loaves of 100 g to 500 g;
(ii) a moisture content of 40% for loaves of 1000 g to 2000 g;
(iii) a moisture content of 30% for bread commonly known "baguette" and
"flute”; and
(iv) a pH range of 5.3 to 6.0 in relation to mass per volume in 10% aqueous
237. Fresh vegetable
(1) Fresh vegetable shall be vegetable which is not processed and shall not be withered, shriveled, discoloured or infested with or by insects, worms and moulds.
Applied by Mauritius on the entire world for 8536.20.00: - Automatic circuit breakers, 8536.50.10: --- Residual currrent switches (interrupteur differentiel) < 1000 V and 8536.90.10: --- Leakage modules < 1000 V
27. Residual current operated circuit breakers for household and similar uses
a) Shall comply with the International Standards BS EN 61008 BS EN 61009, IEC 61008 or IEC 61009 or any other equivalent standard.
Reference of the measure
Fifth Schedule (regulation 5(6) and 10) (Conditions under which the goods should be imported); para. 27(a)
Measure also domestic
Products affected by the measure.
Partial coverage
Partial coverage indication
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Date out
- Automatic circuit breakers
Residual current operated circuit breakers for household and similar uses
--- Residual currrent switches (interrupteur differentiel) < 1000 V
--- Leakage modules < 1000 V
Residual current operated circuit breakers for household and similar uses
139 Whole-meal bread
Whole-meal bread -
(a) shall be the product obtained by baking dough composed of whole-meal wheat flour, yeast, edible salt and water;
(b) may contain caramel in or on it as a colouring substance;
(c) shall have the same moisture content as white bread as provided in regulation 138; and
(d) shall contain not less than 1.8% crude fibre on a moisture free basis.
238. Dried or dehydrated vegetable
Dried vegetable or dehydrated vegetable -
(a) shall be the raw edible part of vegetable dehydrated by artificially induced conditions or naturally;
(b) shall contain not more than 8% of moisture; and
Applied by Mauritius on the entire world for 9032.89.00: -- Other, 8481: Taps, cocks, valves and similar appliances for pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats or the like, including pressure-reducing valves and thermostatically controlled valves. and 9026: Instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking the flow, level, pressure or other variables of liquids or gases (for example, flow meters, level gauges, manometers, heat meters), excluding instruments and apparatus of heading 90.14, 90.15, 90.28 or 9
27 Low Pressure, non-adjustable regulators for use with butane and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) – specifications
(a)A recent certificate of conformity to MS 147:2008 or EN12864 or its equivalent issued by an accredited laboratory shall be submitted
(b)A certificate from the Mauritius Standards Bureau certifying compliance with the standard referred to in paragraph (a) shall be obtained prior to the clearance of the goods from the Customs Department
Reference of the measure
Fifth Schedule (regulation 5(6) and 10) (Conditions under which the goods should be imported); para 27[28] (a)(b)
Measure also domestic
Though the text of the regulation does not specifically state it, the requirements in the text imply that the affected products must meet the said standard.
Products affected by the measure.
Partial coverage
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Date out
-- Other
Low Pressure, non-adjustable regulators for use with butane and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG)
Taps, cocks, valves and similar appliances for pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats or the like, including pressure-reducing valves and thermostatically controlled valves.
Low Pressure, non-adjustable regulators for use with butane and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG)
Instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking the flow, level, pressure or other variables of liquids or gases (for example, flow meters, level gauges, manometers, heat meters), excluding instruments and apparatus of heading 90.14, 90.15, 90.28 or 9
Low Pressure, non-adjustable regulators for use with butane and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG)
Low Pressure, non-adjustable regulators for use with butane and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG)
Applied by Mauritius on the entire world for 0902.10.00: - Green tea (not fermented) in immediate packings of a content not exceeding 3 kg, 0902.20.00: - Other green tea (not fermented), 0902.30.00: - Black tea (fermented) and partly fermented tea, in immediate packings of a content not exceeding 3 kg and 0902.40.00: - Other black tea (fermented) and other partly fermented tea
(b) shall not yield more than 7% of total ash of which at least one half shall be soluble in boiling water;
(c) yield not less than 30% of water soluble extract;
(d) not contain spurious, decayed or mouldy leaves or stalks;
Reference of the measure
Sub-articles 142(b), (c) & (d)
Measure also domestic
Products affected by the measure.
Partial coverage
Partial coverage indication
Date in
Date out
- Green tea (not fermented) in immediate packings of a content not exceeding 3 kg
- Other green tea (not fermented)
- Black tea (fermented) and partly fermented tea, in immediate packings of a content not exceeding 3 kg
- Other black tea (fermented) and other partly fermented tea