Resolved complaints

Showing items 221 to 240 of 824
Complaint number NTB TypeCheck allUncheck all Date of incident Location Reporting country or region (additional) Status Actions
NTB-000-783 2.8. Lengthy and costly customs clearance procedures 2017-09-19 Zimbabwe: Beitbridge South Africa Resolved
Complaint: Zimbabwe Revenue Authority (ZIMRA) is not adhering to their new procedure for handling transit cargo thereby causing serious delays in clearance of trucks at the Beitbridge border post.
Truckers are experiencing serious delays because ZIMRA is not adhering to the procedure it stipulated in its communication documents. ALL transit cargo is being fitted with seals, despite the cargo already being sealed by client at loading point. Communication from drivers indicated that, currently only 5 trucks being sealed per day.
Trucks then going onto a "list" for transit escort. This is despite the official communication stipulating that ONLY trucks carrying cargo that is not covered by a suitable tent/tarpaulin that cannot be sealed will be considered by authorities to be escorted.
Truck is a tautliner and thus can be sealed yet driver has been informed it needs to be escorted, and he was informed that 5 trucks per day are escorted to Chirundu. Currently he is number 48 in the "list". This goes against what was communicated in ZIMRA informational document.
Our trucks have Route Risk Assessment done prior for the reasons stated by another complainant, yet ZIMRA wants to dictate which roads and routes to use. This procedure is causing unnecessary delays at the border.
Resolution status note: On 22nd August 2019, the Zimbabwe Revenue Authority Head of Technical services advised that not all transit cargo is being selected for Electronic Cargo Tracking, but only cargo that is selected as hig risk transit cargo through the use of ZIMRA automated risk management engine. Beitbridge is sealing in excess of 50 of the over 300 transit trucks cleared on a daily basis which is selected by the automated risk management engine. On implementation of Electronic Cargo Tracking System high risk transit cargo that could not be electronically sealed was escorted through Zimbabwe, however, adequate electronic tracking seals have now been procured to facilitate the sealing of all highrisk transit cargo as selected by the risk management engine. As of August 2019, no escort are being done unless there is a specific need. The drivers are at liberty to select their designated route to be followed as they transverse Zimbabwe by completing a Route Declaration Form.

This NTB arose due to challenges faced on implementation of the electronic cargo tracking system in Zimbabwe, through stakeholder engagement and dialogue implementation challenges were resolved. Therefore this NTB has been resolved .
NTB-000-782 8.7. Costly Road user charges /fees 2017-09-17 Zimbabwe: Chirundu Zimbabwe Resolved
Complaint: Trans[porters are experiencing the following delays and other administrative costs as a result of the sealing process by ZIMRA:
• The vehicles are delayed up to 24 hours while waiting for the seals
• ZIMRA Officials remove existing seals to fit their seal and then do not replace the seals when their electronic seals are removed
• ZIMRA Officials have refused to endorse the documents when seals have been removed
• They have damaged transporters equipment and gone so far as to use a drill on a loaded fuel tanker to drill a large hole to fit their seal. This is completely unacceptable!
• Where one of their seals was incorrectly fitted and fell off the truck, they then cut other seals and drew samples of the product to ensure it had not been contaminated. No explanation was given and our customer consequently rejected the load as the integrity had been corrupted
• Transporters are expected to adhere to routes stipulated by ZIMRA. We have Route Risk Assessments on all our routes. The route is determined due to a number of factors including distance and safety. This is pertinent to Zimbabwe where the road infrastructure is failing
• Beyond the instruction to pay for the sealing, transporters are further expected to pay the costs of escorts
Resolution status note: The payment for sealing is a requirement in terms of the law in terms of Statutory Instrument 113 OF 2017. A fee of $30.00 shall be levied on every road vehicle conveying goods and break bulk cargo through Zimbabwe upon which electronic seals and magnetic sealing cable are placed on the cargo in term of the law.he vehicles are delayed up to 24 hours while waiting for the seals.Noted, it is not the intention of ZIMRA to delay any vehicle because of sealing, sealing is done in the minimum possible time and where delays are experienced, one can immediately contact the Supervisor or Manager on duty for assistance. Contact numbers for Supervisors and Managers are displayed in the offices .
ZIMRA has since obtained the seals and there are no more delays .
NTB-000-779 2.3. Issues related to the rules of origin
2017-05-05 Kenya: Kenya Revenue Authority Tanzania Resolved
Complaint: Kenya does not give preferential treatment for wheat flour from Tanzania.  
Resolution status note: During the Bilateral meeting held in September between Kenya and Tanzania, Kenya reported that AZAM company was gazzeted for the duty remission to produce specific products. According to the evidence produced by Tanzania the Tanzania exporter was gazzeted on 14th July, 2017 but the denial of market access to their client in Kenya is said to have happened on 10th February, 2017 before the gazettement. This NTB was therefore resolved.  
NTB-000-778 5.12. Export restraint arrangements 2017-05-05 Tanzania: Ministry of Industry, Trade and Marketing , Uganda Resolved
Complaint: Tanzania banned exportation of food items to Uganda hence affecting Intra Regional Trade and endangers food security in the region.  
Resolution status note: In the recent meeting on NTBs held in Kampala on 24th October, 2017, Tanzania reported that this was a food security issue in Tanzania and the meeting agreed that it has been resolved.  
NTB-000-777 7.8. Consular and Immigration Issues 2017-05-05 Tanzania: Ministry of Home Affairs - Immigration Uganda Resolved
Complaint: Tanzania imposes Business visa fees of US$100 charged contrary to provisions of the Common Market Protocol  
Resolution status note: During the Senior Officials' meeting held in October, 2017 Tanzania reported that she would follow up with the relevant Authorities on the NTB of charging Business VISA fee for drivers and report back to the Regional Forum in March, 2018. During the 25th EAC Regional Forum on NTBs held from 9- 12 May 2018 Uganda reported that the requirement had been lifted and therefore the issue has been resolved.  
NTB-000-776 8.7. Costly Road user charges /fees
2017-05-05 Tanzania: Ministry of Works, Transport & Communications Uganda Resolved
Complaint: Tanzania still charges US$500 to Uganda trucks compared to US$152 charged on Rwanda trucks.  
Resolution status note: On 14 June 2022, EAC Secretariat reported that the experts' meeting met in March 2022 and gave recommendations to be considered by TCM.The Sectoral Committee on Trade was informed that the two Partner States had a bilateral meeting and agreed to charge Uganda tracks 10 USD charged per 100 Kilometers. Hence the NTB is resolved  
NTB-000-775 2.8. Lengthy and costly customs clearance procedures 2017-05-05 Tanzania: Tanzania Revenue Authority Kenya Resolved
Complaint: It takes more than 14 days to resolve complaints relating to uplifting of invoice values where TRA officers decide to increase the value of the goods. This should take a maximum of two days to complete the process.  
Resolution status note: The SCTIFI meeting held on 16 November 2018 was informed that this NTB had been resolved.  
NTB-000-774 2.3. Issues related to the rules of origin
2017-05-05 Uganda: Uganda Revenue Authority Kenya Resolved
Complaint: Lack of preferential treatment of paper sacks manufactured in Kenya and exported into Uganda  
Resolution status note: During the SCTIFI meeting held on 16 November 2018, Uganda reported that the NTB was resolved for Companies that are not under Duty remission.  
NTB-000-773 2.3. Issues related to the rules of origin
2017-05-05 Uganda: Uganda Revenue Authority Kenya Resolved
Complaint: Lack of preferential treatment of packaging materials for beverages i.e. juice, milk etc manufactured in Kenya when exported into Uganda.  
Resolution status note: Kenya informed the 27th Regional Monitoring Committee meeting on 3rd May 2019 that Uganda is now recognising the packaging materials from Kenya.

The NTB was resolved.
NTB-000-772 1.14. Lack of coordination between government institutions
2017-05-05 Tanzania: Ministry of Works, Transport & Communication Kenya Resolved
Complaint: Tanzania are charging railway development levy (RDL) to Kenya products. Tanzania is not adhering to the EAC law where it states clearly that products within the EAC should not be subjected to RDL  
Resolution status note: During the Bilateral meeting that took place in January 2018, the Permanent/ principal Secretaries took note that Tanzania does not levy RDL on products originating in the EAC region. And hence the NTB was Resolved.  
NTB-000-770 7.4. Costly procedures 2017-05-05 Tanzania: Namanga Kenya Resolved
Complaint: Kenya is facing challenges with the delays in verification of perishable goods namely industrial gases and milk products. Industrial gases are exported in liquid state but they very quickly evaporate into gas if the export trucks are left out in the open sun for more than 48 hours. Also, milk is a sensitive product which if not preserved in conducive environment it will get spoiled therefore, should be treated as perishable products under special clearance.  
Resolution status note: During SCTIFI meeting held on 16 November 2018, Tanzania reported that since the commencement of the SCT, goods are not verified at the border and hence there are no more delays. NTB was therefore resolved  
NTB-000-767 7.4. Costly procedures 2017-05-05 Tanzania: Tanzania Food and Drugs Authority Kenya Resolved
Complaint: TFDA delays issuance of registration certificate causing Kenyan companies to lose out on trade. The finalization of the accepted label can take between 3-12 months. This additionally increase the cost of doing business as a manufacturer would have to pay certification fees more than three times to have one label approved due to the deadlines imposed in terms of getting labels approved. Kenya products have been stranded at the borders or manufacturers warehouse because they have not passed TFDA requirements.  
Resolution status note: Tanzania informed the Regional Monitoring Committee meeting on 3rd May 2019, that TFDA had reduced the certification period from 3- 12 months to 45 days as per international requirements. She observed that most delays were caused by late submission of required information by agents at the time of processing the registration and therefore urged Partner States to respond to queries logged on them on time , to avoid unnecessary delays.  
NTB-000-766 5.13. Other quantity control measures
2017-05-05 Tanzania: Tanzania Food and Drugs Authority Kenya Resolved
Complaint: Intellectual property infringement. Tanzania Food and Drugs Authority requires manufactures to disclose recipe or formulae which is an intellectual property so as to approve or register products.  
Resolution status note: During the bilateral Meeting held from 23- 27 April 2019, Tanzania reported that what is required is not the formula but the ingridients/composition contained in the product and it is an international requirement. Tanzania was of the view that the NTB should tabled during the meeting of the Standards committee where food and drugs experts are members.
However, the Meeting agreed that this NTB is resolved.
NTB-000-765 2.7. International taxes and charges levied on imports and other tariff measures
2017-05-05 Tanzania: Tanzania Revenue Authority Kenya Resolved
Complaint: Tanzania does not recognize price adjustments for duty purposes particularly the reduction by milk processors in Kenya.  
Resolution status note: During the Regional Monitoring Committee meeting of 2018, Tanzania reported that, this is not an NTB but a valuation issue that can be resolved between the revenue authority and the importer. KRA and TRA were therefore quested to hold a bilateral meeting to resolve the matter by 21st November 2018.2. The Regional meeting held from 29 April - 3 May 2019 referred the matter to the Committee on Customs for resolution.  
NTB-000-764 5.13. Other quantity control measures
2017-05-05 Tanzania: Tanzania Bureau of Standards Kenya Resolved
Complaint: Tanzania does not recognize quality marks issued by Kenya authorities despite the fact that Partner States are implementing harmonized regional standards. Tanzania expects all products imported into that country to meet Tanzania standards.  
Resolution status note: During the Extra Orinally SCTIFI that sat in February, 2018, Tanzania reported that they recognise quality marks on products from other EAC Partner States. Hence this NTB is resolved.  
NTB-000-763 2.3. Issues related to the rules of origin
2017-05-05 Uganda: Uganda Revenue Authority Kenya Resolved
Complaint: Lack of preferential treatment for printed adhesive paper labels products and corrugated cartons manufactured in Kenya and exported to Uganda.  
Resolution status note: The Secretariat reported that the SCTIFI meeting was informed that Uganda provides preferential treatment. The matter is therefore resolved  
NTB-000-763 2.3. Issues related to the rules of origin
2017-05-05 Uganda: Uganda Revenue Authority Kenya Resolved
Complaint: Lack of preferential treatment for printed adhesive paper labels products and corrugated cartons manufactured in Kenya and exported to Uganda.  
Resolution status note: The SCTIFI meeting was informed that Uganda provides preferential treatment. The matter is resolved  
NTB-000-762 2.3. Issues related to the rules of origin
2017-05-05 Tanzania: Tanzania Revenue Authority Kenya Resolved
Complaint: Lack of Preferential treatment of textiles and apparels products from Kenya when exported into Tanzania  
Resolution status note: During SCTIFI meeting held on 16 November 2018, Kenya reported that stay of application ended on 30th June, 2018 and there was no extension for the same. The NTB was therefore resolved.  
NTB-000-761 2.3. Issues related to the rules of origin
2017-05-05 Uganda: Uganda Revenue Authority Kenya Resolved
Complaint: Lack of Preferential treatment of textiles and apparels products from Kenya when exported into Uganda  
Resolution status note: The SCTIFI meeting held on 16 November 2018 was informed that the stay of application on textile and apparels expired on 30th June 2018 and was not renewed

The NTB was resolved by the Committee on Customs (CoC) .
NTB-000-760 2.3. Issues related to the rules of origin
2017-05-05 Tanzania: Tanzania Revenue Authority Kenya Resolved
Complaint: Lack of preferential treatment. Payment of full CET duty on cement exports from Kenya to Tanzania due to interpretation of Chapter 25. This also affects situations where the local content is at a high percentile. Tanzania authorities attach a 35% duty to cement that is not ‘wholly produced’ in an EAC state. This is opposed to previous practice which had other categories on the rules of origin certificate that for cement included ‘value addition’ and/or ‘substantially transformed using material content not exceeding 60%’ - the Authorities do not consider these categories anymore; the rules of origin must state whether the item is either wholly produced or not.  
Resolution status note: During the Bilateral Meeting held on 27th April 2019, both Kenya and Tanzania, Tanzania reported that Cement transfered from Kenya is granted preferential treatment which was disputed by Kenya. The Tanzania Revenue Authority agreed to provide feedback in one week. The meeting was informed by the Secretariat that the NTB was resolved during the CoC meeting of April 2019.  
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