Resolved complaints

Showing items 261 to 280 of 824
Complaint number NTB TypeCheck allUncheck all Date of incident Location Reporting country or region (additional) Status Actions
NTB-000-720 2.3. Issues related to the rules of origin
2016-06-07 Sudan: Sudan Customs Authority Egypt Resolved
Complaint: Sudan Customs authority has stopped applying the customs exemption on Egyptian Ceramic tiles products despite the fact that the consignments are accompanied by a COMESA certificate of origin .  
Resolution status note: RESOLVED during 1st Meeting of the COMESA Regional NTBs Forum held on 16- 17 March 2021  
NTB-000-717 8.6. Vehicle standards 2016-07-13 Zambia: military base South Africa Resolved
Complaint: Trucks from various countries including Zimbabwe, South Africa and Malawi origin transporting Maize bran legally with valid documentation and export permits issued by Zambian Dept of Agriculture were held at Kafue Weigh Bridge for almost a week, others longer than 3 weeks allegedly waiting for validation of export permits.

On 13 July permanent Secretary of Lusaka province arrived and Kafue bridge and after a short talk on maize smuggling to drivers ordered 31 of the trucks to be convoyed back to Lusaka to a military base under escort of military police to be impounded.

The drivers were told that upon arrival at the destination they were to take nothing from the trucks and leave. They were also told that where they were to sleep/reside was not the concern of the military personnel or authorities, it was their own problem.

At the military base the drivers manage to negotiate the removal of their clothing, blankets and personal effect , and were forced to hand over the keys to the vehicles and sign forms of impoundment.

This all for vehicles tranporting goods legally, all carrying clearing documentation legally processed by zambian clearing agents and valid legal permits issued by the Zambian Dept of Agriculture in Lusaka.

Subsequent to this another approximate 20 vehicles has experienced the same process.

Daily representations, discussions and meetings since then between various persons and organizations representing transporters and the office of the permanent Secretary of Lusaka yield no results or explanation for the impoundment of vehicles carrying legal documents, nor a date when the vehicles will be released.

Drivers are out on the streets, many with no suitable place to sleep. Some, out of desperation resorted to hitch-hiking back to their home countries.

Transporters are incurring heavy losses.

We urgently request that these trucks be released by the military and Zambian Authorities as this is costing the Transporters a lot of money in lost revenue and it is illegal for the Zambian Authorities and army to hold legally operated trucks.

The incident is also going to be escalated via the relevant countries' embassies/high commissions and Trade Authorities .
Resolution status note: On 17th November 2016, South Focal Point confirmed that the NTB had been resolved .  
NTB-000-716 8.7. Costly Road user charges /fees 2016-06-30 Kenya: Mombasa County Burundi Resolved
Complaint: Mombasa Country charges transit trucks waiting to load cargo in the parking yard an amount of Ksh 500 per day.  
Resolution status note: The NTBs focal Point at the Secretariat reported that this NTB had been resolved by the Dedicated Session of Senior Officials /Permanent Secretaries meeting held in Kampala on how to resolve long standing outstanding NTBs  
NTB-000-715 2.6. Additional taxes and other charges
2016-06-30 Tanzania: Ministry of Envinronment Kenya Resolved
Complaint: Tanzania authority requires that heat treated wooden pallets be fumigated again at the Border, failure of which they charge penalties.  
Resolution status note: At the 22nd EAC NTB Forum held in December 2016, Kenya reported that Tanzania Revenue Authority had lifted the requirement that heat treated wooden pallets be
fumigated again at the Border, failure of which they charge penalties.
NTB-000-714 6.7. Other
2016-06-30 Tanzania: Tanzania Food and Drug Authority Kenya Resolved
Complaint: TFDA registers injectables as per pack size and treats each product by itself rendering retaining licences for the product very expensive.  
Resolution status note: During the meeting of the NTBs Focal Points held on 19- 21 August 2019, Tanzania reported that the Bilateral meeting between Kenya and Tanzania held in December 2018, agreed that each country should to continue charging their domestic fees until when the process of harmonization is completed. Immediate implementation. The meeting called on the EAC Secretariat to facilitate the harmonization of food safety standards in the region.  
NTB-000-713 2.6. Additional taxes and other charges 2016-06-30 Uganda: Busia Kenya Resolved
Complaint: Exports to DRC are subjected to verifications at Busia border and consignments sealed but an additional charges and verification is done at Busitema where the seal is broken and customer/transporter is charged.  
Resolution status note: The NTB was resolved during the 22nd EAC NTBs Forum held in December 2016  
NTB-000-712 2.6. Additional taxes and other charges 2016-06-30 Tanzania: Tanzania Revenue Authority Kenya Resolved
Complaint: A Kenyan Exhibitor for the 40th Dar es Salaam International Tradefair charged duties on goods by TFDA and TRA.  
Resolution status note: The 22nd Meeting of the EAC NTBs Forum held in December 2016 accepted Tanzania report that this was a once off incidence and that adequate arrangements had been put in pace to facilitate clearance of exhibitors goods during trade fair.  
NTB-000-711 8.7. Costly Road user charges /fees
2016-06-30 Kenya: Mombasa County Burundi Resolved
Complaint: Mombasa County in Kenya charges transit fees of ksh 6,000 for transit cargo truck.  
Resolution status note: During the Dedicated Session of the Permanent/ Principal/Under Secretaries of Trade and EAC Affairs meeting held in Kampala to resolve long standing NTBs, Kenya reported that the internal consultations with the County Government of Mombasa had been concluded and the charge has been abolished.  
NTB-000-710 2.14. Other
2016-04-01 Tanzania: Tanzania Revenue Authority Kenya Resolved
Complaint: TRA offices close earlier (3.00 pm) than KRA Office hindering the Verification at Inland Container Deport (ICD) Nairobi  
Resolution status note: The Dedicated Session of Senior Officials meeting held in October, 2017 reported that both countries Kenya and Tanzania have harmonised the working hours. Hence the NTB is resolved.  
NTB-000-709 2.2. Arbitrary customs classification 2016-04-01 Tanzania: Tanzania Revenue Authority Kenya Resolved
Complaint: Arbitrary uplifting of value exports of the Air filters for internal Combustion manufactured by Kenafric products leading to high charges on VAT  
Resolution status note: The Secretariat reported that this NTB had been resolved by the report of the bilateral meeting held from 3rd -5th July 2018 between Kenya & Tanzania .  
NTB-000-708 8.6. Vehicle standards
2016-04-30 Kenya: Mombasa sea port Uganda Resolved
Complaint: Charging of a Ks. 30,000 fines for criminal offence (TR361/16) for lorries imported by Uganda from German without Mud Guards.  
Resolution status note: The 22nd EAC NTBs forum held in December 2016 accepted Kenya report that the charges were not discriminatory therefore not an NTB.  
NTB-000-707 2.3. Issues related to the rules of origin
2016-05-04 Rwanda: Rwanda Revenue Authority Tanzania Resolved
Complaint: Rwanda does not give preferential treatment for rice originating from Tanzania as per the requirement of the EAC Rules of origin  
Resolution status note: During the 23rd Meeting of the EAC NTBs Forum held from 4- 6 MAy 2017 in Kampala, Rwanda reported that she was now according preferential treatment to Rice imported from Tanzania  
NTB-000-706 8.1. Government Policy and regulations
2016-05-18 Uganda: Uganda Police Burundi Resolved
Complaint: Uganda recognizes the COMESA yellow card insurance but it is not honoured once there is an accident.  
Resolution status note: The 22nd meeting of the EAC NTBs Forum held in December 2016 , accepted Uganda report that she recognizes COMESA Yellow Card insurance. However the policy requires that all trucks involved in criminal accidents should be held to allow investigation.  
NTB-000-705 8.7. Costly Road user charges /fees
2016-04-23 Rwanda: Rwanda Revenue Authority Burundi Resolved
Complaint: Rwanda makes trucks to pay double the certificate of Transit Goods. That is US$400 instead of US$ 200 per truck and trailer separately  
Resolution status note: The 22nd meeting of the NTBs forum held in December 2016 accepted Rwanda explanation that Rwanda was implementing the revised EAC Regulations on Customs Management Act, 2010.The Act stipulates that a pulling trailer is considered separate from the truck. This NTB was resolved  
NTB-000-704 1.14. Lack of coordination between government institutions 2016-04-22 Uganda: Ministries responsible for Trade in Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda Kenya Resolved
Complaint: Inadequate or no information on the change of export and import procedures  
Resolution status note: This NTB was resolved by the meeting of the 22nd NTBs Forum held from 5-7 December 2016.  
NTB-000-703 2.8. Lengthy and costly customs clearance procedures 2015-11-10 Tanzania: Tanzania Revenue Authority Kenya Resolved
Complaint: Single Customs Territory (SCT) export documents processing in Tanzania are taking longer up to 10 days to be cleared instead of 3 days.  
Resolution status note: During the SCTIFI in November, 2018, the meeting was informed that TRA requires a Bonded Transportation document (BT) to control movement of cargo. Currently, there is no linkage between the BT and the exit note. TRA ICT experts are expected to resolve the matter by 9th November 2018. The meeting agreed that this is a single customs territory (SCT) matter and not an NTB. Hence the NTB was Resolved.  
NTB-000-702 2.3. Issues related to the rules of origin 2015-09-17 Tanzania: National Environment Management Rwanda Resolved
Complaint: Delays in issuance of certificates by Tanzania’s NEMA (National Environmental management Authority) which has the validity for three months. It also takes three months to renew the certificate that allows Bralirwa Ltd to export broken glasses and bottles to Dar es Salaam to be recycled by KIOO Ltd.
Reported in 2015.
Resolution status note: During the 25th EAC NTBs Forum held on 9- 12 May 2018, URT and Rwanda reported that this issue hadbeen resolved.  
NTB-000-701 6.5. Variable levies
2015-07-15 Tanzania: Ministry of Industry, Trade and Investment Kenya Resolved
Complaint: United Republic of Tanzania has introduced a railway development levy of 1.5 per cent for imports from Kenya.
Reported in 2015.
Resolution status note: The EAC NTBs Focal Point reported that the NTB had been resolved by the meeting of the Dedicate Session of Senior Officials held in Kampala from 21st - 24th October 2017  
NTB-000-700 1.4. Preference given to domestic bidders/suppliers
2015-07-24 Kenya: Ministry of EAC, P.O. Box 8846-00200, NAIROBI. Tel: +254 722475368 Uganda Resolved
Complaint: Kenya was restricting Cable Corporation (Uganda) Ltd from its tendering processes for the supply of electric cable products  
Resolution status note: Kenya confirmed that the tender contained a rider excluding participation by regional companies and that it was a once off event. Kenya acknowledged the mistake and undertook that it will not happen again therefore the NTB should be considered resolved.  
NTB-000-698 2.14. Other
2014-07-23 Resolved
Complaint: Border management institutions’ working hours are not harmonized.  
Resolution status note: At the 23rd EAC NTBs Forum held from 4- 6 May 2017, Partner States reported that the border operating hours had been harmonised  
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