Resolved complaints

Showing items 301 to 320 of 824
Complaint number NTB TypeCheck allUncheck all Date of incident Location Reporting country or region (additional) Status Actions
NTB-000-669 8.3. Immigration requirements (Visa, travel permit)
2014-09-02 Tanzania: Immigration Kenya Resolved
Complaint: Delay of issuance of work permit by United Republic of Tanzania  
Resolution status note: The issue is not about integrating the permits but the 'delays' in issuing the permit. This anomaly can be corrected. Focal points need to get more information on the nature of Delay. At the Tanzania NMC meeting, Immigration reported that the work permits are processed within 14 days maximum if all information is provided.  
NTB-000-668 8.8. Issues related to transit 2015-02-17 Uganda: It is the Police of Iganga in the Republic of Uganda who take in hostage of the truck and its driver because they get and accident. Burundi Resolved
Complaint: Following the accident held in IGANGA in the Republic of Uganda on 17 February, 2015 at 19h30, east african time, the truck which is registered in Burundi has been taken in hostage by Uganda Police until today and the driver is in prison at IGANGA. The truck have a COMESA Insurance that occurs wherever you are in the sub region.The COMESA insurance number is 0067772 (truck ) and 0067773 (trailer) valid from 23/03/2014 to 03/22/2015. The truck has the registration number of A2588A (truck) and T0110A (trailer). We are requesting that this truck and its driver can be released, so that they can continue their travel. Note that the truck contains the construction materials and shoes and was returning to Burundi.  
Resolution status note: On 21st December 2015, Uganda Focal Point reported that they had contacted the Police Chief- Director of Traffic who is also a member of the NMC. The truck was released long time ago and therefore this is a resolved NTB.  
NTB-000-668 8.8. Issues related to transit 2015-02-17 Uganda: It is the Police of Iganga in the Republic of Uganda who take in hostage of the truck and its driver because they get and accident. Burundi Resolved
Complaint: Following the accident held in IGANGA in the Republic of Uganda on 17 February, 2015 at 19h30, east african time, the truck which is registered in Burundi has been taken in hostage by Uganda Police until today and the driver is in prison at IGANGA. The truck have a COMESA Insurance that occurs wherever you are in the sub region.The COMESA insurance number is 0067772 (truck ) and 0067773 (trailer) valid from 23/03/2014 to 03/22/2015. The truck has the registration number of A2588A (truck) and T0110A (trailer). We are requesting that this truck and its driver can be released, so that they can continue their travel. Note that the truck contains the construction materials and shoes and was returning to Burundi.  
Resolution status note: Uganda Focal Point contacted the Police Chief- Director of Traffic who is also a member of the NMC. The truck was released long time ago and therefore this is a resolved NTB.  
NTB-000-665 8.7. Costly Road user charges /fees
2015-03-02 Tanzania: Dar-es-Salaam Port Rwanda Resolved
Complaint: Double payment of port exit fees: URT is charging double payment at inland and port exit. Inland container deposits have been introduced in reduce the congestion at Dar port. However, freight forwarders have reported being required to pay for port exit fees twice.  
Resolution status note: This NTB was resolved. Rwanda transporters have not reported any further charges on the same  
NTB-000-664 3. Technical barriers to trade (TBT)
B3: Labelling, Marking and Packaging requirements
2013-01-01 Tanzania: Tunduma Burundi Resolved
Complaint: TFDA is imposing new requirements on export of BRARUDI beers into Tanzania. TFDA is requesting new labels to include additional information and storage condition for the product that was not required when they submitted the application for export.  
Resolution status note: Burundi reported that TFDA had finally registered Burundi beers and that the company had received its certificate of registration.  
NTB-000-663 8.8. Issues related to transit 2015-02-19 Mozambique: Weighbridge at Matola on the Maputo corridor Zimbabwe Resolved
Complaint: Zimbabwean truck drivers are now facing police harassment near the weighbridge at Matola on the Maputo corridor. The police are taking Zimbabwe drivers licence and their passports, supposedly to check the authentication of the driver holding the documents. The driver is released in order to go and off load and is briefed that the police will have an answer for him on his return.

On his return driver is told that the licence is a fake and the driver is to pay a spot fine of ZAR5000.00. It appears that the police are rubbing the metal disc with something, so that certain information is now very faded, and not legible. When the driver produces his international drivers’ licence, to confirm the validity that is taken away by police, who only return it after some hours, with the expiry date is now illegible. The ZAR 5000.00 rand fine is enforced. The language is a convenient barrier, as the police claim not to be able to speak English. All fines in Mozambique seem to be ZAR 5000.00.

Drivers are detained for days until they come up with some sort of cash ranging from ZAR400.00 upwards if they are lucky. This problem is more prevalent during weekends.

Please can we have a stop put to this practice? Defacing a Government document I believe is an offence, and should not be tolerated. Business is challenging enough as it is, without trade barriers being further forced upon the transport industry.
Resolution status note: During the meeting of the SADC Sub Committee on Trade Facilitation, Zimbabwe reported that the drivers no longer faced this problem hence the problem is resolved.  
NTB-000-661 2.7. International taxes and charges levied on imports and other tariff measures 2014-12-11 Uganda: Uganda Revenue Authority Kenya Resolved
Complaint: Uganda charges 25% duty rate on scrapping rolls manufactured in Kenya and also on products manufactured in Kenya using glucose.  
Resolution status note: At the Kenya NMC NTBs meeting held in Nairobi on 16th March 2015, Kenya confirmed that Uganda had scrapped the 25% duty .This position was endorsed by the 17th NTB forum thereby resolving this issue.  
NTB-000-660 2.10. Inadequate or unreasonable customs procedures and charges 2014-12-11 Kenya: Mombasa sea port Uganda Resolved
Complaint: Scanning of Uganda goods by anti-counterfeit agency at Mombasa  
Resolution status note: The 17th EAC NTBs Forum held in Nairobi from 24-26 march 2015 considered and resolved tise NTB.  
NTB-000-659 2.14. Other 2014-12-11 Kenya: Mombasa sea port Uganda Resolved
Complaint: Selective auctioning of Ugandan goods at Mombasa Port.  
Resolution status note: At the Kenya NMC NTBs meeting held in Nairobi on 16th March 2015, KRA reported that all auctions had been conducted in accordance with the laws and regulations. Uganda had been given an extended 90 day period in which to notify owners of the auction after which the auction was conducted. This position was endorsed by the 17th NTB forum thereby resolving this issue.  
NTB-000-658 8.8. Issues related to transit
2014-12-11 Kenya: Along corridor Rwanda Resolved
Complaint: Containerized cargo is being subjected to Imposition of 4 weighbridges instead of agreed 2 as agreed by Partner States.  
Resolution status note: During the 45th SCTIFI Rwanda reported that Weighbridges exceed the designated number of two (2) that trucks should go through both in the Central Corridor (7 weighbridges) and the Northern Corridor (8 to 9 weighbridges);
(a) 5 Weighbridges in Kenya which are located at Dongo Kundu, near the Port of Mombasa Mariakani, Mlolongo, Gigil, Busia mobile weighbridge (if you pass through Busia border) or Webuye (if you pass through Malaba border). At each of these weighbridges, the track is weighed which wastes time.
(b) 3 to 4 weighbridges in Uganda: If passed through Malaba, there is Malaba weighbridge (If passed through Busia border there is no weighbridge), Iganga, Lukaya and Mbarara.
(c) 8 Weighbridges in Tanzania which are located at Kurasini, Vigwaza, Mikese, Dumila, Dodoma, Singida, Kahama, and Nyakahura.

The Republic of Kenya informed the meeting that trucks are weighed once at the Mariakani weighbridge as per the Presidential Directive. However, Kenya took note of the complaint and committed to consult the Ministry of Transport on the 5 Weighbridges and report to the 38th RMC.

The United Republic of Tanzania submitted that transit trucks are weighed at three weighbridges: Vigwaza, Singida and Nyakahura.

It was noted that the challenge is with truck drivers who sometimes do not differentiate between the weighbridges dedicated for transit vehicles and the ones dedicated for domestic vehicles and hence noted the need for weighbridges for international transport to bear clear signage or color to be differentiated from local weighbridges.

Senior Officials noted the need to sensitize the truck drivers and weigh bridge officers on the weighbridges required for the international transfers.

The SCTIFI directed Secretariat to develop a mechanism to differentiate transit truck weighbridges from domestic cargo trucks by putting clear signage or colouring them differently and circulating the information to stakeholders / transporters and report to the 46th Sectoral Council for Trade, Industry, Finance and Investment (EAC / SCTIFI 45 / Directive / 54);
NTB-000-657 5.15. Other
2014-12-11 Tanzania: Various State Agencies Resolved
Complaint: Numerous monetary charges required by various agencies in the United Republic of Tanzania on exports of dairy products  
Resolution status note: The 42nd SCTIFI noted that the Republic of Uganda and the Republic of Kenya are handling the diary issues bilaterally with the United Republic of Tanzania whereby several meetings at the Ministerial and Summit levels have taken place and are at the final stages to be resolved. Also, the issue is being handled in the ongoing process of harmonization of fees, levies, and charges, and all the charges will be harmonized together with other charges. The SCTIFI hence guided that the NTB should be removed from the Time Bound program and allow the ongoing bilateral processes to be finalized.  
NTB-000-656 1.4. Preference given to domestic bidders/suppliers
2014-12-11 Tanzania: Ministry of Trade Kenya Resolved
Complaint: Discrimination of Smirnoff of ice brand of East African Breweries (Kenya) Ltd products.  
Resolution status note: At the NTBs Forum held in March/ April 2016, Kenya reported that the discrimination had been lifted.  
NTB-000-655 8.7. Costly Road user charges /fees
2014-12-11 Kenya: Kajiado and Kwale counties in Kenya Tanzania Resolved
Complaint: Kajiado and Kwale counties in Kenya re-introduced County transit Fee  
Resolution status note: ajiado and Kwale counties in Kenya removed the County transit Fee  
NTB-000-654 2.3. Issues related to the rules of origin 2014-12-11 Uganda: Mutukula Tanzania Resolved
Complaint: Rwanda and Uganda have not accorded preferential treatment on exports of rice from Tanzania through Rusumo and Mutukula borders respectively.  
Resolution status note: On 21st December 2015, Uganda Focal Point reported that Uganda was now according preferential treatment for rice originating from Tanzania. This NTBis therefore resolved  
NTB-000-653 3. Technical barriers to trade (TBT)
B15: Authorization requirements for importers
2014-12-11 Tanzania: Tanzania Food and Drugs Authority Kenya Resolved
Complaint: Requirement by Tanzania Food and Drugs Authority for companies exporting to URT to register, re-label, and retesting of certified EAC products exported by other Partner States Reported in 2003.  
Resolution status note: During the meeting of the NTBs Focal Points held from 19- 21 august 2019 , Tanzania reported that TFDA was disbanded therefore the requirements are no longer enforced .  
NTB-000-651 8.8. Issues related to transit 2014-12-11 Tanzania: Along Central corridor Resolved
Complaint: Tanzania has several weigh bridge stations along the central corridor  
Resolution status note: At the 21st EAC NTBs Regional Forum , Tanzania reported that the NTB had been resolved because there are only three weigh bridges Vigwaza at the coastal region, Njuki in Singida and Nyakahura in Kagera region weigh in motion weighbridges. It takes maximum of 4 days to exit the border from Dar Port and 2 days for fuel tankers.  
NTB-000-650 6.6. Border taxes 2015-02-01 Mozambique: Delegação Aduaneira de Ressano Garcia (Road) South Africa Resolved
Complaint: Good day. Terminal Operator at Ressano Garcia plans to enforce fees to all cargo vehicles for the utilization of Ressano Garcia with effect from the 16th February 2015. The fees as attached to this request are ridiculous as a truck weighing 28Tons with Imports to Mozambique is expected to pay no less than R3000 on each occasion they enter Mozambique via Ressano Garcia. The upgrades at the port were an investment to ease trade facilitation and I'm of the view that traders are not opposed to paying however the required amount is way high and unfortunately the end-user will end up carrying these costs the end of the day.  
Resolution status note: On 25 February 2015, Mozambique focal point confirmed that there has not been any fee set or fee charged for the use of the cargo Terminal of Ressano Garcia, since this matter is still under discussion internally. This NTB is therefore resolved  
NTB-000-649 8.7. Costly Road user charges /fees
2014-12-11 Tanzania: Ministry of Transport Burundi Resolved
Complaint: United Republic of Tanzania is charging USD200.00 as transit permit for containers with chemical products.  
Resolution status note: Following the recommendations of the 16th EAC Forum on NTBs, Tanzania removed the transit charges .  
NTB-000-648 5.3. Export taxes
2014-12-11 Uganda: Uganda Revenue Authority Rwanda Resolved
Complaint: Charge of "export tax" of 0.2 % of raw materials exported from Uganda by Rwanda Premier Tobacco Company Ltd  
Resolution status note: At the 16th EAC Forum on NTBs, Uganda undertook to study evidence provided by Rwanda and report back to the next meeting of the forum. UGANDA is adhering to EAC preferential treatment.  
NTB-000-647 8.7. Costly Road user charges /fees
2014-12-11 Tanzania: Tanzania National Park Rwanda Resolved
Complaint: Tanzania National Park charges Rwanda transporters transiting through the national park US$300 per truck as national park fees .  
Resolution status note: Tanzania National Park is no longer charging Rwanda transporters transiting through the national park US$300 per truck as national park fees  
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