Resolved complaints

Showing items 501 to 520 of 824
Complaint number NTB TypeCheck allUncheck all Date of incident Location Reporting country or region (additional) Status Actions
NTB-000-805 Existence of several weighbridge stations in the central and Northern corridors. 2014-04-01 EAC EAC Resolved
Complaint: Rwanda, Uganda and Burundi are affected by the existence of several weighbridge stations in the central and Northern corridors (Tanzania, Kenya and Uganda).  
Resolution status note: During the meeting of Focal Points held on 19- 21 August 2019 , EAC NTBs Focal Points reported that this matter had been resolved. The weigh bridges have been reduced to 3 in the central corridor .  
NTB-000-631 1.1. Export subsidies 2014-04-22 South Africa: Ficksburg Bridge Lesotho Resolved
Complaint: I apparently needed a certificate from the State Vet to carry wool tops over the border! This proved impossible to get in Ficksburg. I have also experienced many problems bringing craft goods over to South Africa from lesotho as we need to pay VAT on all goods coming to exhibitions. This is extremely time consuming process and then I have to claim the VAT back when I bring unsold goods back over the border!  
Resolution status note: On 24 March 2015, Lesotho Focal Point reported that the NTB had been resolved and therefore must be removed from the pending cases.  
Products: 5105.29: Wool, combed (excl. that in fragments "open tops")  
NTB-000-632 8.8. Issues related to transit 2014-05-23 South Africa: Lebombo South Africa Resolved
Complaint: This complaint is registered by FESARTA.
Copper Moon Trading, the company that is running the Lebombo dry port at Komatipoort, near the Lebombo/Ressano Garcia border post, is forcing transporters to use and pay for its parking facilities in Komatipoort.
This instruction is supported by the Komatipoort municipality.
Attached are invoices for this parking and a "ticket" for a truck not parking in the identified facility.
As with the situation at the Tunduma/Nakonde border post between Tanzania and Zambia, private companies, supported by the municipalities, cannot force transporters to use their parking facilities.
Transporters' vehicles are required to visit the SARS customs clearing offices at the Lebombo dry port and so parking should be provided for them, free of charge, by SARS.
If parking is not provided, then trucks must be allowed to park along the roadway.
Resolution status note: On 13th September 2016, FESARTA advised that the transporters were no longer facing this barrier so the NTB is resolved.  
NTB-000-633 8.8. Issues related to transit
2014-05-28 Mozambique: Dondo South Africa Resolved
Complaint: This complaint is registered by FESARTA.
The traffic authorities at Dondo, near Beira, are harassing foreign drivers over the documents that the drivers carry.
Of particular note is the vehicle registration document for South African vehicles.
The registration document (RC1) shows the vehicle register number, but not the licence plate number. The authorities want the licence plate number to be shown on the document, and are issuing fines for it not being shown.
The South African licence receipt document (LCO) shows both the register number and the licence plate number. This links the vehicle to the registration document. But the traffic authorities do not accept this.
Another driver, this time from Zimbabwe, received a fine because of alterations to the vehicle registration book. The alterations had been done by the Zimbabwe authorities and stamped by them. But this was not acceptable to the Mozambique authorities and a fine was issued.
It has become clear that the authorities at Dondo generally harass foreign drivers.
This does not encourage good relations between countries and does not facilitate intraregional trade.
The Dondo traffic authorities must be trained in trade facilitation matters and not harass drivers unnecessarily.
Resolution status note: On 13th September 2016, FESARTA advised that the transporters were no longer facing any harrasment so the NTB is resolved.  
NTB-000-637 5.5. Import licensing requirements
2014-07-14 Zimbabwe: Ministry of Industry and Trade Egypt Resolved
Complaint: There is a ban on importation of Soya bean oil packed in bottles by Zimbabwe. Requirement by Zimbabwe for import permit and license for soya oil and detergents from Egypt  
Resolution status note: On 8th February 2016, Egypt Focal point reported that the NTB be considered closed on the basis that Egypt's National Monitoring Committee did not receive any details from the Exporting Company.  
NTB-000-698 2.14. Other
2014-07-23 Resolved
Complaint: Border management institutions’ working hours are not harmonized.  
Resolution status note: At the 23rd EAC NTBs Forum held from 4- 6 May 2017, Partner States reported that the border operating hours had been harmonised  
NTB-000-639 8.1. Government Policy and regulations
2014-08-25 South Africa: Beit Bridge Democratic Republic of the Congo Resolved
Complaint: This complaint is registered by FESARTA.
The Director, Department of Immigration and Citizenship, South Africa, has instructed that, due to the outbreak of the ebola virus in DRC, no DRC citizens may enter South Africa until further notice.
See the attached notice.
Whilst it is accepted that the outbreak of the ebola virus is a serious issue, the transport industry recommends that other preventative measures be taken at the borders, rather than stop DRC citizens from entering the country?
Resolution status note: On 13th September 2016, FESARTA advised that the transporters were no longer facing this barrier so the NTB is resolved.  
NTB-000-669 8.3. Immigration requirements (Visa, travel permit)
2014-09-02 Tanzania: Immigration Kenya Resolved
Complaint: Delay of issuance of work permit by United Republic of Tanzania  
Resolution status note: The issue is not about integrating the permits but the 'delays' in issuing the permit. This anomaly can be corrected. Focal points need to get more information on the nature of Delay. At the Tanzania NMC meeting, Immigration reported that the work permits are processed within 14 days maximum if all information is provided.  
NTB-000-644 2.3. Issues related to the rules of origin 2014-11-16 Rwanda: Rwanda Customs Authority and also in Majerwa Egypt Resolved
Complaint: We are importing Wheat flour from Egypt from one of the Biggest Flour mill and factory in Egypt. We have original Certificate of Origin and Comesa certificate. But they do not accept and put us import Duty. Before it is 100% Duty free. But now since september they are not accepting it. Egypt is part of Comesa and Good produced in Egypt and 100% Duty free. So why is wheat flour not accepted. Please help  
Resolution status note: During the 5th meeting of COMESA NTBs Focal Points, the two parties reported that the certificate of origin was now being recognised and therefore the NTB had been resolved.  
Products: 1101: Wheat or meslin flour.  
NTB-000-642 2.9. Issues related to transit fees 2014-12-09 Tanzania: Dar-es-Salaam Port Burundi Resolved
Complaint: The United Republic of Tanzania via the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare is charging USD200 as registration fee for transit permit on each transit container which contain which contain Chemical products.  
Resolution status note: At the 16th EAC regional forum on non tariff barriers held in Kigali in December 2014, Tanzania reported that the levy was abolished in 2012.This NTB is therefore resolved.  
NTB-000-643 2.6. Additional taxes and other charges 2014-12-09 Tanzania: Dar-es-Salaam Port Burundi Resolved
Complaint: Tanzania Ports Authority is charging all Transit containers located at at Tanzania International Container Terminal Services (TICTS) a miscellaneous Port Charges. On 05 June 2014, a transporter from Burundi was charged US$90 being for miscellaneous port services for a 20ft container  
Resolution status note: At the 16th EAC regional forum on non tariff barriers held in Kigali in December 2014, Tanzania reported that the double handling charges were abolished. This NTB is therefore resolved.  
NTB-000-643 2.6. Additional taxes and other charges 2014-12-09 Tanzania: Dar-es-Salaam Port Burundi Resolved
Complaint: Tanzania Ports Authority is charging all Transit containers located at at Tanzania International Container Terminal Services (TICTS) a miscellaneous Port Charges. On 05 June 2014, a transporter from Burundi was charged US$90 being for miscellaneous port services for a 20ft container  
Resolution status note: At the 17th NTB forum held in Nairobi on 24th to 26th March 2015, Tanzania confirmed that these charges were no longer applicable and therefore the NTB was resolved.  
NTB-000-647 8.7. Costly Road user charges /fees
2014-12-11 Tanzania: Tanzania National Park Rwanda Resolved
Complaint: Tanzania National Park charges Rwanda transporters transiting through the national park US$300 per truck as national park fees .  
Resolution status note: Tanzania National Park is no longer charging Rwanda transporters transiting through the national park US$300 per truck as national park fees  
NTB-000-648 5.3. Export taxes
2014-12-11 Uganda: Uganda Revenue Authority Rwanda Resolved
Complaint: Charge of "export tax" of 0.2 % of raw materials exported from Uganda by Rwanda Premier Tobacco Company Ltd  
Resolution status note: At the 16th EAC Forum on NTBs, Uganda undertook to study evidence provided by Rwanda and report back to the next meeting of the forum. UGANDA is adhering to EAC preferential treatment.  
NTB-000-649 8.7. Costly Road user charges /fees
2014-12-11 Tanzania: Ministry of Transport Burundi Resolved
Complaint: United Republic of Tanzania is charging USD200.00 as transit permit for containers with chemical products.  
Resolution status note: Following the recommendations of the 16th EAC Forum on NTBs, Tanzania removed the transit charges .  
NTB-000-651 8.8. Issues related to transit 2014-12-11 Tanzania: Along Central corridor Resolved
Complaint: Tanzania has several weigh bridge stations along the central corridor  
Resolution status note: At the 21st EAC NTBs Regional Forum , Tanzania reported that the NTB had been resolved because there are only three weigh bridges Vigwaza at the coastal region, Njuki in Singida and Nyakahura in Kagera region weigh in motion weighbridges. It takes maximum of 4 days to exit the border from Dar Port and 2 days for fuel tankers.  
NTB-000-653 3. Technical barriers to trade (TBT)
B15: Authorization requirements for importers
2014-12-11 Tanzania: Tanzania Food and Drugs Authority Kenya Resolved
Complaint: Requirement by Tanzania Food and Drugs Authority for companies exporting to URT to register, re-label, and retesting of certified EAC products exported by other Partner States Reported in 2003.  
Resolution status note: During the meeting of the NTBs Focal Points held from 19- 21 august 2019 , Tanzania reported that TFDA was disbanded therefore the requirements are no longer enforced .  
NTB-000-654 2.3. Issues related to the rules of origin 2014-12-11 Uganda: Mutukula Tanzania Resolved
Complaint: Rwanda and Uganda have not accorded preferential treatment on exports of rice from Tanzania through Rusumo and Mutukula borders respectively.  
Resolution status note: On 21st December 2015, Uganda Focal Point reported that Uganda was now according preferential treatment for rice originating from Tanzania. This NTBis therefore resolved  
NTB-000-655 8.7. Costly Road user charges /fees
2014-12-11 Kenya: Kajiado and Kwale counties in Kenya Tanzania Resolved
Complaint: Kajiado and Kwale counties in Kenya re-introduced County transit Fee  
Resolution status note: ajiado and Kwale counties in Kenya removed the County transit Fee  
NTB-000-656 1.4. Preference given to domestic bidders/suppliers
2014-12-11 Tanzania: Ministry of Trade Kenya Resolved
Complaint: Discrimination of Smirnoff of ice brand of East African Breweries (Kenya) Ltd products.  
Resolution status note: At the NTBs Forum held in March/ April 2016, Kenya reported that the discrimination had been lifted.  
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