Resolved complaints

Showing items 821 to 824 of 824
Complaint number NTB TypeCheck allUncheck all Date of incident Location Reporting country or region (additional) Status Actions
NTB-001-101 8.7. Costly Road user charges /fees 2022-11-21 Uganda Resolved
Complaint: SOUTH SUDAN IS IMPOSING COSTLY ROAD USER CHARGES/FEES. The government of South Sudan through the National Revenue Authority imposes high charges on Ugandan transporters for road use. In 2022, Exporters from Uganda to South Sudan were paying Six Thousand Pounds (6,000) but received receipts reading Five thousand pounds( 5000). This fee isn't in the law and is very costly.It is also impossible to explain to the truck/cargo owners the difference in money paid and money receipted

Currently 2023, Exporters from Uganda to South Sudan are paying Twenty eight Thousand Pounds (28,000) but the receipts they get after payment indicate Twenty One Thousand Pounds (21,000).

This is very unfair and increases the cost of doing business.
Resolution status note: The 34th RMC was informed that the road user charges for Uganda traders are 21,000 SSP. The 7,000 SSP extra payment is an administrative charge payable to the Ministry of Interior Traffic Directorate. The fee is charged on all transporters, not only Ugandan transporters.
The meeting was informed that Road user charges in RSS in 2022 was 5,000 SSP. In 2023 RSS is charging transporters RUC amounting 21,000 SSP.
The meeting agreed that RSS should stop charging the extra 7,000 SSP on top of the road user charges which are not issued a receipt.
NTB-001-115 1.1. Export subsidies 2023-02-01 Kenya Resolved
Complaint: Uganda subjecting full CET to export/transfered from Kenya Kenknit to Uganda. We urge Uganda to grant preferential treatment to Kenknit products that conform to origin.  
Resolution status note: On 3rd July 2023, the EAC NTB Unit reported the trader confirmed through the EAC Secretariat that the issue had been resolved  
NTB-001-116 8.8. Issues related to transit 2023-05-01 Uganda Resolved
Complaint: There are 13 road blocks between Nimule and Juba and traders are losing over SSP. 150,000 each.  
Resolution status note: During the 42nd SCTIFI, the Republic of South Sudan reported that the SCTIFI directed South Sudan to remve all road blocks and this directive was implemented. There are only two road blocks from Nimule to Juba hence this NTB was resolved.  
NTB-001-141 5.5. Import licensing requirements 2023-08-15 Uganda Resolved
On August 15, 2023, the South Sudan government, represented by the South Sudan National Bureau of Standards, issued a memo affecting importers in the country. The memo stipulates that all food items imported into South Sudan must be accompanied by a Certificate of Conformity (CoC), which includes an attached Certificate of Analysis from a reputable laboratory. This new requirement has several implications like Extended Process Duration, Business Impediments among others.
Resolution status note: The CoC is not applicable anymore. Hence the NTB was resolved  
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