Resolved complaints

Showing items 781 to 800 of 824
Complaint number NTB TypeCheck allUncheck all Date of incident Location Reporting country or region (additional) Status Actions
NTB-000-353 7.9. Inadequate trade related infrastructure 2010-02-10 SADC Namibia Resolved
Complaint: A truck legally loaded in Namibia may not be legally loaded in another SADC country due to lack of uniform loads and Gross Vehicle Mass (GVM) standards in SADC. There is need to standardize the axle loads  
Resolution status note: FESARTA reported that this NTB was no longer in place  
NTB-000-355 8.7. Costly Road user charges /fees 2010-02-10 SADC Namibia Resolved
Complaint: Bond registration fees are excessively high in all SADC countries. Especially when cargo transits in two countries the bond registration fees become a constraint.  
Resolution status note: The 10th meeting of SADC Committee on Trade facilitation held on 14-15 June 2012 noted that the issue of bonds is normally managed by private sector, mostly banks therefore commercial rates would prevail. It was also noted that
within the SADC Customs work programme, there is work to facilitate single transit bond, the result of which should be
ready by March 2013. This NTB was therefore considered resolved on grounds that bond registration fees are cahrged at market rates.
NTB-000-374 2.8. Lengthy and costly customs clearance procedures 2010-02-10 COMESA Zimbabwe Resolved
Complaint: Lack of a SADC simplified trading regime hampers small traders from doing business with their SADC counterparts.  
Resolution status note: During the national Workshop to launch SMS tool for Zimbabwe and training on online system, held on 10- 12 October 2019, Zimbabwe reviewed all outstanding NTBs and reported that SADC had made progress in developing the SADC STR and therefore this resolves the issue.  
NTB-000-375 2.3. Issues related to the rules of origin 2010-02-10 SADC Zimbabwe Resolved
Complaint: There is lack of clarity and information on the authorities issuing and processing SADC certificates of origin in Member states.  
Resolution status note: SADC secretariat reported that : as stated in rule 9 of the Annex I of the SADC Protocol on Trade, “Member States shall deposit with the Secretariat the names of Departments and Agencies authorized to issue the certificates required […], specimen signatures of officials authorized to sign the certificates and the impressions of the official stamps to be used for that purpose, and those shall be circulated to Member States by the Secretariat.” SADC Secretariat circulates all the documentary evidence to Member States immediately upon reception. Additionally, the SADC Customs Unit is working in a user-friendly customs related link in the SADC Secretariat’s website to accommodate not only issues related to documentary evidence for the process of SADC RoO, but also all the binding documentation that enhances trade in the Region.  
NTB-000-321 7.9. Inadequate trade related infrastructure 2009-09-09 SADC Seychelles Resolved
Complaint: Innadequate air passenger links between Member states.  
Resolution status note: Seychelles reported that she is in the process of liberalizing trade and expanding trade within COMESA, SADC and IOC in order to facilitate trade within the region and access to food imports  
NTB-000-196 2.3. Issues related to the rules of origin
2009-07-27 SADC Zimbabwe Resolved
Complaint: Delays in communicating signatories that verify certificates of origin.  
Resolution status note: SADC Secretariat reported that,in accordance to rule 9 of Annex I of the SADC Protocol on Trade, “Member States shall deposit with the Secretariat the names of Departments and Agencies authorized to issue the certificates required […],specimen signatures of officials authorized to sign the certificates and the impressions of the official stamps to be used for that purpose, and those shall be circulated to Member States by the Secretariat.” SADC Secretariat circulates all the documentary evidence to Member States immediately upon receipt. In addition, the SADC Customs Unit is working in a user-friendly customs related link in the SADC Secretariat’s website to accommodate not only issues related to documentary evidence for the processing of SADC RoO, but also all the binding documentation that enhances trade in the Region.  
NTB-000-378 7.6. Lack of information on procedures (or changes thereof) 2010-02-10 SADC Zimbabwe Resolved
Complaint: Cross border traders and exporters in general are not aware of the SADC FTA particularly the tariff reduction schedules.  
Resolution status note: The 10th SADC meeting of the Sub Committtee on Trade Facilitation held on 14-15 June 2012 noted that tariff data is available on the SADC website for the benefit of stakeholders and that Member States have the responsibility to undertake sensitisation in their respective territories to create awareness.  
NTB-000-238 7.6. Lack of information on procedures (or changes thereof) 2009-08-13 SADC Mozambique Resolved
Complaint: Mozambique is experiencing difficulties using the NTBs online reporting system because it does not have a portuguese version. It is not enough to translate the user guide because users need to intract with the system itself. The secretariat should urgently look into this issue to enable Portuguese speaking countries to utilise the system.  
Resolution status note: Website has been translated into French and Portuguese languages  
NTB-000-204 1.1. Export subsidies
B41: TBT regulations on production processes
2009-07-27 SADC Zimbabwe Resolved
Complaint: Non recognition given of ZIMBABWE standards as having equivalent outcomes by SADC countries Authorities  
Resolution status note: SADC Secretariat advised that there is no obligation for any country to recognize another country’s national standard in SADC. However if a standard has been harmonized at regional level, all SADC countries are expected to adopt and recognize that standard. Many national standards bodies adopt international standards as their national standards. It would be highly unusual and unexpected for one country not to recognize a national standard - which is an adoption of an international standard - of a second country  
NTB-000-224 5.4. Quotas
2009-07-28 SADC Zambia Resolved
Complaint: Import Quotas into SACU member states for sugar  
Resolution status note: Botswana reported that this is a SACU wide policy decision.  
NTB-000-124 2.14. Other 2009-07-26 SADC South Africa Resolved
Complaint: Training of new customs recruits in the region  
Resolution status note: Seychelles reported that training of new recruits is a point of concern for Seychelles. Training especially for customs officers, on R.O.O, clearing process, investigation, inspection, to conduct time release study in progress.  
NTB-000-388 8.7. Costly Road user charges /fees 2011-01-30 EAC Tanzania Resolved
Complaint: There are too many roadblocks along the major hoghways in EAC partner states. Too many stops points (police check points ) that cause unnessary delay of goods from ports to various destinations in the partner states.  
Resolution status note: On 15th May 2014, Kenya Focal Points reported that this NTB had been resolved. KRA abolished the requirement of Cash bonds as recommended by the EAC regional forum on NTBs and Council . What is required and applied is a general bond . Therefore the NTB should be recorded as resolved.  
NTB-000-435 2.14. Other 2010-09-16 EAC Kenya Resolved
Complaint: Lack of implementation of EAC harmonized documents by partner states.  
Resolution status note: At the 16th NTBs forum held in Kigali in December 2014, EAC Secretariat reported that Partner States are now using EAC harmonized documents. This NTB is therefore resolved  
NTB-000-436 2.14. Other 2009-04-16 EAC Kenya Resolved
Complaint: There is lack of harmonized procedures manual for the EAC partner states.  
Resolution status note: At the 16th NTBs forum held in Kigali in December 2014, EAC Secretariat reported that the EAC harmonized procedures manual was adopted by the Council in 2012. This NTB is therefore resolved  
NTB-000-437 8.8. Issues related to transit 2010-05-12 EAC Kenya Resolved
Complaint: Delays in transit bonds cancellation by EAC partner states  
Resolution status note: Now with the introduction of the Single Customs Territory using a single bond from the port up to final destination, the issue has been addressed.  
NTB-000-438 1.1. Export subsidies
A9: SPS measures n.e.s.
2009-09-16 EAC Kenya Resolved
Complaint: Numerous institutions involved in testing goods in the EAC partner states.  
Resolution status note: There is collaboration among testing agencies  
NTB-000-446 8.7. Costly Road user charges /fees 2011-09-03 EAC Kenya Resolved
Complaint: Port Charges are not harmonized. Port charges should be benchmarked with international port charges  
Resolution status note: Kenya and URT submitted the Port procedures manual to the EAC Secretariat.  
NTB-000-447 2.8. Lengthy and costly customs clearance procedures 2011-09-03 EAC Rwanda Resolved
Complaint: Customs working hours are not harmonized  
Resolution status note: Customs working hours have been harmonized by OSBPs  
NTB-000-697 1.14. Lack of coordination between government institutions 2009-07-16 Resolved
Complaint: Lack of coordination among the numerous institutions involved in testing and clearance of goods at the Borders  
Resolution status note: .The NTBs meeting of Focal Points held on 19- 21 August 2019 was informed that the EAC agreed to harmonise the operations of their institutions. This NTB no longer was resolved in the EAC Time Bound mechanism.  
NTB-000-448 8.8. Issues related to transit 2011-09-02 EAC Rwanda Resolved
Complaint: Inadequate Police Escort mechanism.  
Resolution status note: At the 16th EAC regional forum on non tariff barriers held in Kigali in December 2014, EAC Secretariat reported that the All Partner States were providing police escorts. This NTB is therefore resolved  
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