Resolved complaints

Showing items 801 to 820 of 824
Complaint number NTB TypeCheck allUncheck all Date of incident Location Reporting country or region (additional) Status Actions
NTB-000-449 7.3. Corruption 2011-06-16 EAC Rwanda Resolved
Complaint: Corruption along the Northern and Central Corridors (police roadblocks, weighbridge and border gates.  
Resolution status note: This NTB is no longer obtaining .  
NTB-000-450 2.11. Lack of control in Customs infrastructure 2011-09-03 EAC Uganda Resolved
Complaint: There is lack of verification sheds and parking yards at most border posts in the EAC partner states.  
Resolution status note: At the 16th NTBs forum held in Kigali in December 2014, EAC Secretariat reported that the 15th EAC Forum on NTBs noted that the ongoing construction of OBSP was addressing this NTB and Partner states reported that construction of OSBPs was at advanced stages at key border posts. This NTB is therefore resolved  
NTB-000-456 1.1. Export subsidies
A83: Certification requirement
2011-09-03 EAC Kenya Resolved
Complaint: EAC Standards Bureaus have varying procedures for issuance of certification marks, inspection and testing.  
Resolution status note: At the 16th NTBs forum held in Kigali in December 2014, EAC Secretariat reported that Partner States Regulatory Agencies are collaborating in clearance of goods and that there is now mutual recognition of certificates issued by Partner States Testing bodies. This NTB was therefore resolved.  
NTB-000-486 8.7. Costly Road user charges /fees
2012-02-15 SADC South Africa Resolved
Complaint: We are a South African Transport Company transporting goods into DRC. We are paying on weekly basis exorbitant road duties in Botswana, Zambia, and Zimbabwe & DRC if we offload loads from Johannesburg RSA to Mutanda DRC. Our cost on a tri-axle on road fee is 1060 Pula on return trip (Martinsdrif to Kazangula and back), insurance 50P for 3 months and then about 100 Pula on a yearly level also. Zambia insurance 300 000KW for year, then toll fee for 285USD on return trip Kazangula to DRC border and back, 200 000KW carbon tax, 70 000KW for extra toll fees on road. Zimbabwe insurance 170USD for year, the 100USD on toll fees, then coupons another 10USD and environmental cost depends on the load and weight up to 160USD & 90USD carbon 3 months. Going into the DRC, border customs parking 133USD, entry fee and costing 350USD, 300USD PEAGE, 4x 150USD for toll fees going to Mutanda and coming back.
None of the foreign trucks from DRC, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Botswana or Namibia pay this cost when entering South Africa. We drive on the roads to supply clients with goods, we provide a service, the same as for the foreign transporters, but they don't pay similarly high costs when entering South Africa. We need an explanation from the countries listed above as to why is this done. At the moment, we give to a driver for one load going to DRC from JHB, 2400USD, 2500 PULA & R5000 to cover these expenses and we cannot increase our rates easily, without risking losing our clients. What can be done about this situation?
Resolution status note: Focal Points from Botswana, Zambia and Zimbabwe reported the current standard official charges and argued that these are in accordance established regional protocols. At the 11th meeting of the SADC Sub -Committee on Trade Facilitation held on 23 May 2013, South Africa focal point requested that the NTB be considered non actionable as they could not trace the complainant.

However, the NTB is considered resolved as it does not fall under the ' non actionable' category of complaints.
NTB-000-499 8.7. Costly Road user charges /fees 2012-03-14 Tanzania Resolved
Complaint: Non-harmonized road user charges / road tolls in EAC Partner States.  
Resolution status note: On 14 June 2022 the EAC Secretariat reported that the SCTIFI meeting agreed that this is not an NTB since RUC is not harmonized in all EAC Partner States. The complaint is removed from the TBP  
NTB-000-507 2.3. Issues related to the rules of origin 2012-03-14 EAC Kenya Resolved
Complaint: Lack of recognition of CTH criteria in the EAC Rules of Origin for motor vehicles by Tanzania, Uganda and Rwanda  
Resolution status note: At the 16th NTBs forum held in Kigali in December 2014, EAC Secretariat reported that Partner States are now recognizing EAC rules of origin. This NTB is therefore resolved.  
NTB-000-634 8.7. Costly Road user charges /fees 2013-11-12 EAC Egypt Resolved
Complaint: Egypt's National Monitoring Committee received a complaint from Chemicals and Fertilizers Exporting Company that the cost of shipment between Egypt and the eastern countries in Africa is very high. In addition east African countries prefer that the shipment companies ship fruits rather than chemicals. And hence a suggestion was made to hold a meeting between transport syndicates especially of the landlocked countries in COMESA and the business community in an attempt to reach a solution.

please consider the above mentioned suggestion.
Resolution status note: On 8th February 2016, Egypt Focal point reported that the NTB be considered closed on the basis that Egypt's National Monitoring Committee did not receive any details from the Exporting Company.  
NTB-000-698 2.14. Other
2014-07-23 Resolved
Complaint: Border management institutions’ working hours are not harmonized.  
Resolution status note: At the 23rd EAC NTBs Forum held from 4- 6 May 2017, Partner States reported that the border operating hours had been harmonised  
NTB-000-737 7.4. Costly procedures 2017-03-01 South Africa Resolved
Complaint: KBP company who constructed the new border between Zambia and DRC , about 6 years or so ago pegged crossing fees at $100/truck for the Zambia side and $100 for DRC side. The same charge is levied for the return journey therefore transporters pay total crossing fees of $400/truck for a round trip .Further , parking fees of $25/truck/day are enforced for units that stay over 24 hours in the parking bay. These fees were justified at the beginning as these were to modernize the border. However, the transport rates have tumbled by as much as 40 % and we all now have to look at cutting costs.

Taking into account the number of vehicle crossings daily, the US$ 400 crossing fees per round trip has now become a barrier to trade and is having an impact on growth in trade in the region.
Resolution status note: During the meeting of NTBs Focal Points held on 19- 21 August 2019, Zambia reported the charges are part of the contractual obligations which will expire in 2023.  
NTB-000-800 2.3. Issues related to the rules of origin 2017-11-01 Resolved
Complaint: Lack of preferential treatment to Cerelac product manufactured in Kenya and exported into Tanzania on the basis that Kenya via Legal Notice No.EAC/70/2017 was granted stay application of CET in respect to raw sugar.

EAC Legal Notice No.EAC/70/2017 granted Kenya duty remission on raw sugar not a stay. For a company to import, it has to follow due process of gazettement. So far no company has applied, no DRS application received and no company has been gazetted to import raw sugar.
Resolution status note: The Regional Monitoring Committee held on 15th October, 2019 agreed that the NTB was resolved.  
NTB-000-805 Existence of several weighbridge stations in the central and Northern corridors. 2014-04-01 EAC EAC Resolved
Complaint: Rwanda, Uganda and Burundi are affected by the existence of several weighbridge stations in the central and Northern corridors (Tanzania, Kenya and Uganda).  
Resolution status note: During the meeting of Focal Points held on 19- 21 August 2019 , EAC NTBs Focal Points reported that this matter had been resolved. The weigh bridges have been reduced to 3 in the central corridor .  
NTB-000-808 2.3. Issues related to the rules of origin 2017-06-01 Kenya Resolved
Complaint: Lack of preferential treatment of Edible Oil and products manufactured in Kenya by all edible oil manufacturers in Kenya when exported to Tanzania. The products are being subjected to full CET duties by Rwanda and Tanzania.  
Resolution status note: The SCTIFI in November, 2018 was informed that where the certificate of origin is queried, goods should not be stopped from moving but the custom administration should call for a bond as security of the goods until the verification exercise is complete.

Tanzania reported that she complied with the recommendations of the Verification except for products under Rule 11 (Separation of materials) of the EAC Rules of Origin.

Kenya reported that the NTB for Lubricants & edible oils has been resolved.
NTB-000-858 7.5. Lengthy procedures 2018-09-19 EAC Uganda Resolved
Complaint: Denial, Delays and Mis-handling of Uganda beverages especially soft drinks and Bella wines entering Burundi, Tanzania, Kenya and Rwanda markets. Customs Officials usually delay clearing of Uganda soft drinks and Bella wines manufactured in Uganda entering Burundi and Rwanda without any justification thus causing damages and losses.  
Resolution status note: During the 27th NTBs Forum held from26th April - 4th May 2019 Rwanda and Uganda reported that this problem has been resolved  
NTB-000-901 2.8. Lengthy and costly customs clearance procedures
2019-05-03 Kenya Resolved
Complaint: South Sudan is subjecting Kenyan exports to Certificate of Conformity (CoC); South Sudan through their Ministry of EAC and Industry has written letters to Kenya manufacturers informing them that there will be a penalty of 15% CIF on all imports into the Republic of South Sudan without CoC. Exporters are required to have their consignments verified in the country of export before shipment.  
Resolution status note: During the Regional Monitoring Committee held on 15th October, 2019 the Republic of Kenya reported that the NTB was resolved.  
NTB-000-909 8.8. Issues related to transit 2009-07-01 EAC EAC Resolved
Complaint: Existence of several weigh bridge stations in the central and Northern corridors.  
Resolution status note: Transit trucks should be weighed twice, weigh bridges should be reduced to two (2) one at the point of entry and the other at the port of exit.
The two weigh bridges should be equipped with a High Speed Weigh-In Motion (HS-WIM) equipment to save time spent at weigh bridges.
Kenya and Tanzania have installed the High Speed Weign In Motion Weigh Bridges (HS-WIM).
Number of Weigh Bridges in Partner States are as follows: Burundi: 0, Kenya: 4, Rwanda: 0, Tanzania: 3 as agreed, Uganda: 2
The meeting recommended that Uganda be urged to consider installing High Speed Weigh-In Motion Weigh Bridges to resolve this NTB.
URT waived the US$40 sticker fees on transit trucks going through weigh bridges in the central corridor with immediate effect.
NTB-000-969 1.4. Preference given to domestic bidders/suppliers 2020-06-11 Kenya Resolved
Complaint: Uganda denial of market Access of essential products of Kenya manufactured and exported handsanitizer by Unilever Kenya.
Uganda Drugs Authority through a letter has denied market access handsanitizer manufactured in Kenya by Unilever Kenya and exported into Uganda Unilever making trucks loaded with the products stranded. The products have been issued with certificates of origin.
Resolution status note: During the RMC meeting held on 10 August 2020, Uganda Focal Point reported that the NTB had been resolved .  
NTB-001-016 2.10. Inadequate or unreasonable customs procedures and charges 2021-04-28 Uganda Resolved
Complaint: Exporters of mattresses are suddenly required to pay 1250 USD dollars per mattress.This is an unclear tax and exorbitant.  
Resolution status note: The Republic of Uganda confirmed that the NTB was resolved.  
Products: 9404.2: - Mattresses :  
NTB-001-017 2.8. Lengthy and costly customs clearance procedures 2021-02-09 Resolved
Complaint: Differences on the Health Attestation requirements for different countries within the SADC region

1. resulting to the same products having to comply with multiple requirements.
2. Multiple movement certificate has to be issued by the State Vet for the same product in order to meet exporting country’s requirements. This is done for every lot to ensure easy exportation of products by Nestle and our customers.
3. The difference in requirements has resulted in shipment rejections by State Vet since picking of stock for exportation is done at the warehouse after movement certificate has be issued.
4. Above has a huge impact on cost, time delays and meeting customer service level.
This is experienced in Eswatini, Namibia, Zambia and Zimbabwe. The health authorities are requested to look into it and facilitate trade.
Resolution status note: On 13 October 2021, Namibia during the meeting of 29 September 2021 where the issue was discussed, it was agreed that, since Namibia only has additional requirement when there is/was Foot and Mouth disease for a certain period, this is not an NTB. It was agreed that the complaint should be removed. Namibia therefore requests that her name be considered resolved .  
NTB-001-060 1.8. Import bans
2022-02-16 Uganda Resolved
Complaint: Prohibition of Sale of alcohol packed in 200ml containers and confiscation of products by CID and Local government Authorities.This is affecting only imported beverages.No Communication has been received on change of regulatory framework governing packaging of alcoholic drinks.  
Resolution status note: On 14 June 2022, EAC Secretariat reported that the SCTIFI meeting was informed that Uganda banned sachet-packed alcohol.
RSS informed the meeting that this was not an NTB but a health issue. The meeting therefore agreed that the NTB should be resolved in the TBP
NTB-001-061 2.6. Additional taxes and other charges
2021-12-28 Uganda Resolved
Complaint: Republic of South Sudan is imposing a digital border security Control Tag of 100 USD and a control fee of 30 USD at every entry or exit.  
Resolution status note: On 14 June 2022, EAC Secretariat reported that the SCTIFI meeting was informed that the order was revoked and hence the NTB was resolved.  
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