334. Jam
Jam -
(b) shall contain -
(i) not more than 15% glucose;
(ii) between a range of 33% and 45% inclusive of fruit by weight except for –
(A) blackcurrant, rose Hip, quince which shall be between 25% and 35% inclusive by weight;
(B) ginger which shall be between 15% and 25% inclusive by weight;
(C) cashew apple which shall be between 16% and 23% inclusive by weight;
(D) passion fruit which shall be between 6% and 8% inclusive by weight;
(iii) not less than 65% of soluble solids;
183(2) No person shall import, manufacture, process, pack, store, offer for sale or sell a cereal-based food for an infant or a child which does not include the nutrients specified in the First column of the Fifty-Fourth Schedule and at the levels specified in the Second and Third column of the Schedule.
336. Fruit jelly
(b) shall be free from seed and peel;
(c) shall contain -
(i) not less than 35% fruit juice extract; and
(ii) not less than 65% soluble solids.
Applied by Mauritius on the entire world for 0406.10.00: - Fresh (unripened or uncured) cheese, including whey cheese, and curd, 0406.20.00: - Grated or powdered cheese, of all kinds, 0406.30.00: - Processed cheese, not grated or powdered, 0406.40.00: - Blue-veined cheese and other cheese containing veins produced by Penicillium roqueforti and 0406.90.00: - Other cheese
Applied by Mauritius on the entire world for 2009.11.00: -- Frozen, 2009.12.00: -- Not frozen, of a Brix value not exceeding 20, 2009.19.00: -- Other, 2009.21.00: -- Of a Brix value not exceeding 20, 2009.29.00: -- Other, 2009.31.00: -- Of a Brix value not exceeding 20, 2009.39.00: -- Other, 2009.41.00: -- Of a Brix value not exceeding 20:, 2009.49.00: -- Other, 2009.50.00: - Tomato juice, 2009.61.10: --- Grape juice and grape must for wine-making, 2009.61.90: --- Other, 2009.69.10: --- Grape juice and grape must for wine-making, 2009.69.90: --- Other, 2009.71.00: -- Of a Brix value not exceeding 20, 2009.79.00: -- Other, 2009.81.00: -- Cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpon, Vaccinium oxycoccos, Vaccinium vitis-idaea) juice and 2009.89.00: -- Other
342 (2) The acidity of fruit juice, calculated as anhydrous citric acid shall not exceed 3.5 per cent, unless otherwise provided for a specific fruit juice.
(3) The total soluble solids of fruit juice shall not be less than 8 grams in 100 ml measured at 20°C, unless otherwise provided for a specific fruit juice.
Reference of the measure
Sub-articles 342 (2) and (3)
Measure also domestic
Products affected by the measure.
Partial coverage
Partial coverage indication
Date in
Date out
-- Frozen
-- Not frozen, of a Brix value not exceeding 20
-- Other
-- Of a Brix value not exceeding 20
-- Other
-- Of a Brix value not exceeding 20
-- Other
-- Of a Brix value not exceeding 20:
-- Other
- Tomato juice
--- Grape juice and grape must for wine-making
--- Other
--- Grape juice and grape must for wine-making
--- Other
-- Of a Brix value not exceeding 20
-- Other
-- Cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpon, Vaccinium oxycoccos, Vaccinium vitis-idaea) juice
344. Apple juice
Apple juice -
(a) shall be the fruit juice of mature apples;
(b) shall contain in 100 millilitres of juice, measured at 20°C, not less than -
(i) 11.5 grams of soluble solids; and
(ii) 0.3 grams and not more than 0.8 grams of acid calculated as malic acid.
303(2) (a) Yogurt shall be made from whole milk or cream and shall contain not less than 3% of milk fat;
(b) Reduced fat yogurt shall be made from reduced-fat milk and shall contain more than 0.5% but less than 3% milk fat; and
(c) Non-fat yogurt shall be made from non-fat milk and shall contain not more than 0.5% milk fat.
(3) Yogurt, reduced-fat yogurt and non-fat yogurt -
(a) shall contain not less than 8.2% of milk solids other than fat;
(b) shall have a pH value not greater than 4.5;
(c) shall not contain more than one Escherichia Coli in 1gm of yogurt;.
345. Grape-fruit juice
Grape-fruit juice -
(a) shall be the fruit juice of mature grape-fruits;
(b) shall contain in 100 millilitres of juice, measured at 20°C, not less than -
(i) 9.5 grams of soluble solids;
(ii) 1 gram and not more than 2 grams of acid calculated as anhydrous citric acid; and
(iii) 7 grams of soluble solids to each gram of acid calculated as anhydrous
citric acid; and
(c) shall not contain more than 0.03 millilitres of essential oil.
346. Lemon juice
Lemon juice -
(a) shall be the fruit juice of mature lemons;
(b) shall contain in 100 millilitres of juice, measured at 20°C, not less than -
(i) 8 grams of soluble solids; and
(ii) 4.5 grams of acid calculated as anhydrous citric acid; and
(c) shall not contain more than 0.05 millilitres of essential oil.
347. Lime juice
Lime juice -
(a) shall be the fruit juice of mature lime;
(b) shall contain in 100 millilitres of juice, measured at 20°C, not less than-
(i) 8 grams of soluble solids; and
(ii) 6 grams of acid calculated as anhydrous citric acid.
Applied by Mauritius on the entire world for 15: Animal or vegetable fats and oils and their cleavage products; prepared edible fats; animal or vegetable waxes
192. Edible oil or fat
Edible oil or fat shall -
(b) be free from rancidity and decomposition;
(c) not be adulterated;
(d) not contain any mineral oil; and
(e) not contain non-food grade fat or oil.
Reference of the measure
Sub-article 192(b),(c),(d)&(e)
Measure also domestic
Definition of edible oil and fat are as given in Article 190 of the Regulations.
Products affected by the measure.
Partial coverage
Partial coverage indication
Date in
Date out
Animal or vegetable fats and oils and their cleavage products; prepared edible fats; animal or vegetable waxes
Applied by Mauritius on the entire world for 2009.11.00: -- Frozen, 2009.12.00: -- Not frozen, of a Brix value not exceeding 20 and 2009.19.00: -- Other
348. Orange juice
Orange juice -
(a) shall be the fruit juice of mature oranges;
(b) shall contain in 100 millilitres of juice, measured at 20°C, not less than -
(i) 0.5 grams of soluble solids;
(ii) 0.65 grams and not more than 1.5 grams of acid calculated as anhydrous citric acid; and
(iii) 10 grams of soluble solids to each gram of acid calculated as anhydrous citric acid; and
(c) shall not contain more than 0.03 millilitres of essential oil.
349. Pineapple juice
Pineapple juice -
(a) shall be the fruit juice of mature pineapples; and
(b) shall contain not less than 8 grams of soluble solids in 100 millilitres of juice, measured at 20°C.