Resolved complaints

Showing items 201 to 220 of 824
Complaint number NTB TypeCheck allUncheck all Date of incident Location Reporting country or region (additional) Status Actions
NTB-000-222 5.12. Export restraint arrangements 2009-07-28 Zambia: Ministry of Trade Zimbabwe Resolved
Complaint: Restriction of coffee exports and exports of paste detergents to Zimbabwe  
Resolution status note: Zimbabwe reported that there are no more restrictions on these exports.  
NTB-000-222 5.12. Export restraint arrangements 2009-07-28 Zambia: Ministry of Trade Zimbabwe Resolved
Complaint: Restriction of coffee exports and exports of paste detergents to Zimbabwe  
Resolution status note: Zimbabwe reported that there were no more restrictions on the export of coffee  
NTB-000-224 5.4. Quotas
2009-07-28 SADC Zambia Resolved
Complaint: Import Quotas into SACU member states for sugar  
Resolution status note: Botswana reported that this is a SACU wide policy decision.  
NTB-000-221 1.1. Export subsidies
B31: Labelling requirements
2009-07-28 South Africa: SANAS Zambia Resolved
Complaint: Restrictions of exports on account of standards and provision of user instructions in specified local languages.Restriction of coffee exports and exports of paste detergents to South Africa and Zimbabwe  
Resolution status note: South Africa reported that SADC is in the process of implementing the TBT annex and establishing the necessary regional institutions to create a regional accreditation system. Until the structures are developed and operational, South Africa will continue to request that products which are not accredited by recognized international accreditation bodies be retested by the South African Bureau of Standards (SABS). This exercise is not meant to deny SA trading counterpart’s access to the South African market, but simply to protect South African consumers.  
NTB-000-228 5.3. Export taxes 2009-07-28 South Africa: Ministry of Trade Botswana Resolved
Complaint: In South Africa, Minister can impose export tax under the Livestock and meat industries Act  
Resolution status note: South Africa reported that this act is in Botswana not SA. SA has an ‘Animal Health Act and the Meat Safety Act’, there are no export taxes under this act.  
NTB-000-220 2.2. Arbitrary customs classification 2009-07-28 Zambia: Zambia Revenue Authority Zambia Resolved
Complaint: The valuation of imported goods carried by Small cross border traders is not transparent. Customs officials rely on power to impound imported goods to make small scale cross border traders pay rather suspicious duties.  
Resolution status note: Zambia reported that she is using the WTO Customs Valuation procedure, and has an appeals mechanism to address complaints from the traders  
NTB-000-223 5.1. Quantitative restrictions 2009-07-28 Zambia: Ministry of Trade Zambia Resolved
Complaint: Restricted importation of fruits and vegetables  
Resolution status note: Zambia reported that she does not restrict the importation of fruits and vegetables as long as they fulfill the necessary import requirements.  
NTB-000-225 8.7. Costly Road user charges /fees
2009-07-28 Zambia: Zambia Revenue Authority Zambia Resolved
Complaint: An Escort fee of either K900 000.00 or K800 000.00 depending on the route is charged. The escort charge covers the expenses for the customs officials who accompany the commercial transit traffic from port of entry to port of exit.  
Resolution status note: Zambia reported that, under normal circumstances, Customs officers do not accompany commercial transit traffic. If motor vehicles such as trucks need to be escorted they use private escorts who charge them accordingly. These are purely private commercial arrangements between transporters and private escorters. However, if such goods in transit are deemed risky by Customs Officers, then Customs Officers would escort such trucks/vehicles. In such cases, the Zambian law requires that an escort fee be paid to Customs Officers by the transporter, and the fee is dependent on the distance to be covered  
NTB-000-238 7.6. Lack of information on procedures (or changes thereof) 2009-08-13 SADC Mozambique Resolved
Complaint: Mozambique is experiencing difficulties using the NTBs online reporting system because it does not have a portuguese version. It is not enough to translate the user guide because users need to intract with the system itself. The secretariat should urgently look into this issue to enable Portuguese speaking countries to utilise the system.  
Resolution status note: Website has been translated into French and Portuguese languages  
NTB-000-247 1.14. Lack of coordination between government institutions 2009-09-08 Namibia: Ministry of Trade Namibia Resolved
Complaint: In Namibia the same information has to be provided and captured more than once in the import and export supply chain, e.g. Namport, Custom & Excise, MoF, MTI, NCCI, Carriers and Agents on imports of copper concentrate from DRC and RSA which becomes cumbersome.  
Resolution status note: Namibia reported that Copper is a controlled product that needs verification to determine the value for tax purposes and subsequent issuance of permit by he Ministry of Trade and Industry.  
NTB-000-248 1.14. Lack of coordination between government institutions 2009-09-08 Namibia: Ministry of Trade Namibia Resolved
Complaint: In Namibia the same information has to be provided and captured more than once in the import and export supply chain, e.g. Namport, Custom & Excise, MoF, MTI, NCCI, Carriers and Agents on imports of fuel from RSA.  
Resolution status note: This NTB has been resolved  
NTB-000-249 2.8. Lengthy and costly customs clearance procedures 2009-09-08 Namibia: Ministry of Trade Namibia Resolved
Complaint: In Namibia the same information has to be provided and captured more than once in the import and export supply chain, e.g. Namport, Custom & Excise, MoF, MTI, NCCI, Carriers and Agents on exports of salt to West Africa and RSA,.  
Resolution status note: At the 3rd meeting the Tripartite NTBs Focal Points and NMC Chairs held in Dar -es-Salaam on 19-20 April 2012, Namibia reported that, a client can obtain an import or export permit in one hour at the Ministry of Trade and Industry if all the required documents are provided. With regard to the export permit the delay comes in when the product is a controlled product where the client is expected to obtain a clearance certificate from the relevant Ministry for tax purposes or when the importing country policies and regulations requires that the imported product be accompanied by authorised documents from the relevant authorities. The meeting accepted Namibia’s submission to resolve this NTB  
NTB-000-245 2.8. Lengthy and costly customs clearance procedures
2009-09-08 Angola: Ministry of Trade Namibia Resolved
Complaint: The acquisition of Pre-shipment inspection numbers and consequent inspection of shipments for exports to Angola make transport pre-planning quite difficult and cause lengthy delays for the transport industry.  
Resolution status note: During the NTBs national workshop held in Angola on 30 November 2011, Angola reported that this NTB lacks clarity and complainant could not be traced to provide additional information. The complaint is therefore considered resolved unless additional information is provided.  
NTB-000-253 2.8. Lengthy and costly customs clearance procedures 2009-09-08 Angola: Ondjiva Customs Namibia Resolved
Complaint: Clearance of goods by the Ondjiva customs at the Oshikango/Santa Clara border post is too time consuming (red tape/inefficient bureaucracy).  
Resolution status note: During the NTBs national workshop held in Angola on 30 November 2011, Angola reported that its Customs service underwent a structural reform and modernisation resulting in the simplification and harmonisation of customs procedures. Clearance of goods takes maximum 48 hours, if documentation is properly submitted.  
NTB-000-254 2.8. Lengthy and costly customs clearance procedures 2009-09-08 Angola: Angola Revenue Authority Namibia Resolved
Complaint: Lack of harmonized procedures between Namibian and Angolan customs authorities make exports into Angola very difficult and generally frustrating.  
Resolution status note: During the NTBs national workshop held in Angola on 30 November 2011, it was reported that Angola has modernised customs procedures by reducing dwell time to 48 hours. Angola is also developed simplified trade regimes for informal and small scale traders, incorporating them into the trading system.  
NTB-000-259 7.6. Lack of information on procedures (or changes thereof) 2009-09-08 Angola: Ondjiva Customs Namibia Resolved
Complaint: Angola effects random increases in excise duties without notifying traders in advance.  
Resolution status note: During the NTBs national workshop held in Angola on 30 November 2011, it was reported that all tariffs and other related fees and charges are gazetted and therefore not charged in ad hoc manner. The Angola Tariff Book is published and available on Angola Customs website (  
NTB-000-261 7.4. Costly procedures 2009-09-08 Angola: Ondjiva Customs Namibia Resolved
Complaint: Extended and unpredictable turnaround time resulting in additional costs of trucking into Angola.  
Resolution status note: During the NTBs national workshop held in Angola on 30 November 2011 it was reported that customs observations were that truck drivers leave trucks at the Angola borders for 3 or more days and return to Oshikango to resolve personal issues, claiming that they are processing documents. Too many trucks are parked at the border without information where the drivers are. In some cases drivers have reported that they are not clear of the physical addresses of destination of the load in Angola. Angola Customs is investing in creating the best conditions for commercial and non commercial border users. Santa Clara border is undergoing a massive expansion with a view to become a regional and international example of trade facilitation infrastructures.  
NTB-000-292 2.10. Inadequate or unreasonable customs procedures and charges
2009-09-08 SADC Namibia Resolved
Complaint: Empty space on trucks cannot be utilized due to the 'Third Country' rules. This law should be abolished within SADC  
Resolution status note: SADC Secretariat reported that, reducing costs of doing business in the region is one of the key objectives of the SADC Secretariat. However, some interventions of the Secretariat are bound by its regional economic integration process. SADC FTA enables goods originating in Member States applying the FTA to enter duty free and quota free under provisions in the SADC Protocol on Trade. For this economic activity, economic operators are not obliged to be registered as economic operators in the countries where goods are delivered if only they are delivering goods. A deeper regional economic integration would be needed in order to allow foreign economic operators to engage in business activities in Member States, benefit from local business opportunities but also meeting fiscal obligations arising from such operations. This is a level of economic integration closer to common market and which forms SADC long term vision.  
NTB-000-298 8.7. Costly Road user charges /fees 2009-09-08 SADC Namibia Resolved
Complaint: Bond registration fees are generally high in all SADC countries  
Resolution status note: The 10th meeting of SADC Committee on Trade facilitation held on 14-15 June 2012 noted that the issue of bonds is normally managed by private sector, mostly banks therefore commercial rates would prevail. It was also noted that
within the SADC Customs work programme, there is work to facilitate single transit bond, the result of which should be
ready by March 2013. This NTB was therefore considered resolved on grounds that bond registration fees are cahrged at market rates.
NTB-000-256 2.8. Lengthy and costly customs clearance procedures 2009-09-08 Democratic Republic of the Congo: Kasumbalesa Namibia Resolved
Complaint: DRC customs, cause problems on road transport through delaying trucks to depart on time to Lubumbashi  
Resolution status note: FESARTA reported that the NTB does not exist at present.  
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