Resolved complaints

Showing items 81 to 100 of 824
Complaint number NTB TypeCheck allUncheck all Date of incident Location Reporting country or region (additional) Status Actions
NTB-000-175 1.1. Export subsidies
B6: Product identity requirement
2009-07-27 Zambia: Bureau of Standards Malawi Resolved
Complaint: Zambia has placed standards requirements that sugar from Malawi be fortified with Vitamin A.  
Resolution status note: Zambia reported that all sugar for domestic consumption, be it imported or manufactured locally is supposed to be fortified with vitamin A.  
NTB-000-270 1.1. Export subsidies
A9: SPS measures n.e.s.
2009-09-08 Zambia: Ministry of Agriculture Namibia Resolved
Complaint: Issuance of Phytosanitary Certificates by Zambian Authorities on exports of molasses, from Zambia, is too slow.  
Resolution status note: Zambia reported that for molasses, the issuance is almost instant as this by product is not fumigated.  
NTB-000-364 5.12. Export restraint arrangements 2010-02-10 Zambia: Ministry of Agriculture Zambia Resolved
Complaint: The Office dealing with export permits for seed in the Ministry of Agriculture in Zambia only opens at 11.00 hours. This causes delay in obtaining the export permits.  
Resolution status note: Zambia reported that the office opens from 08:00am to 5pm, but collection starts at 11:00am to allow for processing in the morning.  
NTB-000-365 2.8. Lengthy and costly customs clearance procedures 2010-02-10 Zambia: Matumbo and Chinsali Zambia Resolved
Complaint: Inland Zambia State Police request for customs documents at Road Blocks (Matumbo, Chinsali) creating unnecessary delays.  
Resolution status note: Zambia reported that it’s a requirement for security purposes, which applies to both locals and international road users.  
NTB-000-366 2.8. Lengthy and costly customs clearance procedures 2010-02-10 Zambia: Zambia Revenue Authority Zambia Resolved
Complaint: Zambia Revenue Authority delays clearing goods at Victoria Falls Border Post in Livingstone, it takes the whole day or two for travellers to be cleared. Only one officer is assigned to inspect the goods and there is arbitrary valuation of goods by the customs officer  
Resolution status note: Zambia reported that it only takes 20 minutes to clear passengers with no goods and upto 3hours for those with goods.
There are two officers who inspect as the passenger traffic has reduced due to a number of them opting to use the Chirundu OSBP.
For valuation of goods, they use an already existing database.
NTB-000-367 2.10. Inadequate or unreasonable customs procedures and charges
2010-02-10 Zambia: Zambia Revenue Authority Zambia Resolved
Complaint: Asycuda++ system closes at 16.00 hrs for new entries . ZRA does not continue to clear goods after 16.00hrs.  
Resolution status note:
Zambia reported that the Asycuda++ system is 24hours for those on DTI and there is also e-payment. Its only those who are not on DTI and access the system through Necor which closes at 16hrs are affected, otherwise the system does not close.
NTB-000-222 5.12. Export restraint arrangements 2009-07-28 Zambia: Ministry of Trade Zimbabwe Resolved
Complaint: Restriction of coffee exports and exports of paste detergents to Zimbabwe  
Resolution status note: Zimbabwe reported that there are no more restrictions on these exports.  
NTB-000-222 5.12. Export restraint arrangements 2009-07-28 Zambia: Ministry of Trade Zimbabwe Resolved
Complaint: Restriction of coffee exports and exports of paste detergents to Zimbabwe  
Resolution status note: Zimbabwe reported that there were no more restrictions on the export of coffee  
NTB-000-386 1.1. Export subsidies
A83: Certification requirement
2010-10-15 Zambia: Ministry of Health Tanzania Resolved
Complaint: The Ministry of health in Zambia issued a notice under Food and Drugs Act Cap 303 of the Laws of Zambia for all importers of food products into Zambia and those transiting to other countries to obtain Health insuarance certificates. All transit trucks loaded with food stuff and beverarages must obtain this permit which is only issued in Lusaka and takes upto 10 days. This short notice has resulted in all the trucks carrying this kind of cargo getting stuck in Nakonde adding to more delays than what already being experienced at Nakonde . What is odd is that why should transit trucks have to obtain these permits ? Can something be done about this urgently to avoid huge pile ups of trucks at Nakonde please ?  
Resolution status note: Zambia reported that there is no Health insurance certificates but health clearance certificate under cap 303 and this requirement has always been there except Nakonde border post previously was operating without following these requirements until recently when they are working towards normalizing its operations.
These certificates are only issued in Lusaka but efforts are being made to build capacity at provincial levels so that the system can be decentralized. This is in the plan for this year, 2011.
NTB-000-045 2.3. Issues related to the rules of origin 2004-05-28 Zambia: Zambia Revenue Authority Malawi Resolved
Complaint: : Non adherence of 35% value added  
Products: 8716.39: Trailers and semi-trailers for the transport of goods, not designed for running on rails (excl. self-loading or self-unloading trailers and semi-trailers for agricultural purposes and tanker trailers and tanker semi-trailers)  
NTB-000-046 2.3. Issues related to the rules of origin 2009-01-21 Zambia: Zambia Revenue Authority Malawi Resolved
Complaint: wheat flour  
Products: 1101.00: Wheat or meslin flour  
NTB-000-057 2.4. Import licensing 2009-02-09 Zambia: Ministry of Trade Zimbabwe Resolved
Complaint: Zimbabwe reported that Zambia is not issuing permits for the importaion of sterilized milk from Zimbabwe  
Resolution status note: Zambia reported that the Minister of Agriculture and Cooperatives in Zambia in 2007 suspended importation of sterilized milk until production, consumption and deficit figures were known so that whilst allowing imports , the diary industry which is in its infancy does not suffer but be allowed to grow. Consultations between the Ministry of Agriculture in Zambia and the Ministry of Trade and Industry in Zimbabwe are ongoing with a view to resolving the problem associated with the importation of sterilized milk from Zimbabwe.  
NTB-000-060 8.7. Costly Road user charges /fees
2009-07-22 Zambia: Ministry of Transport Zimbabwe Resolved
Complaint: Zambia has is now charging carbon tax of US$40 per trip an increase from the original US$40 per annum.  
Resolution status note: Zambia reported that she does not charge US$ 40 per trip but charges US$40 per every three (3) months and during that period payment is made only once regards less of how many trips are made until the three months expires.  
NTB-000-217 2.9. Issues related to transit fees
2009-07-27 Zambia: Zambia Revenue Authority Zimbabwe Resolved
Complaint: When Zimbabwean goods are exported to DRC via Zambia, Zambian authorities require that a bond guarantee be deposited with Customs authorities to safeguard the goods in transit. Zambian authorities call for the bond guarantee to be paid in hard currency at port of entry but refunds are made in Zambian currency at port of exit. The Zambian currency may be of no use to the exporter in the country of destination of the products or country of origin.  
Resolution status note: Zambia reported that all payments to Zambia Revenue Authority (ZRA) are in Zambian currency (Kwacha). Based on existing legislation which is consistent with international best practices, all goods transiting through Zambia are expected to be on a transit document (and covered by transit bond/security) or a monetary deposit on all those without bond cover. With the newly introduced Electronic Deposit account system in place, clients who pay a deposit at Entry point are able to get the refund at the Exit point provided they comply with deposit conditions.  
NTB-000-220 2.2. Arbitrary customs classification 2009-07-28 Zambia: Zambia Revenue Authority Zambia Resolved
Complaint: The valuation of imported goods carried by Small cross border traders is not transparent. Customs officials rely on power to impound imported goods to make small scale cross border traders pay rather suspicious duties.  
Resolution status note: Zambia reported that she is using the WTO Customs Valuation procedure, and has an appeals mechanism to address complaints from the traders  
NTB-000-223 5.1. Quantitative restrictions 2009-07-28 Zambia: Ministry of Trade Zambia Resolved
Complaint: Restricted importation of fruits and vegetables  
Resolution status note: Zambia reported that she does not restrict the importation of fruits and vegetables as long as they fulfill the necessary import requirements.  
NTB-000-225 8.7. Costly Road user charges /fees
2009-07-28 Zambia: Zambia Revenue Authority Zambia Resolved
Complaint: An Escort fee of either K900 000.00 or K800 000.00 depending on the route is charged. The escort charge covers the expenses for the customs officials who accompany the commercial transit traffic from port of entry to port of exit.  
Resolution status note: Zambia reported that, under normal circumstances, Customs officers do not accompany commercial transit traffic. If motor vehicles such as trucks need to be escorted they use private escorts who charge them accordingly. These are purely private commercial arrangements between transporters and private escorters. However, if such goods in transit are deemed risky by Customs Officers, then Customs Officers would escort such trucks/vehicles. In such cases, the Zambian law requires that an escort fee be paid to Customs Officers by the transporter, and the fee is dependent on the distance to be covered  
NTB-000-272 1.1. Export subsidies
A9: SPS measures n.e.s.
2009-09-08 Zambia: Other Zambia Namibia Resolved
Complaint: Issuing of Phytosanitary Certificates for exports of cotton cake to Namibia by Zambian Authorities is too slow.  
Resolution status note: Zambian reported that authorities process the above certificates as quickly as possible. The only time there is a delay is when the client does not have the right documentation, or has missing documentation  
NTB-000-285 2.7. International taxes and charges levied on imports and other tariff measures 2009-09-08 Zambia: Ministry of Trade Namibia Resolved
Complaint: The Zambian Government is delaying implementation of phase down schedule of tariffs for imports of salt under the SADC Trade Protocol.  
Resolution status note: Zambia reported that she is on schedule in terms of implementing her obligations under the SADC Trade Protocol. As a result of Zambia’s successful implementation of the Trade Protocol, Zambia participates in the SADC Free Trade Area. The tariff liberalization of category C is continuing up until 2010 as provided for in the SADC Trade Protocol  
NTB-000-286 2.7. International taxes and charges levied on imports and other tariff measures 2009-09-08 Zambia: Ministry of Trade Namibia Resolved
Complaint: The Zambian Government is delaying implementation of phase down schedule of tariffs for imports of fishmeal under the SADC Trade Protocol.  
Resolution status note: Zambia reported that she is on schedule in terms of implementing her obligations under the SADC Trade Protocol. As a result of Zambia’s successful implementation of the Trade Protocol, Zambia participates in the SADC Free Trade Area. The tariff liberalization of category C is continuing up until 2010 as provided for in the SADC Trade Protocol.  
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