Resolved complaints

Showing items 161 to 180 of 824
Complaint number NTB TypeCheck allUncheck all Date of incident Location Reporting country or region (additional) Status Actions
NTB-000-648 5.3. Export taxes
2014-12-11 Uganda: Uganda Revenue Authority Rwanda Resolved
Complaint: Charge of "export tax" of 0.2 % of raw materials exported from Uganda by Rwanda Premier Tobacco Company Ltd  
Resolution status note: At the 16th EAC Forum on NTBs, Uganda undertook to study evidence provided by Rwanda and report back to the next meeting of the forum. UGANDA is adhering to EAC preferential treatment.  
NTB-000-654 2.3. Issues related to the rules of origin 2014-12-11 Uganda: Mutukula Tanzania Resolved
Complaint: Rwanda and Uganda have not accorded preferential treatment on exports of rice from Tanzania through Rusumo and Mutukula borders respectively.  
Resolution status note: On 21st December 2015, Uganda Focal Point reported that Uganda was now according preferential treatment for rice originating from Tanzania. This NTBis therefore resolved  
NTB-000-661 2.7. International taxes and charges levied on imports and other tariff measures 2014-12-11 Uganda: Uganda Revenue Authority Kenya Resolved
Complaint: Uganda charges 25% duty rate on scrapping rolls manufactured in Kenya and also on products manufactured in Kenya using glucose.  
Resolution status note: At the Kenya NMC NTBs meeting held in Nairobi on 16th March 2015, Kenya confirmed that Uganda had scrapped the 25% duty .This position was endorsed by the 17th NTB forum thereby resolving this issue.  
NTB-000-668 8.8. Issues related to transit 2015-02-17 Uganda: It is the Police of Iganga in the Republic of Uganda who take in hostage of the truck and its driver because they get and accident. Burundi Resolved
Complaint: Following the accident held in IGANGA in the Republic of Uganda on 17 February, 2015 at 19h30, east african time, the truck which is registered in Burundi has been taken in hostage by Uganda Police until today and the driver is in prison at IGANGA. The truck have a COMESA Insurance that occurs wherever you are in the sub region.The COMESA insurance number is 0067772 (truck ) and 0067773 (trailer) valid from 23/03/2014 to 03/22/2015. The truck has the registration number of A2588A (truck) and T0110A (trailer). We are requesting that this truck and its driver can be released, so that they can continue their travel. Note that the truck contains the construction materials and shoes and was returning to Burundi.  
Resolution status note: On 21st December 2015, Uganda Focal Point reported that they had contacted the Police Chief- Director of Traffic who is also a member of the NMC. The truck was released long time ago and therefore this is a resolved NTB.  
NTB-000-668 8.8. Issues related to transit 2015-02-17 Uganda: It is the Police of Iganga in the Republic of Uganda who take in hostage of the truck and its driver because they get and accident. Burundi Resolved
Complaint: Following the accident held in IGANGA in the Republic of Uganda on 17 February, 2015 at 19h30, east african time, the truck which is registered in Burundi has been taken in hostage by Uganda Police until today and the driver is in prison at IGANGA. The truck have a COMESA Insurance that occurs wherever you are in the sub region.The COMESA insurance number is 0067772 (truck ) and 0067773 (trailer) valid from 23/03/2014 to 03/22/2015. The truck has the registration number of A2588A (truck) and T0110A (trailer). We are requesting that this truck and its driver can be released, so that they can continue their travel. Note that the truck contains the construction materials and shoes and was returning to Burundi.  
Resolution status note: Uganda Focal Point contacted the Police Chief- Director of Traffic who is also a member of the NMC. The truck was released long time ago and therefore this is a resolved NTB.  
NTB-000-681 7.2. Discrimination
2015-10-12 Uganda: Malaba Resolved
Complaint: Uganda discriminatively imposed a 10 percent duty on Kenya manufactured Laundry bar soaps.  
Resolution status note: At he 21st EAC NTBs Forum, Uganda reported that the 10% charged is Excise duty on cosmetics and soaps.
The NTB was resolved upon receipt of the statutory instrument from Uganda.
NTB-000-693 8.6. Vehicle standards 2016-04-22 Uganda: Lira Mobile weighbridge Uganda Resolved
Complaint: truck number UAQ 474t/UAD 291Q is being held at the LIRA mobile weigbride due to overload after it was weighed in Mbale and bares the weighbridge ticket with the right tonnage as requires to be carried by the truck.
the truck was weighed in mbale with a gross weight of 48 and when weighed in lira, it has a gross weight of 56 tonnes

the truck is loaded with world food program relief food destined for Sudan and this barrier is affecting the supply to the sudannese people who are in urgent need of food
Resolution status note: Uganda Focal point reported that the truck had been released on the same day.  
NTB-000-704 1.14. Lack of coordination between government institutions 2016-04-22 Uganda: Ministries responsible for Trade in Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda Kenya Resolved
Complaint: Inadequate or no information on the change of export and import procedures  
Resolution status note: This NTB was resolved by the meeting of the 22nd NTBs Forum held from 5-7 December 2016.  
NTB-000-706 8.1. Government Policy and regulations
2016-05-18 Uganda: Uganda Police Burundi Resolved
Complaint: Uganda recognizes the COMESA yellow card insurance but it is not honoured once there is an accident.  
Resolution status note: The 22nd meeting of the EAC NTBs Forum held in December 2016 , accepted Uganda report that she recognizes COMESA Yellow Card insurance. However the policy requires that all trucks involved in criminal accidents should be held to allow investigation.  
NTB-000-713 2.6. Additional taxes and other charges 2016-06-30 Uganda: Busia Kenya Resolved
Complaint: Exports to DRC are subjected to verifications at Busia border and consignments sealed but an additional charges and verification is done at Busitema where the seal is broken and customer/transporter is charged.  
Resolution status note: The NTB was resolved during the 22nd EAC NTBs Forum held in December 2016  
NTB-000-841 2.3. Issues related to the rules of origin 2018-09-06 Uganda: Malaba EAC Resolved
Complaint: Uganda does not recognize the calibration certificate issued by Weight and Measures Agency (WMA) for oil tanks from URT  
Resolution status note: Tanzania reported during the 25th EAC Regional Forum on NTBs that it was Resolved  
NTB-000-761 2.3. Issues related to the rules of origin
2017-05-05 Uganda: Uganda Revenue Authority Kenya Resolved
Complaint: Lack of Preferential treatment of textiles and apparels products from Kenya when exported into Uganda  
Resolution status note: The SCTIFI meeting held on 16 November 2018 was informed that the stay of application on textile and apparels expired on 30th June 2018 and was not renewed

The NTB was resolved by the Committee on Customs (CoC) .
NTB-000-763 2.3. Issues related to the rules of origin
2017-05-05 Uganda: Uganda Revenue Authority Kenya Resolved
Complaint: Lack of preferential treatment for printed adhesive paper labels products and corrugated cartons manufactured in Kenya and exported to Uganda.  
Resolution status note: The Secretariat reported that the SCTIFI meeting was informed that Uganda provides preferential treatment. The matter is therefore resolved  
NTB-000-763 2.3. Issues related to the rules of origin
2017-05-05 Uganda: Uganda Revenue Authority Kenya Resolved
Complaint: Lack of preferential treatment for printed adhesive paper labels products and corrugated cartons manufactured in Kenya and exported to Uganda.  
Resolution status note: The SCTIFI meeting was informed that Uganda provides preferential treatment. The matter is resolved  
NTB-000-773 2.3. Issues related to the rules of origin
2017-05-05 Uganda: Uganda Revenue Authority Kenya Resolved
Complaint: Lack of preferential treatment of packaging materials for beverages i.e. juice, milk etc manufactured in Kenya when exported into Uganda.  
Resolution status note: Kenya informed the 27th Regional Monitoring Committee meeting on 3rd May 2019 that Uganda is now recognising the packaging materials from Kenya.

The NTB was resolved.
NTB-000-774 2.3. Issues related to the rules of origin
2017-05-05 Uganda: Uganda Revenue Authority Kenya Resolved
Complaint: Lack of preferential treatment of paper sacks manufactured in Kenya and exported into Uganda  
Resolution status note: During the SCTIFI meeting held on 16 November 2018, Uganda reported that the NTB was resolved for Companies that are not under Duty remission.  
NTB-000-809 2.3. Issues related to the rules of origin 2017-06-01 Uganda: Uganda Revenue Authority Kenya Resolved
Complaint: Lack of preferential treatment of hats and other headgear, hand knitted and crocheted by Vajas manufacturers ltd in Kenya and exported into Uganda.  
Resolution status note: The SCTIFI meeting held on 16 November 2018 was informed that Uganda had reported that the Company manufacturing the referenced products was under duty remission regime and hence should attract full CET but it was later confirmed that it is not under duty remission and the Uganda Revenue Authority started granting preferential Treatment. The NTB was resolved.  
NTB-000-813 4. Sanitary & phyto-sanitary (SPS) measures
A1: Prohibitions/restrictions of imports for SPS reasons
2017-11-17 Uganda: Ministry responsible for Agriculture Kenya Resolved
Complaint: Ban on importation of poultry and poultry products.  
Resolution status note: During the 25th EAC Regional Forum on NTBs held from 9- 12 May 2018, Kenya and Rwanda reported that the ban on entry of poultry products from Uganda based on the ban from the Veternary and Health Regulatory Authorities had been lifted .  
NTB-000-814 1.7. Discriminatory or flawed government procurement policies 2017-11-17 Uganda: Ministry of Finance Kenya Resolved
Complaint: Discriminatory treatment (Excise duty) of Kenyan manufactured products among others Pharmaceutical products, Juice, cigarettes.  
Resolution status note: During the SCTIFI meeting held on 16 November 2018, Uganda reported that she has put in place administrative measures to accord non discriminatory treatment to Kenya products. The NTB is therefore resolved.  
NTB-000-815 2.2. Arbitrary customs classification 2017-11-17 Uganda: Uganda Revenue Authority Kenya Resolved
Complaint: Denial of market access and hiking & fixing of confectionary products values thus making Kenya products uncompetitive. Clients are scared of fixed uplifted value in September  
Resolution status note: On 7th October 2019, the EAC Secretariat reported that all issues of valuation were considered and resolved by the Customs Committee in May 2019  
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