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Date of incident |
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NTB-000-950 |
2.8. Lengthy and costly customs clearance procedures |
2020-03-15 |
Zambia: Kasumbalesa |
Zimbabwe |
Resolved 2020-05-31 |
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The border is too congested for the past 3 weeks with the queue now stretching backwards for 90 kilometers to Kitwe Town in the Copperbelt in Zambia, the situation has really gotten out of hand and we need urgent intervention.There are more that 1000 trucks queuing now and more joining from the various corridors. |
Resolution status note:
During the verification mission to Chirundu held on 11 - 12 June, the Zambia and Zimbabwe Border Agencies reported that the log ques had been cleared by 31st May 2020 . The following temporary measures were taken jointly to clear the trucks:
1. Increased working hours from 16 hours a day to 24 hours a day;
2. Introduction of an additional lane to fast track the flow of essential goods such as fuels, food medical supplies and medical equipment;
3. Truck drivers are allowed to park their trucks outside the Common Control Zone (CCZ) before undergoing health screening at the passenger terminal in order to decongest the border area; and
3. Introduction of processing of exports in-land to reduce the amount of time spent by the truck drivers at the border. |
NTB-000-955 |
1.14. Lack of coordination between government institutions |
2020-04-08 |
Zambia: Chirundu |
Resolved 2020-05-14 |
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Zimbabwean clearing agents are stopped by Zambian security agents from driving across to Zambian side to perform Zimbabwean exit formalities (this is contrary to the OSBP arrangement).
Resolution status note:
During the border verification mission by Zambia national Monitoring committee held on 11- 12 June 2020, both Zambia and Zimbabwe border agencies reported that they had put in place a temporary measure whereby a list of Zimbabwean clearing agents doing business during the COVID-19 Pandemic was prepared and shared between Zimbabwe and Zambia. NTB was resolved by this temporary measure |
NTB-000-951 |
Quarantine for All Truck drivers |
2020-04-05 |
Zambia: Kazungula Ferry |
Zimbabwe |
Resolved 2020-04-10 |
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Zambia imposeS a mandatory 14 day quarantine for all truck drivers entering Zambia during the covid 19 pandemic. From 28 March 2020, drivers using the Kazungula Ferry border post were detained at Kazungula border post and later moved to different sites in Lusaka such as UNZA. It is not clear whether all drivers were screened at the border post to establish if they showed symptoms COVID 19 . All driver are being quarantined including drivers without COVID 19 symptoms. This is not in line with SADC guidelines that stipulates that Member states will undertake initial screening and only quarantine those that show symptoms of COVID 19.
Zambia should have notified all SADC member states of their mandatory quarantine period in advance as required by the WTO Agreement on Trade Facilitation and WHO Interim Guidance on Quarantine of individuals in the context of the containment of corona virus disease (COVID-19) so that traders could plan accordingly. Zambia ambushed traffic in transit.
Zambia should implement the SADC guidelines which were recently adopted. |
Resolution status note:
On 19 Appril 2020, FESARTA reported that all drivers under quarantine have since been released.
Also Zambia has now produced a COVID - 19 Guidelines on Screening for Trucks carrying essential commodities. At certain Zambian border posts such as Vic Falls, Kazangula, Chinade and Chipata drivers are required to be screened and tested for COVID-19, meaning that they are quarantined until the test results are available and if negative for COVID-19 are released to proceed and deliver the cargo to the final destination, if they test positive they are quarantined for 14 days and the transporter must send another driver to replace the quarantined driver to deliver the load. Other border post such as Chirundu, Kasumbalesa and Nakonde, drivers are screened for temperatures and if no symptoms they are allowed to proceed and deliver the cargo to the final destination. |
NTB-000-954 |
2.8. Lengthy and costly customs clearance procedures |
2020-04-03 |
Zambia: Livingstone |
Resolved 2020-05-13 |
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Challenges were experienced at the Livingstone and Chirundu borders of Zambia we have experienced which led to disruptions of Coca-Cola supply chain network. Although their business has been classified as an essential goods provider in all their markets across the SADC region (and therefore hoped to benefit from the provisions put in place to enable the continued free flow of these designated goods) they have experienced challenges. In Zambia they have been impacted by the implementation of a unique control measure, the “Relay System”, which blanketly requires all foreign truckers to hand over their vehicles to local drivers at the border who continue the journey into Zambia. Their main challenge is that some of the cargo only transits through Zambia enroute to other countries and this system has caused extensive delays of transit cargo flow. There is also risk that these measures may lead other SADC countries to follow suit and adopt a similar system. |
Resolution status note:
During the Zambia NMC verification mission to Chirundu on 11-12 June 2020, both Zambia and Zimbabwe border agencies reported that they had agreed that Zimbabwe side creates an official list of clearing agents doing business during the COVID-19 Pandemic was prepared and shared between Zimbabwe and Zambia. NTB was resolved by this temporary measure |
NTB-000-954 |
2.8. Lengthy and costly customs clearance procedures |
2020-04-03 |
Zambia: Livingstone |
Resolved 2020-05-13 |
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Challenges were experienced at the Livingstone and Chirundu borders of Zambia we have experienced which led to disruptions of Coca-Cola supply chain network. Although their business has been classified as an essential goods provider in all their markets across the SADC region (and therefore hoped to benefit from the provisions put in place to enable the continued free flow of these designated goods) they have experienced challenges. In Zambia they have been impacted by the implementation of a unique control measure, the “Relay System”, which blanketly requires all foreign truckers to hand over their vehicles to local drivers at the border who continue the journey into Zambia. Their main challenge is that some of the cargo only transits through Zambia enroute to other countries and this system has caused extensive delays of transit cargo flow. There is also risk that these measures may lead other SADC countries to follow suit and adopt a similar system. |
Resolution status note:
During the Consultative meetings between Zambia NMC and border agencies, it was reported that the issue of relay drivers is not policy by the Zambia Government ad that the confusion might have arisen due top COVID -19 pandemic requirements. Zambia has put in place efficient testing and screening facilities and drivers meeting the COVID- 19 requirements are allowed to proceed to their destinations |
NTB-000-956 |
2.8. Lengthy and costly customs clearance procedures |
2020-04-08 |
Zambia: Chirundu |
Resolved 2020-05-31 |
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There are daily delays of truck movement due to customs clearing delays by Zambian authorities. Trucks are made to queue on the Zimbabwean side of the border whilst Zambian procedures are being done. The queue on the Zimbabwean side is almost permanent and sometimes stretches up to 10km along the road. Drivers have no ablution and other facilities in the process (health challenges).
The fight against the covid-19 disease is severely affected adversely by this development. In addition to this the trucks are exposed to thieves and wild animals. Clearing agents Zimbabwe transit bonds are also held up pending exit of the trucks. |
Resolution status note:
Zambia NTBs national monitoring Committee undertook a verification mission to Chirundu Border post on 11- 12 June 2020 to ascertain the degree of the problem and recommend way forward. The mission found out that all border agencies were overwhelmed by the increase in the volumes of traffic due to the COVID-19 Pandemic which caused traffic to be diverted from other borders e.g Kazungula Ferry to Chirundu . Following submission of this complaint the Zambia and Zimbabwe put in place the following temporary measures to adress the matter:
1. Increased working hours from 16 hours a day to 24 hours a day;
2. Introduction of an additional lane to fast track the flow of essential goods such as fuels, food medical supplies and medical equipment;
3. Truck drivers are allowed to park their trucks outside the Common Control Zone (CCZ) before undergoing health screening at the passenger terminal in order to decongest the border area; and
4. Introduction of processing of exports in-land to reduce the amount of time spent by the truck drivers at the border.
These measures cleared all the trucks in the ques therefore the NTB was resolved |
NTB-000-971 |
8.6. Vehicle standards |
2020-07-14 |
Zambia: Halfway Patrol |
Zimbabwe |
Resolved 2021-03-17 |
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We export to Zambia and use our own truck (an 8tonne truck with yellow plates)to dispatch the products. We have exported for 5 times without any incident. On the above mentioned date our driver got a fine apparently for "plying for hire and reward". We have been exporting to Botswana since 2016 and we have never come across such an incident.We are not into transport business therefore our truck is specifically for dispatching to our customers hence the Yellow plates. We have a PTA Carrier Licence.
Please assist us. |
Resolution status note:
The Focal Point contacted the exporter to provide further information on whether it was a one of or repeated challenge . Exporter has not provided feedback. RESOLVED DUE TO LACK OF EVIDENCE |
NTB-001-008 |
2.2. Arbitrary customs classification |
2020-05-05 |
Zambia: Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries |
South Africa |
Resolved 2022-10-10 |
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Nestle is facing Product classification challenges in the Zambian market involving imitation products that are not dairy who are classified as dairy and face similar penalties that dairy products face. This product in question is Cremora which is classified by the authorities as a dairy product. However, CREMORA is a non-dairy creamer. To this effect, the request is to consider CREMORA for exemption from the dairy category of definition and profile of the product. |
Resolution status note:
A bilateral meeting between the two countries was held on 10 October wherein Zambia, informed that the NTB was resolved. Nestle was issued with an exemption letter which allows it to export CREMORA as a non-dairy product to the Zambia market. To close the matter, NESTLE would write a letter to the Zambia Revenue Authority (ZRA) requesting a change in the tariff code. The Ministry of Industry (Zambia) would also write another letter to ZRA in support of Nestle’s proposition |
NTB-001-002 |
1.2. Government monopoly in export/import |
2021-01-27 |
Zambia: Kariba |
Zimbabwe |
Resolved 2021-01-30 |
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Zambia Revenue Authority has produced a statutory Instrument (SI NO 115 OF 2020 which prohibits exportation of certain products to neighboring countries e.g Zimbabwe. Trade has been going on well between Zimbabwe and Zambia without challenges and if there was need for commodities to exported or imported with license or permits traders have been abiding as required by Law. Zambia Revenue Authority Kariba is holding trucks intended to cross to Zimbabwe for clearance because of this Statutory Instrument, The statutory Instrument is not clear on the reasons or basis for its effect, It has come harder for the traders as the situation will force them to use chirundu which will then be costly for them to drive back to chirundu, whereas those goods in trucks which are in Zambia have been pre cleared in Zimbabwe awaiting PE as the normal way . |
Resolution status note:
The Zambia Revenue Authority facilitated the clearance of the consignments that were already at Kariba Border Post. Importers/Exporters/Transporters were urged to be guided by the Statutory Instrument on the routes they are required to use when carrying certain cargo.
Due to the nature of the current situation, those already at Kariba were allowed to proceed. |
NTB-001-003 |
8.1. Government Policy and regulations |
2021-01-26 |
Zambia: Zambia Revenue Authority |
Resolved 2024-06-13 |
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Government of Zambia issues Statutory Instrument 115 of 2020 , The Customs and Excise Ports of Entry and Routes Amendment Order, 2020, 9A(1) Reads , goods exported through Victoria Falls port in accordance with this paragraph shall be transported by rail, this Order automatically is a ban to export goods to Zimbabwe as the whole process to export using rail is a burdensome to trade by small scale players. Most goods are bought in Kamwala area shops and some being bought in the industrial areas which small players can easily transport using their vehicles or hired vehicles as they combine wares. Introduction for use of Rail is a clear indication by the Government of Zambia to ban export of certain commodities to Zimbabwe as market access will be a challenge to those living within Victoria Falls and the whole part of matebelalend as they are forced to use Chirundu exit .
Trucks can reach Victoria Falls within a day which is different from train, trucks you can accompany your goods different from train, trucks you can be cleared in time whereas using train everything is dumped at one place. this will open other avenues of bush borders or direct smuggling at the borders as officials will not be clearing goods in trucks |
Resolution status note:
The NTB is related to NTB-001-004 (which was resolved during the 3rd meeting of the COMESA Regional NTBs). The NTB is therefore resolved, on the ground that NTB-001-003 and NTB-001-004 are equivalent, and that the basis on which later was later was resolved applies to the former. |
0401: Milk and cream, not concentrated nor containing added sugar or other sweetening matter., 1905: Bread, pastry, cakes, biscuits and other bakers' wares, whether or not containing cocoa; communion wafers, empty cachets of a kind suitable for pharmaceutical use, sealing wafers, rice paper and similar products. and 34: CHAPTER 34 - SOAP, ORGANIC SURFACE-ACTIVE AGENTS, WASHING PREPARATIONS, LUBRICATING PREPARATIONS, ARTIFICIAL WAXES, PREPARED WAXES, POLISHING OR SCOURING PREPARATIONS, CANDLES AND SIMILAR ARTICLES, MODELLING PASTES, ‘DENTAL WAXES’ AND DENTAL PREPARATIONS |
NTB-001-004 |
2.8. Lengthy and costly customs clearance procedures |
2020-12-31 |
Zambia: Kariba |
Zimbabwe |
Resolved 2023-09-22 |
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Introduction of Statutory Instrument 115 of 2020, Ports of Entry and Routes Amendment Order, page 785 of S.I. 115 -2020 Indicates borders and regulating hours of operation, Kariba and Victoria Falls being affected. For goods destined for Kariba, it will be very difficult and costly for traders to go via chirundu and back to Kariba . The chuiiurundu kariba route doubles the distance and therefire craetes additional cost for landing same product in Kariba. Distance to transport goods directly from Siavonga Juction to Kariba border is 78 kms . Whereas ,the Chirundu routes is: Siyavonga to the border chirundu (20kms); Add 62 kms from chirundu border to Makuti then 77 kms from Makuti to Kariba, totalling 159kms.
This Order disturbs the spirit of Regional integration , traders are crying because of COVID 19 and its effects then another 115 Pandemic, . If all exports are centralized to pass through chirundu it means we are putting pressure at one point this in turn increases chances of smuggling and paying bribes, as of more days are spent at the border. This will give pressure to clearing agents who will make errors in making entries leading to pay heavy fines, the agent will simply abandon the goods leading to the bond being cancelled , this will cause traders to have other options of smuggling and paying bribes, WHY DONT THERE BE CORRECTIVE MEASURES THAN PUNITIVE MEASURES.
This S.I. has come at a point where Zimbabwean traders are not allowed to clear goods over the counter because of COVID 19 and other regulations |
Resolution status note:
The 3rd meeting of the COMESA Regional NTBs meeting was informed that the Kariba Border Post was designated to accept all commercial transactions therefore the NTB was resolved on grounds that Kariba is an appointed port under the Ports and routes order, therefore commercial transactions trough Kariba border post will continue. |
1905: Bread, pastry, cakes, biscuits and other bakers' wares, whether or not containing cocoa; communion wafers, empty cachets of a kind suitable for pharmaceutical use, sealing wafers, rice paper and similar products., 3401: Soap; organic surface-active products and preparations for use as soap, in the form of bars, cakes, moulded pieces or shapes, whether or not containing soap; organic surface-active products and preparations for washing the skin, in the form of liquid or c and 3401: Soap; organic surface-active products and preparations for use as soap, in the form of bars, cakes, moulded pieces or shapes, whether or not containing soap; organic surface-active products and preparations for washing the skin, in the form of liquid or c |
NTB-001-007 |
2.6. Additional taxes and other charges |
2021-02-25 |
Zambia: Livingstone |
Resolved 2021-11-29 |
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A member of the South African Brand owners Association is experiencing push back from Zambia’s Ministry of Health in that they do not want to issue the Zambian importers a Health Clearance certificate unless the product has been subjected to re-testing in Zambia.
The association presented the Certificate of Analysis issued by South African Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development which is responsible for analysis of products in South Africa, which was rejected by Zambia authorities.
The importers ended up going to meet the Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Health to plead their case for clearance of which the Ministry said that they could not advise on which specific metals to test and advised that for future reference and to avoid this occurring again, the importers may use the former certificates to identify the metals that are present to enable the lab to test accurately. The example attached by the Ministry was for the inclusion of the following tests:
Sorbic Acid
Zinc – ZN
Copper – CU
Iron – FE
Lead – PB
For years the South African Health Clearance Certificate was accepted. The duplication of test conducted results in the below additional costs for our importer:
R240 per wine selected. We export 202 skus. If we have to test all of them at least once a year then we will spend R48 480 annually to confirm that our products are in spect.
Following the meeting with Ministry of Health , the Zambian importers reported that some past COA’s have successfully now managed to gain clearance for 2021 Q1 and Q2. We would appreciate if this matter can be resolved. |
Resolution status note:
A meeting held on 29 November 2021 between the Zambian Health Authority , DTIC and affected stakeholders . resolved the matter as follows:
1. Undertaking by Zambia to finish South Africa with the copy of the Regulations.
2. Acceptance of the South African Health Clearance Certificate
3. Testing of products once a year instead of bi-annually. |
NTB-001-063 |
8.2. Administrative (Border Operating Hours, delays at border posts, etc.) |
2022-03-24 |
Zambia: Kasumbalesa |
Zimbabwe |
Resolved 2023-03-06 |
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There is slow Clearance by border agencies ( Zambia Customs) causing truck delays. Trucks following a queue 34km long at morning of 24 March 2022 . |
Resolution status note:
A Bilateral Ministerial Meeting between the Republic of Zambia and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) was held on 6th March 2023. It was agreed that all border agencies of both countries put in place procedures to allow for 24-hour border operations at Kasumbalesa, Sakania, Mokambo and Kipushi in accordance with internal procedures.Based on the outcome of the Bilateral meeting, the NTB is resolved |
NTB-001-064 |
8.5. Infrastructure (Air, Port, Rail, Road, Border Posts,) |
2022-03-24 |
Zambia: Mokambo Border to Mfulira Road |
Zimbabwe |
Resolved 2023-04-06 |
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The Mokambo Border to Mfulira road has become impassable with trucks getting stuck in the mud and being damaged as a result of the poor road condition |
Resolution status note:
During the COMESA Regional capacity building workshop for National focal Points held in Rwanda from 3-6 April 2023, Zambia focal point reported that reconstruction of the Mokambo border to Mfulira had been commenced. It was therefore recommend that this NTB be regarded as resolved considering that Zambia is taking efforts to reconstruct the road |
NTB-000-033 |
5.10. Prohibitions |
2008-12-22 |
Uganda: Ministry of Rourism, Trade and Industry |
Kenya |
Resolved 2019-04-26 |
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Ban on Imports
Kenya has complained that Uganda had placed a ban on beef imports |
Resolution status note:
Uganda reported that the issue is not for Kenya but all other Partner States. And it is only on frozen beef she resolved the issue. |
0202.30: Frozen, boneless meat of bovine animals |
NTB-000-034 |
8.6. Vehicle standards |
2004-12-22 |
Uganda: Ministry of Transport |
Kenya |
Resolved 2010-11-22 |
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Transit Regulations
Kenya complained that Ugandan authorities were enforcing a requirement that all transit trucks be covered. |
Resolution status note:
Uganda reported that the matter was resolved in 2006 |
NTB-000-035 |
2.7. International taxes and charges levied on imports and other tariff measures |
2008-12-22 |
Uganda: Ministry of Trade |
Kenya |
Resolved 2010-11-22 |
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Import Tariffs
Kenya complained that Ugandan authorities were utilizing 1994 tariff levels as base year for calculating COMESA discounts. |
Resolution status note:
Uganda reported that she is no longer using 1994 tariff levels as base year for calculations |
NTB-000-036 |
4. Sanitary & phyto-sanitary (SPS) measures A82: Testing requirement |
2004-05-21 |
Uganda: Uganda Bureau of Standards |
Kenya |
Resolved 2010-11-29 |
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Kenya complained that Ugandan authorities were requesting for samples of milk to Uganda Dairy Development Authority for testing and that they were not accepting the certificate of analysis from Kenya Bureau of Standards on Kenyan Products. |
Resolution status note:
Uganda reported that the Uganda Dairy Development Authority (DDA) has never denied entry of milk from Kenya except for a one-off incident that happened in 2007 where the denial of entry was attributed to the water content, about 27%, in the imported milk.
The Uganda DDA respects quality certification from the country of origin and does not subject that milk to fresh certification. Some companies however prefer to bring into Uganda samples for analysis but neither the Uganda National Bureau of Standards (UNBS) nor the Uganda (DDA) analyze items that have been analyzed by the Kenya Bureau of Standards( KEBS). They only monitor and consult with the sister bureaux of standards in the EAC Partner States. |
0402.10: Milk and cream in solid forms, of a fat content by weight of <= 1,5% |
NTB-000-473 |
2.3. Issues related to the rules of origin |
2011-11-05 |
Uganda: Malaba |
Rwanda |
Resolved 2013-04-10 |
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Certificates of origin are not provided at the borders between Rwanda and Uganda and cross border traders are obliged to collect them from Kampala for goods exceeding 500 US$. The long distance to Kampala is time consuming and additional cost to doing business. |
Resolution status note:
At the Tripartite NTBs Online Reporting, Monitoring and Eliminating Mechanism Meeting to Launch the SMS Reporting Tool held from 9-10 April 2013 in Lusaka, Zambia, Uganda reported that Certificates are issued at the border so this NTB has been resolved. Rwanda intervened that it is only simplified certificate of origin for small scale traders that are available at the border but that for large scale traders has to be obtained from Kampala. Uganda undertook to confirm on whether Certificates of origin for large scale traders are available at the border. |
NTB-000-475 |
1.13. "Buy national" policy |
2011-10-06 |
Uganda: Uganda National Police |
Rwanda |
Resolved 2012-12-03 |
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Removal of plate numbers on vehicles that have had accidents.The argument given is to force the driver to report to the police. The consequence is loss of goods and vehicle parts because with no plate number the truck/vehicle seems to belong to nobody. |
Resolution status note:
On 21st December 2015, Uganda Focal Point reported that the NTB was resolved in 2012 by Uganda |