Resolved complaints

Showing items 321 to 340 of 824
Complaint number NTB TypeCheck allUncheck all Date of incident Location Reporting country or region (additional) Status Actions
NTB-000-879 2.6. Additional taxes and other charges 2017-05-05 Tanzania: TRA Kenya Resolved
Complaint: Tanzania Revenue Authority imposes a Weights and measures levy at 2% of the customs value for every export. The levy is not being picked on the customs entries as is the norm but on a different collection sheet raising questions on authenticity of the levy  
Resolution status note: Tanzania reported that this is a weight and measures levy that is paid by all including Tanzania exporters and hence it is not an NTB. The Meeting recommended that the levy should be harmonised across EAC Partner States. And hence considered the NTB Resolved.  
NTB-000-881 8.8. Issues related to transit 2009-02-04 Tanzania: Nakonde Zambia Resolved
Complaint: Since 2006, the Tanzanian Government imposed a ban on importation of poultry and poultry products to curb any possible Avian Influenza Disease outbreak. However, a Zambian Company (Hybrid Poultry Farm) has been denied Transit Permit for hatching eggs destined for Kenya. The hatching eggs are not going to be offloaded in Tanzania as it will only be used as a transit country and will be transported in sealed refrigerated containers.  
Resolution status note: On 10 November 2020, Zambia Focal Point advised that this was no longer an issue therefore should be resolved.  
NTB-000-882 2.3. Issues related to the rules of origin 2018-12-17 Tanzania: Namanga Tanzania Resolved
Complaint: Denial of preferntial treatment for products produced by Tanzania Breweries (TBL) Ltd.
Kenya is insisting that Tanzania produced Beer (Redds and Castle Lite) are manufactured in South Africa.
Resolution status note: During the Bilateral Meeting held on 23- 27 April, both parties agreed to undertake verification of the plants. Meanwhile, Kenya will accord preferential treatment to Tanzania beer .  
NTB-000-899 6.2. Administrative fees 2017-07-28 Tanzania: TFDA Kenya Resolved
Complaint: TFDA (Tanzania Foods & Drugs Authority) imposes a 1.5% fees on FOB value on all imports (food, drugs & cosmetics). This is badly hurting local and regional trade as well as local manufacturers.  
Resolution status note: The Extra Ordinary SCTIFI of August 2019 noted that since TFDA had been dissolved, there is no more fees paid to TFDA. Hence the NTB was resolved.  
NTB-000-902 8.8. Issues related to transit 2019-04-03 Tanzania: TRA Burundi Resolved
Complaint: The application of VAT for transit goods that spend more than one month in URT without being loaded  
Resolution status note: During the 27th RMC meeting, the Republic of Burindi reported that transit goods which have spent more than 30 days in Tanzania are charged VAT, when they exit.The Republic of Burundi resubmited to the Secretariat the evidence that was submitted to the United Republic of Tanzania. The United Republic of Tanzania informed the meeting that the fee is charged on services rendered to the trader after the 30 days of the grace period and these services are taxable. The United Republic of Tanzania informed the Sectoral Committee on Trade that as per the evidence given the fee is charged on services rendered to the trader but not on the transit goods after expiry of the 30 days of the grace period and these services are taxable. Hence the United Republic of Tanzania considered the issue not qualifying to be an NTB. Hence the issue was resolved.  
NTB-000-916 3. Technical barriers to trade (TBT)
B14: Authorization requirements for importing certain products
2019-10-02 Tanzania: Government Chemist Laboratory Authority. Rwanda Resolved
Complaint: Requirement by United Republic of Tanzania to transit trucks carrying chemicals to have export and transport chemical permits. Trucks are charged US$ 1 per ton and in most cases arbitrary charges which are imposed to transit vehicles only. The amount is applied to the entire container weight regardless of the weight of the other non-chemical products being transported in the container. Permits are difficult to obtain during week-ends and original copies are required at the border creating further delays  
Resolution status note: The RMC meeting held on 1 September 2020 agreed that this complaint be resolved as it is agreeable by Law and hence is not an NTB  
NTB-000-917 2.9. Issues related to transit fees 2019-10-02 Tanzania: Tanzania Revenue Authority Rwanda Resolved
Complaint: Requirement by Tanzania Revenue Authority to Rwandan transporters to use two customs bonds on the Northern-Central Corridor (Kigali-Rusumo-Mombasa via Holili-Taveta border post) costing US$ 150 on departure and US$ 80 on return  
Resolution status note: During the SCTIFI the Republic of Rwanda noted that the the regional bond will be concluded by 1st July, 2021; in the interim traders are incurring double costs and hence urged the United Republic of Tanzania to waive the requirement of the Regional bond while awaiting the finalisation of the Same.
On the issue of waiving the requirement of the Regional bond, Tanzania reported that the Commissioners of Customs will advise during their engagement.The SCTIFI agreed that the issue is operational and should be referred to the Committee on Customs for resolution. Hence it is resolved in this EAC Time Bound Programme
NTB-000-920 2.8. Lengthy and costly customs clearance procedures 2019-06-01 Tanzania: Namanga Kenya Resolved
Complaint: Lengthy documentation in TRA thus delays and demurrage costs
It takes not more than 3 days to get all necessary documents for Kenya, Rwanda and Uganda while it can take upto 10 days(or more) for TZ since all documentation is processed though the exit border before truck leaves Kenyan side
There is no requirement for transport permit for KE, UG & RW.
There is need for customs to harmonize and reduce documentations so as to simplify export processes and facilitate trade.
Resolution status note: Tanzania reported that
a) Transport permits for chemicals related products are issued once the import permit has been issued.
b) For the case of this evidence provided by Kenya, the import permit no.964556 was issued to Kiboko Precoated sheer on 21st of August, 2019 and on the same date 21st of August, 2019, a transport permit 174391 was issued to transport the said chemicals (Charan sign& Sons campany) and therefore there were no delays in issuing the transport permit as it was issued on the same day. It should be noted that the company imports those chemicals is the Tanzania company and transporter of those chemicals was Kenyan Company.
c) United Republic of Tanzania is requesting all exporters to seek all necessary document required before arrival at the Border Post to avoid any delayed and register on the online portal
d) Currently Tanzania do provide chemical and transport permits from Monday to Saturday using the online portal. In addition to that, we have chemical inspectors at all border points operating 24/7
NTB-000-921 5.5. Import licensing requirements 2019-04-01 Tanzania: TMDA Kenya Resolved
Complaint: TMDA requires that registration of injectables be done per product instead of a pack size. The registration requirement increases cost of the products.  
Resolution status note: The RMC meeting held on 10 August 2020 was informed that Tanzania registers injectables per pack size as per the registration of pharmaceuticals regulation 5 subsection 6. Hence NTB is resolved  
NTB-000-925 7.4. Costly procedures 2019-06-03 Tanzania: Namanga & Arusha Kenya Resolved
Complaint: TRA cannot issue assessment for confectionery until Atomic Energy Certificate is attached in the system. This means samples have to be provided by agent / client to the Atomomic Energy in Arusha and a fee of 0.4% of invoice value paid. Samples from the whole country have to be sent to Arusha.
It then takes about 3-4 days for the certificate to be issued. The agent can then proceed with lodging the assessment after attaching the certificate in the system
Resolution status note: The SCTIFI held in September 2020, noted that this is an operational Issue and should be resolved from the EAC Time Bound Programme  
NTB-000-948 2.6. Additional taxes and other charges 2019-12-01 Tanzania: Tanzania Revenue Authority Kenya Resolved
Complaint: TRA arbitrary uplifting values of Kenya products by uplifting of customs invoice values for Kenyan manufactured products
-increase of value of CO2
-Milk and milk products
Resolution status note: The SCTIFI agreed that the issue is operational; KRA and TRA should discuss and resolve it.Hence it is resolved from the EAC Time-Bound Programme  
NTB-000-939 2.3. Issues related to the rules of origin
2019-10-16 Tanzania: Tanzania Revenue Authority at ICD Kenya Kenya Resolved
Complaint: Denial of market access for Afribon products in Kenya manufactured raw materials for beverage manufactured using locally sourced fruits i.e. Mango beverage compound is produced using Ngowe mango, Tamarind beverage compound produced using Ukwaju, baobab beverage compound produced using mabuyu, orange beverage compound using orange pulp. All these are sourced from Kitui, Mombasa and some parts of rift valley markets and EAC.

The challenge they are facing is that the compounds exported are being subjected to 10% duty, 1.5% RDL levy
Resolution status note: During the RMC meeting held on 10 August 2020, Kenya informed the RMC meeting that the NTB was resolved  
Products: 3302.10: Mixtures of odoriferous substances and mixtures, incl. alcoholic solutions, with a basis of one or more of these substances, of a kind used in the food and drink industries; other preparations based on odoriferous substances, of a kind used for the manufa  
NTB-000-946 2.7. International taxes and charges levied on imports and other tariff measures
2017-03-01 Tanzania: Ministry of Agriculture Kenya Resolved
Complaint: Tanzania introduced new discriminative fees levied against animal and animal products vide Animal Diseases (Animal and Animal products Movement Control) amendment GN no. 475. This discriminatory fees to Kenya (EAC) animal and animal products i.e. beef and beef products, milk and milk products vis-à-vis Tanzania products has increased levies to 4800Tsh per Kg of meat (Ksh from 200 to 500) and 1800 Tsh per Kg for milk. This is against the spirit of the EAC where Tanzania (Partner States) is required to accord equal treatment to products from Kenya. This has negatively affected Kenya beef and beef products into Tanzania.  
Resolution status note: During the Tanzania NMC meeting held in April 2021, the Meeting was informed that the charge is on Imports from outside the Region and not transfers from the East African Partner States. Since the Republic of Kenya has not produced any evidence of the complaint, the NTB should be resolved  
NTB-000-961 8.8. Issues related to transit 2020-04-24 Tanzania: Benaco and Rusumo. EAC Resolved
Complaint: An incident with truck drivers in Benaco, Tanzania, who prevented cargo trucks destined for Rwanda to cross the border in protest against the new guidelines issued by the Government of Rwanda on 24th April 2020 on the movement of goods and services through Rwanda borders to prevent the spread of COVID-19 Pandemic. The same time, at Rusumo border, movement of goods and services were stopped.  
Resolution status note: This NTBs was resolved bilaterally between Rwanda and Tanzania.  
NTB-000-968 1.7. Discriminatory or flawed government procurement policies 2020-01-10 Tanzania: Government Chemists & Lab Allied (GLCA) Kenya Resolved
Complaint: Chemical Transport Permit for vehicles transporting Kenya’s carbon dioxide (food grade) is classified as a chemical in Tanzania (C02) The license to transport chemicals into Tanzania costs approx. US$ 2/mt. So for trucks which are usually approx. 20mt, are required to pay US$ 40 per truck. The license is issued by GCLA.  
Resolution status note: During the RMC meeting held on 1 September 2020 , the Secretariat advised that the East African Community Vehicle Load Control Act of 2016 Article 9 read together with the East African Community Vehicle Load Control (Special Loads) Regulations, 2018 Article 12 provides for special categories of vehicle loads that shall only be transported through the Regional Trunk Road Network if a special permit has been issued by the Minister of the relevant Partner State. Carbon dioxide is a chemical that is classified under the Industrial and consumer chemical (Management and Control) Act (pg 55) as hazardous loads and hence needs a special permit to be transported.
The small service fee charged is non-discriminatory and is provided for by Law. Therefore this is not an NTB and should be resolved.
NTB-001-033 1.8. Import bans 2018-08-01 Tanzania: Tanzania Ministry of Livestock Development and Fisheries Kenya Resolved
Complaint: Tanzania denial of Permission for importation of Turkey meat into Tanzania and instead decline approval of permit and ask local distributors to source it locally in Tanzania.  
Resolution status note: Transfer of meat and meat products to Tanzania is allowed, reference is made to the importation permit issued on 24th August, 2021 (Which is attached by the importer). Also, The Animal and Animal products Movement Regulations, GN 489 published on 29th June, 2020 does not prohibit transfer of turkey meat to Tanzania. There is no evidence attached by importer to show that turkey meat from Kenya was denied market in Tanzania. Hence this is not an NTB.  
NTB-001-038 6.5. Variable levies 2021-10-10 Tanzania: Tanzania Revenue Authority Kenya Resolved
Complaint: Tanzania is charging FULL CET, RDL among other levies on Kenyan wholly produced cement despite the Verification Report recommending that products qualify should be accorded preferential treatment

Additionally, despite URT commitment in the Bilateral and SCTIFI that URT grants preferential treatment to wholly produced cement as required by the EAC rules of Origin, URT is still charging duties of 35%. This is despite Tanzania not being under any stay of application.

Kenya urges Tanzania to accord preferential treatment to Kenya wholly produced cement as per the verification findings and recommendation and URT commitment on facilitation of trade.
Resolution status note: On 14 June 2022, the EAC Secretariat reported that a verification mission was conducted and recommended that the products qualified should be accorded preferential treatment.
Additionally, URT committed in the Bilateral and SCTIFI to grant preferential treatment to the wholly produced cement as required by the EAC Rules of Origin.
The NTB is resolved
NTB-001-037 1.7. Discriminatory or flawed government procurement policies 2018-03-01 Tanzania: TZ MINISTRY OF LIVESTOCK AND FISHERIES Kenya Resolved
Complaint: Tanzania Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries letter reference number CA.21/206/01/257 dated 13th October 2021 and an earlier letter ref: NC.2000/247/01/68 dated 10th October, 2018. The letter ban Turkey meat and its products from Kenya on the basis that there’s a bird flu in the world. In addition, the letter encourages Tanzanians to source chicks from Kenya for eggs or meat as well as sourcing meat in United Republic of Tanzania (URT) and not from the local EAC market.

Kenya has neither reported nor experienced the Bird Flu infection that URT is referring to. Further, URT is interested with Kenya’s live chicks and not processed meat. This clearly demonstrate that URT is outrightly denying market access for Kenya turkey meat on unsubstantiated blanket claim of prescence of Bird Flu in the world.

URT has been declining approval of permit for Kenya exporters of Turkey meat since 2018 by delaying and declining approval of permit despite payment of various required discriminative fees of Livestock Board, Atomic Energy among others. This has become a revenue collection for URT which has negatively affected Kenya Manufacturers who have been a major exporter of these highly demanded turkey meat in URT.

This violates the EAC Treaty Article 75(6) and Article 15 of the EAC Common Market Protocol on the establishment of the East African Community Customs Union where Partner States undertook to refrain from enacting legislation or applying administrative measures which directly or indirectly discriminate against the same or like products of other Partner States. This is to create a level playing field and avoid any discrimination on treatment of community’s manufactured products within the region.
Resolution status note: During SCTIFI that took place in May, 2022, the two parties agreed that the competent authorities in the two countries would resolve the issue administratively and report in the next bilateral meeting on 26th May 2022. Hence the matter was removed from the Time Bound Programme.  
NTB-001-040 2.3. Issues related to the rules of origin 2021-10-14 Tanzania: URT TRA Kenya Resolved
Complaint: Tanzania denial of preferential market access for Apple Juice and Strawberry manufactured in Kenya while citing reasons that the products are not originating from Kenya. URT delayed the shipment instead of facilitating clearance as is required by the protocal and the EAC Rules of Origin then follow the process of reporting the matter to the secretariat for action/guidance.  
Resolution status note: The RMC noted that the Verification report was considered and approved by the Committee on Customs and the SCTIFI in May and June 2023 respectively. The verification recommendations have been implemented whereby the qualified products have been granted preferential treatment. The SCTIFI noted that the products that qualify for preferential treatment can be allowed to access the market as the two Partner States consult bilaterally on the two products that do not qualify. Hence the NTB is resolved  
NTB-001-050 8.8. Issues related to transit 2022-02-14 Tanzania: Tunduma Zambia Resolved
Complaint: There is a disruption in the flow of trade/transit at Nakonde/Tunduma border post due to a protest by transporters in Tanzania who are not moving cargo across the border. This has affected the movement of goods both into Zambia and Tanzania and has resulted in increased congestion on both sides of the border. Considering the important role the Nakonde/Tunduma border post plays along the transport corridor, any further delays resulting from the protests will significantly disadvantage all stakeholders within the region in terms of revenue and costs. This will ultimately have a negative effect on the consumer welfare in the countries and the region at large. It is therefore imperative that the present impasse is resolved as a matter of urgency.  
Resolution status note: On 6th September 2022, Focal Point Zambia Revenue Authority reported that the NTB had been resolved.  
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