Resolved complaints

Showing items 341 to 360 of 824
Complaint number NTB TypeCheck allUncheck all Date of incident Location Reporting country or region (additional) Status Actions
NTB-001-097 3. Technical barriers to trade (TBT)
B9: TBT Measures n.e.s.
2022-11-28 Tanzania: Tanzania Bureau of Standards Malawi Resolved
Complaint: Tanzania requires that we produce a Certificate of Analysis done in SGS labs only which are only in South Africa and Mauritius. The test must be done on each and every consignment which is costly and time-consuming. It could have been ideal if they could accept at least from Malawi Bureau of Standard.

Other countries where we export our product accept Certificate of Analysis from our company lab.
Resolution status note: From the report of the meting held on 28th March 2023 between SADC Business Council, The Complainant and Tanzania Bureau of Standards (TBS), both parties agreed to resolve the NTB as per the attached minutes of the meetings and the accompanying letter with Reference No. TBS/CED/PVoC/G.54/7870 dated 29th March 2023.  
NTB-001-124 2.3. Issues related to the rules of origin 2023-05-01 Tanzania: Namanga Kenya Resolved
Complaint: URT denial of preferential Treatment to Motorcycle Accessories exported to TZ by Silverline Accessories LTD in Kenya. URT is charging full CET despite the exported spares having the EAC Certificate of origin confirming that the spares have been manufactured in Kenya and qualify for the EAC preferential treatment. In addition, URT have declined to respond to interventions by the Kenya Revenue Authority and the EAC Secretariat.

We request URT to grant preferential treatment to Motorcycle Accessories exported by Silverline LTD in Kenya and incase URT have any doubts on the origin they should facilitate delivery of the goods and follow the ROO/protocal/EACCMA procedures to verify & ascertain their concerns.
Resolution status note: The 45th SCTIFI meeting noted that a verification was undertaken whereby the headlamps, tail lamps, and indicators qualified for preferential treatment and are being granted preferential treatment in the United Republic of Tanzania as directed by the 44th SCTIFI. The side mirrors however that had not qualified in the first verification also qualified for preferential tariff treatment under Rule 4(1) (b) of the EAC Rules of Origin, 2015, since they met both criteria i.e. material content and Change in Tariff Heading (CTH) after a second verification.  
NTB-001-136 2.6. Additional taxes and other charges 2023-10-03 Tanzania: TRA Kenya Resolved
Complaint: URT Denial of preferential Market Access for Kibo Motorcycle transferred from Kenya into URT. URT is instead demanding for full CET instead of granting the preferential treatment as the motorcycle has been accompanied with the certificates of Origin. We urge URT to grant preferential treatment to Kenya manufactured motor cycles.  
Resolution status note: There was a mistake in the Certificate of Origin. Kenya needs to rectify it and Tanzania grants preferential treatment. This is not an NTB and hence should be removed from TBP. The NTBs are resolved  
NTB-001-138 1.1. Export subsidies 2023-02-01 Tanzania: Tanzania Revenue Authroity Kenya Resolved
Complaint: SCT TRA at the ICD Kenya is delaying approval of export documents causing costly delays and non-timely delivery of products to clients in URT.
To release the tuck took 5 days. We have an issue with TRA where the physical documents have to be submitted manually. Exporters lodges documents waits for release, goes back for BT and still for a movement sheet and this is an online thing you must wait.

In case the movement sheet is not transmitted, exporters submit again for retransmission.
There is always a long queue in the ICD-TRA office that consumes a lot of time for exporters to be attended to.
This back-and-forth process is delaying the export process.
1. We request URT to resolve the matter and grant timely approval of export documents.
2. URT should automate the approvals and avoid manual approval.
3. When the SCT system is down, there should be quick resolution and an agreed time to release goods manually.

We request for timely delivery of goods to avoid the costly delays caused by URT.
Truck loaded on 24/10/2023
25/10/2023-Submitted physical file to Tra, release denied we were told to provide ETR receipt and tax invoice
26/102023- Submitted the file with all new requirements, release denied again, that the tax invoice does not match with the invoice on the assessment documents, the assessment document was declared based on proforma invoice
27/10/2023-Submitted the file again and release was issued ,BT was declared and received the same day from the agent..
30/10/2023-submitted the file again movement sheet was generated.

TZNG-23-1438288 & TZNG-23-1437343
26/9/2023- The files for the above assessment documents were submitted to TRA at ICD
• TZNG-23-1437343 - release was issued.
• TZNG-23-1438288 -was asked to compare manifest and compared the same date.
27/9/2023- the files were submitted again at 11 am
• TZNG-23-1437343- nothing was done.
• TZNG-23-1438288- release was issued.
On 27/9/2023 at 3 pm the files were submitted again
• TZNG-23-1437343-Movement sheet was generated.
• TZNG-23-1438288-movement sheet was generated.
Resolution status note: The Secretariat advised that this issue is operational and was not considered as an NTB"  
NTB-001-139 1.1. Export subsidies 2023-02-01 Tanzania: Tanzania Revenue Authority Kenya Resolved
Complaint: 1. stoves manufactured by the Burn Manufacturers company have been denied preferential market access when being transferred to URT; the reason being the company was under duty remission scheme. However, the gazette notice has since expired, and reconciliations done on the consumption of they earlier DRS inputs. Further, Burn Manufacturing Kenya, did not apply for renewal of the gazettement of DRS in the current financial year, 2023-2024.

1)That Burn manufacturing was gazette for duty remission in the financial year, 2022-2023.
2)That the gazette notice has since expired, and reconciliations done on the consumption of they earlier DRS inputs (sample clearance letters attached)
3)That Burn Manufacturing Kenya, did not apply for renewal of the gazettement of DRS in the current financial year, 2023-2024.

Kenya request URT to allow the stoves being transferred by Burn manufacturing be accorded preferential treatment since they are originating in Kenya, in accordance with EAC Rules of Origin, 2015, and the company is nolonger under any remission scheme.
Resolution status note: The Secretariat reported that the company was under duty remission and had not fulfilled the procedures they needed to follow after the expiry of the gazette"  
NTB-000-040 2.3. Issues related to the rules of origin 2005-05-29 Sudan: Ministry of Trade Egypt Resolved
Complaint: Non adherence of 35% value added

Egypt complained that the Authorities in Sudan denied access on Egyptian Shaving Blades market due to non-adherence with 35% value addition.
Resolution status note: Sudan reported that the issue was resolved through the COMESA Customs and Trade Committee. (Report of the COMESA Customs & Trade Committee)  
Products: 8212.20: Safety razor blades of base metal, incl. razor blade blanks in strips  
NTB-000-041 2.3. Issues related to the rules of origin 2004-12-22 Sudan: Ministry of Trade Kenya Resolved
Complaint: Non recognition of Certificate of Origin (case outstanding since 2001)

Kenya complained that the Authorities in Sudan refused to recognise the COMESA Certificate of Origin from Kenya on exports of Galvanised Steel Pipes
Resolution status note: Sudan reported that the issue was resolved through the COMESA Customs and Trade Committee. (Report of the COMESA Customs & Trade Committee)  
NTB-000-412 2.3. Issues related to the rules of origin 2009-05-08 Sudan: Port Sudan sea port Kenya Resolved
Complaint: Sudan customs authorities refused to recognise COMESA certificates of origin for the export of laundry soap noodles manufactured in Kenya. The soap noodles are packed in 25kgs PP woven bags.  
Resolution status note: On 19 January 2015, Kenya focal point reported that, ideally Sudan Customs should have requested COMESA for a verification mission to Kenya, but the issue was left hanging. Kenya would therefore want this NTB removed from the outstanding NTBs ‘as resolved’ on grounds that the affected company had advised Focal point to close the case since they are no longer exporting soap noodles to Sudan. The NTB shall be registered afresh if it features again. At that point, reporting company will be requested to provide the supportive documents with current dates.  
Products: 3401.20: Soap in the form of flakes, granules, powder, paste or in aqueous solution  
NTB-000-720 2.3. Issues related to the rules of origin
2016-06-07 Sudan: Sudan Customs Authority Egypt Resolved
Complaint: Sudan Customs authority has stopped applying the customs exemption on Egyptian Ceramic tiles products despite the fact that the consignments are accompanied by a COMESA certificate of origin .  
Resolution status note: RESOLVED during 1st Meeting of the COMESA Regional NTBs Forum held on 16- 17 March 2021  
NTB-000-344 7.8. Consular and Immigration Issues 2009-12-18 South Africa: Ministry of Transport Zambia Resolved
Complaint: South Africa trucks with Zimbabwean and Zambian drivers are being impounded and at times foreign drivers get fined by the South African Cross Border Transport Agency for not possessing South African Professional Driving Permits disregarding section 32(3) of the National Road Traffic Act (Act No. 93 of 1996) which stipulates that "any document , serving a purpose similar to that of a professional driving permit issued by a competent authority , be deemed to be a professional driving permit".

This has been a serious issue for many years and rears its head every now and then. (
Resolution status note: South Africa reported that Zimbabwean driving a Zimbabwean registered vehicle only need to produce a credit card metal licence with a category for the Public drivers for heavy vehicles marked '2', endorsement of medical certificate and expiry date at the back of the licence.
Drivers driving a vehicle not registered in Zimbabwe should produce an A5 size white booklet type licence, International driving permit equivalent of a Proffessional Driving Permit in South Africa issued by Automobile association of Zimbabwe. An AA stamp indicating category for heavy vehicle will be displayed on the right handside of the document.
Zambian public drivers licences are similar to those of South Africa issued with a C1 to EC category of licences with endorsement (PrDP) .However the Zambian driving licences have 'P', which means passengers and 'G' indicating goods and th expiry date next to these categories

NTB-000-088 2.6. Additional taxes and other charges 2009-07-23 South Africa: South African Revenue Services Namibia Resolved
Complaint: South Africa charging an import levy on beer  
Resolution status note: South Africa reported that beer is traded free under SADC and 5%/litre under SACU (Source: Jacobsens tariff book)  
NTB-000-090 2.8. Lengthy and costly customs clearance procedures 2009-07-26 South Africa: SouthAfrica Revenue Services Mauritius Resolved
Complaint: There are delays in VAT refunds for Mauritian importers of South African goods. It is also not clear whether the VAT refunds re only for those companies that use South African imports.  
Resolution status note: South Africa reported that this is no longer existing  
NTB-000-090 2.8. Lengthy and costly customs clearance procedures 2009-07-26 South Africa: SouthAfrica Revenue Services Mauritius Resolved
Complaint: There are delays in VAT refunds for Mauritian importers of South African goods. It is also not clear whether the VAT refunds re only for those companies that use South African imports.  
Resolution status note: South Africa reported that this is no longer existing  
NTB-000-090 2.8. Lengthy and costly customs clearance procedures 2009-07-26 South Africa: SouthAfrica Revenue Services Mauritius Resolved
Complaint: There are delays in VAT refunds for Mauritian importers of South African goods. It is also not clear whether the VAT refunds re only for those companies that use South African imports.  
Resolution status note: South Africa reported that this is no longer existing  
NTB-000-091 2.3. Issues related to the rules of origin 2009-07-26 South Africa: SouthAfrica Revenue Services Mauritius Resolved
Complaint: South Africa is not accepting the certificate of origin for cake decorations from Mauritius.  
Resolution status note: South Africa reported that this is no longer existing  
NTB-000-303 2.7. International taxes and charges levied on imports and other tariff measures 2009-09-09 South Africa: Department of Trade and Industry Madagascar Resolved
Complaint: Complex tariff and other import tax structure  
Resolution status note: South Africa reported that both countries are members of SADC hence SADC tariff reduction schedules apply  
NTB-000-219 2.3. Issues related to the rules of origin 2009-07-28 South Africa: South Africa Revenue Services Zambia Resolved
Complaint: SARS is issuing a blue colour SADC certificate of origin with wrong specifications instead of the approved Yellow certificate which is in accordance to the SADC specifications. Zambia Revenue Authority has rejected the blue certificates and demanded that Zambian importers pay full duties as deposits in order to clear their cargo which would have qualified under the SADC rules of origin had a proper certificate been issued.  
Resolution status note: South Afric areported that SARS corrected the anomally and are noiw issuing correct colour certificate of origin  
NTB-000-349 6.2. Administrative fees 2010-02-10 South Africa: Ministry of Transport Mozambique Resolved
Complaint: South Africa charges on refrigerated trucks that come to pick bananas from Mozambique are too high  
Resolution status note: South Africa reported that this is no longer existing  
NTB-000-077 1.6. Domestic assistance programmes for companies
2009-07-23 South Africa: Industrial Development Corporation South Africa Resolved
Complaint: Industrial Development Corporation (IDC) in South Africa grants concessional credit facilities to productive investments  
Resolution status note: The 10th meeting of the SADC Committee on Trade Facilitation held on 14-15 JUne 2012 agreed that the subsidy was permissible under the international trade rules and therefore the NTB should be considered resolved.  
NTB-000-132 2.8. Lengthy and costly customs clearance procedures
2009-07-26 South Africa: South Africa Revenue Services Eswatini Resolved
Complaint: South Africa is charging a fine of E1000.0 per set of customs documents for documents not acquitted within a month.  
Resolution status note: At the 3rd meeting the Tripartite NTBs Focal Points and NMC Chairs held in Dar -es-Salaam on 19-20 April 2012,South Africa reported that this is a standing transit regulation. Swaziland and South Africa agreed that South Africa would provide the regulation for distribution to stakeholders. It was therefore resolved that the NTB be considered resolved.  
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