Resolved complaints

Showing items 361 to 380 of 824
Complaint number NTB TypeCheck allUncheck all Date of incident Location Reporting country or region (additional) Status Actions
NTB-000-189 2.11. Lack of control in Customs infrastructure 2009-07-27 South Africa: Beit Bridge Malawi Resolved
Complaint: Pilferage of goods and the opening of sealed containers at the South African side of the Beitbridge border post  
Resolution status note: At the 3rd meeting the Tripartite NTBs Focal Points and NMC Chairs held in Dar -es-Salaam on 19-20 April 2012,South Africa reported that they would consult SARS to provide an explanation of how the border process works and on measures put in place to prevent the incident re-occurring. Once this information was received from SARS, it wiould be uploaded to the online system. It was therefore agreed to have this NTB resolved as this could have been a once off incident.  
NTB-000-382 2.8. Lengthy and costly customs clearance procedures 2010-08-11 South Africa: Beit Bridge Malawi Resolved
Complaint: The process of clearing trucks at the Beit Bridge Border Post is very low since week beginning 26 July 2010. Trucks take up to 3 days to cross from Messina to Beitbridge? Drivers have reported that South Africa Revenue Authorities are not deploying enough manpower to clear trucks on time. Stops and supervising take ages to be completed  
Resolution status note: At the Cross Border Road Transport Agency Indaba held on 18-19 October 2011, SARS reported that most clearance procedures are now done electronically. SARS is now moving into a paperless environment and is encouraging all Hauliers/Operators to register their road manifest with SARS to cut out on paper work at the border. It now takes as little as 11 minutes for a truck to be cleared on the South African side at Beit Bridge border.  
NTB-000-138 5.1. Quantitative restrictions 2009-07-27 South Africa: Ministry of Agriculture South Africa Resolved
Complaint: Malawi imposes quantitative restrictions on Maize imports  
Resolution status note: Malawi reported that there is no policy to restrict maize imports but this one was applied to suppliers who did not comply with the contractual obligations of maize imports  
NTB-000-071 1.2. Government monopoly in export/import
2009-07-23 South Africa: Ministry of Trade South Africa Resolved
Complaint: Raw sugar can only be exported through a single channel  
Resolution status note: South Africa reported that all excess raw sugar is exported by SASA on behalf of producers simply to safeguard on logistical costs etc to minimize the distortive effects of the world market. The manner in which it is done in SA does not conform to what is normally referred to as single channel - the implications of single channel can be much broader.  
NTB-000-072 1.2. Government monopoly in export/import 2009-07-23 South Africa: Ministry of Trade Malawi Resolved
Complaint: South African Government has monopoly in the trading of basic food commodities.  
Resolution status note: South Africa reported that apart from WTO compatible SPS regulations there are no other technical barriers, including quantitative restrictions, on the importation or exportation of Basic Food Commodities in South Africa.  
NTB-000-073 1.2. Government monopoly in export/import 2009-07-23 South Africa: Ministry of Trade Malawi Resolved
Complaint: South African government has monopoly on trade in Tea  
Resolution status note: South Africa reported that the applied tariff rate for tea imported from SADC countries is zero. Apart from WTO compatible SPS regulations there are no other technical barriers, including quantitative restrictions, on the importation or exportation of tea in South Africa.  
NTB-000-074 1.2. Government monopoly in export/import 2009-07-23 South Africa: Ministry of Trade Malawi Resolved
Complaint: South African Government has monopoly on trade in tobacco  
Resolution status note: South Afric areported that the applied tariff rate for tobacco imported from SADC countries is zero. Apart from WTO compatible SPS regulations there are no other technical barriers, including quantitative restrictions, on the importation or exportation of tobacco in South Africa.  
NTB-000-076 1.1. Export subsidies
2009-07-23 South Africa: Ministry of Trade South Africa Resolved
Complaint: South Africa offers a large number of export incentives for to promote locally produced exports.  
Resolution status note: South Africa reported that export incentives are offered to promote manufactured exports and exports in general  
NTB-000-078 1.1. Export subsidies
B41: TBT regulations on production processes
2009-07-23 South Africa: SANAS Angola Resolved
Complaint: South Africa does not accept standards from other SADC Member States except SABS  
Resolution status note: South Africa reported that SADC is in the process of implementing the TBT annex and establishing the necessary regional institutions to create a regional accreditation system. Until the structures are developed and operational, South Africa will continue to request that products which are not accredited by recognized international accreditation bodies be retested by the South African Bureau of Standards (SABS). This exercise is not meant to deny SA trading counterpart’s access to the South African market, but simply to protect South African consumers.  
NTB-000-080 1.8. Import bans
2009-07-23 South Africa: Ministry of Trade Zambia Resolved
Complaint: South Africa has banned imports of all meat from Zambia  
Resolution status note: South Africa reported that importation of red meat from Zambia to SA was never allowed because Zambia did not send SA the information she needed to evaluate their animal disease situation, legislation, standards and other requirements. The information was requested in 2006 in the form of a questionnaire by the Department of Agriculture - Directorate Animal Health, Zambia has never responded.  
NTB-000-081 1.1. Export subsidies
B14: Authorization requirements for importing certain products
2009-07-23 South Africa: Ministry of Trade Tanzania Resolved
Complaint: South Africa places adhoc requirements on the importation of perishable goods in the form of standards  
Resolution status note: Soth Africa reported that compulsory specifications for perishable goods are aimed at ensuring the health and safety of the consumer and fair trading practices. The relevant internationally recognised Codex Standards and Codes of Practice are used as a basis for these compulsory specifications. Documents from Codex are specifically referenced by the WTO-SPS Agreement.  
NTB-000-083 2.5. Decreed customs surcharges
2009-07-23 South Africa: Ministry of Agriculture Mozambique Resolved
Complaint: South Africa imposes surcharges on various agricultural products.  
Resolution status note: South Africa reported that the Marketing Of Agricultural Products Act of 1996 (MAP Act), as amended, provides for the establishment of statutory measures, namely statutory levies, control of exports of agricultural products, records & returns, and registration  
NTB-000-084 2.6. Additional taxes and other charges 2009-07-23 South Africa: Ministry of Trade Namibia Resolved
Complaint: South Africa is charging import levy on UHT milk  
Resolution status note: South Africa reported that , according to the tariff book, the applied tariff rate for SACU/SADC countries for this product is zero.  
NTB-000-085 2.6. Additional taxes and other charges 2009-07-23 South Africa: Ministry of Trade Namibia Resolved
Complaint: South Africa is charging import levy on imports of pasta  
Resolution status note: South Africa reported that all tariffs applied by SA to SADC countries have been agreed to on the SADC Protocol on Trade, According to the tariff book, this product is traded free under  
NTB-000-086 2.6. Additional taxes and other charges 2009-07-23 South Africa: Ministry of Trade Namibia Resolved
Complaint: South Africa applying a levy on imports of sorgum  
Resolution status note: South Africa reported that, according to the tariff book this product is traded free under SADC, for SACU, a tariff of 3% /kg is charged. .This has been discussed by SACU Member Countries, again this complaint does relate to NTBs,  
NTB-000-087 5.12. Export restraint arrangements 2009-07-23 South Africa: Ministry of Trade Botswana Resolved
Complaint: South Africa has put in place export restraints for the exportation of dried beans to that market  
Resolution status note: South Africa reported that this barrier is no longer existing  
NTB-000-094 1.1. Export subsidies
B15: Authorization requirements for importers
2009-07-26 South Africa: Ministry of Trade Mauritius Resolved
Complaint: Mauritian exports of canned Tuna are denied entry into South Africa because South Africa does not recognize Ministry of Fisheries in Mauritius as being the regulatory body even though product qualifies for EUR1 certificate and is exported to the EU  
Resolution status note: South Africa reported that all inspections are carried out according to the requirements of the compulsory specification for “The manufacture, production, processing and treatment of canned fish, canned marine molluscs and canned crustaceans”, and these inspections are non-discriminatory. Furthermore, rejections on products are not done by an individual but by a panel and it is important to note that FAI is accredited by SANAS to the requirements of ISO 17020 ( accreditation for inspection bodies)  
NTB-000-185 5.4. Quotas 2009-07-27 South Africa: Ministry of Trade Malawi Resolved
Complaint: Annual quota allocations for sugar into SACU  
Resolution status note: South Africa report3ed that Quota allocations have been agreed to on the Sugar Protocol which is also part of the SADC Protocol on Trade  
NTB-000-221 1.1. Export subsidies
B31: Labelling requirements
2009-07-28 South Africa: SANAS Zambia Resolved
Complaint: Restrictions of exports on account of standards and provision of user instructions in specified local languages.Restriction of coffee exports and exports of paste detergents to South Africa and Zimbabwe  
Resolution status note: South Africa reported that SADC is in the process of implementing the TBT annex and establishing the necessary regional institutions to create a regional accreditation system. Until the structures are developed and operational, South Africa will continue to request that products which are not accredited by recognized international accreditation bodies be retested by the South African Bureau of Standards (SABS). This exercise is not meant to deny SA trading counterpart’s access to the South African market, but simply to protect South African consumers.  
NTB-000-228 5.3. Export taxes 2009-07-28 South Africa: Ministry of Trade Botswana Resolved
Complaint: In South Africa, Minister can impose export tax under the Livestock and meat industries Act  
Resolution status note: South Africa reported that this act is in Botswana not SA. SA has an ‘Animal Health Act and the Meat Safety Act’, there are no export taxes under this act.  
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