Resolved complaints

Showing items 401 to 420 of 824
Complaint number NTB TypeCheck allUncheck all Date of incident Location Reporting country or region (additional) Status Actions
NTB-000-631 1.1. Export subsidies 2014-04-22 South Africa: Ficksburg Bridge Lesotho Resolved
Complaint: I apparently needed a certificate from the State Vet to carry wool tops over the border! This proved impossible to get in Ficksburg. I have also experienced many problems bringing craft goods over to South Africa from lesotho as we need to pay VAT on all goods coming to exhibitions. This is extremely time consuming process and then I have to claim the VAT back when I bring unsold goods back over the border!  
Resolution status note: On 24 March 2015, Lesotho Focal Point reported that the NTB had been resolved and therefore must be removed from the pending cases.  
Products: 5105.29: Wool, combed (excl. that in fragments "open tops")  
NTB-000-632 8.8. Issues related to transit 2014-05-23 South Africa: Lebombo South Africa Resolved
Complaint: This complaint is registered by FESARTA.
Copper Moon Trading, the company that is running the Lebombo dry port at Komatipoort, near the Lebombo/Ressano Garcia border post, is forcing transporters to use and pay for its parking facilities in Komatipoort.
This instruction is supported by the Komatipoort municipality.
Attached are invoices for this parking and a "ticket" for a truck not parking in the identified facility.
As with the situation at the Tunduma/Nakonde border post between Tanzania and Zambia, private companies, supported by the municipalities, cannot force transporters to use their parking facilities.
Transporters' vehicles are required to visit the SARS customs clearing offices at the Lebombo dry port and so parking should be provided for them, free of charge, by SARS.
If parking is not provided, then trucks must be allowed to park along the roadway.
Resolution status note: On 13th September 2016, FESARTA advised that the transporters were no longer facing this barrier so the NTB is resolved.  
NTB-000-639 8.1. Government Policy and regulations
2014-08-25 South Africa: Beit Bridge Democratic Republic of the Congo Resolved
Complaint: This complaint is registered by FESARTA.
The Director, Department of Immigration and Citizenship, South Africa, has instructed that, due to the outbreak of the ebola virus in DRC, no DRC citizens may enter South Africa until further notice.
See the attached notice.
Whilst it is accepted that the outbreak of the ebola virus is a serious issue, the transport industry recommends that other preventative measures be taken at the borders, rather than stop DRC citizens from entering the country?
Resolution status note: On 13th September 2016, FESARTA advised that the transporters were no longer facing this barrier so the NTB is resolved.  
NTB-000-688 8.3. Immigration requirements (Visa, travel permit) 2016-03-29 South Africa: Beit Bridge Zimbabwe Resolved
Complaint: South Africa Immigration Offices at Beit Bridge gives drivers maximum 14 days on their passports when entering into SA at point of entry. When a driver departs before the 14 days are fully utilized, the next time you want to enter, they tell you to use those remaining days before they can add more days on your passport. This causes drivers to end up running short of days should their trip be longer than the remaining days before the normal 14 days. Zimbabwe transporters are therefore forced to send their drivers back to Beit Bridge without their trucks to get their passports re stamped or they are faced with fines or worse still, they will not be allowed to enter SA again for not exiting on or before the set day when they entered SA initially. This is increasing the cost of doing business. Transporters have lost business during the time drivers are hiking to the border to get passports stamped, the extra night allowances and bus fares and also the down time spent in the process. This problem is a lot worse if loads are short in SA as well.
This matter needs urgent attention on the part of Home Affairs in South Africa as the hampering of transporter and driver movements is not in the interests of trade facilitation and inters regional trade in the region.
Resolution status note: On 09 May 2016, the South African Focal Point provided the current Visa and Immigration requirements that state that: ‘Visas are not required by passport holders of Lesotho, Swaziland, Botswana, Namibia, Zambia and Malawi who are entering the Republic as commercial heavy-duty vehicle drivers provide their visits do not exceed 15 days and on condition that they can produce a letter confirming their employment with a transport company on entry.

The same principle applies to Zimbabwean commercial heavy-duty vehicle drivers, except that their sojourn may not exceed 30 days at a time. The afore-mentioned does not apply to commercial heavy-duty vehicle drivers who transport goods for a South African transport company. Such drivers must be in possession of a valid work visa.’

The requirements are uploaded onto the Notifications window of the Online system as information to stakeholders . This document can be dowloaded by the public .
NTB-000-694 2.8. Lengthy and costly customs clearance procedures 2016-05-10 South Africa: OR Tambo International Airport Lesotho Resolved
Complaint: The South African Revenue Authority ( SARS) are delaying release of goods imported through OR Tambo airport . SARs has detained ur goods for seven days now since 10th May without an explanation. It is the second time that the goods we are importing for business are detained at OR Tambo by Customs. The goods arrived on 10 May 2016, and they are still not released by today 17 May 2016. We are concerned that SARS may demand us to pay for storage and yet we do not understand why Customs has detained the goods for this long? My company has already lost revenue and missed on opportunity to sell and the demand for storage payment will cripple our business? We therefore request that SARS expedites release of our goods .  
Resolution status note: The consignment was identified by SARS Case selection for inspection by the Customs Border Control Unit and subsequent to the inspection, the consignment was detained for proof of payment, original invoice and also to verify the importer’s code. Due to the Master Airway Bill stating final destination as Johannesburg (refer to Airway Bill attached under Airport of Destination), it was difficult for the inspection team to identify if the goods were in transit. This was only discovered after the client informed SARS that the goods in question was an RIT entry to Lesotho.

After the client informed SARS of the status of the consignment, the goods were then released on 17 May 2015

Our advise going forward is that in order to avoid future delays, the documents should clearly state the final destination as Maseru, Lesotho.
NTB-000-722 2.8. Lengthy and costly customs clearance procedures 2016-08-29 South Africa: OR Tambo International Airport Lesotho Resolved
Complaint: The South African Revenue Services at OR Tambo have detained consignment destined for Maseru since 29 August 2016 without explanation. This is yet another time when our goods are detained for more than a week and yet they are destined for Lesotho and not South Africa. The airway bill clearly has the address of the importer being in Lesotho but South African Customs detains the goods nonetheless. South African Customs is requested to explain the rationale for detaining goods destined for other countries , in this case Lesotho and whether it is lawful that goods which arrived on 29 August are still detained?  
Resolution status note: Dear Focal Points South Africa and Lesotho,

This issue was resolved long time ago. However, the SADC secretariat recommended that a long term solution be secured that responds to such questions as asked by Lesotho on above comment. You are kindly requested to recommend a way forward on the long term solutions. Otherwise we need to resolve this NTB as per current status . South Africa Focal point is of the view that we resolve it and I agree. This NTB is therefore resolved on the understanding that the Focal Points of Lesotho and South Africa will make necessary arrangements to ensure that the problem does not repeat itself in future now that it has been identified.

System administrator
NTB-000-797 1.14. Lack of coordination between government institutions 2018-01-02 South Africa: The DTI South Africa Resolved
Complaint: Distell, a Tape Town based exporting company is experiencing delays and high costs of processing SAD500 entries and SADC certificates for their wine exports to Zimbabwe. The current procedure where the Distell driver cannot take the SAD500 entry and SADC certificate to Customs to have it stamped and signed over the counter is cumbersome and costly for the company. The company has to wait for at least 2 days for either the release notification or the stamped and signed SADC certificates. This leads to the truck waiting at the depot for the documents, which results to either standing time cost at the depot or standing time at the border.
The requirement is as follows: Distell Company loads Bulk orders in Tanktainers and Drums from Monis in Paarl or Adam Tas in Stellenbosch, Cape Town which goes by road to Zimbabwe. Currently export documents can only be done by the Freight forwarder immediately after the Tanktainer or Drums are loaded. Export documentation cannot be processed earlier, as company has to wait for the final weight loaded into the truck. The alternative method to use flow meters and cut off the loading on a specific amount of liters is used because it is does produce accurate measurements.
Actual Current process for Bulk - Tanktainers (Tankerservices transport)
- Truck to be arranged for loading very early on a Tuesday morning @ 07:00am
- Most of the time 2 to 3 truckloads which will load one after the other.
- The following is all also done on the Tuesday:
o The wine is loaded.
o Distell invoices and forward the relevant documentation to Imperial Logistics in Johannesburg.
o Imperial Logistics processes the Customs entry via EDI.
- Once EDI release is received (after at least 2 days), Imperial Logistics sends the Release notification via e-mail.
- Distell advises Tanker Services to collect the relevant documentation and leave for the border.
- Imperial Logistics will have the SADC certificate stamped at the border.
- Tanker services driver to collect the original SADC certificates at the border.
A permanent solution for exporters in Cape Town to provide an over the counter service for our SAD500 & SADC entries is required.
Resolution status note: Zimbabwe Focal Point reported that the NTB had been resolved . South Africa was issuing SAD500 on time  
Products: 2204.10: Sparkling wine of fresh grapes  
NTB-000-878 2.8. Lengthy and costly customs clearance procedures 2019-01-29 South Africa: Maseru Bridge Lesotho Resolved
Complaint: We are experiencing delays by SARS customs who are taking time to inspect our container that is in transit. The delay is causing difficulties to meet the vessel to carry the shipment as it will be closing on Thursday 31st January at 06:00am and we are running out of time.  
Resolution status note: This NTB was resolved too late and the consignment missed the vessel thereby adding to transport costs. Lesotho reported that:
1. The inspection took long resulting in the consignment missing the vessel in Durban Harbour; trader incurred additional costs by taking the consignment to Cape Town instead of Durban; and
2. the congsinor was charged provisional payments upon the release of the consignment.

Lesotho observed that SARS treatment of Lesotho transit goods compromises prospects of Lesotho's international trade opportunities as the country seeks to expand and diversify both products and markets to contribute to economic growth and poverty reductionNTB Focal Point in South Africa are requested to assist in clarifying the situation on inspection with SARS at Maseru Border Post to expedite the process.
NTB-000-891 2.8. Lengthy and costly customs clearance procedures 2019-04-09 South Africa: Cape Town Eswatini Resolved
Complaint: SARs stopped containers for inspection and are demanding proof of payment from consignee/buyer to the exporting company (Supplier) for the goods in transit to Eswatini. The affected company, Long Wei Investments are experiencing delays and incurring storage and demurrage charges at the port of discharge in Cape Town. SARS has withheld the consignment for over seven days from 9th April 2019. SARs are asking for different documentation at different times and dates thereby further delaying the inspection process and release of the consignments. The affected products are on Bill of Lading No. COSU6198384160  
Resolution status note: The Focal Point for Eswatini reported that the matter had been resolved.  
NTB-000-895 8.8. Issues related to transit 2019-08-08 South Africa: Durban sea Port Lesotho Resolved
Complaint: Container been detention for physical exam for too long now, which will delay our exports. The requested documents were provided long time.  
Resolution status note: On 25 Februaru 2020, Lesotho Focal Point reported that the complaint had confirmed that the container had been released  
NTB-000-894 3. Technical barriers to trade (TBT)
B9: TBT Measures n.e.s.
2019-05-14 South Africa: Maseru Bridge Lesotho Resolved
Complaint: SARS inspection process takes too long thereby delaying transit of goods destined for the Port. TZICC Clothing Manufacture, requesting SARS to expedite clearance of their declaration which was done last May 14, 2019. The container has not been cleared as at Wednesday 22 May 2019 our Container has not been release yet. The Export Container is going to United States of America and there is a schedule that the company need to meet specially the vessel Stack Dates in Durban. Case # 313253631 was pending since Wednesday and it took so long for SARS to answer or response on the query. 1st we do the VOC 2nd they ask for the Sales Contract 3rd they ask for the Provisional Payment amounting R28866.87 which was already done paying Friday 17 May 2019, everything was uploaded on Friday but SARS has not responded as on 22 May 2019. TZICC are not in a position to know what is going on as SARS are not answering on the system.

This container will cost a lot if the consignment misses the vessel again in Capetown just because of SARS Customs.
Resolution status note: On 22 May 2019, South Africa Focal Point reported that discrepancies that were picked up which resulted in the delay of the declared consignment were rectified. The case has been finalised and released.  
NTB-000-898 2.13. Issues related to Pre-Shipment Inspections 2019-05-30 South Africa: SGS South Africa Mauritius Resolved
Complaint: All consignments subject to Pre-Shipment Verification of Conformity (PVoC) must obtain the Certificate of Confirmity (CoC) prior to shipment.

On average, it takes SGS South Africa about 3-5 days to respond to a request made by the exporter for issuing the CoC, and it takes them further 15-20 days to produce the CoC. In the meantime, the Mauritian exporting company has to incur several financial constraints while waiting for the CoC.
Resolution status note: On 17 January 2020, Mauritius Focal Point advised that the exporter has negotiated with SGS South Africa to reduce the number of days taken to obtain the Certificate of Conformity (CoC). SGS South Africa is taking a maximum of 12 days to process the CoC instead of 25 days.
The exporter has advised that they are now satisfied with the processing time.
NTB-000-962 5.4. Quotas 2020-04-07 South Africa: International Trade Administration Commission of South Africa (ITAC) South African Revenue Services (SARS) Resolved
Complaint: Export permits were identified by participants as a major issue in South Africa but not an issue outside South Africa. To apply for an export permit, a company engaging in international trade concurrently applies for the export permit approval from the International Trade Administration Commission of South Africa (ITAC), Department of Trade, Industry and Competition (DTIC) and the National Department of Health (NDOH). Once approved by DTIC and NDOH, ITAC provides the exporter with a permit. Once the permit is issued by ITAC, the exporter will send the permit approval to South African Revenue Services (SARS) to issue a customs clearance for export to take place. However, one could have an ITAC permit and not have a SARS customs clearance. Without the SARS clearance, medicines will not be exported.

The issue of export permits is discussed in detail below:

1. Due to the COVID-19, South Africa restricted the export of pharmaceutical products to meet domestic demand. While the objective to meet domestic demand is noble, the challenge is that some medicines limited to export permits are unrelated to COVID-19.
2. Also, application forms keep changing even after engagements with stakeholders with the export products restricted under a single HS code.
3. Another challenge is that essential medicines that are exempt from export permits are subject to export permits. This violates SADC regional guidelines for harmonising and facilitating movement of critical goods and services across the region during the COVID-19
4. Products that are readily available locally are also subjected to export permits (the exception being countries in the Southern Africa Customs Union-SACU). This in turn restricts movement of lifesaving medicines to needy markets and affects company profitability.
5. Participants also highlighted frustration with the slow approval of permits (although it is improving) in South Africa by the International Trade Administration Committee (ITAC), South Africa’s Department of Trade and Industry which is received in a fragmented fashion, resulting in delays, thereby putting products at risk.
6. The above challenges on export permits in South Africa were confirmed by a participant from Mauritius. According to the participant, his company has been unable to order new stock from South Africa since March 2020. Their stock has been depleted due to delays in issuance of export permits by ITAC.
7. Lastly, participants also expressed their frustration with the slow processes by the SARS in processing customs clearance of export permits and noting that the requirements are changing on a regular basis without proper notice.
Resolution status note: Following a series of meetings organised by the SADC Business Council and subsequent follow-ups with the Department of Trade Industry and Competition (DTIC) in South Africa, the DTIC on 26 November 2020 amended the COVID-19 export control regulation issued in February 2020 which removed, with immediate effect, the restrictions on export of essential
medicines for SADC countries.
NTB-001-041 3. Technical barriers to trade (TBT)
B6: Product identity requirement
2021-11-04 South Africa: Beit Bridge Zimbabwe Resolved
Complaint: South Africa Port Health officials demanding an extended description on one of our products. The product is a sweet type described as Apricots on both packaging and invoice but the officials want us to have the packaging written Apricots sweets. We have been exporting the sweet to South Africa for more than 5 years.  
Resolution status note: The company had been allowed to export its consignment to South Africa after removing prohibited products. The NTB was resolved are following required procedures  
Products: 2008.50: Apricots, prepared or preserved, whether or not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter or spirit (excl. preserved with sugar but not laid in syrup, jams, fruit jellies, marmalades, fruit purée and pastes, obtained by cooking)  
NTB-001-062 3. Technical barriers to trade (TBT)
B31: Labelling requirements
2022-03-22 South Africa: Beit Bridge Zimbabwe Resolved
Complaint: Our Company is experiencing discretional acceptance of labelling of Arenel sweets by Port Health South Africa. We export jelly sweets among other products to the Republic of South Africa and our packaging has a sticker written “Jelly Babies” and does not state the word “Sweets”. The majority of sweets sold in the importing country (RSA) have similar packaging. On the 22nd of March 2022 our truck was stopped by Port Health South Africa at Beitbridge Border Post and the officials demanded that our truck return to Zimbabwe with the full load because the product labelling does not conform to the importing country`s labelling requirements. It seems there is no uniformity in the Port Health officials at Beit Bridge Border Posts are accepting labelling requirements for sweets entering RSA.  
Resolution status note: The SA Port Health Authority committed issued Arenel with a six months exemption ( 13 June - 13 December 2022) to continue with their exports to South Africa of apricots and jelly sweets.  
NTB-001-117 2.10. Inadequate or unreasonable customs procedures and charges 2023-05-02 South Africa: Maseru Bridge Lesotho Resolved
Complaint: We have done trade with Eswatini for 33 years and tried to be fully compliant with SARS, but they keep changing the rules and moving the goal posts. We have paid R709,000-00 in provisional VAT taxes that have not been returned to my Company via our clearing agent, Kayhil Freight. Kayhil Freight says that SARS is not processing the acquittal documents and paying them. I do not know who is telling the truth, but we remain short on cash flow by R709,000-00 despite submitting each acquittal on time and without fault. SARS officials are now insisting on Removal in Bond licenses for us to use our own vehicles to deliver to customers in Eswatini, and as such we are not allowed to cross the border. We have been charged Penalties, despite trying to follow the rules imposed by SARS. Please help us we are desperate.  
Resolution status note: Lesotho Focal Point reported that the NTB had been resolved successfully  
Products: 3003.90: Medicaments consisting of two or more constituents mixed together for therapeutic or prophylactic uses, not in measured doses or put up for retail sale (excl. antibiotics containing hormones or steroids used as hormones, but not containing antibiotics, al  
NTB-001-144 2.13. Issues related to Pre-Shipment Inspections 2023-11-10 South Africa: Durban sea Port Lesotho Resolved
Complaint: The Release Documents is 7 days prior to vessel arrival because of cargo dues and upon receiving Arrival Notice. The EDI document was sent for release on the 9th of November 2023 the query came in on the 10th of November 2023, and normally it would be released in less than 6 hours but up to date it hasn't been released. We need the import urgently to be released in order to avoid any delays with our Export Orders.  
Resolution status note: Lesotho Focal Point reported that the NTB had been resolved successfully  
Products: 6006.32: Dyed fabrics, knitted or crocheted, of synthetic fibres, of a width of > 30 cm (excl. warp knit fabrics "incl. those made on galloon knitting machines", those containing by weight >= 5% of elastomeric yarn or rubber thread, and pile fabrics, incl. "long and 6006.34: Printed fabrics, knitted or crocheted, of synthetic fibres, of a width of > 30 cm (excl. warp knit fabrics "incl. those made on galloon knitting machines", those containing by weight >= 5% of elastomeric yarn or rubber thread, and pile fabrics, incl. "lo  
NTB-001-148 1.9. Determination of eligibility of an exporting country by the importing country 2023-11-23 South Africa: Durban sea Port Lesotho Resolved
Complaint: Pls kindly see below containers that are to be stopped by SARS.
1. MSKU0755208(Case No.: 480816390), vessel will berth on 27/11
2. MRKU3124436(Case No.: 480819630), vessel will berth on 27/11
3. NYKU4442550(Case No.: 480020360), vessel will berth on 3/12
4. BSIU9818016 (Case No.: 480069900),vessel will berth on 3/12

As you know all vessels delayed so long more than 1 month. Our productions are waiting for the materials. We urgently need all the materials for the garments of export. Pls urgently help to release all these containers.
Highly appreciated
Resolution status note: Lesotho Focal Point reported that the NTB had been resolved successfully  
Products: 6003.30: Knitted or crocheted fabrics of synthetic fibres, of a width of <= 30 cm (excl. those containing by weight >= 5% of elastomeric yarn or rubber thread, and pile fabrics, incl. "long pile", looped pile fabrics, labels, badges and similar articles, knitted  
NTB-001-149 1.9. Determination of eligibility of an exporting country by the importing country 2023-11-24 South Africa: Durban sea Port Lesotho Resolved
Complaint: Pls see below container No. which is to be stopped by Sars.
RSU6006851 Case No.: 480928296 Vessel will berth on 27/11

As you know all vessels in Durban delayed so long more than one month. There are Fabric and Accessaries in this container. We urgently need the Fabric and Accessaries from our import containers for export. Pls kindly urgently help to release the container.
Highly appreciated
Resolution status note: Good day,

This issue is resolved. Kindly mark it as resolved.

Kind Regards,
Products: 6003.30: Knitted or crocheted fabrics of synthetic fibres, of a width of <= 30 cm (excl. those containing by weight >= 5% of elastomeric yarn or rubber thread, and pile fabrics, incl. "long pile", looped pile fabrics, labels, badges and similar articles, knitted  
NTB-000-120 2.8. Lengthy and costly customs clearance procedures 2009-07-26 Seychelles: Ministry of Trade Seychelles Resolved
Complaint: The administrative procedures for issuing import licences require improved efficiency  
Resolution status note: Seychelles reported that Infrastructural and human resources limitations being addressed  
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